Rebirth and Blood

Chapter 28: Unexpected Turn

Izuku wrinkled his nose at the stink of warm, bubbling copper filled the air and wafted up from the cup. A voice to his left rang out and he rolled his eyes before even knowing what she would say.

"Come Greenie, you lost the bet so drink up."

That was true, he did not manage to balance those ten pens on his fingers so it was only fair. But it was a warm cup of cow's blood so he was naturally apprehensive. Looking at the woman he cherished, Izuku shrugged and took a swig of the stuff. It wasn't...bad per say, thick with a heavy taste of iron and something else, but he wouldn't choose the stuff if there were other choices. Which was good considering this stuff had the potential to be toxic if he consumed too much.

Still, he was a little disappointed that he didn't get to see her do a backflip, but what could you do? Reaching out to the girl as he put the cup down he kissed her forehead and laid a hand on her arm. There were six more days off, more money to spend then he could believe and he had the adoring eyes of the woman he loved set squarely upon him, so everything was fine as can be.

Himiko winced a little and grabbed him by the cheeks and snapped forward. Her lips touched his and she held it for a few seconds. Pulling her mouth away she latched onto his arm and glared at him.

"If you're gonna do something, do it fucking right."

He smirked and ran his fingers through her long, ratty hair. She had the scent of one who had foregone bathing, but he didn't mind. So long as she was with him then it was fine. The girl grunted, but leaned her head towards his palm as moved it to her cheek and gently turned it.

Of course as always she had those cute purple bags under her eyes and that slightly pissed face that he had learned to love. He sighed and squished her against him, enjoying the closeness. Himiko struggled a bit to break free, but that was impossible with how much stronger he was than her.

Lips contacted her neck and to her silent delight, he began to suckle and nibble. Putting a hand over her belly Izuku dug his fingers in and caressed it possessively.

"She's gained some weight. Good, she's eating well."

He nuzzled his cheek against her and tipped over with her in tow as they both laid there silently. It was little moments like this he lived for and he knew she did too while they listened to the ticking of the clock. She fumbled and tossed and finally turned when he begrudgingly lessened his lung crushing hold. The blond scowled at him and ran a hand down his back, feeling every bump and dent in his charred flesh.

"You're a fucking asshole sometimes you know that?"

Izuku laughed and shifted a leg over her rear, staring at her with adoring eyes, knowing she's going to break soon enough if he keeps it up.

"Yes, but I do it from a place of love because you mean the damn world to me you nasty fucker."

She rolled her eyes and dug her head into his shoulder while one of his hands rolled over her back and unclipped her bra as he laid his tongue on her earlobe. Himiko growled like a kitten was and rubbed her legs against his lower torso.

"You just...make it so hard sometimes for me to figure you out. Like I don't know what you fucking want from me and it gets to me."

Izuku squinted his eyes as all playfulness left him at once. He shifted on the sofa and looked the woman in the eyes.

"All I want is your love, devotion and loyalty. Have I not made that clear enough?"

It wasn't an accusatory tone or a "how fucking dare you" thing, but more of a "is something the matter?" She shook her head and put herself on his torso, wrapping her arms around him as they sat back up.

"Zuzu it isn't that, I know you love me...but I don't know what you want from me. Like what am I doing to help you get satisfied or happy? Am I doing too much, too little? Should we do more stuff together? Am I treating you right?"

The quirkless man smiled and held her tighter. He kissed the small of her neck and shook his head.

"Darling, you're doing everything you can to make me the happiest man on earth. Yeah your tastes are...unique, but that's just a compromise so that you can be happy and satisfied with my body. So long as you aren't ripping chunks outta me then it's fine."

Her golden eyes turned to stare at him with a heavy hand of guilt washing over her beautiful face.

"So you don't have anything to complain about in regards to me? Even me denying you last night?"

Izuku shrugged and ran his fingers through her hair again. He squeezed her a little harder, making her squeak as he held her like she was his most valuable thing.

"Eh, it's mainly petty shit and we compromised last night so all's good. Granted I'd rather throw myself at you like a goddamn truck until you start walking with a limp because you're my Darling, but I get progress."

Another growl came and she violently shifted to one side in his arms before staring at him. They made eye contact, but Himiko still found her will to speak about her worries.

"Why are you so obsessed with fucking me? You clearly have a better and easier shot at pussy with Pink Bitch and you don't even gotta get hurt to get there. Is it because I'm a virgin and it makes your ego swell knowing you might take it? Because otherwise, why the fuck are you so patient with me not throwing my back out to you after so long?"

Again Izuku shrugged with his fingers gently scratching her scalp almost unknowingly. His spare hand drifted to her chest and slipped inside her garments where he began to fondle and play with her nipples.

"Because I want to knock you up."

Himiko flinched like she had been punched. Turning her head in disbelief she looked like he just said he murdered a man.


He raised an eyebrow at her reaction and let go out of concern. 

"I wanna have children with you Himiko. You've already proven you're not a whore and trustworthy enough to where we can do rough stuff. You're my everything so if I need to wait a while before we get there then that's fine."

She leapt from the couch and backed herself to the wall. Her heart was pounding and sweat was gathering on her skin like fire had been placed next to her.

"You actually want to have children...babies, with me!?"

Izuku flipped himself on his back and took up the couch as he laid there without a care in the world.

"Yep, I wanna marry you too. Maybe not this minute or year, but sometime before the next three years. There a problem with that?"

She breathed in to calm herself and rubbed her arms, but suddenly it was like her head was swimming.

"No...maybe, I don't fucking know. Marriage...that's something years away for us, but kids...I'm not sure. My quirk is fucked and my parents messed me up bad when I was growing up, so how do I know I won't make another me?"

He laughed softly as he stared up at the ceiling. Slowly he threw a gesturing finger to his beloved.

"Because I'm here to help you and there's gonna be 50% of me in that child so I can assure you he'll likely be a crybaby. Besides there's always the chance his quirk will be weaker than yours or just not as high on the Lindsey scale. Regardless I'm eventually gonna break your back so just keep that in mind."

A heavy blush came over the slasher as she heard that. She was standing over him now, shaking in embarrassment and bewilderment. Leaning down she slapped him on the chest.

"You...You fucking bastard! I...Ah, I don't fucking know. Maybe we could have kids but that's a long way away. For now could you just stuff yourself away in my room or go somewhere for a couple hours since I gotta get started on work?"

Without skipping a beat Izuku knuckles his pants and whips out his manhood like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Can I get a little something before I go? Or do you need a touch up?"

Himiko stared at his cock and groaned like it was the bane of her existence.

"No, just hang out somewhere or be quiet for a while. You can live without climaxing every fucking minute."

He planted a hand on her ass and squeezed with a coy smile.

"Not when such a beautiful woman like you is the center of my damn world."

She glared even more at him.

"Just...go, I'll see you in a few hours."

Zipping himself up and kissing the woman, Izuku patted her softly on the back.

"Alright I'll go bugger off so you can get those columns done. You want me to pick up anything while I'm out?"

Himiko returned the kiss and hugged him a bit.

"Not right now. Just stay out of trouble and come home when I call. We'll have some fun tonight when you get back."

Izuku smirked once more.

"The butt stuff sort of fun?"

Another blush came over her as she stared at the ground.

"Yes, you greedy fucker. I'll get myself ready before you come back."

He hugged her once more and finally let her go. Moving towards the door Izuku gave her a thumbs up.

"See ya in a while Darling. I'll be counting the minutes."

A blown kiss and a turn of the doorknob later Izuku was making his way out to the streets and heading to the one place that he could kill a few hours by journeying to the other side of the city. Heck, he needed the space to gather his thoughts and the food was good so off he went. Walking along the miles to reach the beating heart of the landscape, Izuku followed the walls of the buildings, avoiding back alleys and taking the correct twists in the roads that before long ended him up at Toshi's Pub.

He hadn't been here in a while, preferring to head straight to Himiko's for obvious reasons. Christ, how long has it been since he talked to Sato or Mina for that matter? Well, it had only been a week so it wasn't like he hadn't vanished off the face of the earth. Still, it was always good to keep in touch.

Entering the darkened bar he saw very few people, perhaps only five which was expected for a Tuesday. Though to his mild disappointment Mina wasn't here, not that he came to explicitly see her of course. Then again it was still three in the afternoon so everyone was likely at work. Putting that fact aside, Izuku moved towards the counter and paused when he saw someone nursing a drink with the most dejected face he'd ever seen.

Ochako Uraraka was glaring at the bottom of her glass like it had murdered her family, looking for all the world the same bitter, resentful and spiteful example of humanity Izuku was before meeting Himiko. The world didn't seem to exist to the heroine and she didn't respond to his presence until he was standing over the seat next to her. Gazing up Ochako saw the quirkless sidekick and focused all her ire on him, though Izuku could have sworn her cheeks had gotten a little red rather than pink when they made eye contact.

"The fuck you want?"

He smiled sympathetically at the woman and gestured to the empty seat with an open palm.

"May I?"

She rolled her eyes and took another swig of her liquor.

"Knock yourself out you fuckin' freak."

Sitting down and ordering a beer from the server, Izuku opened his ears and prepared to waste some time.

"So is the booze hitting hard or did ya just have a rotten day?"

She took a sip and growled.

"Try a rotten fuckin' life. Been doing nothing but the right thing and I keep getting' screwed over while other people get everything they want."

Izuku shrugged as he opened the brew.

"That's how shit is sometimes. Getting angry about it isn't gonna help you get better, believe me on that."

