Chapter 18: You're Mine Now, I Want You to Know That
Himiko groaned as she awoke and she couldn't tell what hurt worse, her back or her chest. Slowly she came around with her eyes flickering open in confusion at her surroundings before realizing that, yes, she did in fact get drunk after Izuku didn't pick up her calls for the fifth time in a row in one hour. She usually would have worries about the possibility of old habits coming back in her drunken state, but even then she knew she wouldn't forgive herself for killing him.
Her eyes drifted downward to her chest when a soft, beating pain roared up from there. To her surprise her bra was off and one of her breasts looked red around the nipple, complete with teeth marks around the areola. A blanket had been put on her back and as she raised up from the floor, there came the smell of cooking sausage.
Turning her head towards a small kitchen layout that was connected to the living room, she saw Izuku standing over a stove in his work clothes. A moment later he rolled the sausages onto a plate, set it to the side and poured a glass of milk from the fridge.
He looked to the living room and smiled warmly when he saw her.
"Morning beautiful, you sleep well?"
She looked around once more, remembering her lack of a shirt, but didn't care to cover up. After all he had seen it before and literally marked one. Inhaling as her feet and back throbbed in pain, she fought to muster out a smile but failed.
"Yeah, but I'd say it was more due to you than anything else."
A smirk was thrown her way as he set the meal down on the dining table.
"Good to know I can do that right at least. Look, I'd love to stay, really I would, but I gotta get to work soon."
Himiko shrugged as she put on her upper clothes from their place on the floor.
"Go do what you gotta do. Work always comes before everything if you wanna not be on the streets, trust me."
Izuku nodded in agreement. Hastily he walked over to her and before she could ask, he scooped her into a hug, holding her for a few seconds before planting a kiss on her cheek and detaching himself.
"I'd like to make up for last night. I...know I should have dropped a message at least and you have every right to be mad like you were, but…"
He laughed, spun around to where he was behind her and slung a hand into her shirt, reaching past her bra and squeezing one of her breasts while he kissed her neck one more time.
"I was honestly glad you showed up. I missed you alot while I was out and I slept pretty well too. That being said, how about I treat you tonight? We already agreed on dinner last time, so let me tick that off the box. I get off at around four, unfortunately I can't take a half-day again because that would be bad courtesy for everyone in my office but when I get back, I'll make sure you and I have a good time, alright?"
He let go of her, planting another kiss on her cheek before approaching the door.
"Oh, feel free to stay as long as you want, but lock up if you decide to leave. I got a spare key on the hook right here so just take that with ya. Bye, Himiko."
With that he threw the door open and left to do his societal duties, leaving the former murderer to stare around at the room in still slightly hung over confusion. Sighing at her own predicament the blonde elected to not let good food go to waste. Yet she reached into a pocket on her jacket that had been tossed to the floor and pulled out a metal cylinder about the width and length of two fingers.
It looked in all truth like a bullet toy, but she unscrewed the very top of the object and tipped it over her mouth. Soon a deep red liquid streamed down into her maw and she lapped it up greedily, studying the taste before screwing the container closed and putting it back in her jacket. That little slug should keep her good for most of the day, but Himiko rather drown out the thirst entirely like usual, it was less worrying that way.
Still sitting down and eating the food she couldn't help but think back on the haze of last night. She remembered crying, hitting and getting held, but most of her words were blank to her memory. Whatever she said clearly didn't upset Izuku too much since she was still smarting from the little nips he made at her neck and cheek.
Yet...she wondered what possessed her to show up like she did. Of course she would have sought him out, she knew herself well enough to know she had a strong urge for his company to not deny it. They both did, that was irrefutable at this point. But to go straight to the bottle and flip out like she did? That was worrying.
She wasn't as dangerous now that she knew how to control her quirk's byproducts but...she was still Himiko Toga. Letting her emotions out like that was reckless for anybody, infinitely so for her. There were times she had wanted to cut Izuku, not out of anger of course, but to get closer to him and maybe, just maybe show what she was really about.
Thankfully it was just a slight wish instead of an obsession like in her teens. Yet...she had a good idea that for once, out of every person she had wanted to cut in her life and earnestly want to get as close to, he might just say "Yes" one day.
Of course that was a long, long way away and she was happy to walk him along to that point until they were both ready, but there was an idea to it.
She paused half way through the meal as her mind started to picture the scene. She could see the red lines on his body, smell the copper in the air, taste the blood on her tongue as she kneeled over him on her plastic wrapped bed, wearing something loose fitting that exposed everything to his wanting eyes or maybe nothing at all. There was a pocket knife in her hand, not too big, not too sharp that any permanent damage could be made if she wasn't careful. She could see him writhe in pain, but he still reached out to touch her as his naked body ran up against hers.
She could feel him rub his cock up against the entrance to her womanhood so she'd oblige him and return the favor, creating a friction between the two of them that lingered right at the edge of fully consummating their devotion to one another. All the while, she continued to make light knics to his torso, biting with her fangs right into the soft spot on his collar as he clung for dear life to her as he went back and forth. Soon she had done away with the blade and was grabbing him by the hips, suckling at the untorn parts of skin on his neck and whispering every little thing was alright, that he belonged here with her and that she'd let him have everything he'd ever want out of her body until he finally climaxes and holds on as the energy to do anything left him, leaving him panting in her arms.
Blinking as her fantasy came to a conclusion, Himiko sighed once again and went to pull a notebook and pen from her jacket. It was part of her therapy to do this and on the plus it allowed her to track more material for her erotica novels. So far she had written nearly thirty in her lifetime and they varied in intensity from horrifying to outright romance novels with a little banging thrown in.
It helped to get all out and see her mind from another perspective while letting her take notice if any old habits were sneaking back in. So far in her nearly six years of freedom, she hadn't one slip up with keeping her fantasies from being too influenced by the thirst if she wasn't able to get her fill. Thinking about it, she wondered what fantasies Izuku had.
He clearly had a libido and a fairly strong one to boot, but he was so...reserved about it. She managed to get a fairly good time from just doing him that one favor, maybe she should just ask if he wanted anything?
Was it even the right time to ask that with how they were? She wanted something more from him, but it would take so long to get there because she would have to slip in more information about her past little by little until he was able to fully come to terms with her past and say "Yes, I still love you" or "I love you, but I just can't look past that horrible stuff."
She had no one to blame but herself for this, since she made the choice to be a devil so she had to manage it the best she could. Yet still, she felt the need to give him something to keep him happy. After all, he got beat to shit by her with no complaint just to see her tits (Which she had already said he could feel up beforehand!).
Himiko let go of the rage at his choice to overlook himself and thought to consider him for a moment. He had needs like any person and she supposed it on her to meet them, if only because she wanted to. She had some prior experience with men, never to the point of full on love making(Thankfully), but had learned how to handle them.
Thinking about it she smirked mischievously when she saw something pop up. He'd like that, wouldn't he? He was such a greedy bastard anyway.
Shaking the thought and her notebook away to the side of the table, Himiko returned to her breakfast, glad that someone else had cooked for her for once. That hadn't happened since...Kurogiri.
