Rebirth and Blood

Chapter 29: Clarity

He should not have been thinking with his dick.

Of all the things to do the thinking, why the fuck was it the thing between his legs that made most of his decisions last night? He could have fought the issue more, told Himiko that they could have helped Ochacho find a relationship or set her up on a dating website or anything other than what they actually did.

He wasn't as guilty about it since it was between the three of them, but just how in the fuck did he even manage in that situation? Yes, he REALLY enjoyed it. If there was ever a boost to his dying ego it was that he pleasured the two of them, but the things he said. Why did he say those things? Granted, he deeply enjoyed getting to say those things to such beautiful women, but it was all down to the principle of the matter.

His loyalty is first and foremost to Himiko. She is everything to him and thus he demands no less from her. Yet he violated that commitment and thrust himself into the arms of another woman. In fact he was even closer to "claiming" Ochacho than he ever was with Himiko(likely because he figured the hero who saved so many lives wouldn't react violently if he pushed a little.)

He loved Himiko more than words could describe and he wasn't outright scared of her, but there was always an element of animalistic fear whenever they got rough. He suppressed it for her of course, but like last night where he fought the urge to jump up and run at the sight of the razorblade, there would always be that part of him that wanted to...stay alive essentially. That rebelled against the thought of lasting, permanent, possible life ending pain.

Biting was one thing, yes it hurt, but so long as she didn't literally rip into his neck then it was just pain that would fade over time. That and he had started to look forward to it since she without fail made him explode while she was doing it. Cutting...that scared him. Too many chances for things to go wrong, for slicing too deep and knicking something important. Then to add to it was the fact Himiko knew how to use blades like it was second nature which in of itself was concerning enough, but the woman was also an assassin in her youth.

If there was ever a person to be a little cautious of it was her. That didn't mean he didn't adore her qualities, but you had to take the good with the bad and when such facts were true, it weighed on the mind even unconsciously. All Izuku wanted was to give himself in totality and be given such in return without fear of abandonment, but it frustrated him to no end how every fucking day he had to tip-toe around the basic thing that showed the most love for someone with Himiko.

He wanted to fuck, pure and simple. He wanted to debase himself in front of Himiko, to have her eyes focused solely on him alone as he gave her everything. Yet despite letting her do practically everything to him that any sane person would reject violently, she never let him just push himself in. Yes, the argument could be made that she was also restricting her own desires, but he let her cut him for crying out loud. How much more pain could that woman want to inflict on him?

As sad as he was to admit it, Ochacho didn't give him any of those worries. She didn't seem so inclined to violence and if anything the girl melted like puddy in his hands. He bet that if he just pushed a little further when he was teasing her she would have let him have his way with her. Not that he would betray Himiko over such a simple reason, but goddamn did it take a weight off his shoulders for a moment to not have to worry about going too far and dealing with a woman's wrath.

If he was completely honest, he found Ochacho's figure to be more attractive than Himiko's in just how...round she was. There was no other way to describe the woman other than bubbly and round in all the right places. She even had those adorable twin birthmarks on her cheeks that practically made Izuku always remember her face. 

Himiko was...lethal. Her energy, her personality, her desires, her body, her love, it all spoke of a dominating, subtle force that could control and manage everything by being so unassuming. Her beauty was more sharp, angular than most women. A wonderfully cruel thing that offered only pain if displeased and subjugation if satisfied that was so godly in appearance that no one would consider it as bad despite the sadism of her soul. There was a twisted kindness to her, one that bit deep into the meat and muscle and repaired the injury out of an endless devotion to he that loved her in return.

She lacked the cuddly fat of the heroine or the motherly nature that radiated off Ochacho so strongly that it made Izuku a little at ease when she was with him and Himiko. Instead the villainess...former villainess, had the disposition of an involved killer who knew how to ruin a man or bring him up at her whims. Admittedly Izuku pondered that night as he went to sleep if he would have had better success with his goal of children if he was with Ochacho.

After all she had a far more maternal sense about her, certainly had better physical traits for healthy child birth right down to wide, thick hips that he could lose fingers in if he squeezed her and outright said her entire reason for coming here in the first place was to get him no less.

Insane, he knew, but the nearly unconscious mind had such thoughts. His place was with Himiko and nothing short of adultery would make him leave. She was the one who brought him up and valued him above all else, that's why he gave his body to her desires and centered all his primal drive on her(which she kept denying…). They had a life to build together so he needed to be patient for her sake, regardless of how soft, squishy and warm Ochacho was.

That made what he was currently doing all the more awkward as after waking up to an alarm that neither he nor Himiko recognized, they were floating in the air as Ochacho flared wildly to get up from under them and check her mobile. They remained like that in a panic dazed until she gave a relieved sigh, closed her phone and looked up.

Both he and Himiko were scrambling around in the air like panicked swimmers until a padded hand gripped both their ankles and pulled them down to the mattress. The word "release" was said and like magic, the weight returned to their bodies as they sank to the springs. The two looked at each other for confirmation of what just happened, only to be directed to the side of the bed as a very nude Ochacho gave them a "Good morning."