Ochako scoffed at the sidekick.

"Change? I'd love to change but I can't because people need me and it's consuming everything about my life. I haven't even...forget it. This whole hero stuff is fine, but I wanna be a normal person sometimes."

Again Izuku shrugged and sipped the bitter drink.

"That's the price of doing the right thing sometimes. Besides you've saved-"

In a flash the heroine spun around and jabbed a finger in his chest as her face was now fresh with rage.

"Don't start with that, I know I did good and people look up to Uravity, but that's all I am to most people. I give and I give until nothing is left and while I'm happy to give, when the fuck am I gonna get something back? When is someone gonna come along and make my life better?"

A solemn expression came over Izuku as he responded.

"Expecting someone to make everything better is only gonna make you feel more helpless. If you want things to change then you need to fucking work for it and maybe you need a push to start getting what you want, but only you alone can make it happen because nobody is gonna do the work for you."

Brown eyes studied him for a moment and grew silent for a minute.

"How the fuck did a guy like you manage to pair up with Himiko of all fucking people? You're not an overt pervert and you seem actually nice and have some wise shit to say every so often. What the fuck makes you so gaga over her?"

Izuku blinked, unsure that he heard correctly.

"Excuse me, what?"

Ochako set her glass aside and grabbed a fresh one from the barkeep, raising it up to the green haired man.

"Yeah, Himiko told me all about how she loves you and how you almost popped her cherry that one night. Then the poor thing showed up at your place sobbing her eyes out because she thought you abandoned her, but you swoop in like prince fucking charming and hold her that entire night until you both fall asleep. She also said how you sucked on her tits too so you also got that going for you."

She broke her lips on the cup and drank.

"Personally I have no clue how you two work, but you seem to do. You're actually the first person she considered giving her V card to and you keep making her not as crazy which is an astonishing achievement let me tell you. Personally I'm glad you're helping her, but it makes me wonder what you get outta it."

Okay so he hadn't misheard. Uraraka knew Himiko, knew her well enough to be confided in and had an understanding of her mental state. Logic dictated that she had to be that hero Himiko said helped her after the war. That answers a few questions, the only thing left is to speak.

"I get her love and loyalty, that's all a man needs."

Ochacho snorted in contempt.

"Back in the day her definition of love was way different and even if she did get much better and I'm proud of her for it, she's still that weird bitch who gets off on seeing people bleed. So her "love" isn't just kisses and blowjobs."

The man shrugged and set his beer to the side as he signaled for a cola.

"No relationship ever is. It's just taking the good with the bad and loving them regardless of either. Expecting perfection from anyone is just plain unfair."

Another scoff came as she raised the glass to her lips.

"If she ever says she wants to make you perfect then you better fuckin' run. Besides the point, her "imperfections" as you say is that she likes seeing people in pain because it gets her off. Honestly I have no clue how you stand it. I mean bravo for making her happy and dialing back the crazy, but just how and why? Like she talks about you like you can hold up the sky and she never talks that way about anyone anymore."

His response was frank and to the point without a hint of doubt in the words as popped the tab on the can.

"Because there's more to her than that. Yeah you're right in that she gets off on that kind of stuff, but that's only one part of who she is. Himiko has been by my side when I was at my lowest and pushed me to get better and improve my life while never once expecting anything in return other than I make good on my dreams. She's loyal beyond comparison and I'm proud to have her in my life, I even plan to pop the question eventually. If I need to get bit and punched or worse to keep her happy then so be it."

Ochacho stared at him with unreadable eyes as her ire faded away. They stared at each other with the man confused and the woman just...watching him. She scooted herself to the edge of her barstool and studied him, taking note of the slight depression in his shoulders that had his shirt dip down. Her lips, light, pink and rosy, pursed as she decided to finally speak.

"You really are something else Midoriya, you really fucking are. Honestly I had my reservations about you...still kinda do, but Himiko wouldn't be that serious without a damn good reason and I can see it. Nobody would willingly put up that much bullshit for so long...much less consider marrying her unless they really did care. Hell, she hasn't even complained once about anything which is fucking rare. I'm glad she has you in her life."

A slight blush overcame the green haired man as he sipped his pop. Clearing his throat Izuku smiled warmly at the brunette, eager to move the subject away from his lover. There were still a few hours to kill.

"So enough about me and mine, what about you? What's got you so down?"

Ochacho shrugged and set her drink aside and motioned for water in lieu of another alcoholic beverage. The bitterness on her face softened a bit and she shook her head.

"Just petty bullshit that I'd rather not talk about. Really I'm just being a bitch about things. Been working too much and it's got me pissed."

Izuku copied her as he thought for a moment about his own battle with work.

"It's just you being human Uraraka, everyone needs time to unwind. You do great things for society and people look up to you, but I get it. You wanna just sit back for a while and breathe instead of always being this...pardon my frankness here, action figure for people to admire. I mean wearing a mask like that has to be exhausting after so long."

The lady nodded in approval as she sipped her water.

"Took the words outta my mouth, but I'd rather not complain and just get myself pissed off. I think I need to-"

She paused for a moment and looked at the sidekick again. Her hazel eyes tracked the outline of his form in his baggy clothes and rested solely on his groin for a moment before staring at his emerald colored hair.

"Okay this is gonna be really weird, but I gotta know, do the curtains match the drapes?"

Izuku blinked for a moment, unsure of what she was asking. Then he followed where she was looking at and then it hit him. A blush covered him and a wave of discomfort washed over him(Along with a spark of masculine pride he strangled with his devotion to his lover). He tore his eyes away from the heroine and shifted in his seat.

"W-Why do you wanna know that of all things?"

Ochacho rolled her wrist until there was a sharp *pop* from the cartilage and she stared at him almost casually but there was also a glow of insistence in the way she spoke.

"Because she's never told me and I'm curious because you're quirkless. That hair color isn't exactly baseline so...what's up? Does it travel down or not?"

Why was he starting to sweat? Who asks these kinds of questions? Was she coming onto him like last time? Tugging at the collar of his sweatshirt Izuku laughed nervously while this woman practically stared right into his soul, expecting an answer. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away from those piercing orbs as guilt, worry and a small bit of excitement tingled at the base of his neck.

"Uh...well, yeah. I never thought about it, but...I guess it does."

She glared at him like he said the dumbest thing he could have possibly said.

"You guess or you know. Which is it?"

Izuku laughed again, suddenly wishing that he was anywhere else.

"...I know."

Ochacho nodded in approval as she got up from her seat and stared at him with a rather coy grin.

"Okay, good to know Broccoli Shrub. Now would you mind walking me over to Himiko's?"

He stared at her with wide eyes like she just admitted to murder.


A flip phone was in her hand in a split second as she punched in speed dial with an affronted glare directed at the man.

"Because nobody is at my place, everyone else is at work and you two are the only options I have left."

The call connected right as Izuku was about to retort, leading to the girl speaking over him in a tone that sounded far too sweet for how she just acted.

"Hey Miko, how ya doing?"

She smiled and nodded like a pink cheeked bobble head.

"Oh that's good. So hey, I'm coming over in like an hour."

A look of bubbly disbelief came over her as her padded hand flapped up and down to deny whatever was said.

"Nah, it ain't anything like that. I'm just bored out of my head with nothing to do and figured you'd be pretty lonely without me around."

She looked at Izuku and grinned an almost predatory grin as she stepped beside him and entrapped one of his arms around hers in a vice like grip.

"Oh that's no issue, he's here at the bar with me and said he wouldn't mind, seeing how you and I go way back. Ah, sure you talk to him."

Without another warning the phone was put up to his ear. Not handed to him, but held up like he was a hostage. Feeling the woman wrap one of her(admittedly super soft) fingers around the joint of his index, he was starting to feel like one. The heroine glared at him with a tight lipped smile that felt even worse then when Himiko first had him at knifepoint. Deciding to get...whatever the hell this was out of the way, he leaned into the device and spoke.


A voice came through that was fraught with bewilderment and apprehension, one he adored beyond anything else.

"Izuku, why the hell is Uravity saying you invited her to our home?"

He flinched, but couldn't move with how he suddenly lost the sensation of all weight in his body and was hovering a few centimeters above the floor. Uraraka kept that strangely sadistic smile about herself and remained silent. Not sure what to make out of any of this he chose to focus on his darling, if only to ensure he wasn't about to hit the ceiling.

"Well, I didn't. She invited herself and side lined me to come along."

A massive sigh came from the former villain that lacked any of the edge of her previous question. 

"Jesus fucking Christ, I see what you mean. Look baby, she's gonna pop over a visit and I owe Cheeky a lot so don't give her any shit, okay? We can mess around later, for now just be nice and don't say anything weird. I love you."

The call ended and Izuku couldn't help but feel...strange at hearing Himiko be so resigned. It wasn't a good feeling, but he didn't have long to process it since he felt weight return to his body and be walked towards the door.

The phone was closed and slotted into the heroine's pocket before she lessened her hold on his arm as they headed back the way they came. Ochacho sighed and dropped the threatening smile, now she appeared like she had aged twenty years in seconds.

"Fuck me, I'm sorry. It's just Miko always has these bullshit excuses and you seem to have her wrapped around your finger so I thought...screw it. Do you want anything? I got all the freaking money in the world so what can I do to pay you and Miko back for being an inconvenience?"

Izuku sighed, shifting his trapped arm around to get more blood flowing through the limb. He gave a sympathetic glance at the brunette. Part of him screamed what he was about to do was betraying the woman he loved, but another part reminded him what it was like to so mentally down with no one around. And if what Himiko said about how Kacchan had isolated this poor girl even after they broke up years ago was true, she likely needed something more than he did at his lowest.