Her muscles tightened and she felt a heavy rage come over her, but she let it go. He wouldn't want her to be upset over the past. They were set to rest long ago, best for her to move forward in their memory.
Finishing the rest of the plate and draining the milk, she arose from the table and began to wash the dishes. As she scrubbed away the grease from the ceramic her mind began to drift to questions that seemed to pop out of the woodwork.
What should she do now? What was going to happen to them in the future? Would there even be a future between the two of them? Himiko grappled with the ideas, soon pacing around the living room to better occupy herself. He definitely felt something for her and it was doubtlessly positive. She could plainly see desire and want in him(As if showing up to her home everyday, groping the hell out of her any chance he was able, letting her flog him, almost deflowering her and then comforting her when she was a drunken mess didn't prove that ten times over), but were they compatible in that way?
He didn't outright strike her as one, but...he was surely malleable if she paced it right.
She couldn't suppress a grin at the thought of breaking him to her whims. Himiko knew it was messed up, but the concept of getting a beaten down pretty boy like him to bend to her wants was thrilling. She'd start out light of course with just a little pain, a little twist here and there, comforting him all the way until he started to lean into it. Oh, then the things she could do to him-
Himiko snapped her eyes open when she saw where this was leading. There was a shiver of disgust at her own vision when she pictured him tied up and cut with a torso littered with scars that she made while he reached and used her like lifeline, thrusting his hips into her so more pleasure and warmth added to the pain.
Her stomach turned at that. There was a high chance Izuku would not want to live a life with her as just her plaything while she had utter control over his entire existence. Sure, the thought of just having this one special person alone to herself and giving all she had was comforting since it'd mean her loneliness was done forever since Izuku would cling even more strongly then now, but he needed his own life.
She knew she was possessive and jealous and scared, but her partner couldn't just exist solely for her or likewise her for him. He needed friends and escapes and goals, otherwise he'd waste way into just her proxy. She needed to be able to gather her emotions and not let her whims run wild and ruin both of their lives. Yes, admittedly she wanted him around and only him because he was accepting of her almost totally from what she's shown him, much would he accept?
Not even touching on her past, Himiko knew she was a very rough person at the best of times and her wants were unorthodox in a bad way. Blood letting wasn't everyone's ideal of love and the few that she met that it was were disgusting. They didn't want her, they wanted a sadist who could hurt them and that was it. Hell she remembered the third guy she went out with, a fairly tall man who asked her to burn his skin with brands. He hadn't wanted a relationship with her, he just wanted the pain.
She felt sorry for the guy at the time, but after he suggested they go to an orgy, she put her foot down and left. Blood and touch were a sacred thing, not to be shared by anyone other than the one who loved her and she'd be damned a thousand times over if she would allow that sort of self destruction into her life.
That said however, it made her think. That guy was bad for her because of what he wanted. Who's not to say she wouldn't be bad for Izuku for the same reason? Looking back at the fantasy she had only moments ago she could see how such a situation could adversely affect his mental health, and who's to say it wouldn't affect her mental health as well? It may devolve into an echo chamber between the two of them and she could start to normalize acts that went over the line.
Izuku was the sort of person who wanted to please, even to his own detriment and with how much sway she had over him combined with her own tendency to manipulate...that had to be a plan for a very ugly outcome if she didn't keep level headed.
She shivered when she felt the monster knock on her heart, whispering every act of torture she'd done to get a vengeful high. If she wanted to, he'd be simple to condition, but she didn't want that. She wanted to have an average life where she wasn't on the run and alone, one with friends and a partner who loved her and her bloody needs. She had tried her "normal" before and it ended in misery. That "normal" was her quirk and trauma combining to warp her entire mind into being a monster in the body of a teen girl.
That was done now. The monster was fed into a coma, she had found someone who might love her for who and what she is, her income was stable, she was left alone and she had some idea of a future. That was who she was now, she was living her "normal" and she would rather die all the way back in the war then return to the beast she was.
Thus it was on her to control herself, to master the demons still slinking around her head and direct them in a positive way. She wanted Izuku and he wanted her so if there was going to be any chance of them possibly building a life, much less a romantic one, then she had to step up and take responsibility for them both.
Yet, would that even be worth it if she was wrong about him? About the two of them? What if she does irreparable damage to his skin or he just isn't compatible like she thought and leaves? He'd walk around with a permanent reminder of the "Crazy Bitch" for the rest of his life and she'd been alone with only the dregs of society.
A chill ran through her heart at that. She had gotten used to being with someone, to having somebody talking to her and touching her and holding her. To lose lose him because of her own stupidity or fate...she did not like that. At all.
God, she just wanted to grab him and scream what she wanted, but since she made the decision to not face the music sooner, she'd have to do this infuriating dance of spoon feeding her past while her soul yelled to grab him, to hold him close and let him use her in turn while she opened his mind to the pleasure of blood.
Sighing, she turned to her jacket once more and pulled out her phone. It was around nine in the morning so she wouldn't be too busy, likely just doing desk work. Finding the number she hit the call button and waited, feeling more anxiety about the "what ifs" of her relationship until the call connected.
She paused and inhaled to steady herself. This was not going to be easy in the slightest, but she had to move forward.
"Hey Cheeky, you got a minute to talk? I have something going on and need some advice."
The heroine was silent for a moment, her voice carrying a heavy condescension that Himiko could smell.
"It's about Midoriya, isn't it? What the hell did he do? Are you alright? I can come get you if you need."
Himiko raised a hand as if to stop the woman despite knowing she wasn't in the room.
"No, no, nothing that serious. It is about Greenie, put bluntly, I wanna be with him. He treats me well, he isn't a creep, he indulges my tastes and…"
She paused for a second as she wiped away the petext from her mind.
"Last night I had a breakdown because he ghosted me for a day, the reason being that on the previous night...we almost made love. Whic-"
There was a loud crash from the other end as heeled boots clanked against tile flooring.
"Wait, you did what!?"
Again Himiko inhaled and forced herself to relax.
"Let me finish before you speak. So we almost went the full mile because we got caught up in the moment, but I couldn't go through with it since he doesn't know who I was. Now, when I woke up after that he had enough courtesy to let me know he was leaving for work. But instead of heading back to my place like usual after his shift, he went to Sugarman's agency."
Himiko continued to speak as the events came uncooked in her brain.
"Long story short, I got emotional, drunk, and decided to go confront him about leaving me alone since he completely ignored my message, except he wasn't home so I just sat next to his front door for an hour until he came back. I remember getting angry and hitting him, but he just took me inside his apartment. I started to cry about him abandoning me and well…"
She inhaled once more as a bubble of emotion came surging up at the recollection.
"He laid next to me on the floor, letting me hold him until we fell asleep. I said a lot of things to him Cheeks, nothing about my past, but enough to maybe get my feelings across and he didn't run. I beat the shit outta him till he threw up because I wanted to see him in pain and he still wanted me. He endured it for my sake...even to a point I got mad at him for, and said such nice things."
There was no response over the wire for two minutes once the former villainess finished her explanation. Then came that exasperated groan which made her cringe in guilt, understanding how much stress she just put her savior under.