She didn't have an ounce of shame or regret about herself as she looked at them, she was even smiling as she began to play with her hair. At the moment Izuku wished he hadn't had been so exposed, much less with an unusual amount of morning wood, but he nervously returned the smile as everything he said to the woman came flooding back. Himiko was silent for a time as she watched the two of them before crawling over to Izuku and wrapping her arms around him.

Ochacho grinned and climbed onto the sheets as well, taking the space between them and placing her arms around them both. This happened to be the same time they lost all sensation of weight again and were effortlessly thrown on their backs as she laid down. Looking at Himiko he hesitated to do as his instincts told and return the hold. Yet the blonde silently nodded and dragged her arms over the heroine's chest and back while curling her legs over her torso right as the slasher forcibly grabbed Izuku's arms and brought them to meet her over the heroine's tits with a tight lock of their hands.

Taking the hint, Izuku wrapped his legs around one of Ochacho's as his manhood rested on her thigh. He felt the sensation of a soft hand rub his back and without thinking he attached his lips to her neck and suckled. The sound came from the heroine's left as well which showed Himiko had the same idea while her thumb caressed his hand possessively.

There wasn't nearly the same amount of passion as the previous night, in fact it didn't feel overly sexual by much in the moment. It was more akin to simple, basic comfort from a person, a woman in his case and knowing they were here. The world was scary and right now it was just the three of them in this safe little bubble with no one to hurt them or take them away.

He was happy here with these two women and he didn't want to leave. Soon he felt the hand move up his back and through his hair while Himiko shifted over Ochacho's body to hold him more. Everything began to slow down and his body started to relax, his eyelids grew heavy and before long he had fallen asleep again. There was no telling how long he had been dreaming, but the thing that woke him was a light humming and a soft sensation running over his face.

Opening his eyes he saw Ochacho on her side, staring at him with a content smile while her unreasonably soft fingers glided over his cheek. Her voice was quiet, warm and welcoming when she spoke.

"Hey sleepyhead, I missed you."

Not sure what to really say to that he shifted away slightly, only to feel her other arm lock around his back. Blinking some of the sleep from his eyes, Izuku let out an uneasy smile as he returned the whisper.

"Missed you too, so where's Himiko?"

A giggle left the heroine as she put her index finger to her lips and pointed to her back. Sitting up, Izuku saw Himiko wrapped around Ochacho's torso like a baby in the deepest of sleep. Laying back down he suddenly felt jealous and conflicted, also remarkably safe. Almost to a degree he hadn't felt since early childhood before his quirkless curse happened. It was undeniably because of those brown eyes focusing on him so kindly, as if to say "You're safe here with me."

Biting his lip for a moment as he stared at the woman, Izuku found himself both cold and rather...lonely? He wasn't sure what it was or if it was really the right word, but he wanted to hold someone. Not in a erotic way, but more in a...reassuring way? Whatever it was he continued to study Ochacho, not embarrassed by how he took in all of her, and found her to be perfect. She was just so damn welcoming with her eyes and how pudgy she looked that she appeared made to be held.

He wanted her and she knew it, so Izuku brought himself closer and wrapped his arms loosely around her neck as he squished himself against her. She sighed happily and rubbed his back once more as Izuku shut his eyes and let himself be swept up in the comfort, silently feeling all the knotted parts of his soul relax for the first time in his life. Opening his eyes again he saw Himiko staring at him with similar eyes to him as she nuzzled up to Ochacho. Putting his head against the heroine's neck he stared back and reached out a hand that rolled over the blonde's face as he was indescribably glad to touch her again as he was in this state of Zen.

They both gazed on as empty vessels swept up in the base pleasure of safety as the brunette pulled their strings with a soft voice and an even softer body which they attached themselves to like babes. Himiko was fine, he was fine, Ochacho was fine. Nobody would hurt them or take them away. So the mint and the gold continued to look at each other while clinging to their lover who made no attempt to shake them off or even move as their limbs and bodies practically entrapped her. She just laid there and accepted the comfort and perhaps even love they were trying to give.

No one cared to mention time or possible obligations or perhaps even cramps as the three were together. To them it could have been forever since it was the first time in a long time all three felt so taken care of. Then like some benevolent angel Ochacho sat up from her prone position and stretched while the pair snapped out of their trace, only to reach out to each other as Himiko crawled through the opening behind the brunette and set herself on top of Izuku. They held each other and kissed silently, rubbing and grabbing to fight for the best position with each other until their delightful heroine spoke up in that same heavenly tone as she turned her head towards them.

"Anyone up for breakfast?"

Neither argued and got up from the bed without a word as they began to put on some sort of clothes while the more voluptuous woman walked out towards the living room to get her clothes. Izuku and Himiko looked at each other with a mix of shame and guilt and pain. It was clear they both liked having Ochacho, but the fact that the girl had that much control over them was...unsettling. Yet she was so squishy and warm that neither really blamed the other, not that there was anything to really blame for.

A knock came from the doorway as Ochacho leaned in from the doorway with a grin on her face that made her birthmarks bounce.

"You guys still want breakfast?"

The two looked at their original partner and wordlessly walked forward as Ochacho practically skipped her way to the kitchen. So here he was, sitting down with a bottle of water next to Himiko who was sipping away at a mug of warm cow's blood while the woman who caused this situation ran her finger over the rim of a cup of coffee, not once taking her eyes off them.

