Rebirth and Blood

Chapter 24: Like a Leech

Izuku expected many things this morning when woke up and realized he needed to be at work in an hour and a half. No breakfast, feeling groggy, Himiko passive aggressively asking him to maybe stay a little longer. Perhaps even coming in late if the trains were behind schedule, but one thing he was certainly not prepared for was getting called into his supervisor's office the second he clocked in and seeing the president of the company standing behind his boss and staring at him like he could turn water into wine.

Here was a man who was twenty years his senior with connections to far more powerful people then Izuku could imagine and who made ten times his annual salary and had the look of one who worked hard to earn what he had. This man was smiling at him like he was a golden goose so logic would dictate that he likely wasn't about to be canned, but his manager was sweating buckets. Frankly Izuku couldn't blame the man.

Said manager had introduced him to the president the moment he shut the door behind him and this greater person who Izuku could never match in wealth grabbed his hand and shook it like he was actually somebody worth noticing.

"Midoriya, it's a pleasure to meet you at last. Mr. Dimiko has said nothing but praise about your work ethic and your yearly reviews have been spectacular for the entirety of your time with us. So it's no wonder such a wonderful client had selected you for this listing. Truth be told I'm a little jealous that you were so lucky, but regardless if you'll follow me I'll explain everything on the way."

Izuku paused as his head whirled from the whiplash of whatever the hell just happened. He was still sleepy from this morning and not even an hour had passed. Instantly he looked behind the president to his manager for some kind of help or to explain what was going on, but Dimiko only gave a sympathetic glance before burying himself in progress records. 

Left with no choice, the quirkless man followed his better to the elevator on the other end of the entrance hallway of the floor while his coworkers looked on with concern and curiosity. He made eye contact with Tensen and Izuku felt a little better when the redhead gave him a thumbs up and a nod.

Once inside the elevator with the man who had the power to not only ruin his life, but the lives of everyone he worked with for the past two years, Izuku stared at his feet to avoid offending such a powerful man. The president was however far more...childlike in his expression with a slight grin on his face that bordered on goofy. The man was humming some old theme song that Izuku swore he knew from somewhere and eventually couldn't take it anymore and spoke in as polite a tone as possible.

"Pardon me sir, but if you can excuse my rudeness, might I ask who I will be working for? If I recall correctly only those with a decade of experience can be selected for personal assignments with clients."

The president grinned at him like one eager to tell a secret, but soon regained his professionalism to perhaps return the courtesy.

"That would usually be correct, but in this case a client has paid the maximum amount to have his finances balanced and he requested you by name so to meet his request you have been brought on board."

Izuku swallowed as a wave of nausea hit him. He held the gaze of the president and allowed his emotions to show for once.

"Sir...I only have two three years of experience and have only worked with the oversight of a team. Frankly speaking, while I am incredibly honored to represent the company in this endeavor...I worry that I am not qualified for the task and I fear that my failings would ruin the company's reputation."

A hand was placed on his shoulder in a fatherly manner and the older executive dropped the mask he wore.

"Son, don't you worry about that. We all make mistakes, that's what liability insurance is for. Besides this will be looked over by our more senior staff upon completion so you have nothing to worry about. For now just enjoy meeting...ah, I'd rather not spoil the surprise."

Izuku winced in pain as the still raw bite mark throbbed under the pat, but he hid it as the elevator continued to go up. His attention was drawn away from the pain when noticed how they were approaching the 400th floor...that was the private office of the CEO himself. What was a grunt like him doing being led to such a lofty place?

Soon they arrived at the top floor and exited out to a massive area that may as well have been another world compared to his usual work space with how goddamned opulent it was. Following the president he was led down a corridor lined with oak wood paneling on the walls and red carpet on the floor that ended in two masterfully carved doors. The president stopped for a moment and gestured for him to go one ahead, but stopped him right as he started to move towards the door. The man leaned into his ear and sounded far younger than he had any right to be and whispered with the eagerness of a teenager.

"Can you please try and get an autograph as a personal favor? I'll make sure to throw a few favors your way."

With that the senior left Izuku to blink in confusion and face the most powerful man in the company by himself. Pushing the door open he heard the sound of good hearted laughter that instantly turned his blood to ice.

The voice was deep and wirey that had a punch to it which could easily command respect.

