Chapter 25: The Alternative Method
Himiko wasn't sure what she expected when Izuku arrived at her front door, but at the very least he was acting kind of normal with how he was holding her with a hand around one of her tits. Though there was clearly something up with him and he wasn't cracking. To be fair she wasn't trying either.
He didn't look as bad as when he admitted to nearly going out and murdering people to vent his rage, but he was clearly troubled. His face just looked too heavy and his touch just a little too rough. It made her want to ask, but on the other hand he was holding her. The pros outweigh the cons here so Himiko leaned back in his arms and let him have his way.
She winced a little when he moved an arm around her belly and squeezed her to him. He had been getting stronger and by God did it show. Muscles rippled out from his skinny frame and the mass of his biceps was pinching into her side. Personally she hoped he wouldn't get into bodybuilding because the idea of seeing him that muscled was just gross. It would be like trying to screw an island.
He would be better off lean and strong, just enough to where he could pick her up. Regardless Himiko looked up at him, seeing how distant his eyes were before he came back to reality with a sigh and kissed her forehead. He stared at her for a minute with a wave of relief following over and proceeded to move both his arms around her tummy and fall to his side on the sofa. She was mildly perturbed, but if he wanted to lay down with her then okay. He was just a big ol' baby after all.
In a way she was happy to have him around again. It was so lonely waiting for him and now he was here again. It was the little things she missed, the way he held her and let her know she wasn't without. It was so good to just be touched again, in fact…
Gently Himiko wiggled her fingers under his arms and pushed outwards, eliciting a grunt of protest from Izuku as she got up. Quickly she turned to her bedroom and came out with her comforter in hand. The girl stood there for a moment before she threw the blanket at the sofa and removed her shirt along with her bra.
Predictably she had Izuku's full attention and despite this Himiko still felt a little bashful for asking something so petty.
"Could you take your shirt off?"
Shrugging the man did as asked and removed his garment, revealing the host of black burn scars on his torso. Himiko studied the marks and felt a twang of regret. He looked so much like Dabi that it hurt to see him like that. Soon came a flood of guilt at how she rather liked the way Izuku's scars looked.
Mentally shaking the thoughts away she approached and made her way under the blanket. She shivered a bit when her back touched his chest, it was rough and warm and just squishy enough to be comfortable. She smiled as he put an arm around her and snuggled closer, digging his lips into the nape of her neck while they languished in the warmth of their bodies.
The tv was playing some other cheesy show that she had put on to pad out the silence, but Himiko couldn't help it when a giggle escaped her. At least he was paying attention to her again. His hands traveled up her torso again, but instead of aiming for her breasts like she thought, Himiko flinched when he slotted his fingers under her armpits.
He laughed like a goddamn villain and rolled his tongue against the rim of her ear, making her wince a little.
"Say uncle."
She turned her head to face him with a deadpan expression.
"Don't you dare mister."
He grinned.
"I dare and you're gonna laugh."
At once his fingers began to squirm and move as they dug into her armpits. She wasn't used to this sort of torture, it wasn't like there were criminals who tickled their enemies, so at once the former villainess began to laugh like a banshee. She tried to move, but every time she tried, Izuku would angle himself to keep her in place.
He had the expression of one in utter bliss as she kept laughing and soon he began to attack other spots. The side of her neck, the top of her belly, anywhere he thought would make her laugh. Himiko was turning red in the face now, but with her arms now free her old muscle memory kicked in.
Pulling herself forward she grabbed the crook of one of his legs and shot her palm under his chin. Using the momentum of her movement and his weight, she managed to land him on the other side of the sofa with a crash as he laid on his back. She was on top of him, fighting to get control as he flared about on instinct. Suddenly he stopped when she pressed her forearm against his throat, causing her to smile triumphantly with a slight buzz burning in her head at his shocked expression.
Air flooded partly into her lungs as she caught her breath while still giggling here and there.
"Looks like you lost Izu-"
She paused when his expression changed. It wasn't the disbelief of one who lost, nor the fear of one expecting pain or the silent glow of one hoping for pleasure. What she saw on his face was guilt. A basic, childish guilt born out of someone who believed they misbehaved.
