Quirks and Magic

Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Green and Red

[This is getting repetitive.] Agatha said, pushing some of her black curls away from her face. They were there mainly as something to take a hit instead of her; she didn't really use them offensively in any way. She didn't need to.

[Funny to hear that coming from her.] Esna remarked. Her flames started to die off. She wasn't excited enough for her quirk to generate any more, and what other emotions is she supposed to feel right now? Rage? Maybe if Agatha was as annoying as some of her opponents were.

[You aren't one to talk as well.] Elle spat, exhausting herself in an attempt to cast a spell she hadn't used yet. [Same attack, five times in a row. Five times!]

[It did wonders for the first time, I'll admit.] Agatha smugly spoke, pointing her finger at the pink-haired woman.

[BS, you dodged it the first time.] She said, Catching air with heavy breaths. [And every time after that.]

[I know. I am something special.] Agatha threw her hair backward with her left hand as a smirk spread even more over her face.

"Sissir sertut!" Elle spoke, rising multiple blocks from the ground, each spinning with violent speed, and each ready to haste at Agatha.

The black-haired witch teleported along with her conjured crows. The crows returned the attack in a similar manner, but they curved their wings to make blades of sorts.

[This is getting fun!]


"You don't really live up to your name." CC hummed. "When someone would mention or talk about The Green Unforgiving Maiden, I would get chills, and now look at you barely managing to fight a magicless kid."

Inko slowly flew from side to side; she tried to change the terrain multiple times just to push CC away from her. He didn't pose much of a threat; he was mainly annoying.

Deprived of materials to turn into explosions, since he was surrounded by hardened mana, he switched his fighting style to more physical attacks paired with his healing factor.

Impossible to kill without using much force. Inko didn't want to spend much time dealing with him. But every time she made a hole in the ground for him to fall into or tried to fly away, somehow he would avoid it or catch up to her.

"Fumi" She created as much smoke as possible to at least cover her, so she could find her way in the space she herself created. Her thoughts along with her sense of direction and space were a mess, because her every decision was made in a rush,.

Her main objective was to find her kids, her babies she unwillingly put in this hellhole. They aren't safe for a moment with two mutts chasing them.

"C'mon, Inko, don't just run; it isn't fun at all." CC's voice rang as he jumped, every few feet, in the air as high as he could. His objective? To guess where Inko might be. And by some misfortune it worked. He grabbed her by her foot.

"Get off me!" She screamed, blasting a long beam of green energy right in his face. The spell did quite a bit of damage, blowing off his whole face, leaving only the cranium exposed.

Creepy, but effective enough so she could free herself. "Who the hell are you?"

"I am just one of many servants of Khaton." CC bowed, his shoulders reaching the same level as his knees as he bowed, directing much attention to his flesh reappearing on his skull.

"To prove that we have this." CC raised his hand in front of his chest, emphasizing his orange energy glove with a black circle in the middle. "This as well."

[{Chapter two: Explosive story!}] His voice was followed by many demonic ones as they echoed his words, letter by letter.

When he was done, orange energy continued to spread to his elbow, extending it just a little, creating a T form of his arm. What was just a light red glimmer in his eye, has now turned into a scarlet demonic light from both of his pupils.

Inko knew that he powered up in some way or another and that escaping him now would be a bit harder than it was a minute ago. The real question she was asking herself is what exactly changed.

She expected him to start flying or blasting things around. He said that he is magicless but he didn't mention anything about his quirk so there was that. A possible ability he had been hiding.

Well, neither; he picked up an emerald-like stone from the ground. "What's he doing?" Inko muttered, observing how his fingers moved over the silky surface of the mana crystal. "Mana's useless to him."

Not anymore. In a swift swing of his arm, he threw a small crystal that exploded in her face. "How? I thought you can't—" Inko started to shout upon witnessing something her son said was impossible.

