Rebirth and Blood

Chapter 19: Go Away

"What the hell happened!?"

Izuku was not a violent man, he was not a mean man. He never stole, he never fought. He did everything he was supposed to. But right now, he had to restrain himself from lashing out at the woman who gave birth to him. It was seven thirty in the morning, an hour and a half before he needed to be at work and she was in his living room holding a bag of breakfast food. He had barely heard her come in from his bedroom and that he thanked the god of fate he had thrown on a shirt before going to bed last night. 

Because the moment he walked out to investigate the noise with his sleep-addled brain, she had seen the bandages around his shoulder and started screaming.

This was not how he wanted to start his morning. 

Izuku glared at his mother as he walked to the fridge and pulled a can of Monster to hopefully wake him up while she continued screaming.

"What the hell did that girl do to you Izuku!?"

He said nothing as he mentally blocked him out like he had since he was a kid. That only served to make her more upset when she dropped her bag of food and grabbed him by the hem of his shirt.

"Tell me right now!"

Gently Izuku moved her hands away and finished his breakfast in a can. With a half step he made to return to his room in order to get his outfit together.

"I need to get ready for work."

His voice showed more indifference and scorn than he wanted, but his mother was on a roll. Her quirk activated pulling him back with a yank as the multiple small surface areas of his clothes were attracted to her like a magnet. Inko grabbed his arm in a vice like grip, clutching his arm like to let go would mean his death.

"You're going to the hospital!"

Izuku rolled his eyes again as he thrust his arm away. There were very few times in his life where he let his emotions show to anyone since that always ended in bad things for him, usually he'd bury it and hide behind a smile until he was numb. Now was becoming one of those rare times where he let some of the anger out.

Glaring at his mother Izuku, simultaneously feeling the pressure of his obligation to get to his job if he wanted to afford to live and the lifelong resentment towards his caretaker.

"I'm fine Mom, my wound is taken care of and I can move my arm just fine. What I need to do is make sure my only stream of livable income isn't cut off, so can you do me a favor and go before I lose any more time?"

Inko's expression grew more unhinged as her eyes went wide with panic. She gripped him by the collar, holding close until their noses were touching.

"Izuku if that isn't treated it could get infected and you could die or even lose your arm! You need medical care now!"

He shook his head at her ridiculous outburst, wanting nothing more than to leave.

"Mom, it isn't-"

His back was slammed against the fridge while his mother looked on with tears forming in her eyes. The panic was turning into rage as the fire of four days worth of horrible speculations came forth.

"That girl is making you say that, isn't she!? She's been threatening you into not speaking out because she keeps hurting you isn't it!?"

Izuku growled and broke his mother's hold on his collar, walking past her and towards his room before stopping right when was about to gather his outfit. There was a resentment in his eyes that Inko could see, but she didn't flinch at it when he answered.

"Everything we've done has been because I agreed to it. She never forces me to do that kinda stuff."

The woman stared at him in disbelief, not used to hearing the steel in his tone.

"But why Sweetie!? What could possibly make-"

She halted when a terrible realization came upon her. Her hands covered her mouth like she witnessed some atrocity play out before her and a gasp followed soon after in a low, quiet voice. Fear was in her eyes when she continued.

"Izuku...have you been intimate with this woman?"

Her son said nothing for a few select heartbeats while his cheeks began to glow red and his eyesight fell to the right. Izuku popped his knuckles to fill the silence before daring to look his mother in the eye as a shred of guilt lingering in him.

"Yes...quite a few times in fact. We've even slept in the same bed almost weekly now. really consistent about those kinds of things."

He sighed and grabbed clothes from inside his room.

"If you wanna know why Mom, it's because I love her. She was there for me when nobody else was and it's because of her that I want to start improving myself. Sure she's weird, but...she's mine and frankly I'm getting tired of hearing you bad mouth her in my house."

Inko took this like she heard him say he wanted to make love to an electric saw.