He cast his gaze to the floor and pursed his lips apologetically, but Himiko merely smiled warmly. Her hands caressed his cheeks and waited until some of the guilt faded from him to speak.
"Ah, don't worry Zuzu, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just playin' too rough."
Slowly his hands reached out to grab her torso with a twinkle of fear, one not of physical pain, but of rejection. That she might spurn his touch for once.
She reached out to his hesitating arm and put on her side, smiling as kindly as she could with canines that could(and had) tear out a throat with ease. Izuku studied her for a moment, his eyes still filled with that child like fear of rebuke, then he exhaled and wrapped both his arms around her.
"So I wasn't taking without asking?"
Her lips curled at that. If she had ever wanted to hear anything at all in her life, it was this. Knuckles caressed his cheek and Himiko saw how his face tensed with expectation of something unpleasant. Yet instead of a slap or a punch her fingers simply ran through his hair while Himiko looked him in the eye.
"Oh baby, you were just being silly and I acted like a dummy. There's nothing wrong with what you did."
Relaxation came over him as a tide after hearing her, yet his expression suddenly turned straight laced and stone like. Green eyes stared into her and with a soft shift in his posture they were both upright. He put an arm around her possessively while the blanket covered the both of them and glanced at the clock then back at her.
"Himiko I love you and I don't mind getting physical, but is there anything you wanna do today that isn't...whatever the hell we do to each other?"
The slasher thought on it and shrugged, collapsing herself on top of him.
"Maybe...for now I kinda just wanna squish you. In fact-"
She pointed a finger to the doorway of her room.
"Carry me to the bed and get naked."
A groan left the man as he heard her.
"Darling, I'm not against getting our rocks off, but I'm gonna be here for a week. There has to be something more we can do to fill the time."
Himiko snagged the side of his cheek and twisted it in a pinch.
"Sounds to me like you're being naughty. When I ask you to do something I expect it done. Now pick me up and carry me to the bed like usual, I wanna nibble on you for a while."
His eyes became sharper and less tolerant as what was once a tender moment transformed into a glaring stare down. It wasn't one that even hinted at something dangerous, it was more akin to a simple domestic dispute. Eventually Izuku broke his line of sight and pulled the woman closer. The ire was still there in both of them, but at least it lessened as he tried to keep softer intimacy.
Pausing for a moment he considered things they could do together that weren't entirely...that. Then an idea came to him.
"Will you cook dinner with me at least?"
Himiko pouted a bit, but lessened her edge. Instead electing to stare at him like a teenager who hasn't gotten their way.
"Alright fine, but first we make each other feel good."
He eyed her suspiciously.
"Is there ever anything else on your mind?"
She shifted herself over him to where she was now sitting on his lap and put her head on her knees.
"Not when it comes to you. I've been waiting all day for you to get back so act like a good boy and carry me."
An eye roll answered her, but his strong arms did lift up from beneath her as he supported the upper part of her back and the bridge of her legs. A smile found its way to Himiko as she began to lightly kick her legs. This continued when Izuku walked through the open bedroom door and proceeded to set her down on the oversized mattress.
There was an element of awkwardness to himself when she started to move, spreading herself flat before him on her back. He didn't make eye contact, perhaps as a way of protest though that ended when she snapped her fingers. He flinched at the sound and instantly his focus was on her completely.
A smirk came over Himiko as she inched herself closer, crawling on all fours to the edge of the mattress and beckoning with her index finger. Then she stopped and let her smirk grow when she got off the bed. A finger was inside his beltline and then she began inserting three more. They glided along the rim of his waist before stopping at his buckle and taking her hands around the strap. Himiko loosened it, then the button on his pants, undid his fly and brought it down to his ankles.
He raised a foot to get it off his leg, making Himiko giggle as she helped him with the deed. Once those were taken care of she set them to the side and took notice of his boxers, more specifically the thing poking out of his boxers.
A smile came over her when she saw that, dragging a finger over it's length and watched how his body tensed and there was a slight hitch to his breathing at the anticipation. Her golden eyes drifted up and glowed at the glee she felt watching him get so excited. She could see it in his eyes just how much he was hanging on to her every action, waiting and hoping for a pleasure only she could give.