Nobody had said anything as the morning...afternoon? Air filled the living room through an open window that was filled with tension. Tension that snapped when Ochacho clapped her hands together with such glee that it made them both flinch as she started talking.

"Well I gotta say that was the best night I've had since graduation. Though I coulda gone with a little more penetration, that's alright. Izuku I gotta say you have one hell of a dick on you and Miko you certainly know how to make a woman like me squeal. All in all, last night was the best decision I made in years so here's what we're gonna do. As of this moment I'm dating the two of you, meaning I'm off the market and so are you guys. We only have fun with the three of us and that's it, no more people coming in, got it?"

The pair looked at each other for guidance and simply nodded out of fear and less then reluctant agreement which made the brunette clap her hands again with a smile.

"Great! Now then, Miko you don't gotta worry about this hurting your parole situation since this sorta thing is pretty common in the rehab biz so I'll just have to fill out a form and things will be good. As for you Zuzu-"

Himiko glowed at the heroine with more than a little annoyance.

"Don't call him that. You can kiss him, hop on his dick, and have his kids alongside me for all I care, but only I get to call him that."

Not a hint of anger resided in Ochacho's eyes as she lowered the giddiness of her smile and sipped some of her coffee.

"Okay, Zuki it is then. Now Zuki, there shouldn't be any legal issue with us dating in regards to your sidekick gig, but I'm gonna say this out right, I don't want you admitting to anyone in our circle about our relationship. Namely because the press would be all over it, which would lead to them snooping around and putting Miko at risk."

Izuku felt his heart stop at the thought and nodded as he spoke.

"You have my word Ochacho."

The heroine put a finger to her chin and hummed for a moment before staring at the man with curious eyes.

"Why don't you call me a nickname?"

Pursing his lips Izuku decided to push his luck as he clutched Himiko's hand and sounded way too eager for an attempt at bargaining.

"Only so long as you agree to cuddle up with us again. That was some good shit and we need, we need you again."

A blush filled Ochacho's cheeks as she grinned satisfactory at the pair.

"Alright, I can do that for you two. But aside from the nickname, you gotta tell me a bit more about yourself. I already know Miko pretty well, you on the other hand not so much."

Izuku smiled, liking where this conversation was going a bit too much.

"You got a deal, Rosey, but enough about you and me, what about you Himiko?"

Of all the three the most dangerous one looked the most displeased as she glared at her original lover and yanked him harshly to her side. Her lilith fingers dug into the skin of his arm and twisted it slightly as she stewed in her emotions. Turning her gaze to Ochacho, Himiko gave an expression that was judgmental in the extreme, one that said without saying anything "I was here first." 

Yet that faded as the blonde sighed and lessened(but not releasing) her hold on Izuku. She appeared tired and spent as her thumb caressed his skin repeatedly with a contemplated mood about her. The yellow of her eyes stared into Ochacho's hazel ones and there was a hint of compassion, gratitude and even love of a sort...though it felt far less powerful or devious or as wanting compared to their teenages. Then when compared to how her big baby made her feel, it was no contest who held more power over her soul.

Taking another sip of her daily blood while Izuku had started to snuggle up to her like some clingy, huggy puppy that she couldn't live without, Himiko looked at the woman she owed everything to. Her arms went around the idiot who was now shifting himself onto her chair and her onto his lap as he tried everything to get just that little closer to her.

Pursing her lips as she ran her fingers through his hair, Himiko finally spoke up to her savior.

"Cheeky, I don't mind that you're here. I don't mind if you wanna be with me and Zuzu. I don't mind if you want to leave here knocked by this wonderful man. I owe you that much so long as you won't run around our backs, but...I want first rights to him. You can be with me whenever, but when it comes to feeling good with him and it's the three of us, I wanna be the one to have his first. I get the first kiss, the first finger, everything before we get started."

She kissed his neck as he paused to listen to her demands before she continued.

"Like I said before Sweetie, I owe you my life which is why I haven't turned you black and blue for bringing up your little three way plan. Zuzu is my responsibility and the most important person in the world to me so I'm showing an incredible amount of trust by letting you have him with me. If you want me too then I'm okay with that since you're my best friend and we're both girls, but I'm telling you this now, Zuzu will always take priority over everything else to me."

She leaned forward as Izuku held onto her belly.

"It isn't that I don't love you like a sister, Ochacho, but he and I only had each other for the longest time. We barely have money, our families are non-existent, I'm really his only support network and you're mine which makes this twice as complicated while you're one of the most famous heroes of the age. I'm sorry to say but the fact of the matter is that he and I need each other to survive more, so if he needs my help and you're not dying, he is going to come first."

The brunette drank some of her coffee with a rather passive face and pushed the drink to the side. She didn't look upset or hurt or angry or even pitiful at the statement, just accepting what was said.

"That's fair, you two were together long before I pushed my way in. I just wanna be a part of what you two have and if I need to play second fiddle for a while until we get there, then that's fine. I'm just amazed we've gotten to this point because I honestly thought this would fail before it got off the ground, so I'm more than happy to play ball. I won't be able to show up as much due to my job, but I'll be around when I can and I'll make the time for you guys."

The heroine pointed a finger at the pair.

