Reborn as an undead lord

Chapter 77: Day 44 upgrading and the town of Bellbury

It was 10:00 everyone go back to the capital to get stronger and we can try the dungeon again. In afew weeks and with more troops. Colt transfer 1 million low grade, 500,000 medium magic crystals to Lucas, Ellie, and Josephine use that to build up your troops and ,Colt transfer 100k iron and 100k low grade magic crystals to everyone so they can upgrade there castle and barracks. Now time to upgrade my castle and the capital Colt when and transfer as much as he could with out losing any resources and then he when an sat on the throne and started upgrading first Colt upgraded the magic crystals mine, teleport gate,and coinsmith to level 8. And upgrade energy towers interwall,energy towers outer walls,energy cannon, and undead fortress to level 4. Now to up grade the castle do you what to upgrade your castle yes congratulation you have upgraded your castle to level 9. Congratulations your territory is now 22 square miles,territorial lands is now 36 square miles and you have obtain 4 settlement points you now have 7/12

Clearing the dungeon levels is helping with upgrading everything let see if I can upgrade to level 10. If I can I will be able to upgrade the undead navel base and get more ships. So colt upgraded the barrack to level 17.

The dungeon, forge, outerwalls, interwalls, great shield, resident quarters, farms, lumber yard, orchard, iron mine, copper mine, silver mine, gold mine, stone quarry, warehouse, granary, pasture, hall of races, treasury, coin smith, alchemy workshop,city square, teleport gate,magiic crystal mine and stables to level 9. Now to upgrade the castle again. Colt upgraded the castle to level 10 congratulations you have upgraded your city level to 10 congratulations your territory is now 24 square miles and your

territorial lands are 40 square miles.You have gained 4 more settlement points. You have unlock vineyard,winery, wine cellar, castle wine cellar,hops fields and brewerie.

Now do I have enough resources I can upgrade my navel base and hopefully get my flagship. I need to collect my resources first and summon pirates. Colt collected everything 72,000 food, 84,000 iron, 648,000 wood, 100,000 iron ore,1,440,000 stone,1.6 million copper coins, 16,000 copper ore,240,000 silver coins, 20,800,gold coins, 19,200 mithril ore,192 opal,62,400 low grade magic crystals and 240 medium grade magic crystals. Looking at the resources Colt realized he do not have enough stone for the navel base upgrade and do not enough wood for a flagship. I managed to upgrade alot but I am out of basic resources. I wonder if I can buy what I need from the the other cities not part of my kingdom. Let me quickly look at the city stats.

City level 10

Territory 24 square miles

Territorial 40 square miles

Settlement points 11/16

Teleport gate crystals 6/12

Dead fortress crystals 3/4

Castle level 10/50

Dungeon level 9/50

Barracks level 17/25

Shrine of the dead level 4/10

Guardians of the dead level 13/25

Forge level 9/50

Residents quarters level 9/50

Blacksmith level 4/25

Inter Walls level 9/50

Outer walls level 9/50

Energy towers inter level 4 / 25

Energy towers outer level 4 / 25

Energy cannon level 4/25

Farms level 9/50

Iron mine level 9/50

Mithril mine 4/25

Stone query 9/50

Lumber woods/sawmill 9/50

Warehouse level 9/50

Granary level 9/50

Leather Smith level 4/25

Weapon Smith level 4/25

Armory level 4/25

Siver mine level 9/ 50

Gold mine level 9/50

Coin Smith level 9/50

Copper mine level 9/50

Gem stone mine level 4/25

Dead fortress level 4/25

Hall of races level 9/50

City square level 9/50

Teleport gate level 9/50

Great library level 4/25

Mage tower level 4/25

Great shield level 9/50

Pastures land level 9/50

Treasury level 9/50

Jewelry Smith level 4/25.

Orchard level 9/50

Alchemy workshop 9/50.

Stable level 9/50.

Magic crystals mine level 9/50

Undead navel base 1/10 locked requirement level 10 castle.