"Looks like I wasn't the only one who was lonely while you were away, Zuzu. How much did you miss me?"
A shiver came over him as his boxers soon followed his pants and his heart began to pound. His hands twitched and slowly he edged his grasp to the side of her head while those cat-like eyes stared almost mockingly at him. They spoke of an inherent superiority and an almost self assured leverage, though he knew she wasn't wrong at the moment and he was too on fire to care. All he wanted right now was to touch her.
"More than you can believe."
There was an undeniable, primal honesty in his voice and she knew right down to her core he was baring his soul. Standing up from her kneeling position Himiko ran her finger down his cheek again and waited for a few long seconds just to make him more eager.
Taking a few steps backward she removed her pants and threw them to the floor along with panties. His eyes popped at seeing her utterly bare and with it came even more frustration that Himiko could almost taste in the air. Her hand reached out to him, taking him by the arm as she crawled back on the bed making the springs squeak in protest under combined body weight.
He slid a hand over the top of her belly, working his way down to her crotch with a stupid single mindedness only to be stopped by a hand gripping his wrist. Himiko waved a taunting finger at him and eased him down flat on the sheets.
"Nu-un-hu Zuzu, you don't get that just yet. If you wanna feel good then you gotta be patient. Just lay down and let me have my way for a while."
There was a spark of mild resentment in his eyes at her demand, but he relented and laid on his back. The blond felt her cheeks turn rosey as she looked at her lover. Slim yet muscular, tall yet not giant and covered in scars aplenty that made the sicker parts of her bark while he stared at her with a respectful fear and a deep, undeniable desire.
It was all for her. Nobody else could touch him, nobody else wanted to touch him. This man was only for her pleasure, for her delight and he knew that. Izuku knew what she was, what she felt and what she liked, he knew this and still wanted her.
The proof was quite literally standing at attention a few feet from her face. He loved her, more than anyone had before, at least in this way, and it made her heart throb. Casting a hand along his chest, Himiko felt her teeth start to itch and her muscles tense. Instantly images of him bleeding entered her mind, those nice little drops of sanguine all covering his beautiful, fucked up skin.
He wouldn't scream, not her Zuzu. Oh he'd dislike it, maybe give a grunt or yelp in protest but he'd willingly give himself to her. All the distrubed visions she had he'd accept and by God did she want it, want him. Himiko could picture him that bruised, bloody and messed up while all the while doing his damned to finish as she played with that amazing body. She could ask, demand and get.
She could take out a knife and slice into his flesh and slurp up his blood and he'd allow it if she brought it up gently. There was even a knife tucked away under the frame of the bed so she could just do it now. After all he didn't make that much of a fuss when she introduced him to biting, he even brushed off her drinking his blood, so cutting him wouldn't be too much trouble.
She'd be upfront about it and explain in detail, let him set some ground rules, make sure to have extra first aid supplies on hand and wrap the bed in plastic before making sure he shot out buckets to make up for the pain. Nice, sweet and simple just like love should be.
Yet, she knew the risks involved in that didn't she? She knew exactly how to bleed a person in just the right way to keep them on the edge of living and how to slice in just the right spot to have them pass in seconds. Not that she wanted him dead, but she had slipped up before in her past and then there was herself.
She enjoyed seeing people bleed, seeing the fear in their eyes as their life slipped away drop by drop and knowing she was the only one who could prevent that. But...she had hated those people. Those fuckers who had played with her innocent heart. Zuzu was special to her now, he was her treasure.
A ruby in the rust that gleamed like a goddamn sun to her even if it was a dulled and broken gem that only she could find value in. A gem that held the ransom of a king which had been cracked and chipped by the eroding pain of time and misuse by others to the point no one else wanted it.
She was all he had and she knew it. Those E list heroes only saw him as a paperworker at best and that one pink bitch only saw the facade Izuku wore and would doubtlessly cast him away if he showed her what Himiko had seen. His cunt of a mother didn't even see him as he really was, hell if anything she was worse than her own parents because at least they were honest about how they wanted her to just be a display piece for their family name. Inko was the same, except she tried to tell herself it was for his own good instead of admitting her hatred of her son.