It was the same voice that haunted his nightmares. 

"So then I had the slimeball in an armbar and his buddies backed up, but I-"

Katsuki Bakugou ceased his story right as the door opened and his hellish red eyes gazed right into the emerald green of Izuku's soul. The bastard who ruined his life and nearly made him take his own life thrice had the audacity to grin at his arrival. It might have been seen as warm by those who didn't know what monster laid under that face, to Izuku he may as well have been seen by the devil. 

The CEO sat behind his desk in awe of the tormentor, none the wiser about what he was talking to. Katsuki stepped forward with a smile on his face that made a chill go down Izuku's spine, so much so that had to stop himself from stepping back towards the exit. Sweat gathered under Izuku's suit the closer this monster came. Slowly, carefully he drifted his hand to his right hand pocket and felt the weight of the knife comfort him as lifelong fear and anger surged.

Maybe he could stab him in the neck? No, he's too fast for that and there wouldn't be a place to run to if it went wrong. Should he flee? There were videos of this exploding asshole stopping dedicated speedsters going at ninth miles an hour. Perhaps he could lean in close and slice him across the eyes? His reflexes were too good.

His heart hammered in his chest once Katsuki got in arms reach of him and all Izuku could do behind his emotionless mask was wish with all his might that Himiko was here to help him. Arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him close while one of them patted his back.

Katsuki kept his grin up and let his old punching bag go, looking like nothing had changed at all about him.

"Hey Deku, it's been a while. Didn't see ya at Sugarman's shack, but small shit and all that. Anyway, how've ya been? Tried talking to ya back at the bar but you must have been too drunk to notice at the time. Again, shit happens."

Izuku blinked as he stared right into the gates of hell which were those red eyes. The knife brushed against the very tips of his fingers that entered the pocket. He could die right now, one wrong move and his entire life would end right here and now in this room. His intentions can't show otherwise he'd be blown into bloody bits, just like Himiko's old friends.

Suppressing his fear while picturing the girl he loved holding his hand, Izuku returned the smile like he learned to do with his mother. The knife grew heavier by the second.

"Oh nothing much Kacchan. It's been the same old stuff since highschool."

He rubbed the back of his head to imitate embarrassment.

"Sorry if I didn't say anything at the bar. Honestly I had taken one too many shots and needed to get home before I threw up."

Katsuki laughed and slapped him on the shoulder like they were the oldest of brothers.

"Ah, ain't anything to it. Everybody's been there."

Izuku nodded while keeping his manufactured smile on tight. His line of sight went behind Bakugou to the CEO and to his disgust, the man looked on in absolute envy and with more respect than anyone had given the quirkless man. Taking his eyes back to the number one hero, Izuku cleared his throat to hopefully learn something of use.

"So Kacchan, I hear you have some financial work in need of processing."

The hero laughed and opened his mouth to answer, only to pause and look back at the CEO.

"Hey, is it a problem if I take him off the jobsite for the day since the paperwork is in one of my buildings?"

The man in charge of the company that allowed Izuku to eat and live in his shitty one bedroom apartment, the man who is likely so ungodly wealthy that he likely could buy islands on a whim, glowed in gratitude from this bastard speaking to him.

"Not at all Sir, your deposit came through so for the foreseeable future you may use our associate in whatever way allows him to complete the task to your liking."

Katsuki nodded and gestured to the door.

"Come on Deku we got shit to do."

Okay, scratch that, maybe he should turn around and gut the rich fucker instead. Keeping his anger concealed Izuku followed after Katsuki with that same plastic smile he wore for years. They left the high rise office and were soon stuffed into the elevator with only the two of them while everyone looked on in awe of the monster. With a *ding* the lift doors shut and it began its descent downwards, causing Katsuki to stretch once they were out of public sight.

His cartilage snapped and popped as the masterfully honed musculature bent and flexed under his jacket, causing Izuku to nearly flinch as memory atop memories came back where he'd be burned after those sounds ended. "Just keep the smile on and you'll be fine." Izuku repeated to himself again and again mentally with the knife in his pocket giving some modicum of reassurance as he kept the tip of a finger on the end of the handle.