Diamond link Colt if you have some time me and the rest of the succubus are getting weak so we need some time with you I am free now have all of them meet me in my chamber yes master. After satisfying the succubus needs Colt got ready to leave to Bellbury Colt wake Nayana and Ivy up get dressed we are going to town and yous will accompany. Everyone was ready in 30 minutes Colt and the girls when to the teleport gate and teleport to Bellbury. They got to Bellbury at 15:00 okay the first place is the adventure guild I have 1,000 black dager. To trade in for gold coins when Colt walk in he when to the guild receptionist I would like to talk to the guild master in private and Colt happened the receptionist his guild card. The receptionist almost laughed at Colt I never seen his guy with two slaves probably rich lords kid trying to play hero but when she look at his guild card her face turned pale he a s rank. Sir give me a minute I will get the guild master know he are here. Colt waited for the receptionist to come back there was an adventurer giving the other receptionist a hard time cusing at her then he slapped her no one even tried to help the receptionist. Colt got up he was going to try it be civilized and stop this without using violence. But as soon as Colt got close enough to do anything the asshole try to hit the receptionist again but Colt caught his hand you do not have to hit the young lady. Who a fuck are you someone how does not like unnecessary violence or picking on the weak. Fuck you then the adventurer try to hit Colt but Colt caught his fist in his hand and Colt punch him in the stomach making him cough up blood and fall on the ground so weak it like hitting a kitten. Just then a group of adventurers came in and ran over the he guy that Colt just punch. One the the people used healing magic on him and he sat up that fucking bastard where is he you talking about me kitty the guy got up and look at Colt do you have any idea who I am no and I do not care you are not my equal so why would I care just then the guild master came in Mr Colt I was told you wanted to see me. The guy look at the guild master you know this asshole Kyren you be wise not to piss off a s rank adventurer and one who is currently have a bounty on his head by the black dager gang. And this is going to be your only waring Kyren I was willing to over look you yelling and cusing my receptionist because you are part of an a rank party but now you have hit one of my receptionist you are lucky you only got one hit leave now. Guild master I will take care of this it will not happen again I hope so Ozzy your party is probably going to be getting to s rank in the next few years but something like this can hurt you and your party. After the party left Mr Colt thank you for helping my receptionist. Please follow me once they are in his office so what can I do for you Colt pull out 1,000 dager I would like to cash these in. We will not be able to by them all we only have 10k gold coins but we can buy no Colt said 10k gold coins will take them all today. Are you sure yes I have alot of these I can use the gold very well. The guild master got the gold and give it to Colt. Is there anything else I can help you with what information did we gather on this new kingdom I been hearing about. The kingdom of freedom it seems like it a kingdom that everyone can live in peace and there are is no slavery. Okay good to know Colt left the guild hall let's go to the magic shop. Colt and the girls when to the magic shop Colt found that they have a large ring of storage and a rare ring of storage the rare ring or storage holds 250,000 items. How much for the rings 10 gold and 100 gold I will take both and handled the shopkeeper the gold and took the rings. Colt when to the market and found someone sell stone. Colt found a shop that sells wood 1,000 units of wood for one silver coin do you have enough wood for 890,000 unit yes I do how long will it take to get it as soon as you pay I will give you a receipt and you can pick it up at the lumberyard 890 Silver coins. Colt gave him a gold coin and told him to keep the change. Colt when to the lumber yard and collected everything. It was 19:00 Colt when to the inn in town and rent the best room it was 1 gold coin Colt gave the inn keeper. The inn keepers show Colt and the girls to his room. Once they ate in there room Colt let the girls know he will be going to the slave hall they can stay here or go with him. Colt walk into the slave hall and when to the front desk he gave them his slavery ID sir please give me a minute he ran every sorry for the what are you here form the auction sir no but there will be auction yes sir in one hour. And it's a dining auction so you paid a cover to join the auction and that is to cover you meal but if you what wines that extra how much 1,000 gold to by in there the 1,000 gold. Colt link the undead angels I need 150k gold coins brought to me in 45 mins. Colt look at the slave they have for sale the only thing that caught his eyes the the lycan there was 10 how much 5 gold coins I will take them. Just them Colt got a link so he when outside and grab the coins from the undead angel.

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