Softly he wrapped an arm around her back and rubbed her left arm in as reassuring a way as possible.

"You aren't being that much of an inconvenience. If anything Himiko should be glad to see you again, assuming you don't start pulling rank on her. She needs much as it pains me to say, and you're the closet one she has. In fact the only one she has aside from me."

He smiled at her like he wanted someone to when he was at his lowest and to his credit, she certainly looked far less down on herself as he continued.

"You need people in your life that aren't just connected to your job. What you do is very important, but you're still human Uraraka. You need to be able to enjoy the company of people without always thinking of how they think about you. So it's okay if you wanna hang out with us for a while."

A slight blush came over him as he looked elsewhere then her eyes.

"But um...could you please try to leave before eight? Me and her have plans with each other so…"

The heroine pursed her lips for a moment and wrapped herself around his torso to reciprocate the consideration. To her credit as an athlete there was quite the punch to her strength for a woman and Izuku had to keep himself from saying anything when she rested her head on his chest as they walked. It didn't feel bad, but god did it feel wrong even if he only did it from only a place of kindness.

Her hand rolled over the length of his hoodie and she managed to speak something Izuku never would have ever expected anyone, much less such a highly regarded hero.

"Mind explaining what those plans with her are? I've always wondered what Miko gets up to with you and with how she is, I'm convinced it's either the sweetest thing ever or something outta of a horror movie."

Here he goes again thinking everything is dirty and perverted. She was only asking about what date they would go on...right?

"'s rather intimate so-"

"I don't care, tell me. Ain't like she'll mind."

He flinched at that, not believing anyone would ask something so indecent of someone they hardly knew.

"I...that's a private matter between Himiko and me so-"

"She already told me about how you spread her legs after she beat the shit out of you. I'm gonna be told it eventually anyway so just tell me."

Another blush came over the man and he began to scan around him. She did have a point and if Himiko actually is going to slip it to this girl then why not? Maybe she even has tips for what they had planned. Lowering his voice and hoping Himiko never finds this out, he whispered.

"Tonight we're going to try a little at using her...back door so to speak, since she's really against losing her virginity just yet. Personally it pisses me off, but again love is all about compromises so it's a middle ground for us."

Shame filled his soul, but so did some relief at finally being able to talk about this stuff with someone who wasn't Himiko or connected to his work.

Ochacho stared at him for a moment and whistled.

"She REALLY loves you then because Himiko always has some pride about herself, but you...jeez man, I'm not sure if I should clap or not because you're making her into a lovesick fool. The fact alone she's willing to let you do something that nasty to her speaks volumes. Which reminds me, you guys did buy enough Vaseline right?"

He raised an eyebrow at the woman.


Ochacho halted and went wide eyed at his dull expression.

"Lube you idiot. Didn't you do any research ahead of time? If you don't prepare her right you could really hurt her insides."

Izuku withdrew a bit at her question, not sure how to feel about being accosted in such a way. But he knew it was made out of concern for his lover so he wasn't too ashamed. Yet with it came a heavy indignation at the suggestion that he was willfully ignorant of how to tend to his darling. 

"Yes I did. I even went ahead and bought the stuff last night." 

Ochacho glared at him and reached into her back pocket. In her hand was her wallet and in between her fingers was what had to be a debit card.

"Not that I don't believe you Broccoli boy, but for her sake I want you to go over there and buy a tub of that stuff, got it? Last thing anyone needs is her in the hospital over this stupid shit."

She gestured to a nearby convenience store up ahead which made Izuku all the more angry, but he reluctantly took her card and went inside. It took him a few minutes to find the gel, yet for peace of mind(it never hurts to be over prepared) and less bullshit from...Cheeky? As Himiko called her, it was worth it.

Stepping out to the street where the stern-faced heroine was waiting, with crossed arms no less, Izuku handed her the card and the receipt for the purchase. Scanning the paper and bolstering her card Ochacho proceeded to entrap his free arm again.

"Come on Greenie, let's not keep the luckiest unlucky girl in the world waiting."

Pulling him along while the bag rested in his left hand the pair resumed their journey with the heroine suddenly seeming far more in thought as they went along. She glanced at him for a moment and broke the silence.

"What did you think life would turn out like for you as a kid? Like when you were little, how did you picture your life being?"

Izuku thought for a moment and grimaced at the old memories as his scars started to burn. His whole body tensed and with it came a flash of almost homicidal anger that he drowned quickly enough when he realized it was in the past.

"Depends, because when I was three I thought I'd be the next All Might. When I was four I thought I would be my abuser's sidekick. Then at the age of fifthteen I saw the fucker for who he was and kinda…"

He paused for a minute as a nostalgic smile came over him, his hand unknowingly reaching out for the heroine's before coming back to reality.

"I thought I'd be married and a marathon runner. Why do you ask?"

Ochacho stared at him in silent contemplation, running her palm over his arm reassuringly like he had done for her before answering.

"Because I'm living the life I dreamed of and I know it's close to perfect and I love what I do, but it sucks so much in different ways. I just...there I go again with the complaining. I'm rich enough to never work again and here I am bitching that the sun isn't always shining."

Izuku patted her on the arm gently and grinned sympathetically.

"You're allowed to vent like everyone else. Being a hero doesn't make you superhuman, so it's okay to scream at the world every so often."

The brunette relaxed a bit at his words and clung a little harder.

"Let's just get to her place before it gets dark, okay?"

The journey finally concluded after what felt like forever when they arrived at Himiko's run down apartment complex. Walking inside, they went up the stairs until they reached her number and knocked on the door. Izuku shifted himself out of the heroine's grasp and took a few steps to the left as the door swung open and the woman of the house stood in all her crusty glory.

Himiko had worry written all over her face, but managed it well enough when she stepped to the side and gestured for them to enter.

"Come on in you two."

Noticeably she lacked her usual tanto knife and Izuku didn't blame her, nor did he when she wrapped her arms around him like a lifeline when Uraraka and him entered. Though he felt his heart drop when she started to sniff at him.

Ochacho had made it to the living room after removing her shoes and surveying the decor, passively taking it in while the two lovers stood with more than a little territorial dread in their hearts. 

"Glad to see you're keeping your place clean Himiko."

The former killer stepped forward, only to be harshly pulled back by her darling who held her possessively. Sighing at the situation she spoke up in that tired, done way she hardly had since Izuku showed up.

"What'd ya want Cheeky? You're welcome to stay, but you hardly stop by at all so this is a little out of the blue."

The antigravity user inhaled deeply, her face becoming almost plastic like as she withdrew her wallet and took out her debit card.

"I wanna eat so Izuku could you be a dear and go get us all some food? It's my treat and take your time, I need to have a personal talk with Himiko for a while."

The man turned his attention to the blonde girl in his arms, they made eye contact and again came that resigned expression as she said with her eyes "I'll be alright. Just go." He scowled for a moment and dug his fingers into her skin, making painful red marks as he focused solely on her before she gently caressed his face.

Begrudgingly he let go of the most important thing in his life and grabbed the lady's card. Ochacho kept that plastic smile on as Izuku approached the door, worrying him by the second as her voice came out in a monotone string.

"Just get whatever you feel like, I'm not picky."

He took one last look at Himiko for confirmation that she would be alright before heading out the door and leaving the old "friends" alone. Ochacho remained where she was in the middle of the living room for a few seconds, then moved herself to the sofa and stared ahead at the wall. The blonde took a seat next to her savior, having seen this behavior from her in the past.

The hero reached out and grabbed her torso for support, placing all her weight on the villain while a hand ran through her short cut hair. Feeling oddly maternal, Himiko let her friend be and listened as the troubles came out.

"Would you hate me if I told you I'm jealous of your relationship and I resent it a bit? Like I'm incredibly happy for you and I'm so proud of how far you've come from where we once were and Izuku is a good man who I trust with you so far. Yet there's the thing, you have this wonderful, devoted relationship with a man who genuinely thinks the world of you. While I'm left alone, sad and childless."

The brunette shook her head in disbelief at the way her life turned out.

"When Katsuki and I were an item I genuinely thought he'd give me everything I could ever want if I just saved him from himself. That wasn't the case and it wasn't anyone's fault, but I've just been alone for years now while the man I loved goes insane. Nobody touches me, nobody loves me, and I just keep working and working so goddamn much because people need me until my body gives out. While you get an easy life making gossip columns and a man who wants you so badly I don't think I could actually put it into words."

A grip came to her arms as she stared into the eyes of the woman who tried to kill her countless times before inhaling a raspy breath.

"I love you Miko, I really do and I'll fight tooth and nail for you like I did in those courts so long as you don't repeat your mistakes, but it isn't fair. You get a boyfriend who loves you and the chance to be a mother one day while having enough free time to enjoy his company as I'm working myself into an early grave."

Tears began to tease at the edge of her chocolate eyes as she hugged the other woman.

"I hate that you get everything while my life is fucked despite me doing everything for everybody. Katsuki was supposed to be the one, but he got ruined and now...he won't let me go. Nobody in the industry will approach me because they think it'll invite down his wrath and the civilians just see my hero name and wanna use me. I can't escape this fucking trap I've made for myself and...and-"

She hugged the killer by the neck and squeezed as more tears came down.