His eyes were locked on the threat just like Himiko taught him with his back to the exit for a quick escape if need be. The enemy had a quirk that replicated the effects of high ordnance explosives from the palm of his hands along with a refined physicality that was worked to a razor's edge. Meaning a direct confrontation was the least survivable option. Perhaps he could lean in, drop down and stab into his femoral artery? It was unexpected and there wasn't anywhere to get out of grappling range, but what about the aftermath?

By and large the world was on the enemy's side and if he was found dead at the hands of a quirkless, wannabe hero who had been bullied all his life...he'd end up in Tartarus most likely and even if he ran there were still cameras surrounding them so he would still lose. The best thing was to keep the camouflage on and try and deter conflict until either a) the arrival of a more favorable environment to fight came around, or b) vanishing without causing suspicion in the enemy became possible.

Yet no threats had been made just yet so it was best to play along until option B was viable. 

Red eyes locked onto the green and with it came a relieved grin that Izuku listened to as he kept a finger on his knife. Katsuki sighed and shook his head like he had aged sixty years in seconds.

"How long has it been since we last talked, Deku? Had to be half a decade at least. Fuckin' hell that was way longer then I planned, but with the war and all the shit that led up to it there wasn't a lot of chances to really hang out ya know?"

"And another ten years away from you would be too soon you fucking bastard." Izuku thought to himself while smiling warmly at his tormentors.

"So what sort of accounting do you need exactly Kacchan? I'm not-"

The hero cut him off with a laugh.

"That was just some bullshit I made up so you could get outta work for a while. I paid the fee and already had the paperwork processed beforehand so the company gets its share and you get a massive bonus. Really I just wanted us to talk...your mama told me you're having trouble with a girl, that she's biting you or some shit."

So that explains how this cancer returned to his life. His own mother set the demon on him because he chose to disobey just one time. Words couldn't describe how much he wanted to scream at the woman, but he kept it in his blood and shrugged.

"I prefer not to discuss such things on company time."

Katsuki raised an eyebrow like he had just spoken to a recording.

"What the fuck dude? Be honest with me, is there something going on like that with you?"

Izuku kept smiling.

"That is none of anyone's concern at the moment."

The hero growled and closed the distance in the blink of an eye, grabbing the quirkless office work by the collar as fire blazed in his eyes.

"The hell it isn't! This is the first time I've seen you since we were kids and I had to go save the world and the entire cause for this is because you've gotten into some weird ass relationship! Deku, I want answers! You-"

He paused and released his hold on the other man's shirt. Breathing deeply he took a few steps back and composed himself, never noticing the bead of sweat trailing on Izuku's cheek and how something shifted in the man's pocket. Katsuki held his breath for ten, maybe twenty seconds, and exhaled. He still looked pissed, but only the usual level of it.

"Fuck...that was outta line. Anyway, what'd ya feel like doing? The tabs on me so ask away."

Teeth clenched in Izuku's jaw as more anger mounted. His heart was pounding in his chest and he had to hide his left hand behind his back to stop his hand balling into a fist in front of the bastard. "Killing you or running away into the arms of the only girl to show me an ounce of affection since the war." He thought to himself as he urged himself to keep the mask on.

"What do you have in mind, Kacchan?"

The blond squinted his eyes at his oldest friend, seeming vaguely concerned.

"Are you alright? You're acting fucking creepy."

Izuku pursed his lips inside his smile and glanced up at the cameras. He sighed and put on another mask, one filled with his beaten down self. Gradually the smile fell and he stepped closer to the man who nearly made him kill himself thrice and leaned into his ear.

"I gotta keep acting this way or it's my ass. This job is my only source of income and if I mess up then I'm screwed."

Sympathy reigned on Katsuki's face as he saw just how beaten his lantern was. The sorrow on Izuku's face shifted back to the smile, which only made the hero worry more. Shaking his head, Katsuki pulled out his phone.

"I get it Deku, I really do. Being in the rat race ain't fun, but what you gotta do is invest and try and get as many income streams as possible. Make a brand to market or just put 25% of your cash in stocks so that you can move onto real estate. That way you'll get out of this shit. Hell, thanks to that I never gotta worry about that stuff again."

He opened his bank account and showed the screen and the amount shown in his primary checking account was over 11306500000 yen or the equivalent of one hundred million dollars.