" many times do I have to tell you to be careful? This guy is a creep, I heard it myself-"
There was a snap of anger at the resignation in the heroine's voice. The blonde's lips curled back into a snarl at the connotation that this pampered, "got everything she ever wanted" celebrity knew anything about someone like him after only meeting him once.
"He only said that because he thought you were trying to hit on him!"
Himiko paused once more and shook her head at her outburst. She wanted to say so much but she couldn't compress it down enough. It was like a torrent streaming from her heart that needed to be chopped down.
"...Sorry Ochako, I heard about that little recon job you pulled on him. Can't say I blame you, but...Izuku's different then all those other perverts. He...He needs help so I'm there doing the best I can to build him up. Like that night when we almost banged, he was having an issue with his mother over her wanting to set up an arranged marriage for him with some bitch he never met."
The blonde continued to speak despite a slight stammer coming to her voice. Embarrassment was rolling back into her skin and she was almost hesitant to explain everything that went on.
"He asked for my help so I obliged him and met his mother. She was nothing but this controlling, helicopter parent of a woman and it got so bad that I...grabbed him by the wrist and took him out of the house with me. Then once we got back to my place...I put on some nice lingerie and got to flog him for a while. Afterwards, when he was well enough, he took me into my bedroom and started to feel me up. It felt amazing to have him touch me like that and…"
The former criminal clenched her fists at the unfairness of it all. If she hadn't messed up her entire life then she could just skip all this meticulous bullshit. Yet she backed down from the emotion, Uraraka was a friend. Her only friend in all the world other than Izuku now and she knew what she was.
"What I'm trying to say Cheeks is that things are moving between me and him. I've shown him some of what I'm into and he hasn't been bothered by it, not thrilled either, but there's certainly a spark. And he's been there for me so far. Hell, he offered to give me a copy of his house key."
Uraraka absorbed all of the information as efficiently as possible, careful to not lash out like her instincts were saying. Her voice was flat and dead with a slight hint of warmth.
"Are you asking if you should tell him about your time before you went clean? Because, Himiko I'm going to tell you now, if anyone learns about your history then I legally am required to relocate you for your own safety. The only way around this is if the person is your spouse and even then the HSCP will be scrutinizing everything before it's passed."
Himiko flopped herself down on the sofa in his living room and pursed her lips at the reality of her situation.
"No, we...have a long way to go before that comes up. What I wanted to ask is, if you were in my shoes, without the issues of my past, and you wanted to let him know how you feel, what would you do to prove it? Because I'm scared of him getting creeped out and leaving and I...think I love him."
Himiko stumbled as she remembered what that word used to mean when they were teens.
"Not in a psychotic, "I wanna become him" way, but in the "I wanna be with him" kinda way."
Pity filled the air once Uraraka answered. Her tone was sweet, high and comforting. Exactly like when Himiko had begged for help in the ruins of that building on that fateful day.
"Why are you thinking so hard about this Miko?"
A pit began to grow in her belly at the heroine's words and she soon felt a storm gather in her chest as her true intentions came to the surface. It was hard to say, but it had to be, otherwise it might never happen. Breathing with every measure of self control she had, Himiko answered. The result of which made her feel like her soul was leaving her body.
"Because I think I can have a life with him. That despite all the evil bullshit I've done, I can maybe have one good thing about my life. That I don't have to be alone anymore."
There was a certain steel quality to her speech, one that sounded more sure than she thought it would. Uraraka said nothing for what felt like years, but eventually she did.
"Well, I think that's a good enough goal and if you really believe that there's potential for what you want then...I would start acting on it instead of thinking about it. So long as it isn't violent, you should just say what you want from both him and yourself. If whatever weird stuff gets your rocks off is okay by him, then go for it. But I'm begging you not to tell him anything about what you did because if that gets leaked to the public, I'm gonna be the one punished."
Himiko nodded, grateful for her friend's sagely advice once more.
"Thanks Cheeky, I'll...think about that. See ya next week."
Cutting the call off, the slasher suddenly felt exhausted, like everything inside her had erupted out and left her feeling drained. Looking at the clock it was still early in the morning, she had some work to do, but the deadline was weeks away and it wasn't an article that would require a lot of effort so she effectively had the day off.
Her more curious side wanted to go snooping around his things, yet that was shot down when she realized that she could effectively come and go as she pleased now. Besides, he gave her this privilege from a place of trust. If she wanted anything she said to stick, then she needed to live it even in the smallest way.
Walking over to the key peg by the door, she picked up the spare and slipped in on her keyring. Yet before she had to leave, Himiko halted as an idea came to mind.
Sitting herself down on the dining table and ripping a blank page from her notebook, she laid it flat on the surface and began to scribble and write. It was a small gesture, sure, but it was hopefully enough to start to show how much it helped her.
Stamping it to the fridge with a magnet, the girl made sure to double check all her possessions, before she opened the front door. Taking one last look at the apartment she flipped the lock shut and walked out to the hallway of the complex. Upon making sure it was locked properly, she began to make her way home, wondering all the while what was to happen next between her and the man wonderful enough to be there. "You haven't responded to my calls in three days so far, Sweetie and I'm becoming concerned. I understand you're a grown man with your obligations, but recently you have been acting very strangely. First was leaving with that blood girl. Then when I called your office to make sure you were alright since you didn't show up after your shift like I asked, your manager said you took a half day. Now you've just been completely silent and I wanna know you're alright. Please just give me a text if you can, please?"
Izuku scowled at the message on his screen and deleted it. After everything that went on last night, the last thing he wanted to handle was that overbearing, cry-bullying, "I know better for you" bitch. He had a night out with Himiko to think of, so he would do just that.
However as he sat in on the metro, his phone began to vibrate as a call was coming though. It wasn't a number he knew, but he was on the "do not call" list for telemarketers so he let the call go through. Putting to his ear he wondered who the hell could be calling him.
There came a high pitched, bubbly voice on the other line that he instantly recognized.
"Hey Midori-boy, it's me Ashido. I thought I would drop a call and check up on ya, seeing as you were pretty bummed out at the bar last night. So what's new with you?"
A wave of guilt came crashing over him as he recalled the interaction he had with the pro heroine. She was so nice to him and didn't belittle his quirklessness like others would, it was a shame what he thought to do. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously, he answered.
"I got off work ten minutes ago and I have a date in the next hour."
Silence came over the speaker, causing Izuku to flinch. He hoped he hadn't hurt the poor woman's feelings, but it was better to let these sorts of things be known sooner rather than later. Yet a laugh came from the other end that chased away those worries.
"Ah, that's awesome, so who's the lucky lady?"
He blushed a bit at her ease of speaking, but thankfully most of his old anxiety around women was gone thanks to Himiko.
"My best friend. I've known her for four months now and she's helped me out tremendously. She was the one who pushed me to apply to Sato's agency actually, so I owe her a lot."
Another giggle came that sounded heavenly to the ears.
"She sounds like a great person, so what's on the agenda for you two?"
Izuku shrugged, finding it plain enough in his mind.
"Well if our previous encounters are anything to go on, I'd wager we'd...huh. You know, now that I think about it, this is gonna be the first time I've gone somewhere in public with her."
"You don't say? That is kinda weird. What is she, a vampire who stays in her lair all day?"