"I'm so fucking alone. I haven't slept with anyone in years and I keep having nightmares that I'm going to become this withered, childless spinster with nobody around to comfort me all the time. To tell you the truth I've even thought about your boyfriend when I was dealing with the itch and it disgusts me because I know how much he means to you, but... he's the only option I have now. Everyone else who might see me as more than a public figurehead is completely terrified of my ex and every other sort of person I've tried to court just ends up abandoning me."

She was starting to cry in earnest and move her hand from the neck to the girl's torso.

"H-He's the only person that I can think of where it won't end badly. I-I've even thought about that time where y-you and I kissed."

Her head was now in Himiko's chest as she broke down to a sobbing fit while the blonde caressed her scalp. The slasher spoke in a low, soft tone like she had done for Jin, Tomura, Toya, and Izuku. Not judging her in the slightest.

"What are you trying to ask here Sweetie?"

Ochacho continued to sob and hold on to her only lifeline with an iron grip as they both began to float in the air above the sofa.

"I-I wanna have a boyfriend who loves me and wants to be a father, but if I can't get that then I just want someone who loves me as a person to touch me. Himiko I don't care what you do, but can you have Izuku touch me? Or if that's too much then can you do it? I wouldn't ask if I saw another good option but I don't. You two are the only help I can think of."

She should have been shocked, outraged, violent even and to a degree she was, excluding the last one. Her golden eyes passively regard the information calmly despite her inner world being thrown into chaos. She continued to sooth her oldest and only ally from the worst time in her life and held in her bafflement

Cheeky was her friend, her savior even and she'd fight to the death for her, but to hear that? She had always loved the girl and been attracted to her, even now Himiko found her incredible to look at. Though she found she preferred men a bit more, it wasn't that big of a difference. They all bleed the same after all.

But she wasn't sure if she...wanted Ochacho in that way anymore. Yes she liked the idea of getting intimate, but it was only the idea. Now she had Izuku and that man did everything for her. Granted she might like a little cutting to be thrown into the mix between them, but they'll get there one day...hopefully. She was dedicated to him and she had no mind to change that, why would she when he was that devoted to ensuring her pleasure?

Plus they made a promise to be loyal to each other and god help anyone who tried to come between them. Yet at the same time, looking down at the crying heroine Himiko couldn't help but feel pity and a fair amount of guilt. Here was a person who helped her against the whole world and she was asking for some little pleasure because the demons of her past haunted her. If anyone could understand it was Himiko.

But she wouldn't allow the idea of simply handing over her Zuzu and she wouldn't betray his trust. Shit, if she was ten years younger then she would have just been ecstatic at getting two people together who loved her, but even then she wasn't a cheater.

She didn't want to say no to her friend and Izuku told her exactly what he expected out of her, but...Cheeky wasn't a guy. He said he would never allow another man to touch her and that they were monogamous which was fine. Yet if this was just a one night thing between the three of them…

Himiko cursed and got up from the couch. Fuck, if she out right said no then Cheeky might screw them over. It was unlikely but it was still a possibility and then there was how Izuku would react to the merest suggestion. That man loved her like nobody else and she knew he would fight with every breath he had to keep her. Yet at the same time it wasn't like she would be cheating on him since he'd be a part of it.

Kicking the air and sighing while Ochacho looked on with tear stained cheeks, Himiko groaned at the fact she'd need to have a very uncomfortable conversation with Izuku when he got back. And then as if the very thought summoned him, the door swung open and he walked in with a big bag of fast food. He looked on in confusion at the scene, only to be grabbed by Himiko when the front door was locked and the food was set on the dining table.

She didn't say a word as they marched towards her room and once inside the blonde threw him to the bed by flinging in with his arm and trusting the momentum behind his weight to do the work. She shut the door with an unreasonably loud slam and locked it with a deep huff. Izuku remained like a deer in the headlights as he slowly got up from the mattress.

He tracked the tear stains on her shirt and recoiled slightly at the pain in her eyes. Moving forward, Izuku reached out to hold her, only for Himiko to push him aside and begin pacing around the room. Neither said anything for a time until the killer looked to her beloved with a heavy heart and placed both of her hands on his shoulders.

"Zuzu, I need to talk to you about something."

Instantly he clutched at one of her hands while his expression was as if this was life or death. With it came the surge of almost psychotic devotion that blazed in his soul.

"What is it? Did she hurt you?"

Himiko shook her head and stepped closer.

"No, nothing like that. But while you were away Cheeky broke down and told me about some things that had been bothering her. So I need to ask if you would be okay if…"

Every ounce of conviction and devotion she had flamed and burned the sensations of obligation to her savior. Yet the fear and guilt still lingered in her heart as she pictured Ochacho alone and broken. Gritting her teeth and deciding to do something in this impossible situation, she finished her statement.

"We, you and I as a team, not just one of us but the both of us at the same time, go out there and make Ochacho feel good."

There was conviction in her voice and Izuku stared at her dumbly for a few seconds before the meaning hit home. His eyes went wide as he let go of Himiko's hands and shoved her to the floor. There was a fuming, low blazing anger in his eyes as he glared at her with what only had to be the fury of betrayal.

"Are you fucking insane!? There's no way either of us are doing that and if you are then I'm gone and never coming the fuck back!"

He stepped back to grant her some distance from himself as he held up his index finger.

"One thing I demanded of you, one thing I absolutely had to have and I was yours to do with as you fucking please. It was that you do not fuck anyone else and you go on ahead and ask if I'd be okay if we both got naked and screwed this girl, who is intoxicated by the way!"

Himiko caged the bridge of her nose between her hands and controlled herself. Izuku loved her, probably more than she knew judging how pissed he was. That was why she wasn't angry, in fact he had a damn good reason to be pissed, devil knows she would be if he was the one asking. Calmly she moved herself to the side of the bed and put her hands on her legs which soon curled into fists as she bared her teeth for a second.

"Izuku you have every right to be mad and I understand what you mean, but...Ochacho saved my life."

He threw his arms up in the air in bewilderment.

"She's saved a lot of people's lives, that doesn't mean they have to sleep with her!"

Himiko inhaled and gazed up at him with a forlorn pain in her eyes as she patted the spot next to her. When Izuku didn't sit down, she stood up and pulled him by the wrist until he fell on the bed. He continued to glare at her, but lessened his fury when she clung to him. She nuzzled into his shoulder and held him tightly like he'd disappear.

"Izuku...You don't understand what I mean. I…"

She shook her head and clenched her fingers tight around his arms as the memory came back in full force.

"Back during the Calamity after my boss got his head blown up by that asshole, I managed to kill over fifty heroes. I did this for revenge since it was all I had left after the only people who considered me family died. Once that was mostly done with and I felt the police closing on me by the day so I chose to end it all before those fuckers could reach me. Since I lived my way, I may as well die my way."

She continued as she clung to her lover.

"I had said a final goodbye to this world and had the knife in my hand, ready to plunge it into my neck while I stood there wet in the blood of the last person I murdered, completely nude. Yet right as I was about to end it all the door to the shithole I was hiding in swung open. One person stepped in and it was Ochacho. She was horrified to see me, but instead of running in to capture me or kill me, she just stared."

Himiko leaned more on Izuku with her grip becoming unnaturally strong.

"Normally I would have smiled and tried to kill her, but I guess due to the shock or how done I was with everything, I just stared back. We stayed like that for a while and that bitch had the heart to have the first thing she said not be "You're under arrest." Or "This ends now." Or "I'm going to end your villainous ways." Or "Time to make you pay." Instead she looked at me with those brown eyes and said "Are you okay Himiko?" I had tried to kill this girl over ten fucking times and she still fucking cared."

Her voice broke a little as she continued.

"I remember looking at her and shaking until the knife fell out of my hand and then I just...cried. I cried and cried and cried while that fucking angel held me. She had kicked the knife away beforehand, but she just stayed there with me until I could function and then we talked. We talked about everything and before long Ochacho had started to smile like everything would be alright. She asked if I wanted to start over, if I wanted to keep on living for the sake of my old friends and those I hurt and I said yes."

A slight tremor came over the former slasher when she recalled what happened next.

"She told me that I could still have a life and move past my mistakes if only I let her help. I didn't have anywhere else to turn and in that moment she was like a sigh from above so I took her hand and turned myself in. That girl visted me every chance she got even when that fucker was living with her and helped me build a case for my appeal of parole. It was because she backed me up in court, at the risk of her reputation and trust with the HSPC no less, that I'm not rotting away in some fucking cell."

A glint of fury came over the blonde as she saw that innocent, heavenly face sobbing over the man who ruined so much of both their lives.

"She has always been on my side and now she's telling me how because of her dedication to saving people and helping the world, including the bastard who burned you, she is scared of dying alone. Ochacho came here because it's the only place she knows is safe and that the people here love her. It's been years since she had any intimacy with anyone and begged me to have you make her feel good since she trusts my judgment about most people."

Himiko pointed a finger under his chin as she made damn sure he was looking in her eyes.

"But there's also a practical reason for it. That woman has essentially complete control over my life and so far she's been nothing but benevolent, that can turn sour after some time of bitter resentment and she's already admitted to being jealous of what you and I have. You need to consider just how low her mental state is by the sheer fact she was willing to come here and admit that to me. She didn't threaten to have me thrown back into Tartarus, but right now she's hurting and that can be used as motivation to ruin my life. Now I trust Ochako with my very soul but you never want to get on the wrong side of the people in charge of making sure you're alive."

Her hands gripped the sides of his face and brought it close.