"And that isn't a static amount either since I get continual revenue from dividends and royalties from all over so it'll never run dry. All you need to do is invest and make and things will get better."

Izuku couldn't believe what he was seeing, how did this asshole get that fucking rich? He wouldn't earn even a percent of that if he worked until he was dead. He had to live in an overpriced one bedroom shack while Katsuki Bakugou got…

His anger peeked over his mask and for once in his life Izuku glared at the monster, letting a fraction of his anger show.

"With what fucking money? I only have two thousand in my account and rent eats up half of that, then food takes the other twenty percent, then twenty more goes to utilities just so I can have heat and a shower. Then five percent goes into buying shit that lets me forget how shitty my life is and the last five rest in my bank. So excuse me if I don't have the same resorces as you Mr-fucking-world savior since I'm a normal fucking dude with no quirk."

Katsuki actually flinched at the ire and venom in his friend's voice, but instead of firing back with anger there was a surge of sympathy and pity on his face. Taking his gaze back to his phone the hero began to punch in codes and passwords while Izuku slowly tightened his proverbial mask back on. There came a *ping* from the weaker man's device and carefully he took out his phone. 

There was a notification on it, one from his bank which said approximately 226130000 yen had been deposited into his account...that was the equivalent of two million dollars.

It took Izuku a minute to read the notification. Then he re-read it, then once more and suddenly felt his heart jump like he had been shot. Blinking as if he had seen his hand explode, Izuku looked up completely flabbergasted from his phone. Katsuki met his gaze and looked like a far more aged man with haunted eyes that lingered sorrowfully at the other man.

"I hope that helps Deku. I owe you more than that for all you've done for me, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I'll sit down with you later to show you how to invest, but for now...let's just hang out like we used to, okay?"

If ever Izuku had wanted to know what it felt like to be a whirlwind, he was fairly certain it was something like what was going on in his head. There were so many emotions blasting one after the other that it made his brain hurt. Anger, embarrassment, shame, a sliver of gratitude, indignation, fear, confusion, joy, relief, disbelief, suspicion and more all burned like a star as he looked at his old tormentor. 

Then two emotions won out over every other one, that being rage and...guilt. How dare he assume he needed a handout? Did the fucker think it make up for every second of pain he inflicted that was felt even now? Was he able to just walk in, drop some cash and all is forgiven!? That he had the balls to assume he was so high and mighty that simple paper would absolve him of his crimes!? Fuck him and fuck his money!

While at the same time a voice in the back of his head radiated the guilt of being given such a gift. That he was unworthy of such wealth and should be ashamed for needing it.

His head lowered for a moment, then Izuku turned off the screen and glared at Katsuki. He closed the distance and grabbed the hero by the shirt.

"You fucking idiot, don't you need that money!? Who in their right fucking mind just drops that much in a second!?"

Katsuki smiled at the concern in his friend's voice, it being the only actual thing he saw that was really what Izuku was feeling.

"It's alright Deku, that shit's chump change to me. Hell I'll make that back twice in a month on top of what my actual paycheck is. You deserve better for what you did for me and I'd given ya more if the government wouldn't get involved. I wasn't there for you when I should have been and I hope this'll help me start repaying you."

Izuku bared his teeth and slammed him into the wall of the elevator.

"I gotta pay you back now, is that it!? You gonna start demanding interest on it and make me your debt slave!? What's the fucking catch!?"

The blond bomber raised his arms up in surrender, glad he could get such a reaction out of his light.

"There's no catch dude. This isn't a loan, it's a repayment to the debt I owe you and it doesn't even begin to pay it back."

Izuku couldn't believe this, his mind actually couldn't process the information so fast and in his fury brought the man to his face with spittle flying from his mouth.

"You goddamn son of a bitc-"

A *ding* from the elevator door stopped him mid rant and before Katsuki could respond or the doors open, Izuku threw himself to the far end of the lift and the that same plastic smile again as someone entered, never even hinting at the emotion or fury of the previous second as a third occupant came in. He looked for all the world like everything was fine and that...disturbed Katsuki.

How in the fuck was Deku...hell, anyone able to do that where they can just switch off their emotions and mask them on such a dime? Even villains had trouble with that kind of thing to such a rapid degree. What the fuck happened while he was away fighting the PLA all those years ago?