Everyone in this whole damn world never saw her Zuzu, they never loved him or cared about him. Bakugou, may he rot in hell one day, even tormented him for years as children and not a damn finger was raised. If she left then he'd be alone and used.
At the same time he was all she had. The League was dead, Cheeky barely talked to her due to her job of saving lives and every person she tried to court was worse than her. Then there was the fact that every time she let someone into her life it ran the risk of them finding out her past and deciding to let the world know the last member of the dreaded vanguard was alive and kill her for revenge in the name of the millions that died.
They were both lost and with no one to ever enter their lives since they were the sludge of society. All they had was each other and she was fine with that. She had gotten her rebellion and got to live the way she wanted and she learned it sucked. None of it made her happy in a lasting way and if anything it reinforced the message of how no matter how much you scream at the world to understand you and perhaps let you live with how you are, it doesn't give a fuck.
If you lash out violently then people, not just heroes or the police or the army, but everyone will want you gone. It doesn't matter if you were abused or hurt or crazy or in pain. Nobody gives a fuck if your life was nothing but silent suffering because it boils down to one basic fact.
The world doesn't owe anyone anything.
She had gotten away with her life and her legal freedom which was a miracle in itself. Now she had a friend, a lover even who understood her. He accepted that she was once a killer and still desired her, that was practically a gift from above to her so why ruin it? Why just use him as a proverbial rag for her bloody fantasies? She had a ruby in front of her so it was her duty to refine it to better heights, bring her joy into him and let them share in the pleasure.
Yet it was the waiting she loathed. Her soul screamed at her to bite, to cut, to love until the sheets were stained in his blood and she was tainted in his juices. She wanted to defile herself with his body, his very soul so that she would never be alone again. She wanted him to come back endlessly and use her as badly as she wanted to use him until they were complete.
An even deeper part of her wanted him to abuse her. To hit her the same way her parents did and let out everything he held in while she did the same. She liked seeing him enraged, perhaps not at her, but flowing with enough energy and power that he could easily put Tomura to shame with his fury. She adored it when he grabbed her by the face and said he would kill to keep her, that she was his only one despite knowing in the back of her mind it was unhealthy.
There was still a part of her that was that hurt, neglected little girl who had been cast aside and the way he thought in those moments, the way he held her so close it threatened to rip her skin while saying exactly what she meant to him. It made that hurt little girl stop hurting just a bit.
Sighing at her inner monologue as she continued to caress his body Himiko made eye contact with him and now he was waiting with baited breath which burned hot while he fought not to reach out. He certainly was eager and she adored that about him, but it upset her about how she couldn't give herself completely to him. They had to wait for that and it would be an agonizingly long wait.
Then she studied his scars, old, ugly charred things that even Dabi would flinch at. Himiko liked them, sure they could look ten times better with some blood, but there was something about the markers that irked her. Bakugou had done this to him, that bastard had made a claim onto his skin before she could and it made her begin to seethe silently while running her fingers through her Zuzu's hair.
Izuku was obviously innocent in that case, but to just so callously throw someone away like that, without any meaning or love or hate behind it other than a massive ego was...repulsive. She narrowed her eyes at the reminders of that monster and what he did to her baby. It made her mad, so mad in fact that she heard a slight whimper below her.
Looking down she saw him staring up at her with that same guilt ridden gaze as if he had inadvertently done something wrong. There was a slight element of fear in it now, but by and large it was filled with a shame at her displeasure. Blinking, Himiko smiled warmly and tried her best to reassure him with her touch.
However Izuku managed to sit back up to gaze at her with nothing but concern.
"Are you alright? You kinda blacked out there for a minute."
She kissed him on the forehead and brought herself closer, letting him reach out and hold her while she slipped a finger inside herself.
"Ah, I'm fine. Just thinking about old history."
He raised an eyebrow at her as he tried to slip two of his own fingers inside her as well.
"Really? Right now when we're in the middle of this you decide to take a trip down memory lane?"
