Chapter 19: Chapter 18: My world
Amongst the people that were trying to hurt them, the most dangerous was the woman with black and red hair. Her fighting style was something that neither Agatha nor Inko had ever witnessed. Far more fierce, and determined, was the older woman with striking pink hair.
The crimson ginger didn't move much; he just stood behind, looking dully, waiting. [CC, get your ass up and help.] Elle's voice was pitched high enough that even a deaf man would hear her annoyance.
[I don't think you need my help. Look at Esna go!] He pointed to the red-black haired woman, who was on fire. The flames danced off her, but that didn't bother her for a single moment.
Her quirk generated plasma and fire off her body whenever she would've felt any sort of emotion. It was her magic that controlled said flames to their said perfection. Being born as a mage, with a quirk of the same element was usually considered a waste of one power or the other, but not in her case.
[Fire Torrent!] The flames of her body moved to a magic circle in front of her palm, crumpling into a ball and releasing it into a condensed spear. Her quirk covered magic's weakness of lacking the ability to generate flames, while her magic covered the quirk's weakness of lacking the ability to control the same flames.
[Flame Flower: Phoenix Bloom!] She made a crescent moon-like movement with her arms so the flames would burst into a wave of red fire with flowery textures.
Elle looked for an opening to rejoin a fight. But the fact that Esna is now burning whatever she saw, there was a low success rate of that thought succeeding.
[See, she doesn't need any help.] CC commented, swinging an arm over her shoulders. [Wait for their counterattack, and then respond with a simple attack and let Esna continue her pressure on them.]
[And what exactly is your great plan—let them power up to the max and then fight properly?] Elle raised an eyebrow, sarcasm oozing from every look and word.
[Exactly.] CC said with full seriousness, barely being startled at all, [If we got them in their big modes, whatever they call it. Think about it. it would be smarter for them to stay as they are and fight with smaller attacks. The moment the green one enters her maiden mode, she'll be hesitant to fight.]
[Yeah, let the two witches that can destroy all of Japan with a swipe of their hand fight in an area smaller than a basketball field.] Esna put her finger on top of CC's chest. Pressing it in, creating a sharp pain on his third rib.
[They won't! Her kids are down there, playing tag with Mon and Quanny. So shaking the building a bit is a big decision for them, and how the maiden is protective of her kin—it would be funny how she would solve that problem.]
[There's just too many conditions to be met, too many what-ifs.] Esna spoke, losing a little control as mana started flowing out of her body. [And that is your plan—to just believe in one imaginary situation.]
[Nah, it ain't my plan; it is just my theory. I don't see you helping her..]
[I don't see you helping her either.] He shrugged.
[Because I don't have a healing factor.] She grabbed him by his collar, placing some pink mana on her hand, strength enchantment. [And now move your ass.] She threw him in the storm of flames with Agatha and Inko in the middle, using only defensive spells.
His skin was burnt; by his estimate, the flames were probably 500 degrees Celsius and still rising. His flesh was already gone. He was a walking skeleton with muscles constantly appearing and disappearing.
He may not be able to use his complex now, while the factor was activated, but for sure he can throw a punch. And a right hook to Inko's face was a sight to his eyes.
Soon, he was blinded by a gushy purple light. Agatha's reflexes are top-notch, same as he remembers. With a single quick spell, a ray of light severed the right arm. Now with various muscle groups, his bones tried to regrow.
His vocal cords now didn't exist, nor his brain; his body moved with Elle's enchantment. So him trying to signal Esna to stop her fire for a moment was a bit hard right now. He still didn't understand how he in this form could comprehend the situation and see out of all the things, but now isn't the time to wonder.
Esna focused more on cornering Agatha and Inko while CC moved out of the firestorm to heal a little. No matter how fun it is to fight that way, it is far from effective. Even still, he could try that one more time.
Elle was standing before him with a smug smile. 'This is her form of fun.' [I see that you set up entertainment for tonight.] His voice was dragged out, deep yet weak, and someone would say that it feels shy a little. His vocal cords were only partially healed, so it was no surprise he was hard to understand.
[No, it is just funny to see you struggle.] Elle offered a hand to CC, whose body was now recovering its flesh and blood; some spilled, but most stayed inside of the blood vessels. [Wow, so supportive.] He mumbled. Clenching his fist, a black circle appeared over his hand.
[I think you are using the contract's powers a bit too early.] She spoke, not giving a chance to utter any phrase. [Well, it's funnier to fight with bigger guns. Right?]
[Sure, you think so.]
{-Chapter One: Supreme Demon's servant-} Around the black circle, the bright orange energy spread, making a shape of a glove around his arms. His eyes gained a lighter red color while his skin toughened, gaining a rougher texture.
[CC, can you do me a favor?] She grabbed him by the shoulder. [Follow the fucking plan and instruct Esna to calm down the flames.]
[And why don't you do that personally? I mean you are more powerful than me.]
[Just listen to me, bastard.] With a simple motion of her hand, he flew with questionable trajectory back into the flames.
Chthon's contract in the first stage makes all the enactments stronger along the physical stats. So fast that Esna's flames were slower than CC's healing factor. While his eyes were dry, apparently moisture in your eyelid didn't count as a healable part of the body.
Still, he saw where to punch. A greenish shield with two silhouettes of women inside it. "Heck." Agatha quietly whispered, taking Inko's place in defending them.
"Defendi Spatium." She said, letting purple mana flow from her hands, creating an energy sphere around them. Well, CC didn't bat an eye; he again tried to punch the protective sphere.
This time it didn't break immediately. It cracked for the most part. "Inko, we won't last long like this; just do it." She shouted, her eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the ginger in the burst of the flames. "The kids will be caught in it as well."