The ride ended right as the third occupant's floor came up and it so happened to be the ground level so the pair exited the building. The moment he passed through those gates Izuku's expression changed back to one of utter exhaustion which he cast at his current tag along.

"Are you sure you don't need the money Kacchan?"

Katsuki socked him lightly in the arm and grinned.

"Shut up, I already said it was fine so stop asking. It's my money to use as I please and I wanted to do you a favor, there isn't any mystery to it. Now follow me and hop in, we're getting pizza."

He took out a key fob, pressed the unlock icon and on the far end of the parking lot in front of a building a cherry red 2188 corvette flashed it's light. It was literally the nicest vehicle Izuku had ever seen and for some reason he felt truly jealous of Katsuki when he saw those doors open vertically and they both entered. The interior seating was decked in dark red leather with the console being made in a retro wooden style that beamed to life once the sensors detected their entry.

Katsuki put his thumb to a print reader set where the ignition would be in a far older vehicle and with a soundless roar the electric engine kicked on. They exited the parking lot and turned into the street, making Izuku feel claustrophobic in the tiny coupe. Katsuki cast a glance towards him for a split second before directing his eyes back to the road.

"So aside from work and money, how's life been recently? Tell me a bit about this chick cuz I get the feeling Auntie was blowing shit out of proportion like usual."

Taking his hand away from the knife and letting himself decompress in the seat, Izuku looked out the window to maybe give some mental space to process things.

"What did she tell you exactly?"

The gearbox shifted soundlessly as the vehicle picked up speed going from one gear to another while Katsuki passively looked ahead.

"That you were fucking some crazy bitch who has a blood quirk and likes making you bleed or some such weirdness. Also said that this bitch had you call her "Mommy" in front of Auntie before you ran away from your own house. Needless to say, I'm assuming most of that's bullshit."

A heavy blush came over Izuku at the mention of the night he almost lost his virginity and he remained silent as a growing tension grew by the second. Katsuki noticed this and raised an eyebrow while driving.

"It is bullshit, right?"

The quirkless man pursed his lips and laughed awkwardly, wishing he could jump out of the car right now.

"...So there may be an element of truth to that…"

Katsuki didn't respond immediately, instead allowing the information to be processed by his mind as his voice came out even and steady. This was despite the fact there was a slight squeak from the steering wheel due to how his hands tightened around it.

"...How much of that was true?"

Izuku shrugged again, his hand now inching towards the door handle.

"...All of it."

They arrived at a stop light and sat there for a brief minute before turning right. Katsuki inhaled deeply and exhaled in an attempt to calm himself right as they pulled into a chain pizza store and parked. His fingers tapped against the wheel and undoing his seatbelt, turned his complete attention to his friend.

"Deku, explain to me how you of all people got into a situation where something that fucked up could happen."

The green hair worker shrugged once more as sweat started to gather under his sleeves.

"Well...I met her on a bridge one night when I was on a walk. We got to talking and after a couple months we went steady. But as to how that scene happened with my mom...I invited my girl over because otherwise I'd be married off to some woman I don't even know. My mom started getting pissy and asked her a bunch of sensitive questions so she left and took me with her."

Katsuki kept his gaze fixed on the less powerful man.

"That didn't explain why you called her what you did in front of your own goddamn mother."

Izuku winced at the cold harshness to the barb and nearly averted his eyes if it weren't for hours of painful training. Shrugging once more he moved closer to the door.

"...She just likes it when I call her that so I fact she refused to come unless I started calling her that."

Bafflement bloomed on the hero's face as he followed up the question.

"Wait, so does that mean you call her that when you two-"

He cringed at the thought and shivered.

"Never-fucking-mind, I don't wanna know. What I do wanna know is why the fuck you're doing this shit. I mean you expect me to believe that some crazy bitch is the best chance you have at getting laid?"

Izuku chewed on his lip as he pulled out his phone to scroll to a picture he hadn't opened in years.

"Ever since my Highschool days were over, pretty much. There was this one girl I was close to, but nothing big really happened and we drifted apart after the Calamity."

Katsuki peeked over at the screen and saw a far younger Deku in a white tracksuit standing next to a taller mutant of a raven haired woman with blue eyes who had red scales in place of baseline skin. The both of them appeared sweaty with bronze and silver medals around their necks. They smiled, clearly still in a runner's high while the woman had her arm around Deku's neck and he had one around her waist.