"Do you have any idea how earth staggeringly dumb you sound right now!? Izuku this girl could very well be a murderer for all you know and she's already displayed violent tendencies! For another thing how do you know she isn't carrying a bug like HIV with all the blood she drinks!? Whatever you think you see in her is wrong Sweetie, I'm sure it might feel good in the moment, but being with a person like that will destroy you in the long run and I don't wanna show up at a hospital where you're dying from blood loss because of that demonic little skan-"

A boom echoed through the room as Izuku slammed a fist through his coffee table, harmlessly shattering the cheap partial board when his entire face turned a shade of purple. His voice was calm, controlled and laced with the worst kind of venom in his words like an assassin's blade which stung deep with a cold pain.

"Get out."

Inko blinked, not sure she heard correctly.


Splinters clung to the meat of his hand as his eyes narrowed dangerously at the woman. He did not move, he did not have the look of explosive, masculine anger upon his face nor did his tone carry a hint of uneven volume. Instead there was a visage of cold, removed emotion that breathed in the promise of bodily harm if not death.

It was a primal thing of ancient times which transcended language and could be understood effortlessly by even a fool.

"Get out now, before I make you."

Stepping away from her son Inko looked on with an actual fear in her eyes, but that wrestled with the lifetime of motherhood towards the man who was her child. She smiled weakly, as if to break whatever ailment possessed him. Regardless, she still backed away towards the exit.

"Sweetie...I understand you're feeling a lot of new emotions right now and that girl is whispering in your ear. But when you're ready to talk, just give me a call and I'll help you get better." 

Izuku kept staring like he was ready to rip out her eyes, so Inko opened the front door and left, leaving Izuku to glare at the world around him. Fortunately he soon buried that feeling and proceeded with his morning routine before work, careful to remove the splinters from his hand as he showered. 

The anger remained under his skin, dwelling like water in a hot radiator, just waiting to be vomited out at the slightest twist of the seal. No one would notice it from the outset since it dwelled in his veins with the rest of his darker aspects, but the smile was gone from the mask. He simply stared ahead, viewing the world through hollow, burning eyes as he marched to earn his daily bread.

His arrival at the office was typical enough, he clocked in, sat down and got to work, instantly going into his own head while he types away at the keyboard. A few glances were thrown at the admittedly large bandage under the pad of his shoulder, but he ignored them.

Izuku had never wanted to kill his mother. Out of everyone on earth she was the least deserving of that kind of treatment after working so hard to raise him. He didn't want to kill her now, but he knew why he was feeling almost homicidal, it was the cocktail in his veins.

All that anger and resentment and pain and envy constantly stewed within him. Most days it was hardly noticeable unless he thought about it, others it pumped around his soul like a poison or an armor depending on the situation. It was so hard to tell the reasons apart in the haze of the broth that it spilled over into other areas. Sometimes he wanted to break down sobbing over a late report because his dad abandoned him, sometimes he wanted to rip his supervisor's throat out with a pen despite the man just saying "How was your weekend?" because of the times Kacchan burned him.

Izuku never acted on these thoughts, but they were there, as frightening as they were. He accepted them because if he hadn't then it would start to over take his blood and then his mind and then he'd lash out due to the poison in his brain. He learned it after he pushed that Kenjuku fuck down the stairs for setting hair on fire. The asshole only got a broken arm, but he still got suspension despite having charred black hair and a flanking, bare scalp.

It was why he wanted to kill himself instead of going after those that wronged him. It wasn't worth the loss of life for simple childhood bullying unless they had done something truly evil. The people would still label him a mentally ill loser who never got over some Highschool rough housing and that would be his whole legacy to the world.

He wanted to be known for something good, something worthy of remembering for the way it helped people become better and the world a little less shit. That's why he was The Limit Breaker, it was a start.

Sighing as another hour passed, his mind started to wonder to Himiko. He felt a sharp pain radiate from the bite wound yet at the same time he also could feel her rubbing up against his groin. It was an interesting combination, but soon he started to imagine the feel of her skin and the nice, warm sensation from when he kissed her. 

It felt right to do, to grab her and stake a claim. As barbaric as it sounded the more time he spent around her the more he wanted to slap some mark on her skin, her soul that screamed "Mine, those that touch will be killed in the most horrible way I imagine at the moment."

He knew how insane that sounded, especially since he was a grown man, but...It was so nerve wracking. Finally he had gotten something good, better than good but for how long could he keep it? Keep her in love with him?