"Can't affect anything sentient?" CC mocked her voice as he finished her question. "The further I activate the seal, the more abilities I gain. Each stage is a new ability or upgrade to an already existing one." He placed both hands on the glassy floor below him.

"Of course the demon's kin would have something that grants an easy way to power." Inko remarked, making her body glow green once again.

"You're just jealous." CC joked as he started to make mana crystals below him explode. Even though he wanted to affect them all, it would tire him without a reason so he restrained himself and just made a giant mushroom-shaped explosion below Inko.

"No!" Inko commanded, conjuring a green barrier below, stopping smoke and impact from CC's attack. She responded with an attack of her own. An energy beam that chained an explosion on itself.

"Fight fire with fire?" CC asked, carefully dodging Inko's attack.

"Exactly!" She shot a wave of green mana that, upon contact with anything, exploded.

CC again avoided Inko's attempts to blow him up and focused more on breaking off parts of the ground he stood on. He was looking for a big enough piece of rubble to throw, but didn't have time to break it off.

Inko's barrage of various spells that ended in explosions of some kind was easy to avoid and run away from, but the problem arose with counterattacking.

"We aren't that chatty anymore?" She exclaimed, ordering the ground below CC to burst instead of changing it like usual.

"Fuck you." CC's skeleton spoke with some muscles attached to it. Since he was still regenerating, use of his complex was limited. But that didn't mean he couldn't prepare himself to use it.

His bony arms dug into the diamond-like surface of Inko's world. The explosion she caused right now left a small ravine. Nothing big or special but deep enough for his whole body to fall into.

Healing himself back to normal took less than five seconds. With the book of Khaton active, he is a more than capable fighter to face one of the war heroes of the past.

Once his flash was all there, without a moment of hesitation, he decided to use his complex. In a matter of moments, he turned and spread the small ravine Inko created, causing a blinding explosion. This one was also too much for Inko to block so she rather teleported.

"Where's your high horse now, Inko? Ha?" He screamed, recovering small scratches he made on his face while he climbed out of the hole in the ground the two of them created. "Here!" She shouted fifty meters above him. Her arms were put together, right in front of her, aiming at the CC below her. "Where's your high horse?" She smugly said, Creating an infinite fall below him.

The ground moved under his feet at her command, creating a cylinder-like hole with a radius of around twenty meters. Right after he started to fall, she tried to fly away. She could've helped Agatha a little or, more importantly, looked for Izuku and Izuna.

[{Chapter Three: Crimson Boom!}] CC's demonic voice calling for more power didn't bother that much but a crimson-orange blast right in her face actually did. Thankfully, she reacted in time, creating a mana shield to block the attack.

She tried to catch a breath for a moment, slowly undoing the small shield she created, but before she was finished, the shield exploded, but not at her command.

"He can cause explosions via projectiles now." Inko mouthed as she slowly realised what was happening.

"You can't get rid of me like that." CC shouted, somehow managing to stick to the side of the hole she had created. His both arms were covered with an obnoxious orange color. His pupils were red while the rest of his eyes gained a night-black color.

"I know, you are like an annoying flu of sorts." Inko sighed, trying to change the environment again, close off the hole and maybe trap him. That sounded like a solid plan in her mind, but CC didn't agree to that.

That fool somehow managed to jump a hundred feet in the air and grab Inko, disrupting her flight and causing both of them to endlessly fall into the pit she created.

She freed herself at one point, fast enough before CC made something of hers explode, but she was too deep into the hole to back away and to teleport, it actually required the user to be aware of their environment.

She was stuck fighting him for some time.


"And?" Bakugo loudly spat, his eyes glaring at Izuku's back. Luckily for them, when they were transported to the new green world, they were separated by two men chasing them.

"What?" Izuku questioned, looking inside his pocket, trying to find a bead he had created. The grasshopper may be useful in this hell of a situation.

"Don't give me that!" Bakugo's face turned red, so much that in comparison his crimson eyes looked pink. Right now he reminds Izuku of dried tomatoes.

