Prince of the Land Of Shadows-Starting off in Twilight

Chapter 1: New beginnings

When I came to I had a horrible realization, I had died. Which is what puzzles me, apperantly I've been reincarnated. I never met a god or goddess so maybe it was a mistake, not that I will squander this chance.

I then took in my surroundings noticing a door. It would seem my parents In this world left me at an orphanage. As I waited for quite a while the sun started breaking through the sky, that's when the door creaked open. A young nun looked down at me with a puzzled expressing, reaching down she rummaged through the blanket that I was wrapped in.

From that blanket she pulled a letter and ring from with in. The ring was a dark red band with what kinda looked like runes, it was attached to a white chain necklace. The nun ignored the ring for now and opened the letter scanning it's contents. She then bent down and scooped me up gently an spoke in a soft voice.

"Hello young Rian, welcome to phoenix orphanage."

In a short time I was adopted and was currently being introduced to my new family. The older woman looked kind with shoulder length red hair and light brown eyes, her name was renée. Then there was a little girl she was pale like I mean super pale and that's saying something, she had long brownish red hair with dark brown eyes. And I feel like I'm going to have a brain aneurysm...her name... Bella swan.

'There's no way must just be a similar name.'

Rian thought to himself. He was currently 5 years old the same age as bella, he had purple hair and his eyes were an dark amethyst color. To say he looked odd was an understatement, let's not mention his already handsome looks. No his hair and eyes were not normal, he actually thought his appearance seemed familier to him for some odd reason.

[Ding Multiversal Arcane Spear Emperor system activated

Name: Rian Ó Dubhghaill


Job: Spearman

Race:50% Dragon/50% God

Titles: Prince of Shadows, Reincarnater







Affinities: Lightning,Shadow

Possessions: Gaé Bólg

Skills: ]

(A/N: Normal humans stats don't exceed 10, 10 being peak human)

'What the fuck?'

Rian although surprised looked over the floating screen, he was even more confused than before. He didn't understand, it was like a RPG game hub.

'What the fuck I'm not human?!'

Rian was completely bewildered, he looked on the mirror seeing a completely normal looking human appearance. Aside from

his purple hair and amethyst colored eyes he looked human.

"Rian...Bella it's time to go your flight is in an hour!"

A young man stepped out of the shower a towel around his waist standing around 5'11, he had waist length purple hair, deep amethyst eyes, he was lean and muscular with a scar upon his back from his right shoulder to his left waist.

"Yes Aunt Renée I'll be down in a moment!"

He got dressed in a couple minutes, wearing black cargos, black combat boots, and a dark purple shirt. He looked at his desk where a white necklace lay with a red rune covered ring. He raised his hand and the ring flew into his fist. He took the chain and put it on, the he tied his hair into a pony tail leaving one strand to fall and cover his left eye.

The past 12 years have been rough, he's learned martial arts, trained in Spearman ship and learned magic, specifically Runes and how to control his affinities. He lifted his hand and watched as black lightning sparked across his fingers, then he looked at the shadows which writhed as if they were alive awaiting his command. He closed his eyes and exaled dismissing the lightning and began heading to the car after grabbing his suitcases and backpack closing the door to his room.

He arrived at the car and looked at the place he was raised with a bit of melancholy, before turning and putting his things in the trunk of the car. As he was about to turn and get in the car Bella had arrived so he took her things putting them in together with his and closed the trunk. After everyone was in the car they pulled out of the driveway leaving the place Rian called home.

Driving through the city Rian watched as they passed a few places he loved. The martial arts dojo where he learned taikwando and the art of the spear. The movie theater where he went on his first date, and the arcade where he enjoyed all his favorite games with his friends. The ride was quite mostly with Phil and Renée talking to each other until they arrived at Phoenix airport.

"Bella,Rian are you sure you want to go all the way for forks. I'm sure Charlie will be glad to have you both but you're more than welcome to stay." Said Renée

Bella looked at her with love and said.

"Mother you and Phil just got married you should go on that road trip you always wanted. Besides Phil also wants to coach his own baseball team. Me and Rian will be fine."

As Renée and Bella we're talking Rian and Phil were grabbing all the bags and suitcases from the trunk. And they were having their own little talk.

Phil "You gonna be alright sport? I know how you are with new places and all that. And maybe don't go showing off your...talents."

Rian "Yeah old man I'll be good...also I don't plan to, I know that people who are different don't usually have a good ending. Especially the ones with my abilities."

Rian then turned around walking over to his sister and mother and gave Renée a big hug. He told her not to worry to much as he and Charlie got along quite well. He and Bella then walked into the airport and went through the metal detectors but not before sending their luggage through the x-ray machine.

As Rian walked through the x-ray machine it turned red as he had forgotten about his ring which he immediately pulled it out so the TSA agent could see. The agent then frowned told him to take it off then step through again which he did with no issue afterwards. The he and Bella got on their plane which took off 15 minutes later, arriving in forks Washington almost 3 hours later. Upon getting their luggage and stepping out of the airport they were greeted by a police cruiser.

Charlie was ecstatic seeing his daughter and who he considered his son Rian. He surged forth and embraced both in a bear hug before helping them get their luggage into his trunk and they set off heading for Charlie's house while talking to Rian and not so successfuly Bella.

"So I've kept your room's as you left them the last time you were here, though I'm sure you might want to change them since you both are a bit older." Charlie said

Rian looked amused by Charlie's words while Bella sighed in exasperation. He then looked out the window of the cruiser and spotted his favorite restaurant The Lodge. As he was about to askif they were going to stop Charlie pulled in and parked.

"Let's get y'all something to eat then we'll head home to get you both situated."

After eating they finally arrived at the house, Bella's room was just how she left it. And how Rian had seen from the movies. Rian's room was also just how he left it purple walls, black bedsheets and a purplish desk against the wall. He had a Roku tv mounted on the wall and some posters of Scathach from FATE. He also had some posters of bands like KISS, five finger death punch, and ICP. Don't ask he loves the color purple as it matches his eyes and hair. He got settled putting away his clothes though they were all the same outfit that he currently wore, then he jumped into the bed and fell asleep.

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