He dragged his eyes to Izuku and whatever that photo meant it was clearly something to the guy since he began to stare at it, clearly getting lost in old memories. There was a shaky inhale from Izuku as he visibly had to stop himself from getting too caught up in whatever he was feeling and opened the door after putting his phone away.

His voice broke for a brief second when he spoke.

"C...Come on, let's go get some fucking food."

Watching him go on ahead Katsuki made a mental note to ask somebody who the hell that dragon half breed looking chick was, because there was clearly something he was missing here. Grabbing a black face mask, sunglasses and a ballcap the pro examined his face in the mirror. Good enough that nobody should spot him unless they had an extrasensory quirk.

Sighing at himself, he exited the vehicle, locked it and made his way to the entrance where Deku was still waiting for him. A smile crawled over the hero when he made eye contact with his friend, it was good to see his oldest friend was still the same loyal, loving comrade who would stay by his side.

However there was still a sadness in Izuku's eyes. It showed on his body and his very face as he began to stare at the ground, seeming to not be in the current moment. The green haired man balled his fists and Katsuki could see the steps of tears in his eyes, yet to Deku's credit he wiped away the moisture and got a grip. Though his expression appeared far more haggard, like reliving whatever that picture summoned had been worse enough to bring him low.

They looked at each other and Deku, for once in his life, was silent. Not a word said other than to order his food when they entered. Katsuki raised an eyebrow at this, but didn't push it. He of all people knows what it's like to be trapped in painful memories. Thus the two sat at their table like statues, neither saying a word to each other until the pro hero broke the silence.

"So how'd ya end up working for Bakerman?"

Izuku cast his eyes up and shrugged, glad to have something to distract him.

"I found out about his ad in the paper, gave him a call, showed I knew how to do paperwork and I got hired. Sato's a great guy to work for, but most of the time it's mainly desk work."

Katsuki let out a breath of relief and leaned back in his chair.

"Well everyone needs that shit done. Hell, I gotta fill out twenty forms daily just to keep being able to use my quirk like I have. Honestly desk work is more important than muscle work in the industry since that stuff leads to convictions in court and keeps the public even with the force."

Izuku stared at the man who burned him alive before and decided to just say "fuck it" and ask a million questions. At least it'll help him bury the memory of that night and give him insight into his abuser and the hero field.

"So what do you even do all day Kacchan? There's almost no coverage of any of your work after...Victory Day, and I can't see you walking a beat when you have that kind of reputation."

The blond shrugged right as a server left two plates filled with pizza.

"Most days I just patrol like everyone else, but I don't step in unless things get truly fucked. I can do any amount of rescue work I please, but after my little outburst two years ago I've been barred from combat unless the Commission gives the okay."

Izuku paused when he heard that.

"So you're basically a weapon?"

He nodded.

"Pretty much. I don't get to be in the limelight or get crowds of folks abasing me in praise and I don't want to. The people need symbols to inspire and give them a good example to live up to like All Might was for us. I'm not that. All I'm good at is pointing my palm at something and blowing it up, anything else and I fuck it up. I'm the guy people call when shit gets deadly and they need a massive show of force."

Izuku kept his eyebrows raised despite the fact he began to nibble on his slice.

"But what if you get too old or injured? Who takes your place then?"

Katsuki shrugged, his mask strapped over the bottom of his chin and a piece in his hand.

"Ever since the mass use of "Rewind Shots" became a thing, I could technically keep working forever, hell everyone could. But for regulatory reasons I'd need to retire by the time I'm forty five so some new blood can come in. Can't really explain who or why due to legal reasons, but there's contingencies in place."

The hero popped the knuckles of his freehand and stared at the other man.

"What about you? What the hell kept you occupied till now aside from work?"

Izuku pursed his lips at that. How should he answer that? Should he answer that? Did Katsuki even deserve an answer? Ah, what was the harm? Better to just feed the bastard some information so he'll get off his case.

"I usually just head to my girl's place. She let's spend the night and we do things. Sparring, talking, that kind of bullshit."

Katsuki shook his head.

"So you mean to tell me that all you've been doing for the past five months is banging this bitch? Don't you have a hobby or something?"