A laugh came from Izuku this time.
"She does have a blood quirk now that you mention it. All we've really done is just stay at her place since it's the most private we can get. Last night though she barged her way into my apartment."
There was a sharp pause that seemed to cut through the air before Mina managed to retort.
"I see, so was she waiting for you to get back home while you were chatting with me?"
A sliver of guilt cropped up when Izuku recalled how wrecked Himiko was while waiting for what very may have been all night.
"Yeah, she sat by the entrance to my place for a while until I got there and...she said a lot of personal stuff so I'll keep it to myself. However, Ashido let me ask you since you're a chick. If you showed up drunk to a guy's doorstep, waited for him to come home, got pissed enough to start hitting him, then a minute later you told this guy he was all you had and begged him not to go despite him never having the thought of leaving, what would that say about how you viewed him?"
The confusion in his voice was ripe enough that it could be felt over the phone and as such the Acid Heroine grinded her teeth for a moment.
"Personally, I've never been that in need of someone, but if somebody is telling you that then they probably really like you...maybe to an unhealthy degree. Why exactly was she there waiting for you?"
There was a slight flare of octane which exposed his happiness at the idea of being loved, but it didn't seep out too much.
"Basically she got worried since I had my phone off the entire day and didn't show up to her place. She got drunk because she thought I was trying to abandon her, but that was far from the truth. Long story short, she had a breakdown so I just held her for the rest of the night until we both fell asleep on the floor."
Mina contemplated the words and in the end, she smiled despite herself.
"Aww, that's really sweet. But...if you have someone like that in your life, why were you at Toshi's last night?"
Izuku mused on it for a moment before shrugging again.
"To gain more friends. She's really the only friend I have other than maybe Sato, and he's my boss. Honestly he said I should try to get more female friends because it'll give me less of an issue with her mentally. See, so far for nearly five months I've only had her to talk to and she's very eccentric. Likewise, I'm the only person she talks to since her quirk scares everybody else away. As you can guess, that isn't exactly the best place to be if things go sour for either of us. So I'm trying to make a support group to get over my issue for her."
He grinned stupidly at nothing when imagined himself getting more friends, it was like a childhood goal he never had the chance to meet until now.
"Like you said, I can be pretty bummed at times and she deserves better. Only I have some issues about me so what better way to get rid of them than by learning from more well adjusted people."
The mutant crime fighter unknowingly returned the smile as her heart swelled in empathetic glee at how adorable it sounded.
"That's quite noble of you Sir Green Bean. Making any sort of improvement about yourself is as good an aim as you can get. You know this gal is lucky to have ya. That be said, do you mind if we meet up Friday like we planned? I can give ya some relationship tips."
Izuku shrugged as he held in a giggle.
"Sure, Toshi's alright? I'm pretty sure Sato is gonna drag me along there this week anyway."
Mina responded with another laugh as she finally found something to occupy her empty days with.
"You bet, first rounds on me though. Tell your girlfriend hi for me, okay Midori-boy? Bye."
The call ended at her digression leaving Izuku to enjoy the strange lighter than air feeling in his chest. Just in time too since his stop had just arrived. Stepping off the tram he needed to first reach his apartment before anything else to get his things, he couldn't show up empty handed, now could he? He moved with a slight skip in his step when he eventually got to his apartment complex.
A great night was ahead and he hardly had to wait. He would get to pamper the woman who had done so much for him and afterwards he'd get to pleasure her, to uncoil some of the knots building in his gut and simply act as he wished. He grimaced a bit at the thought of another painful game, but if that's what she wanted and so long as he was the only person she was doing it with, then fine.
Briefly he felt his heartbeat increase when he imagined grabbing her and running his hands all over that wonderful body again. She was beautiful beyond compare and she was all his. He wanted her, needed her tonight. His fists tightened as more pressure built up in his body. Soon, very soon he'd be able to see her.
Unlocking the door and twisting the knob, Izuku entered his apartment and felt a sting of disappointment when he realized Himiko hadn't stayed until he got back. Ah, it was probably for the best since she had her own obligations to meet. As nice as it would be to have her revolve around him, he knew that was unrealistic.
Putting the thought away he moved into the living room and threw his work satchel on it's appropriate peg next to his room door. It was another shitty day at the office, but it'd be worth it in a half hour. Yet the man paused when noticed something magneted to his fridge.
It was a note in a flowery handwriting that curled elegantly around the paper. Reading it he found that it said as followed:
"Hey Greenie,
Sorry I couldn't wait for you to get home, I needed to get my "supplement" requirements taken care of back at my place. Regardless, I can't wait to see you again tonight. It's been a long time since anybody's made me feel that way and I wanted to say thank you for being there last night.
I know I acted stupidly and you had every right to turn me away, but you helped me get my emotions out and held me until everything was better. Words can't really describe how grateful I am for that, but I want you to know you mean a lot to me.
See ya soon,
Izuku read the message and felt his heart squeeze a bit at that. He wanted to jump and shout in joy, yet he knew he couldn't. So instead he hurried to prepare himself.
However before he could reach his room to gather his clothes, there came a knock on the front door. Instantly his smile perked up, she must have come here this time around. Grinning like the luckiest man in the world he imagined scooping up the blonde woman in his arms the second he opened the door and hearing her squeak in good natured protest.
When he opened the door and saw who was standing in the hallway, his smile dropped like it had never been there. He was staring at the angry green eyes of his mother, who stood like she had something to say.
"Expecting someone else Izuku?"
The man lowered his brows into a glare, piercing the woman with equal ire.
"Yes actually, why are you here?"
Inko crossed her arms at the answer, giving the "Don't you dare speak to me in that tone" expression.
"I came here to check up on you since you've been silent for almost three days in a row. We have to talk about that girl and why you keep hanging around her."
Izuku closed his eyes and withheld a mounting tension of anger at his mother. Instead he stepped from the doorway, allowing her to enter as he entered his room to withdraw clothes. Inko continued to glare at him with the annoyance of her usual need for control.
"Izuku, you don't understand what kind of person you're getting involved with. That girl has already shown to be unstable just within the first twenty minutes of us meeting, if you keep this on then it'll only get worse."
He said nothing to this, not even looking in her general direction while he shuffled into the bathroom and closed the door. The shower flipped on, granting him a short reprieve before having to return to the living room.
His attire was a black hoodie, dark jeans and red sneakers which felt far better to wear after being in his work uniform for so long. When he stepped out to see his mother staring with that same disappointed anger bubbling in her eyes, he said nothing.
"Sit down down and talk to me Izuku, you-"
Inko never got to finish her statement since her son managed to unlock the front door and had dashed out of the room like a bay out of hell once the door was open, leaving her to stare at the empty air in bewilderment.
Her child did not look back when he fled until he managed to reach the train station. Izuku loved his mother, but he'd be damned if that woman would ruin his night. Sighing in relief when the sliding doors of the tram shut, he reached for his phone and dialed Himiko's number. It had taken a few seconds before it finally connected, letting her voice carry into his ear.
"Yello? What's up Greenie?"
"Hey Himiko, just wanted to let you know I'm on my way."
There was a hint of venom in the girl's words that was diluted by the sea of warm sarcasm which made the quirkless man glad.