In his youth he'd been played before by false declarations of love and he'd seen break ups first hand. It was awful seeing how one person could callously leave another for some usually petty reason. His mother had been alone since then and it destroyed her. Weeping on the sofa for days, not getting up for a week and being so depressed that only him begging to show her an All Might video could summon just a smirk.

Izuku would rather die than have that happen to him, but he couldn't make her stay if she wanted to go. So...he'd have to show his underbelly continuously to this woman who might turn around at any moment and abandon him when her infatuation wore off and she could see the hollow, worthless shell under it.

He just wanted to be happy and no matter how hard he tried, Izuku just couldn't get happy by himself. He needed someone, anyone to be there so he was less shit as a person, so he could look forward to something. He knew from experience that's why he would never be truly happy, because he was always at the mercy of others and most people were fickle even at the best of times.

Hell, at this point he wanted nothing more than to plow her, to give himself completely and take her in turn. To let it all go and just behave like animals between the two of them, even if blood was involved. Yes, he might have a chance with some other women( as unlikely as that may be), but Himiko was a sure thing. She had gained some of his trust and even if someone like Ashido spread her legs for him, it wouldn't be as secure.

There wouldn't be an understanding of how he was, who he was as a person. It just be a cheap physical thrill that'd leave him ashamed and lonely by the end. Maybe he could get as close to someone else as he was to Himiko, but he loved her, for whatever that was worth in this world. All he wanted was to show her how much he loved her and have that be reciprocated instead of rebuked.

He wanted to hear her moan his name as he made all her problems vanish for a night. His biggest wish was to have her quake as he made her know he loved her more then anything, to throw every last repressed thing into his thrusts and maybe make a family from it all.

Izuku never thought about having children, mainly because there was never a chance of it happening until now. Thinking about it, he'd actually liked the idea since it would always connect them and he could produce something of worth.

Sighing silently, Izuku looked up at the clock and decided to work through his lunch break. Better that so he could go home early. The idea would have been successful if it hadn't been for a tap directed at his shoulder.

Turning around he saw Tensen standing behind him holding a lunch box. The redheaded man regarded him with concern hidden behind a weak smile, his eyes switching from Izuku's hand to his face.

"Hey man, you alright? You haven't said a word since our shift started."

The quirkless man shrugged, not being rude enough to ignore his coworker.

"Just trying to get through the day."

Tensen pursed his lips and took the seat next to Izuku's desk, setting the lunch box down next to him.

" aren't looking good. I know it's none of my business since this is just a job, but for the entire time I've worked here, you have been a brick wall. You never reach out to anybody, never try to hang out for drinks after work, it's always just you alone."

He pointed to the partially swollen right hand resting on the keyboard.

"Then you start coming in with a busted fist and what looks like bandages on your shoulder if I'm guessing correctly...I suppose what I wanna say is, are you alright?"

Izuku looked to the redhead with a glance of gratitude under the indifferent mask he wore. Shaking his head, he felt himself relax a bit.

"Honestly? No."

There came a moment of silence before he touched the burning skin of his hand, regretting his earlier outburst at home.

"I got a lot going on with me. Nobody is threatening me or anything and it isn't like I'm about to become destitute. It's all in my head, every little problem that makes my life suck a little more. Reason being that I have no idea how to handle a good thing and I'm scared shitless of it ending."

Tensen put a hand on the lower shoulder and placed the meal on Izuku's desk.

"I know what you mean. Joy is as fleeting as the wind, isn't it? Anyway I told my Ma about how you eat nothing but cup noodles so she decided to have me bring you an extra lunch."

Izuku looked at the box and suddenly felt like the world's biggest asshole. How long had it been since he had just overlooked the taste of food for efficiency's sake? Grabbing it and opening the lid he saw rows of fresh fried chicken atop a bed of white rice with a whole other slot filled with little sugar cookies. 

He stared at it in disbelief right as the other man left to go eat, yet Izuku managed to speak up before he left the office.

"Hey Mushi?"

The redhead turned, surprised to hear his first name being used.


A crack came from Izuku's voice that almost broke the mask, it was filled with an immense emotion that neither knew what to make of. 

"...Thank you."

The work day ended thankfully, right when it was beginning to get to him. The gesture from Tensen helped ease his anger by a large margin, but it was still there. His hands clenched every so often as he entered the metro.