"I swear to you on my life and on the soul of Jin that I will never have relations with any other man so long as you are by my side and if you want to have children with me and make me your bride then I'll accept that one day. I'll remain loyal to you and you alone as the only man in my life, but Izuku I'm asking you to please go out there and help the woman who saved my life. I'll be with you every step of the way and I'll even make you feel good too."

Izuku was at a loss for words. He was still pissed, but at the same time he was beyond grateful to the heroine for saving his Himiko. This girl meant the world to him and Uraraka had helped her go beyond her circumstances and earn her freedom back. So he didn't loathe the brunette, but still...of all the things to ask for in a lifetime of service to society and to being the girl's guardian angel, why intimacy? Much less with him of all people?

He wasn't a sexual dynamo, at least he didn't think so. A part of him was genuinely flattered and around to be desired, but the woman in front of him brought on far stronger emotions. Yet Himiko had a point, Uraraka could send Himiko back to Tartarus with a simple phone call or a text even and if she had jealousy eat away at her enough to confess to a former assassin, then it had to be fairly strong.

The police could come and he would never see Himiko again. He'd be alone again without her in the world. Normally he would have considered grabbing the curtains and strangling the heroine to ensure his lover's safety, but the woman had done so much good for the world and literally helped reform his darling into the woman his dreams were now made of.

It would just be a relatively quick thing right? Get naked, tease the girl a bit, play with her until she climaxes and that was it. It wasn't like another man was here so he didn't need to murder someone on principal. 

Turning to Himiko he glared at her and stood up.

"I'm not fucking her. I do the same shit I do to you, but my first time is going to be with you. This isn't up for debate. Also I want you to let me fucking take you already, maybe not tonight, but I'm going to pop your cherry or you are going to explain why you refuse to let me give you everything."

Himiko let out a breath of relief and hugged him.

"I promise I'll let you use my butt tonight, but I just want you to know more about my past before I give myself."

Izuku groaned in exasperation.

"Himiko, you just admitted to murdering fifty fucking people back in the day, right down to explaining how you carried it out and I still wanna make you a mother. What the hell could be so bad that you refuse to let me just take you?"

She pursed her lips and withdrew inward for a moment as her feline eyes gazed into him with a deep fear of abandonment. It was then her arms tried to force the air out of his lungs as she held on for dear life.

"I just...don't wanna scare you by telling everything before you see the big picture of why I did what I did."

He placed a hand on her head and rubbed softly for a moment, smiling as kindly as he could before turning to glare at the door.

"Alright, I can wait a little longer. For now, let's get this over with."

The door was unlocked and the two stepped out to the living room where the Anti-Gravity hero was waiting on the couch, violently twiddling her thumbs while keeping her eyes on the floor. Gauging the woman, Izuku shook his head in a mix of emotions and turned his eyes to Himiko who looked absolutely apologetic. Taking a place on the empty loveseat he felt most of the anger leave him and it be replaced by a sense of...cunning? If that was the right word to use he certainly felt it as he gave a comforting smile that said "Everything is alright." Not in the overly bombastic way like All MIght used to do, but in a more subtle, quiet way. And to his surprise it had the desired effect as the brunette stopped looking down and stared right at him.

It was reserved and filled with shame, but it was damn clear she didn't want to be anywhere else by how much she tensed at his glance. Not to be undermined by this Izuku leaned forward and put his overlapping hands in his lap as he gave the most calm and easy tone as he tried with great effort not to make an ass out of himself.

"So Uraraka I-"

The heroine cut him off with an almost demanding ring to her words as she kept looking him in the eye.

"Ochacho. You can call me Ochacho."

He kept the smile on and laughed a bit to ease the mounting tension in the room.

"Alright, Ochacho it is. Now, Himiko has told me something rather...interesting that pertains to why you decided to pay us a visit tonight. She said you were in need of some...let's just call it physical help and wanted her and I to give you that help so you won't feel so alone. Is that correct?"

The heroine nodded as if it was plain as day.

"Yes it is. I'm not proud of it, but you two are the only people I trust to be that vulnerable around. Miko has earned my faith despite what she once did and she adores you to such a point that I can see why now. Izuku, you're a good man with a good heart and I trust you with Miko, but you're also the only man I can think of that wouldn't abuse that secret. I've been celibate for years now and so far I've just been working and working until I collapse with no one around to take care of me in that way."

She eyed him intensely like every word meant the world to her.

"That's why I'm bearing my soul to the both of you. I don't wanna become a lonely old lady and I would rather die than give myself away to any chump who shows interest in me like some no class whore. I value Miko's word above all else and if she deems you to be worthy enough to take her maidenhood and you've shown me how much you earnestly care for her, then I can accept giving myself to you. It'll be hard at the start but I know it'll work out between us and Miko can be right there with us both loving her."

Never ever in his entire fucking life did Izuku imagine a situation where he was given that statement. It raised so many questions, like namely, was this woman just looking for a one night thing or a goddamn relationship? He turned his gaze to Himiko who looked almost as flabbergasted as he felt. In a strange way he felt incredibly prideful to be the object of desire for two beautiful women, but he still clung to his devotion to the woman who saved his own life and made him want children. 

Running his hands through his hair with an uneasy smile, Izuku met the fiery eyes of the rescue hero which was burning with such determination that it practically dared him to try and deny her. Shit, there really was no way out of this but through, wasn't there? Again he looked at Himiko who stared back with shamefully, guilty eyes, but he also a spark of excitement as if saying "Go ahead, I'm right behind you"

He inhaled deeply, not quite sure what cosmic coin flip had to happen to have the night turn into this. Turning away from his beloved, Izuku stared at the brunette with resigned, yet admittedly wanting eyes. 

"Alright Ochacho, since you've done so much for Himiko and that you've been nothing but upfront with the both of us...we'll be willing to grant your wish. On the condition you accept some ground rules."

A stone seriousness set itself upon the girl as she scooted to the edge of the sofa, looking as if she was listening with every ounce of herself and ready to pounce.

"I promise, now what are your rules?"

The man pursed his lips and thought for a moment as a flood of embarrassment came over him, only to be banished by a bullish excitement at finally being able to take charge.

"Firstly, nothing that happens here leaves here. This is strictly between the three of us and nobody else needs to know. Secondly, I'm not going all the way with you since I haven't done it with her yet, if you can't respect that then we're done. Thirdly-"

He stood up and turned to Himiko, making sure she was looking right at him.

"You don't do anything rough with her. No biting, hitting or anything like that. If you wanna be rough then tell me and I'll let you handle it with me and she sits out until we're done, okay?"

A smile teased at the edge of the killer's lips as she nodded.

"Like I'd use anybody else for that. You have the tastiest blood and you make such adorable faces when I hurt you. Anything other than you would be a let down."

Izuku rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the heroine.

"The last and most important thing is that we have a tap word. You say it if things get to be too much and we'll stop, but you gotta do the same for us if we say it. Now I want you to repeat after me, pineapple."

To the woman's credit, she was taking this well...maybe a bit too well.


Izuku gave a thumbs up in approval.

"Good, if either of us says that word during it then you gotta stop and back away. Now again, pineapple."

Ochacho leaned back into the sofa, looking more ready by the second.


Izuku said it one more time.


The brunette finished the remembrance ritual with a tone that sounded sure and beyond strong as she kept her focus purely on the man. Izuku nodded and turned to Himiko who was now full on rosey, beaming with an admittedly sick pride at how well her baby handled easing Ochacho in. The two lovers repeated the ritual and soon there was nothing, but silence in the air as all three stared at each other, waiting to see who would break the ice.

Getting up from the sofa Izuku positioned himself in the middle of the living room, deciding to get this over with sooner rather than later. He smiled sheepishly at the heroine who watched him with rapt attention as he grabbed the underside of his shirt.

"Just to let you know I have some pretty nasty scars so...just be aware of that."

He pulled it up and threw it to the ground as his partly charred skin was displayed for the two to see. The old, blackened skin popped with slim muscle as a result of his training, causing Ochacho to get up from her seat with a silent gasp and reach out to touch the injuries that littered some of his upper torso.

"What happened?"

Izuku flinched a little as her fingers began to run over his skin, but he remained sociable enough as he kept a smile on.

"You remember that abuser I had when I was little? Well, this is his handiwork from back in the day."

The woman studied it for a minute and then stared up at him with an expression he couldn't place as her inhumanly soft hands gripped the side of his face.

"Whoever did this to you is a piece of shit, but I swear to you Izuku, you won't have to ever worry about that again. You have Miko and me now, okay?"

He would have responded to that with an awkward "thanks" or the like, but he never got the chance since Ochacho moved her hands to the back of his head and kissed him. Her tongue had slipped inside his mouth and was wrapping and moving around like it owned it. All the while her padded hands moved downward and caressed his torso, feeling every bump and growth of the scars along the tingling of new muscle. So tight and hard as iron that she couldn't help but bring her waist over and rub against his legs.

Izuku regained some of his functions and gently laid his hands in her armpits and pushed her back as carefully as he could. His body was on fire now and it showed, but he had to stay civil. Smiling down at the heroine he let out a laugh.

"Easy now, let's just get into the pace of things. Let me finish getting my pants off and then I'll help you out of those clothes and then I'll get Himiko. We don't wanna ruin this by rushing, right Ochacho?"

The brunette nodded as heat manifested in her breath and her heart started to race. She looked over to the corner where Miko was standing, grinning that perverse smile and in response she gestured with an index finger for her to come closer. The blonde grinned even more and approached the two, not interrupting the show Izuku was trying to put on, but enough for her to join in soon enough.