Himiko knew eyes nearly popped out of her skull when she felt his fingers enter her. A wave of pleasure rolled over her that felt oddly ticklish while he began to move flex around like he was attempting sign language with only those two fingers. She soon felt a surge of embarrassment when certain noises started filling the room as air and her own fluids started to mix from the gap he was making as he dug in.
A shiver rocked from her core, but she still found the mind to speak.
"S-Sorry about t-that, I-"
She paused as another surge of pleasure hit her from below as he curled his fingers around the start of her passage and rolled them over again. Now she could notice a smell in the air and this fucking bastard boy took it as a que to double down. A moan escaped her lips and her breath was coming out in hot, panting heaves.
They made eye contact again and another shiver came over Himiko when she saw what was in his eyes. It was that same intensity as when she bared his soul to her. It was ripe and old, older than time maybe was the look in his eyes that was topped with that undying passion only he could have. Fear was there as well, fear of pain and punishment, but it didn't matter to him at the moment and she knew it.
He wanted her, needed her and was going to have her. His soul screamed it and hers heard it as he leaned in. The sound grew louder and more frequent as he began to match the tempo of her moans while the smell of sweat and fluids covered the small room. Izuku was on his knees now, towering over her prone body and with a twist of his free hand he turned the murderer on her back so that she was staring up at him.
Without a word he clamped his mouth on one of her breasts, sucking and rolling the nipple with his teeth & tongue until there came a loud *pop* as he violently pulled away after he reached the height of his inhale on what had to be his fourth round of it, making sure to detach his teeth from her nipple while his other hand fondled her spare one. Himiko was practically screaming in pleasure now, sounding almost like a dog as Izuku continued to tend to her.
It was so quick, so uncivilized that she hadn't had much time to really think or react and now she felt his tongue drift along her neck and his breath beat into her ear as he teased at her earlobe before leaning so close she swore she could hear his heartbeat.
"I love you."
It was low and hot, fueled by the most basic sort of emotion with his voice in little more than a whisper as he did everything to touch her. It made her want to scream his name, but it would have been useless since the fucker went down her neck and kissed the skin. She could feel his body crash against now, granting a nice, heavy sensation that with an unnerving loud *pop* as he withdrew his fingers as hard and as fast as he could while running them over her top wall that made her shiver despite the pain.
One of his hands wrapped around the back of her head and gripped her skull as his head came up from below and kissed her square on the mouth. His tongue danced around hers, invading her mouth for a few breathless seconds before he pulled away. She could see him clearly now and on his right hand was a dripping, sticky mess of thin, clear liquid.
Without saying another word Izuku brought himself closer as she looked up at him and stared her dead in the eye as he stuck those fingers into his mouth and licked them with the most depraved sort of face. Their hips were touching now and Himiko felt something hot and pulsating rest atop her pelvis. She didn't dare gaze down with how single mindedly fixated on her he was and involentarly took a breath when she felt him dig his hands into her thighs and spread them apart.
She didn't give any resistance to him and even wrapped her bare legs around his back, slowly closing them behind him.
He continued to stare at her with those beautiful green eyes that burned with desire for her alone. She could feel something teasing at the entrance to her body that was gently forcing its way in and in that moment she knew exactly what those eyes were trying to say.
"I want to make life with you. To give myself totally to you and be given such in return so that something new and wonderful may be born. Let me do this, let me become one with you so that our existences will have meaning. Let me have my children with you."
She knew that was what he was trying to do, even on a conscious level they both somehow knew that was the goal. It wasn't just about the sensation, but that and something more. They both wanted to make lives together, to do as humans are made to do and breed new life into this world that can hopefully be better than they. By god did she want that, to just throw her waist a little more forward and perhaps have new meaning and pleasure in her...their lives beyond the simply physical.
They could have a family together and make a better life because by then they would have to. She wanted that. To have a permanent life with this man who adored such a monster like her, but Himiko knew better than that. They had a long way to go before such plans and so breaking away from the godly haze of the moment, she spoke right as Izuku was about to thrust his hips forward.
At once Izuku paused, staring at her like she had spoken Greek, but removed his hands and shifted himself away from her. He breathed like a bull in heat and there was a fume of animalistic anger in those adoring eyes at the denial. He wanted to take her more than anything, but he controlled himself despite how much his chest heaved and heart pounded.