What was he to do now? Going home was out of the question since his mother might still be around, waiting to make him feel even worse. There were still six hours before he needed to wind down for the night...maybe he should hit up the agency, see if he can get some training in.

Thinking back on it he found himself remembering how he rushed what happened at Himiko's last night. He contemplated the idea and soon asked two questions: "Was there a chance he would take out his anger on her?" And "Did he really feel like getting punched, bitten or beat up with a club just to feel some tits?"

The first was far more worrying than the second. He had rarely let his anger out at a person and he never wanted to subject the people he loved to it, least of all her. Still, he did owe her(right?) and getting beat might help to submerge the feelings of rage, so off he went.

Pausing as he got off the tram Izuku, turned to enter the convenience store and bought a few cases of energy drinks to maybe make his arrival less shitty if his mood got away from him. Eventually he arrived at her apartment and knocked while the cases laid by his feet. The locks came undone as he waited, revealing Himiko in all her shut-in glory with the same knife in her right hand.

She looked tired, like sleep was becoming alien to her, but in spite of that, she smiled. It was a warm affectionate smile that looked bare to the nub compared to the neutral mask Izuku has on. He managed a small smile, but it faded right as Himiko began to talk.

"So you came back for more, eh? Last night left you wanting, didn't it Zuzu?"

His face remained neutral as he stepped past her with the cases in hand. Setting them to the kitchen floor, Izuku set himself on the sofa and tried to make the disguise he carried from work drop. It was difficult to say the least with the rest of the emotions built up under it.

Looking at his partner Izuku felt himself decompress in how he was. Himiko however was more inclined to stare with a visage of sympathy. Putting the knife aside, she walked over to the sofa and cuddled up next to him, cooing and touching where she could.

"You had a hard day didn't you?"

Izuku held her in turn, glad to simply be for once today. Then he let go as that stupid question came back to the forefront. It lingered on his tongue for minutes as he paced around the living room in silence, letting his emotions bubble while she looked curiously at his expression. Turning around and hoping he could control his tone, Izuku exhaled the demon which had been waiting in his lungs.

"Do you have HIV?"

If there was a way to describe the range of shock on her face Izuku came up short. Horror, panic, indignation, disgust and anger melded on her form and it only grew worse when she leapt off the couch.

"No! Where in the high and holy fuck did you get that idea!?"

He pursed his lips at his partner, suddenly more self conscious than ever before.

"...My mother may have suggested that when she barged into my apartment at seven in the morning."

The blonde glared at him judgmentally as she stepped forward, practically getting up in his face.

"Your mother is the most prissy, overreacting, critical bitch I've seen next to my own mother! I'm cleaner than a chapel with the papers to prove it! I haven't been with anyone, I haven't taken blood from anyone dirty, all I ever do is drink animal products and that's it!"

A finger jabbed down at his wrist.

"And what the hell happened to your hand!?"

Izuku backed down at her rage, more out of embarrassment than any sort of fear. His eyes darted to the floor as he recounted the day.

"I...slammed it through my coffee table because my mom wouldn't leave."

Himiko inhaled with the emotion still ripe on her face, but it became much more calm and cold as she held his gaze. It had the same sort of fury that Aunt Mitsuki would harbor, but it was a finer sort, one refined and tempered into a killing edge that sent a wave of...fear? into his soul. She grabbed his collar and pushed him away, causing him to softly hit the wall as she entered her room.

Nothing happened for a few heart stopping minutes before Himiko stepped in more modest attire and grabbed her hand bag.

"Come on, we're going to the hospital."

Izuku flinched at the statement, but he saw the reasoning behind it. He had full medical coverage, including coverages for surgeries, so it wouldn't be too taxing. Yet he despised how she glared daggers at him.

It was a strange sort, not made of repulsion, but a sort of look one would have to a misbehaving dog. 

Izuku sighed, checked his wallet to make sure he had his insurance card and walked up behind her.


She snapped back with that fire blazing in her eyes. A finger was thrown his way and with came bared teeth.

"Shut it. You decided to go leading in with your emotions and instead of acting them out in a healthy way like an adult, you chose to vent out what is probably only a fraction of lifelong resentment by smashing shit. This is no different than when you tried to throw yourself off that damn bridge and knowing you this is only the first bit of bullshit in what's a long list of outbursts. Except I need to make sure you're alright because I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, so keep your mouth sealed until we get that hand fixed."