"Well, it's good to know you can actually keep in touch. I was starting to think I'd have to hunt you down again."
He smirked at the sentiment.
"I was thinking of surprising you by showing up unannounced, but then I thought that would end in me getting shanked."
Himiko laughed at the idea, her tone having a progressively more...enjoyable quality in her response.
"Oh but I couldn't stab someone so helpless, it breaks my heart to see you that hurt. Instead I would probably drag you inside, tie you up and discipline you until you learned the rules again like a good boy."
The smile remained on his face.
"Would I get a reward after it?"
A few hums came and went, teasing the air before ending.
"Maybe, it'd depend on how much I'd need to do until you learned, or if I was feeling generous that night."
Izuku shook his head at the ridiculousness of the conversation.
"Great to know I'm still in your good graces. Anyway, have you thought about where to go to eat? I got paid so the price isn't an issue."
Himiko laughed again at his words.
"What can I say, you're my baby after all. And I'm feeling pizza, actually let's go to a buffet. That way we can eat all we want."
A cringe ran up his spine at her weird pet name for him, but it was quickly forgotten.
"Okay a buffet it is, I'm assuming you're talking about the one on 103rd street in downtown, right?"
"Yep, that's it. Nice, cheap and filling. Something for us to whittle the time away with while we have a nice long discussion."
Izuku suddenly felt sweat gather on his skin as his nerves began to jump.
"...Is there something important for us to talk about?"
In equal strides there came a flatness to her voice that had all ounces of playfulness vanish, making her sound more authoritative and matriarchal then even his mother. It was the same tone she had when she pulled him out of his home to escape his mother.
"Don't play stupid, you know exactly what I'm talking about. After last night, it's time for us to sit down and talk about what we're gonna do moving forward. We'll do it or I'll drag you down right to my couch and tie you up until we clear the air, do I make myself clear?"
He let out a nervous laugh as he fought back from immediately repeating the mantra that had been literally beaten into his head on the night they left his apartment.
"I...don't have an issue with talking, but...wouldn't it be better to have a conversation like that in private?"
The response was ironclad from how it sounded.
"No, we're talking in public because we'll be less likely to have an outburst than if we talked in my apartment."
Her decisive steel vanished slowly as she laughed a few seconds afterwards.
"But honestly Zuzu, I'm not worried. We both know I have you wrapped around my little finger and you just love it, especially when I take care of you~"
She continued with a blush enticing hint in her voice.
"This is a little formality, because otherwise why would you keep coming back? You know exactly what I do, you feel exactly as I do. This is just the part where we say it. But I'm a greedy girl so I'm going to squeeze it out of you one drop at a time tonight, right in view of everybody else like I did with your bitch of a mother. Because I love having other people know the truth about what we have~"
Nothing in the world could describe how flustered he was or how grateful he was to be sitting down. His entire face looked like a tomato as he managed to withstand some of the heat seeming to rise up from his chest.
"T-That's...I'll see you in a few minutes."
There was a hook in her voice that dug deep into him and pulled as she let out the last of her more seductive emotions for now.
"I'll be waiting~"
The call ended which left Izuku praying that tonight would go well.
Later when he arrived at her apartment complex the green haired man paused for a moment to steel himself for what was ahead. This was going to be a very important night for them both, knowing her, it would likely leave him shaken. That was the last thing he needed when they were going to discuss whatever they had between them. He had to be in control of himself and not let her dictate how things would go.
Heading up the stairs to her apartment Izuku knocked on the door, sure that there would be a girl holding a knife on the other end. His assumption was proven completely correct when Himiko opened the door with her tanto knife in hand. She was unusually well dressed compared to almost every time he came over, with an unassuming dark blue hoodie, jeans, ponytail and yellow sneakers instead of those week old pajamas.
She grinned at him, not saying anything as her free hand grabbed his collar like he owed her money and pulled him inside. The door shut behind him with a slam when she slid the tanto over the nearby table and used her other arm to close it while still keeping a hold on him.
In an instant Himiko walked closer to him, wrapping the hand not on his collar around his waist and gently tugging down on his hoodie so that they were eye level. Silence continued to rule between them as her yellow eyes studied him before she leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.
"Glad to see you at last Greenie, I was getting impatient."
He would have stuttered, he would have blustered and he would have lost all control of the situation if he hadn't gotten the experience from her. So instead of fighting against his instincts Izuku leaned into them and entrapped her in his arms, making sure to look her in the eyes when he spoke.
"You should know it's better for me to be fashionably late, it gives you more time to think about what we're gonna do."
The former villain smiled knowingly at the slight heat in his voice, wiggling a bit closer in the bind to show it.
"And what'd ya think that entails?"
A hand ran through her hair as he dared to move the hand around her waist low enough to squeeze her rear.
"Depending on if I fuck up or not, we're gonna have nice dinner, talk a little or a lot about what this is and then I believe I'll let you mess me up a bit if you're in that mood, then I'm going to carry you to that bed and see if we can have another good time. Am I somewhere on the mark?"
She laughed at his speech, slowly moving his hand from her butt to her hip as she rubbed a small section of his back.
"Close, I understand I went a little overboard last time and you need time to recover, so I'm willing to skip the rough stuff. In fact I might give you a reward since I still owe you back then."
The expression on his face switched from one of semi suave confidence to one of something mixing guilt and relief, breaking the mood.
"You don't have to hold back on my account, just don't hit my belly and I'll be good."
Himiko ran her index finger over his chin, lifting it down with an adoring smile.
"Oh but I do. You're my baby so it's my responsibility to see that you're okay and I say you need rest. Or do you wanna disobey me and not get your reward?"
He looked down to the floor, not out of shame, but frustration. Letting go of her, Izuku walked to the center of the living room with more of the same resting on him. They stared at each other for a moment before the green haired man finally spoke about what was bothering him.
"Look...that stuff may not exactly be my cup of tea, but I'm willing to bear it for you so long as it isn't too insane. It's the least I can do after you helped me so much. Now I don't know how much you enjoy what you had me do, but...I want you to be honest, do you wanna be rough with me tonight?"
Himiko smiled warmly at him, walking to where he stood and taking him down to the couch behind him with her arms wrapped around his belly. They laid there for a minute as she nuzzled into his back, enjoying the closeness for a while until he seemed calm enough.
"I appreciate it Zuzu, but you did enough for me last time. It'll tide me over till you're well enough to play my way again. In the meantime, I'll enjoy you handling how good I feel."
The man exhaled, grabbing one of her hands and caressed a thumb over the knuckles.
"If you say so Himiko."
The hand moved from his grasp and tapped him on the lips with an index finger, making him surrender to her will in the most passive way possible as her mind turned.
"You never said what you wanted your reward to be."
Izuku mused on her words, shifting the finger away from his mouth as he turned and placed his arms around her. He slipped his head below hers, digging his chin to her shoulder and squeezed a little tighter.
"All I really want is to eat. I had to skip lunch today. Though...I don't mean to push it, but could I…"
A nestle of shame filled him.
"See you without your panties on?"
