Reborn as an undead lord

Chapter 76: Day 44 Dungeon raid part 3

When they go to next floor and there was a person laying on the ground. Colt ordered an undead go check on the person when the undead check my king it a female and she is unconscious. When Colt walk over and use heal on her and she wake up you are you she asked I am Colt and you I am Josephine. You are a lord are you not Josephine yes you are one too yes so are you going to kill me. That up to you I can have you become a vassal to me or Jimmy. Colt pointed behind him and she look at Jimmy if I have a choice I rather you very well Colt gave her his username and she became his vassal. After everyone got down and settled down Josephine seen Casiss be lead in and sat down close to her.Casiss is that you she look at Josephine. Lady Josephine do you know where my master is Casiss tried to get to Josephine but she was shoved hard into the ground and was face first let me go I need to find my master I need to find her. You will not find her is this life Colt answer Casiss and Josephine look at Colt how do you know then Casiss yell did you kill my master. No Colt answered we found 4 people dead there was a bloodline I got from one of the corpses. There was 3 man and one woman.what level the seventh.So they only made it to the seventh so Casiss master was one that die fairly well bring her over here the undead pick her up and drag her over to Colt and make her look him in the eyes she was crying. Now I am going to make you my slave Colt make her look him in the eyes and casted a slave contract magic on her she trying fighting it but it started to burn his crest into her chest. As soon as the chest was completely done being burn into her chest. Colt ordered his undead free her of her restraints. She just layed on the ground crying Nova help her up I will take her over here and try to calm her down. Josephine yes Colt what level did yous make it we make it to the fifthteenth floor clear the boss room and was in the safe area we decided to go back and as soon as we make it to the forthteenth we found out that all the monsters where back like we never kill them. Yea I heard that but I wasn't sure how long it will take. What type of troops do you control fire element spirit dragon. Now do you summon them they can be summon at the barracks or I can use magic crystals to summon more troops. Here then Colt gave her 50,000 low and 2,000 medium grade magic crystals. I will start summoning right away only do what you can it's 00:30 the time in the dungeon is different then the system time the dungeon is 6x faster so six hours here is one hour in the outside world. Ooo I did not know that yes so in 12 hours we will be continuing our dungeon raiding after eating everyone then to sleep. After about 3 dungeon hours Colt was wake up by Casiss master can I lay with you yea you can lay with me Colt said. Colt wake up to Casiss in his arms sounded asleep Colt slept for about 9 hours they have about 1 and a half hours before they where planning to start moving again. Josephine have use all the medium grade magic crystals and about 10,000 of the low grade magic crystals. After everyone got up.and eat they make a new game plan we will have all troops out fighting and every level Colt will summon undead. The eleventh floor have 50,000 level 11 great wolfs that was disappointing I thought we be getting hit hard no Josephine answered it will be easy up to the fifthteenth floor then the hell begins my alliance bearly make it. Okay we need to remember if it starts to get hard to leave. Colt summon and disassemble everything and only have enough food to upgrade his dungeon storage to level 10. The boss room have 25,000 level 11 Hawks they where kill quickly they seach the room and only found empty treasure chest. They proceeded to the twelveth floor and found 75,000 great wolfs and 75,000 hawks level 12 it was still easy but they did notice it was slightly more difficult. After disassemble everything Colt upgraded his dungeon storage to level 12 and Edward to level 11. They entered the boss room to find 50,000 level 13 silver boars the boars where defeated quickly and after disassembling the boars Edward dungeon storage was upgraded to level 12 and Ellies to level 11. The boss room was cleared and empty like all the rest. The thirteenth floor have 100,000 great wolfs, 100,000 silver boars, and 100,000 hawks all level 13. After a hour long fight all the mosters were killed this is getting difficult I know I am thinking we will need to turn around once we get to the fifthteenth floor. After disassembling all the monsters there was enough food to upgrade Colt, Edward, Ellie, and Jimmy dungeon storage to level 13.How is everyone Herr was no injuries of yet. The boss room there was 75,000 level 14 great vipers. The fight was done quickly and the room was clear. We are almost to the fifthteenth floor. Colt in a loud voice everyone we have 2 more floor to clear before we get to a safe place once we get there we will need to make a decision we will either turn around or continue to the next safe place. The forthteenth floor was great wolfs,silver boar, great vipers, and hawk,all was level 14 and 125,000 of each this fight when on for 2 hours and there where slightly injures. After disassembling all the monsters there was enough food to upgrade Colt, Edward, Ellie, Jimmy,and Josephine all dungeon storage to level 14 and Odette to level 6. In the boss room there was 100,000 level 15 silver foxs. They were kill quickly. They moved to the fifthteenth floor is everyone ready to go everyone say yea. They start down on the fifthteenth floor there was alot of monsters there was great wolfs,silver boars, great vipers,hawks, and silver foxs all was level 15 and 150,000 of each. There where more injuries but they managed to kill all the monsters. After healing all the injuries Colt look at everyone so are we going to continue to the boss room and clear this floor after walking for a hour. In front of the boss room there was a powerful aura this is going to be a difficult fight. When Colt opened the door stit it is demons there 150,000 level 16. After a 2 hour long fight they finally kill the monster in the boss room. They seach the floor and found only an empty chest. After healing everyone they continue to the safe area. They where surprised to find there was a group already there. When Colts party was spotted both sides got ready to fight. Colt walk forward and a female that looks like a sword master walk towards Colt. Colt stop just in front of the sword master. I am Colt the leader of this group. And I am Larisa the leader of the group know as the rising stars. We are on our way back to the surface we got the the eighteenth floor but we needed to turned around because it was too tough to continue. Yea we are thinking about turning around ourselves. Colt and party set up there camp site. We need to make a decision we ether can continue or we can turnaround. We are going to rest here for the night but in the morning we need to make a decision. Everyone eat and when to sleep. Colt wake up early and walked around alittle everyone finally wake up and was getting ready and there was food being cooked by Casiss. After everyone was done eating Colt ask everyone what yous want to do. No one answered I will go first Colt said I want to go back I am not sure if we can continue safety I rather leave when we are on top and not behind. Everyone look at Colt are you sure you can probably clear them by yourself no I will not be able to. Everyone agrees with Colt we can try again later when we are stronger and we can bring more troops and more vassal lords to clear this place.Colt got with Larisa and told her that they where going to go back to the surface. Can we team up and go back to the surface together. That will work.After working with Larisas team they make it back to the surface in record time. As soon as they reached the surface Larisa thanked them for helping her and her group. After Larisa and group left did anyone else get a notification no why I got a notification that I can go back to fifthteenth. That great so we can go straight back yea.

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