The green haired man himself took notice of how his lover was looking at both him and the girl and felt his own need rise as he undid the buckle on his belt. His pants and undergarments fell to the floor, exposing his lower half to the two and presenting his family rod in all its glory.

Ochacho eyed his member with an appraising gaze and reached out to grab it before he could say anything. It was thick and veiny with a decent girth to it.

"It's bigger than Katsuki's."

She absentmindedly thought out loud as her thumb rolled over the head of his shaft.

Blinking at this information Izuku erased the image from his head as he began to reach out to the woman. He removed her jacket first and then, gently, slowly, raised up her shirt and removed it.

A black bra greeted him along with the smell of sweat as Ochacho looked at him eagerly. Slipping his hands around the top of her back he undid her garment with ease as the fabric fell to the floor. Izuku knew from the outset Ochacho was big, but her breasts were unreasonably big for someone of her size, around the size of grapefruits whereas Himiko's were roughly around the size of apples. 

Though it was also clear she had quite a bit more fat on her body(which she wore exceptionally well) then Himiko so that might be the reason. Her nipples were also unusually large in comparison, taking up a good portion of her breasts enough that they could easily fill Izuku's palm. Which they did when he fondled them for a moment, taking note of the weight before sliding his hands down her torso until they landed on her jeans.

He teased at the rim of her pants, snaking his hands past her belt line and through her panties as he groped her ass. Compared to Himiko there wasn't nearly the same amount of muscle, but the size was in a whole other league as his fingers sunk into the flesh. Moving his hands around as he began to work it like dough, Izuku dragged his fingers around her thighs until they landed right in the front, directly behind the pin of her jeans.

Flipping his hands around as he felt a warm and moist spot, Izuku began to slot in a finger, then two as his other hand and thumb, undid her pants. There was the sensation of wet hair all over his covered hand and he found out why when he removed her panties. The brunette had quite a bit of unkempt hair over her womanhood, as well as her legs but right now nobody cared.

Ochacho was moaning and whining out old, old sounds that made Izuku want her more as he worked on her with his fingers while she caressed his chest and ass. Pulling them out with a slow yank as her walls began to contract around his fingers, Izuku gripped her hard on the butt, squeezing and pulling her towards him while his other hand lifted up her chin.

The tip of his shaft teased at the entrance of her body and before it actually went partly in. Only the head played at the beginnings of her insides, but he was bringing it in and out slowly to generate some friction on her pleasure nerves while he looked her dead in the eye.

His hand caressed her cheeks while the other continued to play with her rear, even teasing her back entrance a bit as he leaned his head to the side for a moment once he knew she was gazing at his soul. His tongue explored the rim of her ear for a brief second before he whispered with a hot, desire filled voice that made her head feel fuzzy.

"What do you want tonight, Ochacho? Speak it and Himiko and I will make your fantasies a reality. All we ask is that you don't go anywhere else for this, understand? As of this moment, you're ours since you bare your soul to us, we own it now. Your pleasure, your pain, your sorrow and love, it belongs strictly to us. If you go to anyone else, bring anyone else here or forget to return the pleasure we give, then this'll never happen again and Himiko and I will stick only with ourselves. Now say what you want."

She shivered at his words, feeling every bit of desire and need flow through his voice while her pussy was teased again and again as he brought his tip out of her and dragged the length of his manhood over it like a snake. Ochacho began to shake her hips back and forth as gazed into those green eyes which promised to devour every bit of her. She raised her hand up and brought it down hard with a *smack* as she felt the texture crash against her palm while daring to look back at Miko who was staring back with predatory eyes as she waited on the sofa, playing with herself as the room filled with the smell of ecstasy and bodies.

Izuku got her attention instantly when he stopped. Her head snapped back like a brace as she saw him staring with a playful raised eyebrow. His hands began to agonizingly slip off her body in the meantime, causing the heroine to crush herself against him in an effort to keep his touch on her.

"Yes! I won't go to anyone else but you two!"

He grinned as he started to tease her womanhood again, watching her eyes go wide and her breath start to hitch as a warm, sticky sensation rested atop his cock once more.

"You promise?"

She began to grind furiously, perhaps out of a legitimate fear that he'll stop again while a fresh panic arose on her face.

"I promise! I swear on my parent's lives I won't go anywhere else or to anyone else!"

He was starting to really like this now. Pulling back just enough so that there would be no resistance on her groin as she tried to add more force to the teasing, Izuku dragged his tongue on her earlobe again and brought her face to his as he held her by the chin.

"Why? Why should I even let you near the woman I adore, the woman I cherish with my entire body and soul? You may have saved her, you may even have helped more than I can count, but who's to say you'll be of any use to us in the future? Himiko is mine and mine alone, her body is for me to adore and mine is for her to abuse, but you? Do you think belonging to just the two of us, letting us bring you in and adore you the same way we do each other is something you're worthy of? For all the blood and pain, we are irreplaceable to each other. I plan to wed this woman one day, she will bear my children and we will make a life together regardless of anything that gets in our way."

He dropped the grin and for once in his life appeared actually serious, almost a little threatening even as he halted his movements and grabbed Ochacho by the arms and pulled her close while he spoke in a snarl.

"Would you be willing to do the same for us? For me? For Himiko? Would you be willing to face any sort of hardship to make this work or are you just going to run out and abandon the both of us after we gave you everything?"

The mood died for the two as she stared at those furious, devoted eyes. It reminded her of Katsuki in so many good ways and she felt her heart flutter at the question. She clearly wasn't thinking right, but she didn't want to. All she wanted was to love and be loved again, so she grabbed his face again and spoke in equal intensity.

"Yes I will! I have done nothing but sacrifice and sacrifice my entire life for people and while I'm happy to give, for once I want to get it in return! I wanna never be alone again for as long as I live and if you and Miko will give me everything then I'll return it a thousand fold! I want a family and children with people I love and I love Miko and I'll start to love you just as much Izuku, I've already started and I only want more! I will be faithful till my dying day if you both will do the same for me!"

The fury faded from Izuku's soul as he contemplated the heroine's words. His face was utterly neutral, but his hands caressed her skin once more as he glowed with an acceptance. Placing his lips by her ear, he whispered into her spirit.

"That'll be enough. Now, tell us what you want. Say it loud and look her in the eye when you say it."

Ochacho shivered as he started to touch her again, though a string of guilt fought the arousal when she met Miko's eyes. Biting it back, she spoke her desire, hoping Izuku heard how much this meant to her.

"I wanna make a baby tonight. My desire is to have a family before I'm thirty and I want you and Miko to always be a part of my life because I can't stand another day alone. I don't care whatever sick shit you want to do to me, just stay by my side and make me a mother one day. Use me and abuse my body like the disgusting bitch I am so that this empty feeling will leave me and that'll I'll know you two will always take care of me. Please, I need this before it's too late."

There wasn't an ounce of shock on the killer's face, Himiko merely smiled a fang bearing grin that spoke volumes about her joy. Izuku on the other hand was far more kind as he turned Ochacho's face back towards him and kissed her deeply. He withdrew eventually and dragged his thumb lovingly across her cheek.

"We'll see, for now it's Himiko's turn."

The man who just rocked her world in a fashion Katsuki had never done before and with a comparable amount of passion, turned around and approached one of the worst serial killers/villains in generations while Ochacho was left wanting much, much more. Miko grinned slyly at her, removing the rest of her clothes and watched the want in her eyes explode as Izuku sat down on the couch.

Instantly there was a massive difference in mood with how he approached Miko compared to her. There was a lingering hesitation, yet an unbreakable familiarity as he crawled over her prone body with a dick so hard it looked like it could break bricks. Miko was smug about it as her hands rolled over his body, touching every inch of him as he stared down with a frightening level of devotion in his eyes for the murderer.

Slowly he began to kiss her neck, running his fingers through her golden locks while he moved up and played with her lips and touched every part of her body. Even spreading open her privates as he placed two fingers inside.

"I'm sorry if I kept you waiting. She needed my attention and-"

A finger was raised to his lips as a few grunts and moans slipped out of Miko's throat with a smile.

"B-Baby, there isn't anything to apologize for. Cheeky is ours now so you're doing everything you need to. It'll just be us three from now on. Just relax and let your body take over."

The fervor at which she was getting played with by the man who adores her was increasing, making a strangely arousing, yet disgusting sound as Izuku felt her reactions to his passion which egged him on further. He had kissed her, forcing his tongue inside before Miko pulled away with a grin.

"I need a little something more tonight darling. It's nothing too bad, but I promise the both of us will feel good."

A tremor came to his voice as he withdrew his fingers from inside her, which were wet and sticky with her love to a degree that put Ochacho to shame. He gripped the back of her skull and started to suck and kiss and lick all the way down her body, even enveloping her nipples in a somehow violent way as all his passion was laid bare and screamed for release.

"A-Are you gonna bite me again? Please...I like that more than the punching."

Miko giggled and gripped his head before it reached her womanhood, digging her fingers in his hair and gently raising it up.

"Oh, somebody greedy tonight~"

She scooted herself upright on the sofa and moved her hands to his chin, as he instantly got closer. Miko's smile grew twice as large and she wrapped a hand around his junk which stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Don't worry Zuzu, that'll come later. Though Cheeky is gonna help me get to blow, alright? Now, I need to go get the supplies from the kitchen, is there anything sexy you want me to wear while I'm up?"

If ever there was a stupid question uttered by that girl, it would have to be that one since this green haired bastard wrapped his arms around her and started to fondle and kiss on her while she walked to the kitchen. It was like watching an animal go at it as Izuku clung to her hips and torso, passing his fingers here and there while pressing his cock against the entrance of her body.