"We trained Izuku well, and Izuna is powerful on her own. And I doubt that you care about the other kids." Inko thought a little, her eyes blankly staring at her palms. It was a gamble: Would her kids survive, or would the others drag them down?
"And?" Agatha questioned; the cracks continued to form; the shield had become a mosaic a long time ago. "If anything happens, you are to blame."
Inko's voice echoed along with many others; her hair flowed in the air, gaining white color with green accents. Her hair formed itself into a ponytail, pointing up with two flower-shaped ties in the middle. A silk-like mana covered her body, creating an illusion of a long white dress. Eyes were glowing bright green, the same color as the mana crystals that formed next to her shoulder blades and elbows.
"Sola virgo implorat superiorem,
In solo periculo salutem peto.
Ut inveniam viam ut inveniam viam celare
In facie truculentis venatoris
Adiuva hanc impotentem dominam
Facere spatium separatum purae sponsae"
Space around her twisted as the green gas-like plasma expanded from Inko as she started creating a new space. She switched the imaginary illusion of anyone inside this building with a real-life clone, so that everybody in the area effect is being transferred to the imaginary world.
Every witch and wizard has an imaginary world where they are in full control; just most of them can't access their own, let alone transfer someone else inside theirs.
Still, the ability to bend all the matter around doesn't mean a lot when you don't have knowledge about your world, everything is possible if you know it.
With a flick of her hand, from a simple green plain, she made multiple Mobius strips, bending, stretching, and contracting. Some clashed with others to form a different shape. The new battlefield was multiple fourth-dimensional shapes pushed into each other.
Despite the sudden swiftness in their environment, Esna and Elle didn't flinch. To be frank, this worked to their advantage—an open space to go all out.
[Senbonzakura Flame] Along with the multiple small flame blades that ran wild across the field, two pink energy crescent moon slashes appeared. [Kratim Une]
Agatha's whole arsenal was full of attack spells, and once she got the freedom to use them, she didn't hold back. With no struggle, she turned the air around her into two large lava balls, the size of a dining room, that she hurled at the two women attacking.
Two of them dodged an attack, letting lava drip over green solid mana beneath them. "Taanuum Verdi!" Elle shouted, letting dense pink energy from her hand form a vortex-like veil around her. The vortex moved around, spreading far and wide, trying to make an ellipse around Agatha while Esna attacked from beneath.
Some of Esna's flames reached temperatures so high that they started turning white and yellow. It made a beautiful light show when she sent a torrent towards Agatha.
Transportation spells are out of the question in the imaginary world, so she was forced to defend. Her eyes gained a vibrant purple color as mana seeped from her, creating a cement-like complexion.
For Agatha, that is a very useful move. While it requires a great deal of mana control, it pays off in the end. The sole reason why is that after it took a bulk of an attack, it was easy to transform it into an energy blast strong enough to move buildings.
[Phoenix Wings!] Esna mouthed, letting all of the flames from her body form into two groups, surrounding her arms. The flames collapsed and compressed on themselves, losing in size but gaining in temperature. Soon, all of them were white with some blue mixed into it.
Once Agatha's energy blast lost most of its force, she was ready to fly into her with her new two wings, using them as 6,000-degree Celsius blades.
She didn't expect to be hit first time, nor a second, nor a third. She was forced to hit an agile woman with weapons that were no thinner than 2 millimeters and that were roughly 1.5 meters long from her hands.
But there was Elle to cover her. She would fly over the battlefield, over and over again, with Agatha dodging and Esna distracting her from Elle's attacks.
[Furma Verdi] She gave a simple instruction to her mana as she formed multiple pink energy arrows from multiple directions, timed to hit just as a second Esna would pass by.
[What's wrong, Harkness?] She spoke, mixing a few energy balls that would explode without impact along with the steel-piercing arrows. [What's stopping you from at least trying to fight? You scared?]
[Says the brat that is afraid to approach me closer and with 1 vs. 1] Agatha responded, managing to neutralize most of the energy balls that were coming her way while she still tried to redirect the thin arrows.
[Your taunts are pointless! You hag!] Elle gathered as much mana as she could between her palms, creating an energy sphere so dense that the pigment darkened almost to black.
"Scinditur Impetus in Plures Directiones"The pink mana expanded into multiple thin pink energy blasts that spread as far and wide as it could. She was trying to make a Swiss cheese out of everything in front of her, and there was no one who could currently stop her. Esna tried to copy Elle's attack, letting her wings fall apart in multiple flame torrents scattering, creating a crossword pattern with Elle's blast.
The purple witch didn't move an inch.he just extended her hands in front to take a full blast of the attack like a madwoman. When the attacks were supposed to make contact, they changed course, instead gathering on top of Agatha's arms, slowly turning into purple mana that began filling Agatha's veins from her fingers to her elbows. She was absorbing the attacks without much struggle.
Both Esna and Elle tried to stop their attacks, as Agatha didn't only absorb mana that way; she absorbed their life energy, noted by how both of their hands were slowly turning black. They tried to stop it manually, moving and disturbing the spell via body movement.
It didn't work to its full effect. Even though the spells were broken, Agatha started to absorb their mana directly from their body. [Esna! Chapter One! Now! Activate it!]
{-Chapter One: Supreme Demon's Servant-} Both of them uttered, as instructed, black circles appeared on the back of their palms. While there was no orange energy around Elle's circle, some gathered around Esna's.
[Kre Soulbenda, Tmena!] Ella shouted as pink mana left her body through her back, forming two blades that flew around her, cutting Agatha's connection to her and Esna.
[We're getting serious! What about you?] Elle taunted the black-haired woman who was letting all of the purple mana that she absorbed in her veins find its way in her body.
[Not yet! C'mon, show me what you got!]