His hands balled and a sliver of resentment was starting to combust, only it was born and directed at her. Blinking at the emotion and knowing what would happen if it was allowed to fester, he opened his mouth, earning him another glare from his lover.

"Then tell me how you're so well adjusted. You...You never seem to have these issues and it's How am I not supposed to lash out at something, anything when I can't take it? It isn't like I hit her or anything and this isn't a common thing, but you mean to say you have no hidden anger just clawing away at you sometimes?

Himiko's ire lowered to a shake of the head that almost declared his naivety in comparison to her.

"The reason I'm not a raging lunatic is because I went to get mental help and learned that things can still be worth something after all I did. It was hard and humiliating to admit that something was wrong with me and how I saw the world, but when I had so much telling me otherwise, I needed to adapt or die. I had a serious mental illness because I had no clue on how to handle my quirk, you just hold too much inside."

Her expression shifted to an almost scornful yet understanding expression.

"Which I guess is because nobody ever taught you how to handle your emotions and instead just mask it all so you could be "perfect" in their eyes."

She put a hand to his cheek and rubbed it tenderly.

"It's okay, I'm here to help you get better and I know it's gonna be hard, but I promise that you'll feel better eventually. It just takes time and dedication." 

There was a slight sting at that, like it had gotten to the point and Izuku didn't like that. It felt too...honest about himself. Like she took one look at him and could read him like a book, that none of his trials and tribulations had any weight or depth or meaning behind them. He scowled at her as if he was a teenager, unable to fully articulate his worries before he decided to just flat out ask one of his biggest issues. It wasn't like any other time would be better.

" the fuck did you get over your anger at the world then? If you know anything about that, which you seem to, then why are you so damn content? Don't you have anyone you hate? Anyone who wronged so bad it still lingers years later? Doesn't that just eat away at you until you can't take it anymore?"

Her expression darkened significantly at his words, as if he had wronged her in some way. Yet she didn't strike him or reach for a weapon or even bare her teeth. She simply pointed to a photo of her holding a peace sign with some guy in a black and grey suit.

"I never got over my anger. I'm still fucking angry at the world and I did do something about it, I joined a villain group, started killing heroes to make a statement along with...other people who hurt me. I acted on everything you're talking about now and I learn one fucking thing which is the world doesn't care. Nobody cares if you're enraged at everything in life or whatever your back story was, if you start killing people without a really good fuckin' reason then they'll burn you."

Her eyes narrowed as if they could cut through time.

"I was extremely lucky because I was able to learn that fact and walk away with a somewhat normal life. But it came at a fucking cost, that guy was the closet thing I had to family out of those few others who I loved as my own and he was murdered right in front of me while I was holding him to stop the bleeding. I killed the son of a bitch who did it, I got even, but it was in vain because everyone of them died."

Red veins began to pop up around the whites of her eyes and there was a feral quality to her voice.

"Every single one of the only people who took in a murderous freak like me had been murdered, even our leader who had one of the strongest quirks of all time and I saw it happen. I saw his fucking head pop into a red mist while the bastard who did it screamed out some weird name. That fucker killed them all. Lizard boy, Burning man, Magic man, Ghosty, he murdered them all and now people love him for it. I can't get even because he's too powerful and I won't lose this life I have."

She glared right at him now, stabbing right to his soul with her eyes.

"I can never get revenge for my family, I can never see him suffer for what he did and yeah we deserved it, I'll admit that, but a hero is meant to save people. Stain made that clear, but none of it matters. The dead can't come back and I at least have you now so I put my anger aside for what matters to me. You matter to me, my peace and security matter to me, my little bit of comfort matters to me. That's more important to me than letting some asshole live rent free in my head."

Izuku froze, caught between fear and shame. What exactly does he say to that? Can he even say anything to that? Should he apologize or just stay quiet? Should he ask what these things meant? Comfort her?

Thankfully Himiko made the decision for him when she sighed, shook her head and ushered out a small, warm smile at him. Gently she held his wrist and pulled him forward.

"Come on Zuzu, let's go."