He met her eyes and lacked the guilt he would have had previously, instead looking like he was torn between yelling at the woman he loved and kissing her until she was breathless. All the while that same intensity was there, barely caged in his soul while he inadvertently stained the sheets slightly with his eagerness dripping off him.
There wasn't a move to touch her, because they both knew he wouldn't stop the second time around. But not to be denied totally, Izuku picked up her hand and gently rubbed the knuckles like they were made of glass.
"I took it too far, didn't I?"
She stared at him with a heavy guilt in her eyes for saying no to him after he threw everything at her, but still she chose to stay at an arm's reach.
"It wasn't your fault Zuzu, you were just being as a man should. If anything I'm at fault for leading you on and not drawing a line before you got too excited."
There was a spark of hot anger in his voice when he shot back.
"I'm still pretty fucking excited over here."
She shrank back a bit at the lower fury in his words.
"I know and I'm sorry. It isn't fair to you after you did so much to make me feel good. I'll-"
He glared at her for a moment, but breathed and let some of it go while he kissed her knuckles one after the other. His voice was much more frank now and less passion filled.
"At this point just let me stick it in your ass or something because this shit is getting to me."
Regret shined on his face the second the words left his lips and he sighed apologetically.
"Crap, I didn't mean it like that."
Himiko pursed her lips for a brief second and looked at him, then at the thing sticking out from his crotch. They studied each other as she chewed her lip, feeling her own body practically scream in protest at the abrupt halt of the action. Her fingers tapped against the lips of her groin and realized they were going to need something eventually and letting him know her past had to be a slow and delicate process. Still, Izuku deserved something more than just being rubbed or brushing it against her. Hell, after that performance she wanted to give him something more.
Damning the mistakes of her younger self a thousand times again, Himiko decided to take it up the ass once more because of her stupid decisions. Only that had a far different meaning this time.
Curling her knees under her chin and remaining silent for a moment she exhaled and stared at the man who irrefutably loved her.
"Fine. If that's what you want then next can do that."
Izuku looked at her with oddly measured eyes, likely due to being beyond the point of caring about his usual meekness.
"You're sure about that?"
She let her legs fall over each other to one side and tried to hide some of her apprehension.
"You let me bite and beat the shit out of you even though it isn't your favorite thing because I like it. If all you're asking is to just stick it inside me then it's the least I can do."
A bit of sympathy glowed in his eyes as he ran a thumb over her hand.
"You don't have to force yourself for my sake."
Himiko glared at him like he said the dumbest thing in the world.
"You already do it a hundred times over for my sake. I'm just trying to return the favor because I know you at least deserve something from me."
Izuku closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head.
"Whatever, I don't care and right now I need to finish before I get blue balls so can you please just stick your ass in the air like usual before I fall over screaming?"
The former villainess glared at him, but knew it was in truth, a pointless argument. So she did as asked and set herself on all fours and slightly arched her back up.
"Go ahead."
He needed no further invitation and grabbed her ass like it was the holy-fucking-grail. Himiko felt his hands seep into the flesh of her rear and something warm slid between her cheeks and rested right above her back hole. She withheld a groan as her muscles tightened at the contact, it felt weird and vulnerable to have anything foreign touching there but it was bearable.
Yet to her surprise, instead of just thrusting his hips his life depended on it, Izuku took both his hands off her butt and removed his shaft from there. There came a loud *pop* from behind her and the sensation of fingers going inside her crotch, except this time it was much warmer and far wetter. She knew it was fingers from how they moved, but there soon came a feeling that made her shoot her head up like a goddamn gazelle in the tall grass.
Her muscles clenched and her body stiffened when she felt some wet rest against her asshole while this mother fucker kept fiddling around inside her privates like it was a puzzle box at the same time. And before she could say anything, that beautiful bastard spoke up like it was the most casual thing in the world.
"You mind if I stick a few in here?"
There were no words for the indignation and embarrassment she was currently feeling as she tried to glare at him from the corner of her eye.
"Hell yes I mind! That's my ass you're playing with and what the fuck happened to you needing to get off before you start hurting!?"