"However I expect a few things when I do. First off, when I show up we're gonna screw, no ifs, ends, or buts about it. I work a hard fucking job so if I make time out of my schedule to visit you two I want your attentions and to feel good like we did last night. Secondly, We're going to do more than just screw. We're a couple now so we are going to actually do things normal couples do. Thirdly and this is mainly for Izuku, I want you to come see my parents in a month's time so they'll get off my back about being single."

Sitting up as he watched the heroine speak to him, Izuku ran his fingers through his darling's hair and paused for a moment as he picked up Himiko from his lap and set the woman on the floor. His expression was far more serious, yet there was an obvious slab of jealousy when he looked at Ochacho. Drumming his fingers on the table he shook his head, knowing this was going to be very telling of his insecurities.

"That's fine, but…"

He turned his head to Himiko almost sheepishly.

"I feel the need to address the elephant in the room. Namely, if she can be included in your sort of things."

The blonde raised an eyebrow at her beloved, taking a seat next to him with a curious face.

"She doesn't have to be involved in our rough stuff. Like I said, you fulfill me a lot more in that way. Though I guess swapping a little blood now and again would be fine and if she wants to watch us then it would be okay with me. Why do you ask?"

He clenched his teeth and decided to go for it, after all he literally just had his way with both of them last night and he needed to let this be known. So he grabbed Himiko gently by the shoulders and spoke.

"She doesn't get to call you what I call you. Only I can call you that."

If there was ever a face that demented villainess made which just oozed with sadistic satisfaction, it would be the one she was making now. Her cheeks were rosey and flushed as she caressed under his chin with a fang bearing smile that Izuku lowered his head to almost as a sign of submission. He got close to the woman, scooping her up and burying his face in her chest as Himiko hummed and cooed into his ear proudly before laughing with pride.

Her hands caressed his face possessively while she continued to giggle and squeal.

"Don't worry Zuzu, you'll still be my baby and I'll still be your mommy. Nobody else is gonna get between us and Cheeky is just a new member of the family, so she'll just watch. I won't use her for what we do and I swore to you I'd only be with you and I have no intention of breaking it."

Izuku clung even tighter to the petite blonde and winced as her fingers traced the scars her teeth had made. The two of them blocked the rest of the world out for a time before a *tap* came from the other end of the table. They flinched and turned to look at the girl who was more than a little annoyed at the exclusion.

"So is there anything else we need to discuss?"

The two lovers stared at each other and shook their heads as they watched Ochacho fume a bit. She leaned back with a sigh and contemplated for a minute before opening her eyes again.

"Any suggestions on what we should do for the rest of the day? I took three days off so I have today and tomorrow to myself."

Slipping his arms under Himiko's legs and back, Izuku stood up with her bridal style as he gazed pointedly at the brunette.

"I say we go back to bed for a while. Preferably with you in the middle."

Ochacho grinned at the desire in his voice, but Izuku was rebuked rather violently when Himiko slapped him.

"No. No more cuddling or anything until I get finished with making my articles. I'm already behind because of last night and the last thing I need when I have to time crunch is you two either flopping about on the bed or dragging me into it."

Disappointment surged in the quirkless man's eyes, but begrudgingly he put his darling down. Smiling at her, Izuku ruffled her hair and stepped away.

"Is there anything we can do for you in the meantime?"

The slasher was slowly becoming more irate by the second before she stormed off to the desk in the corner of the living room where her laptop was situated. Booting it up and retreating an entire binder labeled with the current mouth from a drawer in the desk, she began to tense up as her fingers touched the keyboard.

"No, I just need to focus on work. It'll take me all day so just leave me alone until I call you both. Though Zuzu, can you hangout with Cheeky for a while? You can screw or whatever, but just give her a good day off. The girl deserves it after what we did to her."

Then like clockwork Himiko began to type away at her keyboard in a single minded pursuit that Izuku could sympathize with from his own day job. Turning around, he eyed Ochacho, who shrugged and gestured to the front door. Going with her example, they both approached the exit and opened it. He paused for a second and turned back.

"I love you."

Himiko didn't look up from her screen, but she did answer back which meant the world to him.

"Love you too, Zuzu."

Leaving with a grin on his face Izuku followed after Ochacho who was giving him a rather befuddled expression as they moved out of the complex and into the dying daylight. She shifted her head towards him and raised an eyebrow.

"Mommy? Is that really what Miko has you call her?"

Izuku would have blushed, but he has seen way too much of the woman to be embarrassed. Instead he walked up next to her and slipped his arm around her shoulders.

"Yes, now what can I do to make you exceptionally happy? Himiko gave me orders to give you a good time and you better believe I will. Now, tell me what you want Rosey."

Ochacho placed her hand in his, glad to be held after being alone for so long and giggled at herself as Izuku kept pace.

"Any ideas? I'm down for anything tonight."

The quirkless man thought about it and felt himself both hope and hate himself for what he was about to say.

"Well...I know I'm going to sound like a pig, but how about we go to my place and get to know each other a little better? Preferably without our clothes."

Ochacho glared at him for a moment.

"You seem awfully eager to get with me again right after we left Himiko. Where's all that devotion you were on about?"

Izuku shrugged and stepped closer to the woman.

"I'm just doing what Himiko wants and she clearly has no issue with us being intimate. Truth be told however I'm not asking for a lay or anything, I would never do that behind her back. I just wanna cuddle with you again."

