Reborn as an undead lord

Chapter 78: night 44 Bellbury auction

After getting the coins Colt ask for a sevant came up to Colt. Mr. Colt I will be serving you tonight my name is Julian as soon as Nayana seen Julian she needed to control her emotions. Once they were in their room and the door was closed Nayana hugged Julian and started crying. Julian look at Colt considering you are not yelling and Nayana is doing this you must not be animal like most of these pigs. No I hate slavery then why are you here slavery is allowed everywhere but one kingdom. Colt answer so I help who I can. I think I understand here Colt gave him his coin purse this should be 150,000 gold coins in there. Who are you a s rank adventurer Colt answer that explains alot. I will be right back with drinks and food. After afew moments Julian return with food and drinks is there anything I can get you anything yes four bottles of your finest wine yes sir and 4 glasses. Four glasses yes unless you and allowed to drink when the person you are serving offers you one no sir that would be impolite. Julian brought four of the best bottles of wine and 4 glasses. Nayana got up and got the glasses and opened the first bottle pour Colt a glass then Julian, then Ivy and then herself. You are something else Mr. Colt I almost never see a master buy wine for his slaves. Ivy look at Colt can I tell him master if you think he is trustworthy. Ivy pull out her pendant this is the royal seal of the kingdom of freedom. Copper is for anyone who works in the castle Nayana pull hers out and show Julian, silver is for royal guard ,advisor,concubines,and the elders. And gold is for the king, his second in command and his upper command. If that is true can I request something of you what is it my love will be auction tonight she is a light elf I used to be adventurer I was saved by her and we fell in love but then she was caught by slavers and I tried finding her but I could not. It been 4 years since I started working here and I heard tonight that there a white elf being sold tonight please I will see what I can do thank you.Colt and the girls finish eating then the auction was getting ready to start the lights when down in front of you is the stage there is there the slave will be brought out to be shown there it was a little controlled tablet you type the bid you want and the auctioneer will get it. Then the stage lights got alittle brighter and the auctioneer came up to the stage welcome everyone we will be starting tonight auction the lowest bid of the night will be 1 gold there will not be any copper or silver coins being used and there are afew big spenders here so try and not cry if you are out bid. Okey the first item of the night is this 5 beautiful foxgirl there brought out this is a bulk sell so do I heard 5 I got 6 how about 7 I got 7 how able 8 once the bid got to 30 Colt bid 35.Colt win so that is how the controller work. Next item is a elf Colt did not bid the next item was demon Colt did not bid. The next item was male werewolve th bidding was crazy. Then the next item was a male lycan Colt won the bid at 30 gold. Next item is a demonkin Colt did not bid again the next item is a male dragonborn Colt bid and won for 100 gold. Then a pair of succubus twins Colt won the bid for 300. The next 5 bids Colt did not bid. Then a female undeadkin came up the bids was going up it was up to 3,609 Colt put a bid for 4,000 no one else bidded so Colt won the the next one was a white elf is that her Julian yes it her okay the bid started at 5,000 and it was going up after 6 minutes it was up to 9,701. I am getting tried of this stit Colt said 10,000. Then someone bidded 10,001 I'm not playing 11,000. Then someone bidded 11,001 this is ridiculous 15,000. When the auctioneer said the bidded there was silence after a few moments Colt won. Then there was alot of bulk sales Colt spending 100 gold for 10 dwarves, 5 cow demi-human,and 5 cat demi-human. Then next item is rare a princess of the centaur they brought her out her hand behind her back there was shackles on her legs. The bidding starts high the bidding when up to 9,000 Colt bidded 10,000 and won again. After that the bidding began to slow down. The last item of the night the last princess of the dark elfs she was checking and she is still a virgin the bidding was getting stupid high the bidds where up to 20,000 master are you going to bidded yea 25,000 when the bid when in there was alot of shock the auctioneer verify it was a good bid. Then no one else bidded Colt won. Colt got 80,000 gold back. And Colt got everyone right a way the lycan and the dragonborn Colt remove there chain and show them both the pendants he wear they both knee to him help me with the rest of the slave. Once they are about 30 minutes out Colt stop then and took all the restraints off and the undead angels landed surrounding the slaves have any of your heard about the kingdom of freedom most of the slave say yes good because there is where yous are going you will be there for the next 5 years working off your debt but if you want to become citizens and have your families join let the elders know and they will get everything situated and succubus yous will become the slaves of the king he will be able to supply your needs. Ivy look at them trust me after you get your fill of the king you will never look at another male. The princess of the centaur will I be able to get an audience with the king if the king is not available lady Diamond should be able to see. You thank you. You the white elf you are returning with me Colt and the girls when back to the inn Colt told Ivy to go get him yes master. After Ivy left Colt sat down in the bed and Nayana took off her dress and was just in her lingerie. Nayana put her head in Colts lap and Colt play with her hair. What your name it is Nimue. That is a nice name I am not a virgin and have had sex with humans before. I am not going to have sex with you. Then why did you buy me one because I am buying slaves for the kingdom of freedom to help build up the population, and two because I was ask to buy you for someone because they wanted you. So you bought me to be a breeder not exactly. What did noble see me and waited my body you are funny why don't you just be quiet and wait. After a few minutes Ivy came back with Julian. When Nimue started crying Julian is that really you. Julian walk over to her and wipe the tears from her face I been looking for you since you were taking Julian you do not want me anymore the things they did to me I am do not dare finish that you will be the mother of my children I will not take no for answer you are my and I am yours. Colt was sleeping with Nayana in his lap.Ivy told Julian and Nimue there a spare room over there and the bathroom is here. Nimue you need to let that man in he been looking for you. You make not want to have sex with him and he will tell you he do not need it and it not important but you need it you need to feel what sex is like when you are love by the man in you and wants to satisfied you even more then hisself. Are you talking from experience I am a succubus we need sex to survive so it different for us but Julian you met Nayana before is she the same girl you met no. The last time I seen her she was scared and wanting to be touched but now look she is sound asleep in her masters lap.

Julian and Nimue when into the other room and Ivy check and see that Colt have hidden 6 damned soldiers in the master bath yous stand guard at the door. They when and stand guard.

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