She couldn't see his face but she knew he was grinning like a fox as he ran what she hoped was just a thumb over her exit. His voice was smug and sounded way too sure of himself.
"Hey, this excites me enough to not drop off so I can do this for a while. Besides, is it weird that I rather like messing around with this thing?"
A blush came over her at how unbelievably nasty that was. Of all the things he could say about any part of her body, why did it have to be that one?
"Just...Just finish and stop trying to be a disgusting bastard!"
Izuku chuckled and tapped her gently on the rear, running his free hand over it while he removed his fingers from her groin to fondle it a little more.
"That's a damn shame because we both know I'm going to ruin this thing come tomorrow."
She growled with every ounce of indignation she could find. It wasn't like she was overly offended by it, if anything if he found that part of her attractive then maybe it might be a compliment, but the thought still grossed her out from what it did.
"You're fucking repulsive sometimes!"
The next thing Himiko felt was a hard smack on the ass and the sound of spitting, followed by something wet oozing right into her hole.
"Exactly, but you're the one with your pants down and lets not forget you're a nasty fucker too which one of the reasons I love you so goddamn much."
There wasn't a chance to retort because Izuku proceeded to do what he originally asked for and gripped her rear for all he was worth. She could hear his breathing hitch as he thrusted between her cheeks and she clenched her muscles from the sensation. His movements grew faster and faster until there finally came a moan from behind her.
Himiko kept her eyes closed as she felt the aftermath spray on her back and land in some of her hair. She loved him, but she was learning to loathe cleaning up after they felt good. Of course like usual Izuku was leaning on her for support and running his hand over her belly. Growling out the words she spoke in a low tone that cut him partly out of the afterglow.
"Go get me a towel."
She knew he would wait, he always waited and tried to cuddle, but she pushed him away and the man she loved proceeded to complete the song and dance they made. A few seconds later Izuku came back with a new towel she had bought(Recently she was going through them like tissue paper thanks to him) and wiped her down. Another growl left her lips as raised herself up on the mattress.
"Take me to the shower."
Like clockwork, Izuku scooped her up like she weighed nothing and carried her off to the bathroom, set her in the bathtub and turned on the cold water. Slowly Himiko stood and began to wash herself, only for Izuku to step in like she knew he would. He gripped her by the shoulder and kissed her deeply under the running water. They broke away and started to clean themselves of the filth of the act, but the blonde froze when she felt a hand grab one of her buttcheeks.
Turning around she saw him grinning like an idiot and rolled her eyes.
"Really dude?"
He stepped under the water to wash away the soap from his body and smirked.
"It's not my fault you have one of the best asses on earth."
Himiko shook her head and shampooed the last of the spunk from her hair, glad to just get that whole business out of the way. Though she felt a little disappointed that she hadn't gotten to nibble on him. Moments later they stepped out of the tub and grabbed one of the many towels to dry themselves. During which Izuku spoke up.
"You know what you want for dinner?"
She shrugged as the water was padded off her body.
"Fuck if I know. You sure we can't order take out?"
He gave her a look while he opened the door to the living room.
"No, we're gonna try and make some damn good food because it's cheaper."
She returned the expression and raised five of her fingers.
"Okay, but number one: Do you know how to cook? Number two: Do you even have a recipe that can feed us both? Number three: Do you think I have any fucking ingredients to make anything? Number four: Do you really want to waste that time trying to make something that is likely going to taste bad? And number five: can you really say no to pizza?"
Izuku sighed as he put on his clothes inside of the bedroom.
"No on all accounts, but I just wanna try and do something with you."
She giggled as her pants were pulled back up, placing a hand over his cheek lovingly.
"And I deeply appreciate it, but right now I just wanna relax. That and maybe bite you for a while."
He froze for a moment as she leaned forward and kissed him, but to her mild surprise Izuku grabbed the back of her head and stayed there for a few seconds. She smiled as he put a hand around her back and rested his forehead against her.
"Fine, just kiss me every so often while you're chomping on me."
Himiko lightly dragged a nail over the side of his face and grinned knowing she would get everything she wanted one day if she was patient enough.
"Sure thing Darling."