Primate Murder Through a Multiverse

Chapter 27: Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 22 (Title at the end)


The full moon illuminated the forest as a young girl with snow-white hair walked through, off in the distance wolves howled to the moon as she paused in the clearing.

All around her, the creatures surround her, their shaggy fur covered in snow as they snarled at her.

The wind blows harshly as the hood falls from their head, the fog from her breath visible she looks to the sky, the first beast came dashing towards her as she twirls around it and another comes from behind her to follow up.

All around her the beasts howl and go into a frenzy as they rush forward at the chance to attack, Staff in hand she retaliates bopping them on their snouts as she twirls past them and kicks one away.

She jumps upon one's head as a sharp whistle sounds through the air, Jumping again she lands on a tree branch as a blur of white and blue passes her. A small creature lands on the ground as swords appear in the air around it.

Seeing the challenge the creatures snarl in anger at the perceived "lesser" creature daring to bear its fangs at the pack, rushing forward the creature lunges and somersaults as it turns into a rolling blur of white and blue as snow is kicked up.

The wave of wolf-like beings crashes into the creature as it rolls through the wave effortlessly as the creatures yip in pain at the silver weapons coated in a liquid substance, slowly over the night more and more creatures fell to the ground as they slowed and stopped unable to put up more of a fight.

By the time morning broke the field was filled with multiple people rather than creatures with shaggy fur, all were not moving in the snow completely naked however there was very little blood.

- Time skip -

- ??? POV -

# Play Susumu Hirasawa - Guts theme from Berserk (Guitar cover) #

Where...? Where am I?

This isn't my house, the roof is too nice.

*shuffling noise*

These sheets are warm and comfortable, they have no holes or patches in them.

*Knock Knock Knock*

???: "Hey, Alistar, Get your ass out here! You've been asleep nearly all day!"

*shuffling noise*

Why am I dressed in pyjamas? Why am I here?

???: "C'mon, we gotta get downstairs if we want to eat with the others!"

*Loud hungry stomach growl*

My stomach just has to be loud, doesn't it?

Walking to the door Alirstar opens it to see his beautiful wife, Anya, she smiled at him as she giggles at his dumbfounded look and grabs his hand to pull him away.

Anya: "*Giggles* C'mon! breakfast is ready!" Her beautiful smile fills me with joy, as she light drags me I get a look around. It's a well-kept place, that seems cozy and nice with the smell of Bacon and Eggs coming from down the corridor.

The few rooms I was able to see into were similar to my own, with beds that needed to be remade. Walking down the stairs led me to a huge pub area, with a nice bar on my right and a perfect place for a band to my left with multiple instruments.

There was an assortment of tables all around as the rest of the pack was sat eating and talking with each other all in glee, something that I couldn't understand. What was going on? How were we here? Why weren't we back in the forest freezing our asses off?

???: "Anya, Over here!" Waving at me was the Alpha, Alexander, big brother to my wife Anya he waved us over to his table with two seats open across from him and his wife.

Alexander: "It's good to see you're up Alistar, we have good news!" He gestured for us to sit down as he took a sip from his beer stein.

???: "Four orders of an "Archer English Special" up!" A young girl with Blonde hair and white streaks set down four plates of; Bacon, Sausage, Toast, Beans, and eggs.

???: "Thank you, dear." Alex's wife thanked the young girl as I stared at the meal in front of us, confused about who would offer any of us something this good.

Dear?: "No problem Miss Avagale!" she responded as she walked back off into the kitchen.

Alistar: "Who was that?" I looked directly at Anya to my left, she just stared at me like I had grown a second head before she gained a look of understanding, she perked up before explaining.

Anya: "That was Miss. Emiya, however, we of the magical community better know her as "The girl who lived", and she has made us an offer we just can't refuse." The girl who lived? THE Girl who lived!? And she's made an offer we can't refuse!? Why are they happy about that!? Who knows what will happen to the pack!?

Natalie: "There's nothing to worry about you know?" My shock and fear must have been evident on my face if Alex's wife is taking the lead.

Alexander: "It's simple, what she offered us... A safe place." He took another sip from his stein, But a safe place? She's offered us a safe place? There is no safe space for us, not when we are Werewolves.

Alexander: "And all we have to do is work said safe place! We have a pub to run, this place to be exact! We work here and get paid, and this is the best part, 5 Sickles an hour!"

Alistar: "5 Sickles an hour!?" My hands slammed on the table as I stop up send my chair to the floor.

Harriet: "Yes, 5 Sickles an Hour. And you get a Galleon every time you help work towards a cure for Lycanthropy, that is a completely optional part just so you know." HOLY SHIT! *Thump*

Harriet: "Sorry for scaring you, but I have to leave now. I hope you all have a great day, just let the house elf's know if you need anything" My hand clutched to my left as she walked out the door, the pounding of my heart was ringing in my ears as I lay on the floor.

#Music Stop#


- Harriet's POV -

Fou: "So why did you decide to do that?" Walking beside me as we strolled through Knockturn alley, Thanatos's cloak kept me from being seen. I took a moment to maul it over before giving my dear companion an answer.

Harriet: "They... were like me? I don't really know how to give you the correct answer, I didn't feel pity for them but I couldn't let them be treated as badly as they were." A small weight on my shoulder tells me he took a seat, I slightly turned my head left to look at him.

Fou: "Hmm... I guess because you saw how they were treated in this society you wanted them to be treated better and instead of standing off to the side like others who knew of your situation did, You took action... To be better, and do better." He laid across my shoulders now I was looking to my right, a light kick from his left leg took my attention forward just in time to side-step a shady character.

Harriet: "Maybe... I don't know, it just felt right to me." I kept my focus ahead this time as we continued to wander through Knockturn, a slight glimmer of light caught my eye and I paused mid-step.

A pair of rusty daggers were poking out of a nearby wall, a small glint of metal from the way the light met the metal in the dark alleyway. Walking forward I crouch down and pick them up, [Structural Grasp] adds them to my occlumency defences and tells me how these were used to butcher 5 women years ago, it's a miracle they were even intact with how much they were exposed to the elements.

Fou: "Those are old and rusty, they must have been here a long, long, long time." He seemed amused as if he knew where they originated from.

Harriet: "You know where they came from?" He snorted as he continued to look at them, I wasn't as good with [Structural Grasp] as he was, It seems very suspicious.

Fou: "If I just handed you that answer there would be no fun later, how about you keep those with you? I get the feeling we will need them come 4th year." He turned so he was on his back, looking toward the sky... The sight would've been odd if he wasn't underneath the cloak.

Harriet: "Alright, now how about we get back before Grand-father decides she can't wait for me and archer to cook." A small shiver rocked both of our bodies from the last time we had to deal with that, NEVER AGAIN!


Sorry, the chapter's shorter today! Been working on it the past couple of days or so just didn't have the motivation.

Title: "All it takes, is a simple soul. / Walk & Talk"

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