Later at the hospital the procedure given was...unnaturally fast. It was literally just him checking into the clinic, waiting for his name to be called while Himiko waited in the common room, stepping into the doctor's office, explaining the situation and then being given a neon green shot. Whatever was inside that syringe may as well be magic since his hand literally shifted back into shape like some hit a rewind button on it. Stranger still the doctor said it was covered by public health coverage so it was literally free.

He was still staring at his hand in amazement when he walked back out to see Himiko haphazardly reading some dimestore romance novel. She raised an eyebrow at him, clearly as surprised as him.

"That didn't take long."

Izuku continued to study his hand as if he was either high or dreaming. He brought his eyes up to face the woman and kept his astonishment.

"They gave me some weird shot hand just fixed itself."

Himiko shrugged, taking him by the arm and dragging him out of the clinic as she put her book away.

"That's modern medical technology for ya. Get moving, we got a lot of stuff to do."

He raised an eyebrow as they moved out to the street, feeling her trap his arm around her own. 

"Such as?"

A flick of a finger caught him in the ear making him wince as she stepped closer, slipping a hand through his suit to caress his chest. Her fingers lingered going up and down, feeling every little bum and patch of malformed skin as a mischievous, almost malicious smile took shape.

"Such as us continuing where we left off."

She leaned in so that her voice could be only as a whisper, one filled with a heavy sense of...need for lack of a better word. Her nails dug into the fabric of his coat and she let a bit of her tongue slip into his ear before she put a hand over it. 

"After last night you left way too soon. I don't hold it against you of course, but I had to stop myself from breaking into your apartment to get my fill for the night. You were so needy and pathetic that it got really in the mood. I wanted to strap you down like the stupid dog you were and make you have that face again."

Her hands hovered around the waistline of his pants and a thumb was slotted in, rolling her skin against his beltline.

"I didn't because I knew you'd come back, but the way it felt to grind against you as your blood entered my mouth and knowing you enjoyed it like the nasty, disgusting pervert I know you are, once you left I couldn't stop touching myself to that."

Izuku grabbed her in turn, slinking a hand around her rear and squeezing as they walked. His voice was in a hot whisper as he imagined her doing that to herself.

"Did you use a knife to get there? Wrapped it up in duct tape and put it inside since you love pain?"

A finger tapped him on the nose as they continued walking.

"Maybe, maybe not. I do that on occasion, but for you...oh I have plans for you, don't you worry Zuzu. For now just focus on what's coming, I promise to be gentle."

The infectious aura she was giving off suddenly died when something was becoming too much for him. Stepping to the side he began to walk in a slight angle, careful not to stand all the way up. Bringing her close as they neared the train station, Izuku lowered his voice as he spoke conspiratorially into her ear.

"I need to ask you something when we get back home. You'll probably say no to it which is fine, but...I need a favor that you won't like."

Himiko looked down when he stepped closer as if to partially hide behind her. Something was poking her tight and she knew exactly what it was. A smirk came across her when Izuku blushed at his obvious desire, yet he kept a hand on her hip as if to say "I'm not denying myself anymore." She said nothing as the train continued, merely getting closer until it reached the stop.

After a quick waltz back to her apartment they both moved to the sofa, neither removing their hands as if it was some kind of game. Izuku's grip tightened and he was clearly getting more into it, but he halted when it hit him. Pulling away with his breathing growing a hitch in it, he turned to see Himiko smiling expectantly, speaking as if she was the one in charge.

"So what do ya need, Zuzu?"

As if to add emphasis to her emotion Himiko removed her pants and then her underwear like it was the most casual thing in the world to do, making him blink as he fought to keep his eyes up right.


He shut his eyes and inhaled, unsure if this was going too far given how she said she wanted things to go.

"I...need you to help me finish."

Himiko flinched at the request, but looked down at her own groin. It wasn't like there was any shame between the two of them and since she was letting him see hers...may as well at this point.

A snap came from within her shirt as she pulled it off and exposed her bra before throwing the loose article to the other end of the room. She was completely nude now and he could see everything. The reaction on his face made her cheeks warm up as she crawled towards him like a tiger. He was completely in a trance upon seeing her bare and his teeth had a slight chatter to him like his body couldn't hold it all in.