The blonde froze at that. She had no problem exposing herself to him beforehand, but that made her a little uncomfortable. Not that she believed he would take advantage of her vulnerability, but that if...when they got caught up in a moment with each other again, there wouldn't be that half second of fabric to grant them enough time to think before they acted.
She wanted to show him however. She wanted to dance and strip and more for him because it made her feel so wanted in his eyes. Yet she also knew that would lead to him asking for more intimate things. He'd already asked to eat her out before they even got this physical. But if she denies him this then she'd also have less bargaining power since he'd lose faith that she'd likely say "yes" to what he wanted.
Weighing the options, Himiko bit her lip and chose to go with it for the sake of getting her way in the future.
"Alright, fine. You can see my pussy, but you can't touch."
Izuku grinned, finding the blush spreading over her to be unusually attractive. With a turn of his torso he was now on top of the woman, with her staring up at him in mild annoyance. A kiss was planted on her neck as his body weight pinned her, making him stare playfully at her.
"You are quite the woman, you know that? Most would have given up by now, but're strong. I like that about you."
Himiko huffed at him, turning her head away from his adoring gaze.
"Oh what would you know about any of that? You're even more of a virgin then I am."
He laughed as his arms scooped her up and brought her close when he managed to get to the upright position.
"I know most people give up on their values and boundaries if something gets too hard or they want it. If it was any other woman in my arms right now, they would have given up to me already, but not you. You keep your virtues and your word even when you know we both don't want that. That's what makes you so amazing Himiko, it's why I'm so proud to have you in my life."
A heavier blush crawled over her as Izuku started to lay right on top, caressing the side of her face like an idiot. Pushing herself off the sofa, she reached for her coat and bag.
"Come on Sweetie boy, we have a meal to catch."
He stared at her with that ridiculous grin as he got to his feet.
"I mean what I-"
The words were halted when she raised three fingers his way. Izuku hesitated for a moment then mentally gave up any pride when it came to this. Lord knows it was beaten into his head well enough.
"...Yes Mommy."
Himiko oozed satisfaction at hearing him say that, having it appear in that self superior smile as she trapped his arm around her own.
"Good boy, now let's go."
Walking into the waning sunlight of the afternoon, they moved along the winding streets making small talk about this and that until they finally got to where they wanted to be. The restaurant in of itself was very western, a big red brick building with a nice blue neon sign out front advertising the large variety of foodstuffs on the menu ranging from beef to squid and everything in between. Himiko poked him a bit in the air as they entered, loving how he winced under her touch while refusing to move away.
The meals paid for they sat down in an empty booth. All around them was mostly vacant space due to it being a weekday, which suited them both fine.
"So Zuzu, how should we start this off?"
Izuku shrugged as he sat back in his seat.
"Anything you wanna say first?"
Himiko shrugged in return.
"Yeah, I like you. More than anybody else I've ever met that wasn't in my family so...can we start going steady? You know, you being mine and me being yours?"
Izuku sighed as he saw the hope burning in her eyes, it was the same hope he had before many times with other people.
"I'm not against that, besides it's like you said, we both know what we have so this a formality to clear the air. But...Himiko I'm gonna be honest, I'd be thrilled about bringing with you permanently, especially after all you said last night. Yet there's a lot about me I don't know and this is completely new territory for me. New emotions, new sensations and...I'm going to be upfront with you about this, I am very possessive. Like to an unhealthy degree."
He popped the joints in his knuckles as he fought back a wave of those feelings, darting his eyesight from her to the walls and back again.
"What I'm trying to say is that I have issues, very deep and unresolved issues that might make me more trouble than I'm worth in the long run."
A shoe kicked right into his shin as Himiko glared at him.
"Don't be stupid. I have a criminal past, was abused and neglected as a child, have no friends or family, love sadistic stuff and need to regularly drink three cups of blood a day to not get dangerously psychotic. If anything you're the one getting the bum deal here. You've just been beaten down all your life."
She ran a hand through her ponytail and groaned at his self-defeating attitude.
"Look, if you wanna be possessive of me then go ahead. You wanna fuck me till we both collapse, then once we get there go ahead. You're allowed to act out around me for fucks sake. I'm not somebody you have to wear a mask around all the time."
His head lowered at her words, but she wasn't done yet.
"I'm done with the back and forth pity guessing stuff. Life is too short for that and I wanna start making something of myself with you. So can you give me your answer?"
He eyed her for a moment, staring right into her very soul.
"Do you promise to let me know if I get out of line or if I start getting irritable or violent? Because... when my emotions run that high, if things go wrong then I tend to put way too much into it and that worries me."
Himiko rolled her eyes, imagining what he'd say if found out what she used to do to the people who rejected her.
"You have my word that I will and if that starts to happen then I won't turn you away, I'll sit down with you and we'll talk it through just like you did for me."
Steel entered his spirit when he spoke next, making sound like the authoritative one for once in his life.
"Do you swear to enter a monogamous relationship with me? No other partners or anything like that at all. Meaning only I can help you with your needs and vice versa. It also means that if you break it then I'll leave and never look back even if I do care for you. I just won't allow myself to be used like that."
Himiko smiled in unspoken relief at his words. Thank God he wasn't a freak like everybody else.
"That's more than okay because I expect the same from you."
Izuku didn't say anything as he sat there brooding on the concept. He hadn't felt his heart soar at that, if anything the feeling was comparable to being handed paperwork he had barely any idea how to work on. It was more of the same with how they were, wasn't it? They had started to sleep together in the same bed and he came over even on work nights to see her.
He knew it was a certain thing and she had earned a modicum of trust from him but now that he had her, what now? How were they going to maintain what they had in the long term? What if something goes wrong or some tragedy strikes?
He knew neither of them were very stable individuals, but on the flip side so much could go right for once. Neither of them would be alone and there would always be someone there when they needed to get something out. He earnestly knew he would not give up what they had, sure he would leave if he was betrayed, but aside from that he had practically locked his jaw. Pursing his lips Izuku let out another shrug.
"Glad we're in agreement. Now that we finished that, let's eat."
Himiko smiled warmly while she got up with him, feeling like a mountain had been lifted from her shoulders.
"Good idea Greenie."
Three courses were had and devoured by the two of them as the night dragged on, leaving the moon to reign over the sky as the clock ticked down. Eventually the pair left to return home, the streets of the city were packed with those going to places only they knew. It was a cold night that slit through the fabric of clothes, making the two cling harder as they moved for warmth.
Around them was the dense architecture of the landscape, a mega city made to house hundreds of thousands if not billions at this point. The sidewalks were filthy and riddled with grime while cars passed by puffing exhaust fumes into the air. Alleyways dotted every few blocks, causing Izuku to pull her closer as his instincts were beginning to suspect something was wrong the further he walked.
He scanned all around him like a hawk, never letting his arm slacken around her waist while Himiko, for all intensive purposes, looked right at home in comparison. There wasn't an ounce of fear in her body when her eyes scanned all around her in a very subtle and unnoticeable way. Though if he was to look down at her hand, Izuku would have spotted her quietly slip a folding knife up her coat sleeve. He felt the weight in his own pocket, suddenly glad he decided to carry the knife he took when he first woke up in her apartment.
They halted suddenly when there came the sound of footsteps coming from up ahead. In the street lights three men were visible. They were lanky, noisey people with the look of people searching for trouble.