He hesitated for a second as he pursed his lips at his weakness.

"You managed to make me and her feel safe, I said, we're gonna ask that a lot."

Ochacho raised another eyebrow at the man who was holding her.

"Really? Cuddling up with me was that good for you two? Why?"

Izuku shrugged and put them towards the path directed at the train station.

"Well...there's a lot of reasons. Part of it is because you're so damn chubby that it's impossible not find you comfortable to hug, then it's that you look so cute all the time, but...the biggest reason is, I think at least, is that you just have this "everything will be alright" vibe about you that we drink up like wine. There's something so comforting about being in your presence that neither of us can do for each other, at least not to your degree."

The heroine listened and furrowed her brows as they were nearing the train terminal.

"I guess. Some people have called me huggable before so I get it. But, how was I last night? You liked what I did for you, right?"

Waiting for the train to pull up, Izuku placed his arm around the brunette's neck and thought for a minute.

"You certainly have more to you physically then Himiko to be honest, but you're both beautiful in your own special ways. Personally, I liked teasing you, but...was I a bit too into it when we started?"

The heroine waved her hands in front of her repeatedly to quickly destroy that idea as fast as she could.

"Oh hell no, you were fantastic. Miko was too, but frankly I wanted a little more from you both. Speaking of which, I gotta ask, why exactly did you let her do that with the razor blade and the biting?"

He played with her short brown hair and shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Because she wants it. You know how she is with blood so I let her use me for that. Granted the cutting thing was new, but usually she takes good care of me so I let her have her way with me. I've even learned to get excited when she bites...mainly because she beats me off until I pop every time she does it, but still."

Apprehension filled Ochacho's soul to a point Izuku couldn't have not notice. Much less when the woman leaned in to hug him in such a protective manner he was astonished as to why she felt the need. Then she spoke and it became much clearer.

"Zuki, how much do you know about Miko's past?"

Pushing the girl off of him, Izuku responded flatly as he reviewed the facts as Himiko had told him.

"That she wasn't always on the right side of the law and had to use her talents for violence to make a living. One she was very successful at since she completed over fifty jobs. Need I say more?"

She moved herself back to his side and hugged him again.

"Do you know the name of the group she was employed with at the time?"

The man shrugged and moved both himself and the woman to the now opening train before sitting down at the back bench.

"No, should I?"

Ochacho said nothing for a while as the train left the station, only reaffirming her hold on the man in a way that didn't feel...affectionate per se, it was more akin to one gripping a drowning person to keep them from going under. 

"It doesn't matter. Miko is a different person now and she's done nothing but prove that there's more to her than her issues like you said. For now how about we wait until we get to your place to talk, after all there's a whole day in front of us and an even longer night."

Considering the heroine's wishes Izuku relaxed himself and ran his hands through Ochacho's short clipped hair absentmindedly until their stop came up. Exiting the train they made their way to Izuku's apartment after a good half hour of silent walking which ended with Izuku ushering the girl into his home with wide arms as his bland, barely alive shit hole of an apartment was laid bare to her.

It was still, lifeless and had none of the warmth of Himiko's home which the three brought into it. But it was still Izuku's place so he entered, shut the door and waited for Ochacho to say anything. She observed everything with an almost artistic sense of vision and faced him after a bit.

"What do you do for fun Zuki?"

Slipping his shoes off and setting himself on the sofa, Izuku stared up at the ceiling as a creeping sense of...emptiness started to drift into him. He couldn't explain it well, but he found himself without anything to do. Thankfully it vanished when he heard Ochacho's question.

"Not to be crude, but Himiko. I spend most of my off time with her so that's about it."

A padded finger slid over the dining table, gathering a light puff of dust that made the heroine's expression change.

"I can tell. This place lacks energy of any kind."

Shaking his head in annoyance, Izuku sat up on the sofa and tried to be polite.

"You just wanna stand over there all day or do you wanna lay down?"

She gave him an odd look and tapped her feet on the floor.

"Can you get a blanket please?"

He grinned.

"Sure, anything else while I'm up?"

Ochacho paused for a moment as a blush covered her cheeks.

"Can you take your clothes off right now?"

Not one to argue over such a simple matter he removed his shirt, pants and boxers, leaving completely bare to the eyes of his new partner. She studied him once more and began to undo her own clothing, throwing off her shirt, pants, bra and panties to expose herself once more to him. Izuku eyed her with a proud hunger and gestured for her to follow him to the bedroom.

She did as asked without delay and eased herself down under the covers of his twin sized mattress next to him. Instantly his hands crawled over her body in a slow, appreciative manner as he wrapped his arms around her. Yet instead of using the situation to make another move, he flipped off the lamp on the nightstand and nuzzled his head below hers.

It was a nice, comfortable sensation as their shared body heat rapidly chased away the cold under the covers and the touch of skin made them cling even harder. It lacked the urgency of last night that propelled them to find each other in the arms of that wonderful, demented woman. They were two lonely souls with very few people in the world that burned away the pain with touch as they awaited their third to finish her obligations to the world.

Moving back and shifting under the blanket, Ochacho lifted Izuku's head on her biceps and kissed him. It wasn't lust driven or hungry like she had done with him and Miko the previous night, now it was short, peckish and quick. A simple animal reinforcement of affection that tries to strengthen a bond.