Miko looked beyond happy at this development with how rosey her cheeks were and how much she smiled, but aside from a few loose moans she tried to stop, she went about her task as Izuku obsessively possessed her body. He was everywhere on her, nibbling and slapping and sucking any square of flesh he could find while doing his damnedest to get it inside her without actually getting it inside her.

From Ochacho's perspective it was more than a little concerning and frightening. Even Katsuki at his most passionate or heated was never THAT into her. The look in Izuku's eyes as they walked back with a first aid box was another layer of how much this man practically worships Miko. She was sure he could get smacked in the face with a crowbar and he'd still press himself against her like it was the meaning of his existence.

He did detach from her once they sat back down, but the way his family scepter just pulsed told the heroine that it was going to be a short reprieve. Checking the kit and sorting it out, Miko pulled up the emergency number on her phone and set the device next to it on the coffee table.

Turning around the slasher gave a smile that Ochacho had seen before, one that used to horrify her, as Himiko pushed Izuku down gently as she rolled a hand down his face.

"I promise it won't be too long, less than a few minutes really because we still need to take care of our number three over there. But I need you to shut your eyes for a minute Zuzu because I wanna try something new today."

Fear flashed on the quirkless man's face, yet he was still ready for action. Leaning back, Izuku looked up at his beloved for some reassurance.

"W-What do you have in mind?"

Grinning the demented smile the blonde pulled a razor blade from the first aid box and sild it over her thumb, parting the skin and making it weep a little red.

"I just wanna make one little cut on that adorable body of yours to see how you like it. I'm gonna slice it over the skin right here near your side. It won't be deep enough to be in any danger of clipping an artery, but it should have you leak out some blood for me to sip on. Then I'll put it away and rip that pretty neck open, okay Baby?"

To Ochacho's endless surprise, Izuku did not immediately cover his junk and push the girl off him, but instead glared at Miko with a more fear laden desire.

"Alright, but just one time tonight with the razor and please kiss me while you do it."

The more sadistic smile of the woman lessened as she ran her hand through his hair lovingly. Briefly Izuku sat up and hugged her, rubbing her back as he nuzzled into her shoulder as if he had missed her for a long, long time. Pushing him back down slowly, Himiko gave a soft smile as she continued to feel his curls.

"Sorry Zuzu, I need to focus on what I'm doing because otherwise an accident might happen."

Izuku laid himself flat and stared up at the ceiling with disappointment ripe on his face. He reached out a hand and Miko placed her empty one in his as she mounted his legs. Soon Izuku began to kiss the knuckles and Himiko rubbed herself against his shaft for a moment, before leaning forward and rubbing her finger over the spot she specified.

"Ready Zuzu?"

He shut his eyes and put both his arms over her back, running them up and down as he mentally prepared himself.


Without another warning Himiko brought the razor blade over the middle of the area under his right pectoral muscle and did it slowly and evenly as a quiet, sharp inhale of pain came from Izuku as he clung hard to her back. His face twisted in agony for a moment and Miko grinned possessively at his reaction. The blade was slick with crimson as it was put on the coffee table with a *thumb* as the steel touched the wood. 

There was a high pitched, babyish tone to the girl's voice now as she watched her lover slowly get over the initial stab of pain and coast on the afterset as air and bacteria entered the wound that leaked a safe amount of red on the sofa. Grabbing him by the head, Himiko kissed him deeply before petting him in a rather disturbing fashion given what just happened.

"Good job Zuzu, you didn't give up and see? The worst of it is over, now how was it?"

Opening his eyes Izuku placed a finger over the cut and grimaced as he touched it. His member softened a bit, but he had to have been exposed to enough pain to not completely lose it. He shrugged and began to hold Miko close.

"Honestly, the fact it was a razor made me a little worried. Not that I don't trust you of course, it's just that stuff can mess up a lot more if things go wrong. I'd much rather if you just bit me."

A slight bit of hope entered the babyish tone of the villain as she rubbed her cheek against his face.

"But if I asked in the future?"

He was firm and unyielding as he regarded her, not letting any of his love cloud his judgment.

"I'm gonna have to say a hard no to that."

Himiko pouted but then shrugged as she ran a finger, her bloody thumb to be exact, over the cut.

"Well, thank you at least for letting me try it out with you. Now then, Cheeky, come here."

Ochacho flinched at hearing her be mentioned as she was still reeling from what she saw. Approaching with more than a little hesitation, she watched as Miko wrapped herself around his torso and licked a dented spot near his neck.

"Alright so here's the deal, we help this hunk of a man finish and to do that I'm gonna nibble on him and you're gonna work his shaft with those big jiggly tities you got. Once Zuzu fires off, we're gonna take a break for a few minutes and then we'll focus on you, understand?"

The heroine nodded sheepishly as she knelt down, feeling ashamed and excited at the same time while Izuku placed a hand on both her head and Miko's arm. Then before either of them could start Izuku sighed and stood up. He got up without any issue despite the one hundred and ten pound woman on his back and gestured for Ochacho to stand up.

His voice was frank and to the point, like he had enough of both of their bullshit.

"That isn't gonna be enough for me. Darling I want you to bite me nice and quick, keep sending the teeth in and out. Ochacho, how flexible are you?"

She stuttered for a moment at how quick the room had changed.

"Um...pretty flexible. I can do the splits no problem, why?"

He then squatted down and scooped her up bridal style and pushed up against a wall. Keeping her pinned by pushing, he moved his hands in one rapid motion to the crook of her legs and for lack of a better word, folded her, with her pussy dangling down while her feet were above her head.

He leaned forward and kissed her as her eyes popped from feeling his dick run up against her slit again. His eyes spoke of annoyance now at having to wait this long and he was directing all that frustration at her...It was at that moment she knew this was well fucking worth it.

He saw the spark in her eyes and grinned. 


She nodded and Himiko bit into his shoulder. It was a quick, hot feeling that made her head buzz as he thrust his hips with all his weight and muscle behind them to slide his manhood just at the start of her body. More than once she felt it push past by a small amount and have her walls try and wrap around the head of his cock only to be left wanting as he grew faster and faster. The smell filled the apartment and Ochacho was getting more turned on by the second as he began to kiss her again.

Blood dripped down his back as Himiko made small, wider bites in the wound to spread it by a little bit each time and she was loving it. Such a devious thing to do with the man she adored and she couldn't wait to start playing with Cheeky. But she paused for a moment as she saw what was going on down below. She wanted to say something, wasn't like they were actually fucking so it's fine right? It wasn't like she was suddenly scared Zuzu would get mad at her and decide to just skip the pretense and screw Cheeky. Okay, have a little faith in the man at least.

But they both talked about how badly they both wanted kids and they clearly had chemistry, while she had...not rejected his desire, but made it much more complicated with her bullshit. Suddenly Himiko felt a stone drop in her chest and began to bite with a renewed favor to try and please him in her own fucked up way.

Meanwhile, Ochacho could feel how close he was getting from how much his thing throbbed and she wanted nothing more than to shake her hips for him. He was smiling at her now in an animalistic way that scratched something deep in her brain that made her moan a little louder while he followed suit. Before long as he was getting fast enough to burn the skin from the friction, she felt him pop right under her entrance with enough force that his legs buckled for a moment. He was shaking now and struggling to hold her up, along with Miko who was biting with a frenzy. 

The blonde stopped when they moved and she saw the spot on the wall, along with the bit that had gotten caught in the heroine's pubic hair. It looked like he had actually finished inside her when all of them knew that to not be the case, but Himiko still gripped him more possessively.

To the man's credit, he managed to fall safely on the ground by taking a knee and setting Ochacho on her feet like she weighed nothing before rolling to the ground right as Himiko got off his back and spasming for a moment as his muscles all contracted for a second. He was beyond out of breath, but he was grinning like the happiest man in the world as he stared up at the two women.

"A-Alright, you two go relax for a few, I-I'm gonna take a twenty minute break and once I'm back to stuff, w-we'll keep going. By the way, Ochacho, be a d-dear and get some water from the fridge before I die of dehydration, please."

The brunette smiled warmly at the man and wordlessly made her way to the kitchen while Izuku stared at her crotch with an in deniable pride about him. Turning his head to his beloved he extended his arms out to gesture for a hug and she begrudgingly did so despite her mounting concerns.

She wrapped her arms around him, letting her hands dig into his skin as she tried to banish the incessant whisper at the back of her head saying that he, Zuzu isn't like those others. He wouldn't ever abandon her. Looking at how he gazed deeply into her eyes and kissed her, all the while just radiating this sensation of "I am madly in love with you." That made her feel indescribably better.

Though that reduction in anxiety lessened a bit when Cheeky came back with the water while her cooch was still dirty with his batter. She saw how he also had that look for Cheeky, not to the same degree, but he is certainly attached now. As if to add more evidence to this idea, the fucking bastard let go of her and stood up to grab this girl by the shoulder and helped her down to the ground. Granted Cheeky was on the left side of him and she was on the right, so she still had a place.

He wrapped his arms around them both as the two women did the same to him, two in utter, orgasmic bliss and one in far less high spirits then when she started. Standing up, Himiko opened the first aid kit and patted the seat next to her.

"Come on Zuzu, I gotta patch you up."

Izuku looked up at her with a slight annoyance at how she left his hold, but got up after kissing Ochacho on the lips(which made the girl giggle). Proceeding with the work Himiko couldn't help but feel relieved when he reached down her leg for a moment before she told him to stay still. All the while he was grinning ahead at the wall while Cheeky looked on in morbid fascination at the procedure.