That was only proven true when the leader of that gathering, the bulkiest one who had taken point, smiled maliciously when the pair came into view.
He was a good foot and a half taller than Izuku with what had to be a mutant quirk considering the bullhorns sprouting from the sides of his head. The man's attire was a bright fire red blazer, jeans and black dress shoes. His lackeys were dressed, oddly enough, in the same blazer, pants and shoes with only blue and yellow instead of red. They appeared like baseline humanity to a tee with no distinguishing features which might hint at their quirks.
The bull headed man approached the couple with a swagger in his step. He had that same sure of himself quality Izuku had seen countless times with punks who picked on him. Except this one decided to stop right in the middle of the sidewalk and block their passing.
"Well, I gotta say sir, you have a mighty fine piece of ass on your arm. How'd you manage to bag a lady like that? I'm a little jealous you see and was wondering if you'd mind if my friends and I had a little chat with her."
How many times has something like this happened where he had gotten something good, even the tiniest bit, and an idiot who was bigger, stronger or meaner rushed in to steal it? Everything from Kacchan burning his quirk note books to those assholes who stole his potential in High School because they used quirks to this fuckwit.
How many times has somebody come right in and tried to fuck with his life and steal the few good things he had?
Izuku let go of Himiko, moving forward towards the larger man blocking the way with a light shining in his eyes. He was twenty four now, he had tried to kill himself three times already and was just starting to have a better life. He would not give any of that to any motherfucker, least of all what he had with her.
The bull man and Izuku were less than a foot away now, the mutant looking smug at his physical superiority while his friends flanked him on either side, the quirkless sidekick looking utterly blank as he stared into the stranger's eyes.
In a flash Izuku's hand reached out and seized the mutant's index finger, yanking it out of the socket and delivering a punch to his nose right as he grabbed the man's collar.
Another punch followed as a scream of pain echoed out from the unlucky punk as Izuku hit him again and again and again until blood was starting to splatter from his broken nose. He knew he had to be thorough and decisive before the shock wore off. So when he was certain the man was fully disoriented and his buddies still reeling from what had happened, Izuku reached into his pocket.
There came a sharp *click* as the blade was flipped out from the handle, it was a short, elegant thing of a single edged blade a little longer than a middle finger that ended in a sami type grind. It was light in Izuku's hand and when he saw the bull man's eyes go wide when he put it to his neck, he knew he had already won.
Nobody breathed, nobody moved as Izuku pressed the edge to the fool's throat, the sharp steel already drawing blood from the skin parting upon meeting it. There was a quality about Izuku's eyes now, one that seemed dangerous and calculating as he held the man hostage. His voice had a simple monotone about it, like one stating facts and had no reason to argue the point.
"You have really fucked up. You and your pals thought it would be a good idea to try and rough up me and take her from me. Right now I have half a mind to open your throat in front of these two losers right before I gut them too. If you were just threatening me I wouldn't care, but you had to go in and involve my girl."
He pulled the hand holding the knife away and slammed the back of his knuckles across the man's cheek before placing the point under his chin.
"Nobody gets to do that. She's all I got and you idiots tried to take her from me. That alone gives me the right to castrate you, but you're not worth it, so here's what's going to happen. You're going to walk the other way across the street, take your dumbass friends with you and we'll never see each other again, understand?"
The mutant nodded slowly with the fear of one facing death. Checking to see the same fear in the fool's friends, Izuku let go of his collar and walked backwards towards Himiko.
The three turned from the pair and ran across the street, sprinting in the opposite direction while Izuku watched like a wolf tracking it's mark until they were all out of sight.
He felt his heart thunder as he realized what he had done, it wasn't out of guilt, but in the thrill of knowing he had won. Yet he didn't have the mind to smile when he turned back to his partner as he closed the knife and slid it back into his pocket.
She regarded him coldly, not in a hateful way or even a sadistic way, but more akin to a predator measuring if further challenges were coming from around him. Izuku put a hand to her wrist, glad to touch her again after all that.
"You okay?"
She stared at him for a heartbeat, then wrapped him up in a hug as she lunged forward. They remained like this for a few minutes while Izuku ran his hand over her back, understanding what she was doing.
"Let's go home."
It was a long slog to reach her place with Himiko completely mute the whole way as they took the train. Once they got to the complex and Izuku brought her to the door of her apartment, she turned in resigned defeat, clinging to him as what could only be described as a sad puppy eyes look came over her.
"You sure you can't spend the night?"
Izuku shared her sentiment as he tapped at his watch feeling like he'd been swindled by time.
"I would if I could, but it's going on ten now and I can't afford to be late twice in the same week."
Frustration showed brightly on her face as she opened the entrance to her home, not letting go of his torso.
"Not even for just fifthteen minutes? Please?"
He shook his head reluctantly, returning her grip in kind.
"I'm sorry, I would if my job wasn't so demanding."
There came a spark in his eyes as an idea cropped into his head. Caressing the side of her cheek, he smiled lovingly at her.
"But I think I know what I'd like my reward to be tonight and you might get a little mad at me, but I think I'll take it without asking."
She raised an eyebrow at the tone of his voice, leaning her head up at the more romantic sense in his words.
"What exactly do you have-"
Himiko never got to finish the sentence when Izuku grabbed the back of her head, stepped closer and went for it.
It was a nice, warm sensation that lasted a few seconds until he pulled away. They had kissed.
"Sorry about just taking it, but I figured as a guy it was something I had to do."
Izuku studied the bewilderment on her face as he smiled, wishing that he could stay longer more than anything. Yet reality called so he let go and moved to leave.
"I'll see you soon, alright? We can have some fun then-"
He was halted when an arm hooked around his neck, pulling him back as Himiko held on for dear life.
"Can you come inside, please? I need you to do something for me."
There was an urgency in her voice that bordered on frightened as the quirkless man struggled for a moment before giving into her wishes and relaxing.
"Fine, since you're asking so much."
He was dragged into the apartment as she shut the door behind her and let go to immediately fetch a first aid kit from the kitchen. Izuku watched her work to triple check the medical supplies with a slight apprehension. He wasn't sure what was up, but he hoped it wouldn't be too bad.
Himiko placed the kit on the coffee table in front of the sofa, along with her phone set to the emergency number before hurrying over to him. She withheld some of the urgency in her voice, but Izuku knew it was there when she spoke.
"I'm sorry to ask this on such short notice, but...would you let me bite you, just one time tonight?"
He raised his eyebrows at her request, then noticed the size of her canines and gulped as he clamped a hand over his own neck.
"Where exactly?"
She tapped a finger over where her neck and shoulder met, directly above the collar bone.
"Right here, it avoids any arteries and is one of the safest places to do it. It'll break the skin and you'll bleed a little, but it should be completely safe so long as you don't try to throw me off with my teeth still in you."
He hesitated to answer, but he sighed as he did.
"Just one time?"
She nodded emphatically, almost begging to hear him answer with her body language.
"Yes, just one time right there. I'll be slow and keep my head steady so it won't hurt as much."
Rolling his shoulders, Izuku shook his head as he made his way to the sofa. Patting the spare cushions he allowed a defeated look to take over.