He laughed in the darkness and placed a hand on her back, glad to not be alone while Himiko was away in her apartment.

"Is it weird that I find that a bit dirty compared to when I kiss Himiko?"

She pulled him a bit closer as his weight crashed into her body. Wrapping her legs over him like they did to her, Ochacho shut her eyes as she found a serenity in his arms.

"Not really, she is your first and only so it's expected."

In the quiet of the room the heroine dug in a bit as they started to relax, feeling the more inquisitive sides of her brain come loose at the surety of being more at ease then she had been since finishing High School.

"Zuki, what's your favorite thing?"

He nuzzled at her neck for a minute before carefully grabbing her and flipping over without disturbing the blanket.

"Himiko, but she isn't a 'thing" and physical training."

She shifted for a bit as she found the proper position under the sheet and pecked him on the lips.

"What do you love the most about life?"

He kissed her back at last before feeling his hand go through her hair.

"That it can always get better even if it gets worse at the start. I never would have imagined where I am now seven months ago. It sucked at the start but it was worth it because I'm here."

She laughed.

"Is it because of Miko that it was worth it?"

He returned the laugh and ran a thumb along her cheek.

"Yes, she makes my days far better. I know we haven't known each other long, but if you're willing to help my darling then I'll do the same for you."

Another kiss came his way as she laid her head under his.

"I appreciate that Zuki. Miko needs that kind of structure in her life and I've been alone for so long that I kinda gave up the idea of having someone in my life again. To be honest me and her were never...intimate even though she suggested it a few times, but strangely I like it. I like the kisses and the hugs and even the way you both latched onto me last night."

The crimefighter recoiled for a moment as realized how she had acted under the sway of comfort and turned to lay flat, which made her partner cling on as she stared at the darkened ceiling while Izuku held her. Putting her hand over his, Ochacho sighed when the reality of what she did hit her.

"I'm sorry if I'm throwing too much at you guys. I know this has only been a one night thing so far, but I just...wanna be a normal woman. Not Uravity or a war vet or some kind of savior, just a basic girl with a husband and kids with a white picket fence. Honestly Zuki, I came over to try and maybe get Miko to let me share you with her because you're the only guy I can think of that isn't out to use people or has some messed up history with me."

She continued as her thumb caressed his palm.

"You're a wonderful guy so far and you certainly know how to make a girl happy, but...I came there with ill intentions because I was desperate for love and sex, not because I wanted you as a person. I know that's awful to say, but listening to how Himiko had gotten everything I wanted, it made me crazy. You both deserve better than me just rushing in because I was desperate."

Her hands touched her face and she would have floated off the sheets if Izuku hadn't been latched to her.

"I mean I feel guilty for not going in with more nobility, but the things you both did and what you said to honestly made my heart flutter and I want more of it. I wanna feel wanted and needed and you guys did that more than perfectly. I want to stick around and see the three of us maybe grow into something beautiful. I want to learn to love you like Miko does and have you learn to love me like you do with Miko. I know it's messed up to be in a relationship with two other people, but at this point I just want something that's going to last."

The fervor in her voice rose as she slapped her palms down.

"I need to know that I can still be more than just an icon or a light in the dark and I could never just take you from Himiko for my own selfishness, so this is where I put myself and I like it. She is always going to need my help in life and you look just as bad, so I guess this is better for all of us. I get my family, Miko gets her weird blood partner in you and you get us. It isn't ideal or normal, but I want this to work. My last relationship ended horribly and that was years ago. I couldn't help him so I had to leave and I've been hollow ever since. At least until last night."

Izuku heard this all and took in as best he could. He wasn't quite sure of how he felt about any of it, of this situation. For crying out loud he was in bed with the woman completely nude and he felt good in a physical way, but he shared in her belief that this was wrong somehow. He wanted to be with Himiko, to hold her like he was this woman, yet he felt far more at ease with Ochacho despite only knowing her for such a short time.

He wanted to hate himself, to scream and shout and deny that any woman could have a place similar to his darling, to the woman who made him want to live, in his heart. Izuku didn't love Ochacho, didn't adore her like he did Himiko, and had no intentions of taking her to the altar. Yet here he was, loving every second of her attention and desire as they worked out the pain like an ointment, just waiting for Himiko to be finished with her work.

Did he want this situation to work out? On a primal, natural, level he did for the simple fact that it gave him more mating options, what man wouldn't? But what did he know about the woman aside from what Himiko told him? The girl dated Katsuki Bakugou of all fucking people, presumably of her own free will, so that said something about her as a person. Still he couldn't escape how nice it was to simply be around her now.

It wasn't a butterfly filled, magnetic pull like he had when he and Himiko first started dating. It was a basic mood she brought to a place that he noticed and he liked that Himiko was there to share in that. They both needed mental security and Ochacho bought that from simply relaxing and being herself...or maybe that was just the oxytocin talking considering he had been hugging this woman for over an hour now.

He could sympathize with being lonely, it was one of the reasons he tried to jump off that bridge so long ago, but to go to such lengths to find fulfillment? How damaged was the heroine he was comforting? Did it matter since Himiko had done far worse in her past?