Before long it was done and the puncture holes had been disinfected and stitched which Izuku tested with a stretch. Turning around to face the two women, he was still looking like a happy idiot as he spoke.

"Welp, time for another round in a bit. I'm gonna go bleed the lizard for a minute, you two do whatever. Love ya both."

With that he turned and did as he said, leaving the pair to wait in what was supposed to be the afterglow. Except only Ochacho had any bliss about her as she grabbed the blonde villainess by the shoulder, looking like she had won the lottery.

"Jesus Christ Miko, you never told me he could do that. We haven't even fucked yet and he still topped me off. No wonder you were so gaga over him."

Himiko sighed and glared at the heroine before just coming out with it.

"Cheeky, can I be the focus when we start again? I know that sounds fucking petty, but he practically did get you pregnant with how often he almost fucked you, so can I just have both of your attentions this time? All I got was getting to slice and bite for a bit."

Ochacho flinched at the term usage despite knowing damn well that's far from the worst thing she's said or done, but smiled nonetheless.

"Sure Miko, that's fine. But um...what exactly do you want ME to do? Like I'm down with whatever, but I haven't been with a woman before."

The blonde slasher pursed her lips and sighed.

"Come on, follow me before mister super sperm gets out of the bathroom."

The pair went into Himiko's bedroom and without skipping a beat she reached into her nightstand and pulled out a box of plan b pills.

"Take these after we're done because I know that ape is gonna be all over the both of us. Now, as for what to do, it's basically the same thing Zuzu does. Kiss me, play with my pussy, that kind of...hold on."

She reached into her nightstand once more and removed what could only be a bullet toy.

"Never really had much of a reason to bring this out with him around, but do you wanna use it while we do this?"

Ochacho pursed her lips and grabbed it, glad it was clean.

"Do you want me to put it somewhere? Izuku has been telling me you guys are about to try anal so-"

Himiko glared at her like the very fact insulted her.

"Why the fuck did he tell you that?"

The heroine shrugged.

"Because we both know you're gonna tell me the moment it happens so I would already find out about it if he told me or not. Now to reiterate, do you want me to stick this up your ass?"

Himiko flinched at the question, genuinely taken aback by how up front her angel was. Ochacho was stone faced as she held the toy and before long the slasher had begun to laugh, then the heroine started to laugh. This continued for a few minutes before Himiko waved a hand at the original question.

"I don't know, maybe. All you need to do is follow Zuzu's lead, if anybody knows how to please me, it's him. Don't worry by the way, this is a lot less rough then what he and I did. Also if things get to be too much, what do we say?"

Setting the bullet down, Ochacho got herself on the bed and gestured for Himiko to join.

"Pineapple, the safeword is pineapple."

A hand patted her on the head as the more bloodthirsty of them then gripped her by the arms and made her fall backwards.

"Good girl, Cheeky. Now let's get started before Zuzu starts trying to make a family lineage out of us."

She was on top of Ochacho now and the two kissed. It was a strange sensation for the heroine to be kissing a girl, but she didn't fight it. She didn't exactly love it, but the sensation was stimulating enough that she started to grind her hips against Himiko's, who returned the favor in kind. 

Using her legs as leverage, the brunette softly flipped the both of them over and continued to kiss and grind on the woman who tried to end her at one point. Moving her mouth downward, Ochacho began to suck on the skin of her new lover while using her leg as an impromptu device to fight the tingling in her groin. Eventually she reached a nipple and suckled, finding a joy in how the villainess moaned and breathed.

But both of them paused when the floorboards creaked and Izuku was standing in the doorway with the most shit eating grin he'd worn in his life. 

"Glad to see I'm just in time. Should I jump in or do you two need a minute?"

Himiko scowled as she pushed her savior to the side and crawled to the end of the bed. There was a petty anger in her eyes as she pointed to the center of the mattress.

"Stop fucking talking and come here already! You've been keeping us waiting for way too long, now get started before I drag you into this bed!"

He laughed and approached the end of the mattress. Grabbing her head, Izuku kissed the woman he adored and pushed her down. It earned him a scowl, but she shut right up when he crawled on top of her prone self. There was an undying desire in those golden eyes for the man that loved her and he knew it. 

Yet he turned those wonderful, worshiping eyes to the third member and motioned for her to come over. Ochacho did as asked without hesitation and watched him with absolute attention while she stood on her knees to the right of the pair. Running his hands over Himiko's body, he watched as her anticipation grew and grew with each passing second.

He made eye contact with the heroine and smirked proudly.

"This is the most lovely woman on earth and so far you've proven to be good enough of a girl to help me pleasure her. Now, you're going to be gentle and slow with her, planting your pretty mouth all over her body while I tend her down here."

He shifted his hips, electing a small yelp of surprise from the blonde who remained quiet as he continued.

"Just start kissing her again and everything should fall into place, okay Ochacho?"

The brunette blushed madly as his fingers held her chin and let go. She and Miko made eye contact and it was clear they both were equally overwhelmed by his presence, which only grew worse when she climbed on top of the blonde and lifted her ass in the air.

Her voice was unusually quiet and tiny as she spoke, trying her best not to look Miko in the eye when she asked of him.

"Can you eat me while I do it?"

He laughed and caressed her rear.

"That's not up to me. Ask Himiko nicely and I might."

The two women made eye contact and the more criminally inclined one nodded as her hands gripped the more heroic one's arms for reassurance.

"S-Sure, that's fine. Cheeky needs to feel good too."

Izuku let out another laugh as he dug a thumb into Ochacho's pussy and heard her wince as her muscles contracted around it. If she was ever ready for action, it was now.

She felt her eyes shut as something warm and wet bent it's way inside her. She opened them and saw Miko having an even more exuberant expression as the sound of wet skin and hard friction came from right about where their hips were. Not knowing what else to do, she lowered her lips down and kissed her again while Izuku tended to them both.

She reciprocated the response and wrapped her hands around her head. They got into a rhythm in tune with each other and soon the pleasures just melted together as they both got used to what Izuku was doing. But Ochacho halted right as she felt her muscles contract and a wave of even better ecstasy hit her. She felt Izuku pull his tongue out of her and he still caressed her a bit before he stopped teasing the killer.

He bent down and started using his mouth which had the blonde making sounds Ochacho didn't know the girl could make before she was pulled to her as Miko's arms wrapped around her back in a bear hug. A scream came from the blonde as she reached completion, but moments later the crimefighter had to violently push herself up as the compress of teeth nested on her shoulder for half a second.

Miko was still in the thralls of her pleasure and didn't have much awareness in the few seconds it took for her teeth to lash out at such a close range, so it wasn't her fault. Yet the troubles were far from over as Ochacho flinched when she felt something slip right on the cusp of her womanhood and start to move.

She was still on top of the slasher so she definitely felt it as well, but it didn't last long until there came a spray of something warm and sticky shooting from where their bodies met and got up the front of their bellies. Something removed itself from their lower regions and with it came a gasp from Izuku as he fought to catch his breath.

The brunette glared at him with an indignation of what he just did, but to her surprise Himiko looked positively in delight as she huffed away at the air. Still she said her mind because why not at this point?

"You shouldn't have done that."

Izuku raised an eyebrow at the woman as he gained back most of his composure.

"Why? I made you guys feel good, why couldn't I?"

The hero eyed him for a moment.

"That's not the point, you didn't give us any time to prepare or even let us know what you were going to do. You of all people should know by now how important communication is in these situations."

Izuku lowered his gaze a bit at her words.

"But there was such a build up and I was doing the-"

She cut him off.

"It doesn't matter how tired or eager you are. You have to tell the both of us when you want something like that instead of just doing it."

He pursed his lips at her answer.

"But I did that to the both of you for the past forty minutes, why is it an issue now?"

There was another glare thrown his way by the crime fighter.

"Because we were both worn out and needed rest. We understand you need to get off too Izuku, but you have to think of Himiko and I along with yourself."

The green haired man listened and shook his head at his actions.

"That was an oversight on my part-"

A third voice erupted out from under the brunette that made them both silent.

"Can we stop with the arguing and go to fucking bed!? Zuzu went a bit too far, but so what!? We all felt good, now shut up and lay down before I have to get up and tie the both of you to the bedposts!"

The two heroes looked at each other and dropped the matter. Izuku moved himself to the right edge of the bed and kissed his beloved on the lips before walking to the other end. He climbed on and cuddled up to Ochacho who let bygones be bygones and turned to hold him as well.

Instead of leaning into it however, he pushed her flat on her back and began to fondle her tits which was soon followed by another pair of hands which began to rub her belly. Himiko stared at her from the right and Izuku did so from the left as he whispered into her ear.

"You're ours now so we'll help you fall asleep the same way we do. Okay?"

In an instant there was the sensation of two people kissing and sucking at her neck. One traveled down to her chest and began to suckle on her breasts while another passively licked and sucked at the spot right over her jugular. Arms entrapped her as the two turned and held each other with her in the middle and soon Ochacho was finding herself drifting off to sleep as her body was enraptured in the warmth of her two lovers.

It wasn't perfect and it may not be healthy, but to someone who had been alone for so long and was presented with something akin to an actual relationship she could have children from one day, with people this devoted to her? There wasn't a doubt in her mind as she closed her arms around the now sleeping pair, that this was the best decision she could have made.

The only thing left to do was improve it and mold both herself and it until they all fit together as a family.

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