A little pride beamed in Izuku at the assumption.

"Yep, that's all I do and I can't imagine a better way to spend my time. She's my darling after all."

Sympathy glowed behind those shades as Katsuki set his finished plate to the side.

"That's not healthy. Believe me I've been there where I made my girl the center of my world and made banging her until she passed out my personal mission in life. You'll start neglecting yourself and what you need mentally as you get more dependent on that girl for everything emotional. Then before long it'll start draining on you both spiritually and then you'll end up in a very bad place."

The hero sucked in air through his teeth at his own memories.

"What I'm trying to say is that you need hobbies and goals and aspects of your life that don't revolve around your partner. You can include them, hell you should in some cases, but you still need to be...yourself. Otherwise it'll morph into something very unpleasant."

Izuku found the sensation radiating off his bully to be unreasonably concerning with how foreboding he sounded. It only grew worse when he remembered that the woman Katsuki was so devoted to at one point, may have propositioned him for sex. Now Izuku hates the man. Perhaps enough to want him dead, but even he had to admit hearing something like that was so soul shattering that not even Kacchan deserved something that horrible.

Yet a curious part of his mind egged him on to ask another question which he needed to lean forward to whisper.

"Kacchan, I gotta ask...have you and your lady ever done...bondage before?"

The blond recoiled violently at the question, smacking his head on the headboard of the chair. Yet his expression changed from anger to embarrassment as he lowered his voice.

"...A few times. She wanted to try something from one of those shitty romance novels she kept getting in the mail, so I ended up getting strapped to my bed frame while we did the deed. Won't say I'm proud of it, but it's just the shit ya come up with after years together."

Izuku paused and leaned in again, whispering in a genuine hope that maybe he found someone to vent out his worries about the more unconventional side of his relationship.

"Did you guys ever do anything rougher? Like letting her bite you until you start to bleed or beat you in the gut until you start to throw up or anything like that?"

Disgust ruled over Katsuki's jaw as he stared at his friend.

"No, it never got more than her handcuffing me every so often. Why would you allow that kind of stuff? I mean yeah you might have no fuckin' spine, but come on dude. You have to have a little self respect."

A blush came over Izuku despite himself as his fingers tapped against the table.

"She just likes it like that and I won't deny her my body, so…"

Katsuki bared his teeth and growled.

"That is the most sorry, pathetic-"

A ringtone interrupted from his pocket as an All Might themed tune declared "A phone call is here" three times over while Katsuki brought the device to his ear. He grumbled into it, the ire growing by the second as he listened to whoever was on the other end. Yet, instead of giving an outburst he finished the call and exhaled.

"Sorry Deku, but I'm needed somewhere. You mind just handling yourself until I get back? It'll be a couple hours and I can maybe drop you off somewhere."

Izuku shot up from his chair like a rocket at the prospect of finally being free of this bastard.

"I can take care of myself from here Kacchan. You just go on ahead and take care of business. I'll just head home."

Katsuki glared at him judgmentally like some disapproving teacher. No yelling came nor a slap on the arm or even a little *boom* from his palm. Instead the man who once told him to end his life wrapped his arms around him for five earth stopping seconds. Then with a slight tap, a piece of paper was put on the table. On it was a phone number.

"I'll give you a call later on's been good seeing you again Deku."

Without another word the man who saved the world left to go meet out justice to whoever was foolish enough to arouse his ire. Izuku was alone now in the restraint and the moment that door shut behind Kacchan he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 

With all the events that just occurred in less then a two hour period there wasn't an ounce of energy in him that was able to process everything. The only thing he could think of was to return to his apartment as sort of a primitive instinct for safety. So he left and boarded the eleven AM train, content to just passively stare out numbly until he arrived home. Once there he undid the locks, walked in, locked the door and took approximately fifthteen steps to his sofa before collapsing onto it.

Then he began to break down the events of the day as best he could. One hand drifted to his phone and pulled up his bank account. He stared at the numbers for minutes, still not sure everything that happened was real. But it was.

Kacchan had arrived at his work, paid his entire company so that he could supposedly do some bookkeeping privately when it was a lie to get them to talk, gave him the equivalent of two million American dollars because he had "helped" the SOB through someway Izuku couldn't guess at and proceeded to grill into his love life.