Izuku certainly wanted her physically, yet did he want her for more than base animal pleasure? Should he want her for more when he still had Himiko? How would any of this even work, much less for years or even a lifetime considering how Ochacho talked? Was he wrong to want in the first place? To demand anything out of an unusual situation other than Himiko's fidelity? What did he even want aside from sex in this set up? Was he even right to want a possibility of love with this woman, even as an idea? 

Murmuring a decisive end to his mental turmoil, Izuku sat up and cradled Ochacho's head like he always wanted someone to do for him at his lowest.

"I going to be honest, I have no clue on any of this. You just blindsided Himiko and I then the next day we're all in this multi person relationship because you want it. It's...weird, to put it mildly. I said, since you helped Himiko I'll try for the both of you. I just need that you don't go looking anywhere else for pleasure and I'll treat you as well as I treat her."

He slipped a thumb over her cheek once more as he petted her in that controlling, possessive manner Himiko does with him.

"I haven't had anyone for years, the same as you and if you devote yourself to the two of us then we'll make this work. Just don't ever hurt Himiko or me. She means everything to me and I'll learn to do the same for you. Honestly, I find you to be ungodly attractive which is why I didn't fight as hard, but...I don't know if I want to love you beyond that."

He lowered his hand down and rubbed one of her arms to keep them connected.

"It isn't that I don't find you appealing or a great person, hell I'm almost sure I want to, but part of me is scared that I'll love Himiko less for it or if I want to love you for the right reasons. You're more than a body and so it's wrong of me to only want that. Maybe we can develop something between the three of us as strange as it is to say. I just...don't know you enough to be certain and I'm scared of hurting you or God forbid Himiko."

Ochacho shifted herself upward and put her arms around his chest, feeling more than a little touched at his kindness for her sake. A glint entered her eye and she felt even better as his pulse touched her.

"I get what you mean and you have every reason to be suspicious of me. I wasn't sure of this myself, but I made the choice so now I'm gonna stick to it. After all, what else can life offer any of us at the moment? We've been alone so why not just go with it? We all need a new life and we can help each other build that. Pain is part of living, but it's the drive to make something lasting that a little bit of pain can't topple. That's what communication is for, right now you and I are working through the emotions and the hardships that'll come our way and when Miko finishes, we'll lay down and have the same kind of talk with her."

She put a finger to his chin and turned it towards her.

"It'll be difficult and uncomfortable at first, but that's how all good things start. The important thing is that we put the effort into maintaining it through the good and the bad. If all three of us do that then it'll work, we just need time to get there."

Izuku stared at the brunette as his eyes finally adapted to the darkness and found himself much more at ease with himself. This is not how he pictured his life at all, but it was what he had so he may as well roll with it. Hugging the girl he brought the both of them down to the bed.

"If you're willing to put the effort in with me and Himiko then I guess this is alright."

Ochacho smiled to herself and returned the hug as she felt pride at the progress they made. It was only half a step since they still needed to talk with Miko, but it was still a step forward. There were hours ahead of them now, perhaps even until the next day started, when they could see the third part of their family. So much time and no idea how to use it. Her mind drifted towards the idea of something naughty for the simple fact that she had years to make up for, but she didn't want to push until Miko was back.

Though she did say that they could screw so maybe. For some reason as she held the man who was now her boyfriend? Male concubine? Ochacho felt the more insidious, hungry and even competitive part of her mind start to look at the words Miko used "Give the girl a good day off." 

She never specified what that had to include or not and she brought up permission for them to be intimate. Those could easily be interpreted in a lot of ways and Izuku had already been shown to be direct when the blonde told him to do something. All it would take was a little convincing, a little seduction, a little more force and she could get more than this half-assed "barely in" stuff.

After all she was a top hero, a war veteran and acted like a saint every fucking day, plus she saved Himiko's life and gave her the legal freedom to not rot in Tartarus after the girl tried to ruin the entire fucking world with that group of creeps. She deserved more than that pittance of last night, in fact she deserved to get her jollies every day and a baby or two and this man was the right type of messed up that she could save after failing Katsuki.

They both fucking owed her. Her parents rebuilt his fucking home and she saved that poor girl from a wasted life, so getting the full package was the least she could ask for. Of course she was willing to have Himiko stay with them, she wasn't a complete monster and she was willing to bend to their rules.

She just wanted this one thing for her from the relationship. However if Himiko fought the idea or blew a gasket(assuming she didn't relapse and get violent which Ochacho had complete faith that she had recovered enough to not worry) then she could just say a few things or tell her Izuku wanted to practice on her before he took her virginity.

If that failed and they both refused to play ball at all, then she'd start getting mean. She was a hero so it was fine for her to ask some things from life, much less something so basic from her partners.

She cringed at the thoughts and found herself ashamed of her mind. These two needed her, so why the hell was she thinking of acting like some controlling monster? But was she really though? All she wanted was the rest of what went on last night. She was being loyal and kind to her lovers, all she wanted was to skip the pretense. In fact maybe it would be better if she and Zuki start practicing for Miko. They all agreed to it, so why not just act now and explain it to her afterwards? Besides, it wasn't like she had forever before her eggs died out and her chances of having babies vanished.

She had the money and Izuku said he wanted kids, with Himiko sure, but they were all together as a three person family so it shouldn't matter. After all she was now his girlfriend so if she wanted a baby before she became barren in the next four years then they should be okay with it. They were in this together and if Himiko made a fit then she could just help Izuku make her pregnant.