"Fine, but promise me you won't do that randomly when we touch. If we're being rough, sure, but give me a sign so I can prepare mentally."
Her hands came together in a clap as she began to jump up and down like the whole world had been handed to her with the biggest smile on her face.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! I swear it won't be that bad, I'll even go put on-"
Izuku shot her a glare as he cut her off.
"I can't stay because I have to go to work in eleven hours and it'll take one just to get back, nine to sleep and one half to get ready. If I was able, I'd spend the night, but I can't. So just please do what you said, no more, no less."
Himiko pouted a bit at his refusal of her offer, but she saw his logic. Izuku threw off his hoodie and slipped his right arm over the top of his shirt to let her have easy access to where she wanted. The blonde smiled at this, quickly slipping her pants off before he had time to protest and approached him. Her underwear was a teal blue that hugged her bottom very well and she managed to sit right in the middle of his lap, effectively straddling him while her arms and legs trapped him.
Izuku wanted to say something, but he knew it was pointless now when she whispered in his ear.
"So tell me the tap word again, just so I know you remember it."
Rolling his eyes while trying to not let himself be swept up by the mood or the way she was starting to shift her hips against his, Izuku repeated the word.
Himiko grinned at his compliance, whispering into his ear once more while she began to stroke his hair and put more weight into her hips so that perhaps it'll entice him to stay.
"Good boy. Pineapple."
He grit his teeth when he felt something rise up from his crotch in response to her rubbing her hips against his.
She kept the smirk as she placed a few kisses on his neck, moving her hands from his hair to his back and letting the tension build inside him.
Izuku realized this was becoming an endurance race between them, which if he lost, would mean he actually would spend the night at this rate and possibly be in danger of a bad service review this quarter.
Her tongue lashed up at the lower part of his earlobe, nibbling and licking it as she began to work her way downward. Before she answered, the slasher lifted her shirt up, threw it to the floor and removed her bra, exposing herself more to his wanting eyes. She shifted again, putting her mouth right to his ear again and whispering the word.
She began to suck along the skin of his neck, making sure to leave dark purple stains when she pulled away until she came to the exact spot right she wanted. Slowly Himiko came back to his ear and allowed a shiver to run through him as he began to reach to touch her.
"I'm going to bite now, ready?"
Izuku breathed as deeply as he could to try and gather his higher reasoning which was slipping away faster by the second.
A smile crossed her when she heard that. Himiko wagged a finger at him when she turned his head towards her and raised three fingers to signal what she wanted and to her delight, he said it.
"...Yes Mommy."
Izuku felt his entire body tense as nothing happened for five nerve wracking seconds, then a sensation like four large needles slowly slinking into his skin came. It was a strange, wet feeling as he let out a groan of pain and winced as the nerves under the skin screamed that something was wrong. It got worse as the needles expanded in the wound, slowly widening it until they reached their root. The slight curve of her fangs dug into the skin like a hook and once it had gotten to their halfway mark, the rest of her teeth started to dig into the skin.
It was like a wood saw was being pressed into his body and when her mouth finally came to a full close, Izuku could feel his blood start to pump right into her maw. Himiko didn't move and Izuku didn't ask her to, instead they stayed in a slight stasis until the sound of gulping began to echo off the walls.
Izuku turned his eyes to stare at her, not quite believing that she was actually "feeding" off him like a vampire bat. Then if that wasn't enough to shock him, he saw Himiko's eyes go unnaturally still as her pupils dilated. A few more seconds and she unlatched her jaw from his body, looking like she had found some profound secret. Izuku on the other hand had to contend with his actively bleeding shoulder while she continued to stare at the red she managed to wipe away from her teeth.
Then that look was directed at him while he was nursing his ruin of a body part.
"What blood type are you?"
Izuku wanted to answer but was silenced with a wince when she opened up the first aid kit and began to work on the injury, firstly by pouring disinfectant on the bite which stung like a son of a bitch.
"O negative, why?"
Himiko didn't take her eyes away from what she was doing as his shoulder was being patched up, but there was a sense of wonder in her voice.
"Because that was the most delicious blood I've ever had. It tasted light and fruity with a lot of iron in it, usually with people or animals there's never something like that."
Izuku pursed his lips at that, now starting to feel uncomfortable in a physical way since he was being compared to something to be consumed.
"Glad I could help, I hope this won't be an everyday thing because I don't think I could last if that was the case."
The kit was shut close as Himiko finished tending to his injury. She smiled seductively and kissed him square in the mouth.
"Don't worry about that, Zuzu. I'll just break the skin every so often. That way you won't leak out and I can keep making you feel good, alright?"
He questioned how he got into a situation where the concept of breaking his skin open and spilling his blood was used in the same tone as teasing him about screwing. Izuku placed his hands around her waist, glad his arm could move just fine and let his thoughts be known.
"Himiko...I don't have a problem if you wanna do stuff like this,'s very different from you hitting me. I take a beating like a champ, but I only have the baseline amount of blood in my body so...if this is something you want, then it needs to happen only every three months so I won't get too low and...die."
He felt more conscious about saying what he wanted to say next but screw it if he couldn't talk to her then who could he talk to?
"If you're having problems with your quirk then I can take you to a clinic for that, can't use me to feed like that all the time. If I could do it without worry then sure, but I can't. I'm sorry about that but I need to draw a line for my own safety."
The girl studied him for a good long minute with an annoyance on her face that soon turned to fear when she heard him finish. Himiko tightened her limbs around him as that fear turned to panic.
"Ah shit, I...I didn't mean it like that. I just know what you were like on the inside and I guess I should have phrased it better. Yeah my quirk is related, but I'm in control. I take enough blood daily to where I don't need to feed to survive, but…"
She pursed her lips as she let go of him and began to stand up.
"The best way to put it is that I view blood as...the ultimate way to get to know someone and with all we went through I guess I got ahead of myself."
The reserve vanished from Izuku and much of the sexual interest as he stared at her.
"Wait, so does your quirk allow you to view the memories and perspective of the people you take it from?"
Himiko shook her head as a massive discomfort came over her at his questioning.
"'s hard to explain. That aside however, I wanna promise you I won't be drinking anymore of your blood without asking first. That was really outta line and I should have more self control, especially when you've been so wonderful to me. I will bite you a lot in the future, but I won't drink from it, I swear."
Izuku squinted at the woman as he stood up from the sofa, putting his arm back right and grabbing his coat. He closed the distance between them and stuck a hand down the underside back of her panties, grabbing himself a handful of her rear.
"Never in my entire life did I think I'd have to have a conversation about this. I'm fairly certain we're the only people who ever talk about this kind of thing and I'm okay with it. You're a wonderful woman who's been nothing but good to me and a boon to my life so if a little pain is all you ask for then that's fine.
He leaned forward and kissed her, making sure to have it last.
"I'll see you soon."
As Izuku walked towards the exit, Himiko reached out for his wrist before he could leave.
"Hey Izuku?"
He turned to face her.
She stared right into his soul when she spoke, feeling it climb out of her and into him.
"I love you."
The man didn't respond immediately, letting the words nest in his mind as a smile came over him.
"I love you too."