All because his mother had asked Katsuki to pay him a in the fuck was this what his life turned into?

Briefly he closed his eyes and breathed. There were very few times in his life where he was happy or without problems that couldn't be dealt with; however it still bothered him. He hated that he was powerless, that he needed power in the first place. Why wasn't he allowed to simply be and not be tormented? Why couldn't things be like how they were in highschool?

His eyes opened at the thought and he moved from his living room to his bedroom. The light flipped on, allowing him to open his nightstand and take out the album. His fingers flipped through the pages, showing half remembered faces and forgotten souls before it landed on the section for the track team. Slowly Izuku raised his index finger away, fearful of the old emotions he knew would follow, but he did it anyway.

He was met by the younger faces of some of the only sort of friends he had in his youth and kneeling beside him with her arm around his neck was the one person he could not, would not, ever forget. Years of pain rose as he turned the three pages to the one that haunted him. It was the happiest moment of his life at the time and the night that followed after they won that race together was one he still hated himself for.

Maybe if he was more courageous, more forward, more honest with himself and less afraid of failure, less filled with self loathing and doubt. Maybe if he had put his foot down on himself and allowed his soul to be happy for once and done more then just kiss her the night before the world went mad. If he had said "Yes, I do!" Then perhaps everything would be different.

He'd be married now and have a better life, if only he hadn't hesitated that night. Though he also took solace in knowing Aki survived the madness at least.

The laminate over the pictures had begun to smudge for a reason Izuku knew the moment his breathing hitched. He was crying. 

He wiped away the tears on the pages with his shirt, put the book away and fought to not break down. The past was done, Aki was gone with her own life to live so he had no business poking his nose into it after all this time and the only thing he had now was the future and the present.

He had a hero job now, he had friends now and above all else he had Himiko now. That was reason enough to smile, but despite it, Izuku still took one last gaze at the book as the thought of what could have been whispered in his ear.

Shaking his head the quirkless man changed out of his work uniform and put the dirty set to the side. Quickly he grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed it with sets of clothes and other necessities that filled it perfectly. Dialing his manager Izuku requested an unpaid week off due to a personal reason which was given without too much fuss. With that done he dialed up Himiko and waited for her voice to come through the speaker.

"Hey Greenie, what's up? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

The mere presence of her sound made him feel far more at ease, enough that he even smiled.

"Don't worry, I took a week off, but do you mind if I ask a tiny favor?"

A snarky hint came into her voice.

"If it's about my butt again I'm gonna be pissed."

He laughed.

"No nothing like...okay maybe later on, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I crashed at your place for a week? If that's too much I understand."

There was a high pitch to her tone now, as if she was trying to hold in her excitement.

"Sure, that's no problem at all! Just come over whenever and I'll order takeout."

He was already halfway to the door by then.

"Don't worry about it, I'll handle the food. You just focus on relaxing."

Himiko was giggling like a schoolgirl now.

"Okay mister, I can do that. How 'bout I spoil you a bit tonight? You know, get it out of our systems to start with."

The smile faded from Izuku's face when those old memories from before everything came back. He could still see those blue eyes staring at him with a faith that he never had in himself on that couch as he laid there in those strong, thin arms. "That was a lifetime ago and you blew your chance, get over it." His inner voice said to him as his heart started to hurt.

Sighing at his own stupidity Izuku focused on the happiness he had now and allowed himself an honest smile.

"How about I spoil you tonight instead? I'm down for a little rough stuff if you want."

The former villainess laughed like she won the lottery.

"Fine by me. I just want you to know I'll be waiting and when you get here, let's just say I have an idea in mind. One that you're gonna love."

Izuku grinned as he undid the locks to his front door.

"I'll take your word on it. If I don't then I want a little payback."

Himiko laughed again as the sound of her bare feet hitting on the floorboards of her shitty apartment echoed through the speaker.

"We'll see Zuzu."

The call ended and Izuku began his trip to see his lover, glad to simply relax for the little bit of time he had to spend. Though as he entered the train he kept thinking back to his life and how much it has changed and how much power the past still held over him. It worried him, but those were dispelled when he pictured the possibility of good things happening. 

After all, what else could throw his life into more disorder at this point?

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