A hand touched his face, making look her in the eye as she kissed him. Holding his cheek as her tongue slipped in. It lasted all of five seconds before Himiko kept a smirk, slipping her index finger inside his under shirt and lightly dragging the nail over the skin.

"Take your pants off for me."

Izuku undid the belt around his waist and threw both his pants and over shirt off in a frenzy to expose as much of himself as possible, baring his undershirt. His cock was already erect as it had any right to be, but he shivered when she wrapped a hand around it, making him stare right at her when she tugged at the skin with the sand like calluses of her hand.

"You want this right? For me to touch you like this?"

He nodded, fighting against his instinct to grab as she continued.

"Well if you want that then I need something in return. You gotta let me bite you again, deal?"

Izuku hesitated for a moment, worried that it might lead to some "feeding" again, but he was too hungry to care. 

"...Alright, but don't drink from it...and you gotta work me while you do it."

Smiling, she let go of his member and went to fetch a first aid kit from the kitchen. Setting that down on the coffee table, she eyed him like one set to play with a new toy and paused as she stood, allowing to get a full view of her.

"Do you mind if I put something on? Been waiting since yesterday to show you this new outfit I bought."

Izuku gestured to her bedroom, finding his patient slipping more and more by the second. Taking the signal she entered for what felt like eternity before returning in what could only be described as a tight black leather corset with cut outs for her nipples to poke through. Her legs were wrapped up in fishnet stockings that squeezed the muscle on her thighs and to top off she wore red platform heels, which Izuku raised an eyebrow at.

"Are those really necessary?"

Himiko raised an eyebrow in return.

"What, you don't like my shoes?"

"I'm kinda indifferent to that right now, they look good on you, but I don't want you to roll your ankle or worse while we're doing this."

Himiko glared at him, but complied as she threw her heels off and approached him, sitting left to him rather than on top of him this time.

"So just tell me the tap word before we start."

Izuku rolled his eyes at her, his hands rolling around the inner of her legs and barely reaching out to touch her crotch.

"We both know the word already, can't we just skip-"

She snapped forward with a glare, poking him in the chest.

"No, because we need to know it for safety and if you forget it and I push too much then that's an issue that might put you in the hospital. Now repeat after me, pineapple.

He rolled his eyes but complied.


She said it again.


As did he.


Himiko wrapped a hand around his dick, careful to grip it tight to feel the veins throb to reach past her fingers.


Izuku felt his body tense under attention, but followed the schedule as he let his left arm out while he dared to continue teasing right on the border between her legs.


She nodded at his passing of the remembrance ritual and began to inch forward to kiss his neck, but Izuku gripped her wrist before she could go any further. His face had that same sad puppy dog eyes as when he asked if he could grope her.

"Himiko... I don't know if I should have asked this before we checked into this and I already know you said I can't touch down there, but... is there anything I can do to...return the favor somehow? Because I know you might have a thing for blood, but there has to be a way I can...give back."

Sighing at his concern for her enjoyment the slasher spread her legs, letting him see her short trimmed area and spoke.

"Right now it's fine. I'm already making you climax, only right to do the same."

He pursed his lips at the offer and caressed a thumb over the hand holding his family rod, not sure what to make of it.

"...How would you like me to do it?"

Himiko shrugged and put out her free hand.

"Slowly stick your index finger in and curl it inside over and over again like you're signaling someone to come here. Like this, okay? Be sure to touch the top part and if I start bleeding then that either means you scratched my walls or my hymen just popped. I'm assuming this is just like using a shake weight?"

Izuku nodded in kind, slowly inching closer as he allowed his fingers to touch the rim of her vagina.

"Yeah, there ain't a lot to it. Just go up and down as hard as you can, as fast as you can...that being said, shouldn't we grab some towels since this is gonna cause a mess?"

Himiko shrugged at the idea and came closer, feeling his finger enter her as she did.

"I don't care, just get started before I die of waiting."

She began to kiss at his neck starting above the top of the ear and progressingly making her way down while she pumped away at his member. Her insides felt warm and wet as Izuku curled his fingers like she requested, he saw how she now had a slight tremble to her. He repeated the action as her muscles clamped down on him, making her in turn increase the intensity of her jerking.