She did owe her entire life to her and Ochacho knew this was the one thing she wanted above all else with less time passing everyday to make it happen. So what was nine months of pain and inconvenience compared to paying a life debt? She had enough money from Katsuki investing for her separately when they were together so she was set for life even with six possible extra people to care for.

Besides Izuku knew Himiko was a killer in her past and let her cut him, so the possibility of him leaving if he found out she was an ex-PLA commander was insanely low. They could move a lot faster and nothing massive would go wrong. Her friend wouldn't be alone and be taken care of for the rest of her life while they raised their children together as their husband lived an easy life of making them happy.

It would be better for the three of them if it happened so she wasn't wrong for thinking about this. She'd dedicate her life to them and build her new dream with these two. All it needed was more pleasure and then it could start.

Taking a moment to analyze what she pictured, Ochacho decided to have a little courtesy towards the girl who gave her this possibility and wait until they were all together again to try the full plan. For now she had to make due with the boundaries the two set last night.

"Hey Zuki, can I ask you a favor and have you do that thing with your mouth again?"

Izuku blinked at the request, but gave a casual "Okay" as he started to kiss his way down her torso and under the blanket, feeling his way around until he found it. Ochacho moaned and whimpered and cried in pleasure as she felt him work, it really had been far too long. She needed a lot more of this and if it only came from this pathetic loser and that demented bitch then she could live a very happy life.

They were some rejected, pitiable degenerates who needed a strong hand to guide them and she had the will, devotion and money to make it happen. These two were her property now, just like Katsuki was before she failed him. Nobody even wanted these two, just like how nobody wanted Katsuki, so it was up to her to fix their lives. She had succeeded with Himiko so now she just needed a baby from Izuku and she could fix him just as much.

Katsuki was beyond her help so she had to find other people in need of her and by some gift of heaven she did. She had found a man that she knew she could save and keep her best success safe and happy for the rest of her life and then their children could go out and help the world even more. She smiled when she thought of how her green eyed, brown haired babies would play with their yellow eyed, green haired siblings.

Her mind was ripped back to reality when she felt her spine tingle and her belly warm as she grabbed the covers with a death grip once all the mounting tension inside her body released all at once. Izuku raised his head up from the blanket and gave her a look she knew deep inside her brain as he crawled over her shivering form. 

So perhaps she could do away with courtesy and just go to step two. Smiling, Ochacho spread her legs and grabbed his back, easing him into her grasp as she prepared to start, sensitivity be damned. It didn't take much to get him receptive and she could tell he was going to go for it if she said the right words, but as if to unjustly punish her despite all the good she's done for the world and the lifetime of good she was about to do for herself, Miko and Zuki, there came a phone call from the living room that had the idiot rushing out of bed to answer it.

She was left alone in that room and it did not sit well with her at all. Every fear of loneliness and emptiness rose up and threatened to drown her as she stared at the flung open door. "Come back...Come the fuck back!" She screamed in her head as a surge of fear driven anger pounded in her heart. How dare he just walk away from her!? From the gift she was about to make with him for Miko and the both of them!? She knew best so why the fuck did he just…

Calm down Uraraka, Zuki was just going to answer the phone. That's probably Miko asking for them to come back to her apartment. This was a good thing, they just needed to head back and she could say a few words and then they could all start man in little miracles. She relaxed at the thought and smiled warmly as she got off the bed to walk into the living room.

Looking ahead she saw Izuku talking on the phone to someone with the most uncomfortable face she'd seen on anyone for such a mundane thing.

"Hey Kacchan…"

He smiled like a gun was put to his head.

"Oh, like right now?"

His knuckles whitened as he spoke.

"Well...I can make the time then."

There was real anger on his face now.

"Sure, I can be there in an hour."

The anger only grew when he responded.

"Great, see ya soon pal."

The call disconnected and he dropped his device with a shaking hand as he contained whatever fury was boiling inside him. Izuku looked at her standing there and most of the rage passed as he approached with open arms and an apologetic face. He hugged her for a good two minutes and spoke with a spiteful sigh.

"I got something private to deal with and I gotta handle it alone. I promise that tomorrow you, me and Himiko will do something great, but I need to get this done."

Confusion and fear struck the heroine as she grabbed his wrists in a panic.

"B-But, what about what Himiko told you to do? You're supposed to spend the whole day with me and you're in no condition to leave. At least let me return the favor."

Izuku grinned at her before he moved to gather his clothes and made his way to the bathroom. The man who her entire future depended on took over fifthteen minutes and when he stepped out she wanted to scream, but she didn't. Instead she stood there nude as the day she was born as this kind, generous, loving man kissed her and looked deeply into her eyes. 

"I need to go, but I promise that tomorrow you, Himiko and I will have a great time and I'll make you two feel like the most special girls in the world, okay Rosey?"

Ochacho nodded and kissed him one more time before he left out the front door and locked it. She knew this would work, that this was her path to happiness and fulfillment. It wasn't happening at her pace yet, but she knew the two that needed her would be like puddy if she said the right words, promised the right things and gave them both all she had. Everything would be hers in the end. She only needed to be patient and then her paradise would become real.

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