"What the hell was that blue shit you were doing out there?!" His voice screeched. "How long have you been lying to me? Ha?" Bakugo grabbed Izuku by his collar, raising him up. "How long have you been hiding that quirk of yours?"

If he were to speak right now, he would probably mutter; his mouth would run wild trying to piece the story together. He didn't know who and why he was afraid; he could beat Bakugo a thousand times in a row without breaking a sweat.

"That isn't a quirk!" Muramoto somehow found her way into the conversation; of course, she was a bystander but bystanders in Izuku's experience stayed bystanders. They don't get involved. Never.

"Hell, that isn't a quirk. You saw what Nered did? Moved shit with your mind, created that freak, and boosted us?" Since most of his attention is on Muramoto right now, he lowered Izuku a bit.

"A support quirk of sorts. Hell, whatever it is! You looked down on me!" And with a tighter grip, and again high in the air, Izuku was more than sure that all of Bakugo's attention was back on him.

"It isn't a quirk. The girl is right." Izuku, gasping for air, somehow spoke. His breaths were heavy and short since his collar became tight on his neck.

"Don't lie to me!" When he could finally breathe again, he was on the ground, being thrown by Bakugo, causing some cuts as she slid on the crystal surface. "I am not a fool!" Bakugo's voice cut through the reflective surface under his feet. Or was his face. The important thing right now is that he is loud.

"Yes, you are." Momo chimed in, her arm extended forward with mana gathered on her palm. "Herhpha." Momo said, with her fingers, she followed Bakugo's wounds, healing them a little. It is her limit but it is enough to prove a point.

"It's magic." Muramoto finished, she mouthed in a loud whisper, like she was trying to spread and hide the same secret in just a sentence. And she succeeded in doing so.

"Yeah, I don't buy it." Akito spoke, speaking his and Bakugo's mind. The only one that was thinking it over was Izuna; still, even she was doubting as well.

"And you expect us to believe that bullshit." Bakugo spoke to the two girls. At this point he wasn't paying any mind to Izuku; he filtered him out of the conversation a long time ago.

"Nobody is expecting anything from you, believe what you want, do what you want, just don't stand in our way." Izuku spoke from the ground, his voice weakly leaving his lungs making it hard to understand and to hear.

"The fuck are you talking about nerd." Bakugo spat, trying to walk over to the green boy, before he was stopped by the other four. "Speak up a little." He threatened.

"Calm down bomb boy." Izuku said, still from the round but now sitting by some miracle.

"Izuku stop taunting him or I would let go." Momo said, giving him a side eye. To be honest Izuku was dying to throw a fist with the blonde in front of him. "You don't have to hold him, I can handle myself." That was a lie, Izuku was exhausted to the point he was a second from falling into a coma.

"Suit yourself." Muramoto announced before she walked away, and Akito followed as well. Those two were there for the drama; if they could they would eat some popcorn as well. Even though Muramoto wanted to punch both of them to the face, still the sight of one of them doing it instead of her was still a satisfying sight.

While Izuna was the one who always took the same side, never changing her decision, this time she was at least rolling it over. It wasn't an easy thing to decide between your brother and best friend. Bakugo made that choice way easier by being an asshole, but her brother did that on a daily basis.

"I can't." She quietly whispered to herself, slowly letting go and moving away.

Now only Momo was left to hold back fuming Bakugo, however she wasn't the strongest type of gal when it comes to raw physical power. Bakugo effortlessly moved forward while Momo's feet slid over the cement as she was pushed forward, even her own body mass couldn't stop him.

"There is no need for violence between us when two men are already trying to do it." Momo pleaded, glancing between Izuku and Bakugo.

"Move bitch." Bakugo exclaimed, swinging his arm to punch her out the way. She fell, of cource, she has a bad sense of balance, and not that much experience with blocking a metal denting punch. 

And yet Izuku, who has even less experience, is going to get a much stronger punch if he doesn't do something.

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