She continued to kiss right to the unmarked sweet spot on his left shoulder while her hips began to twist and shake from the feeling of being played with, keeping in rhythm with him as they acted. Testingly she let her teeth pinch at his skin before looking back at him for confirmation, Izuku placed his free hand on the back of her head, running his fingers through her hair with a nod while he continued to work on her.

The familiar pain of large needles slowly encroaching on the area of his shoulder came with a reckoning, making him pause for a moment until he refocused on pleasing her. The pain was awful, but at the same time he was being stimulated so he chose to ignore it and focus on the pleasure. There were low sounding moans coming from her when he picked up the pace to distract from the hurt and before long he was feeling the sensation of pressure building inside his groin while at the same time he felt her inner muscles clamp and shift as they gave way to his finger right as he inserted another one. 

He withheld a groan of pain when Himiko detached her mouth from him, exposing the wound to the air as she grabbed his face. If he hadn't known the woman as well as he did, Izuku would have found her visage horrifying with how the still wet blood cling to her jaw like a living dye, making her appear outright monstrous right as she pulled in for a kiss.

The taste of iron, copper and other things mixed with his tongue when Himiko clung to him. Normally he would have been disgusted and very much distrubed by the whole event especially in combination with the screaming pain in his shoulder, but right now he couldn't care. He leaned into it, throwing his hips up to perhaps add more friction to her hand and she did the same by throwing her hips backwards and forwards. He was so close now he could feel it.

All the sensations, the pain, the arousal, the sensation of feeling her skin, the strange feeling of fear, combined at once as a sense of euphoria hit him like a cannonball, making him feel like everything was good in the world as it erupted out of him. At the same time he felt Himiko's muscles clench around his fingers and contract as a quiver came from within.

He didn't need nor want to explain the aftermath of that heaven, but as his high was coming down even as he reached out for his partner like she would keep adding to the feeling, Izuku saw the results was worrying, considering some of it had actually touched the ceiling.

Himiko was still enjoying the sensation, evident by how she clung to him and began to snuggle into the sofa where he was, irrespective of the mess. She rubbed her skin about him, removing the corset so nothing could block the feeling of touch while her tongue dipped into one of the craters in his weeping shoulder and sampled the blood before returning to using him as an impromptu pillow.

It felt good to cuddle after all that, so he decided to follow her lead and just scoop her up and take her to the bedroom. Setting her down on the bed Izuku shut the door behind him and cut the lights as he climbed up next to her. Yet right as he did that, two things immediately came upon him that made the quirkless man jump right back up, much to his lover's dismay.

The first being an overwhelming need to empty his bladder and the second being the pain coming from his shoulder to remind him "Hey asshole, you still have a massive hole in your upper torso." Rushing to the restroom Izuku did as was needed for the first but when he stepped out to do the second Himiko glared jealousy at him.

She noticed the still bleeding bite wound in his shoulder and gestured to the sofa where the med kit was opened and the needles and disinfectant were placed next to a rag for him to chew into when the needles went through his skin to patch him up. Guilt lingered on the blonde's face and she shook her head in dismay.

"I'm sorry I forgot about this Izuku...I just got so caught in the moment with you that I just wanted to lay next to you."

He didn't say a word as the stitching needles began to close the wound, only balling his fists for solo support while she went on.

"I mean that was...better than I could have imagined. I could feel every little move you made and at the same time to feel your blood just slosh around my mouth while you did that...god that was good."

There came a look of anxiety about her when she completed her work and was shown that he could move the arm just fine. She put a hand to his uninjured arm and stared right at him with pleading eyes.

"You can spend the night, right? Tomorrow is a Friday so your schedule is bound to be packed and...after all we just did, I don't wanna fall asleep alone."

Izuku smirked and kissed her, glad to be rid of the issues for now.

"Sure Himiko, I can do that for you."

He picked her up again like she weighed nothing and carried her off to her bedroom before falling to the bed and wrapping his arms around her while she did the same. The room was utterly pitch black so not caring that his scars might be seen in the morning, Izuku threw his undershirt off and held her close, feeling every inch of his skin meet hers.

That night she let him hold her this time and as sleep was coming upon him, Izuku couldn't stop wondering what the future would hold for him or if he even had a future. But as he finally fell away he smiled when he nestled his chin on top of her lower shoulder and grabbed a handful of her breasts. So long as he had her and she had him, everything would be okay in the end.

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