Chapter 6: Chapter 5: White Crown Tattoo
"And there, we were called as Whites because of our guild's name." Serene explained to me everything that I need to know about their guild and about its people. Leviticus may told me that I should ask him alone but I can't help it. Serene is too bubbly, I can resist her. She really knows how to handle conversation while me, I am just listening and nodding sometimes. If I am responding, 'okay' and 'yes' are the shortest words coming from my mouth.
"S-So where are the other guild members?" I almost whispered, she just smiled at me with her signature sweet smile.
"They are working as of now, some of them are looking for new products that we can possibly sell here, some of them are doing their individual missions. As I told you, missions can rank up the guild and they are doing their bests to rank White Fin." She explained that made me nodded. She really knew a lot, she really deserve to be the right hand of the guild master.
Serene can manipulate the water from the ocean, that's why, their guild is located almost near the ocean. She told me that we can go there sometimes that I immediately agreed. Well, when I was a child, it was one of my dreams to see an ocean in person. I want to touch the ocean and swim. But because of my cancer, I grew up in hospital and watch beautiful things and views only in tv series.
Serene wholeheartedly accepted me as her friend and no one can measure how happy I was when she accepted me! It sounds cliché but I am really happy because at last, I made a friend!
"Do you think I also have magic, like you?" I asked again thinking the possibilities if I really have magic like them.
She immediately nodded, "of course! No one in this world possess no magic! Everyone here has magic. But in your case, I think you still have to find out." She stated. I nodded. "But I will be the happiest friend of yours if you already find your magic!" She exclaimed.
"S-Serene, you're the only friend I have."
"Psh, Leviticus is your friend too. I know he's just grumpy but deep inside, he wants to be friends with you. Look..." She suddenly stood up and then get something under the counter and then went back again. I just noticed now that there's a huge shelf with alcoholic drinks displayed on it. "... look yourself in the mirror." She softly commanded.
I followed her and then stared my reflection at the mirror and I was taken a back because of the face I am seeing! Well, I am familiar with the features of my face but not that pretty! My skin... my skin is too bright and white like I am that Snow White from that cartoons! My hair is also white just like the color of the snow! My cupid's bow-like lips is naturally pinkish.. just like both of my cheeks. That familiar button kind of nose made me more pretty as well! And those thin light brown eyebrows are something that I can't even explain!
Now I understand why Leviticus calling me weird. I really do look like weird!
And those eyes.. those onyx eyes that I never imagined that I could have. As far as I remember, my eyes are natural coffee brown, not like this like I am having a staring contest with the darkness!
"You are gorgeous, you're beauty is ethereal that's why I know if lot of mages will see you, they'll automatically want to befriend you." I heard from Serene while I am still stuck with the reflection of myself. I slowly caressed my cheeks and those are really real! The length of my hair is undeniably beautiful like I am caressing such expensive wig! I am really reborn! Luckily, I still have my original face, it's just that the colors of my eyes, hair, eyebrows and skin changed.
"I-I can't believe what I am seeing, this isn't even me in my p-previous.. life." I softly uttered.
Serene chuckled and then put the plate sized mirror on the table and then stared at me, "you are like a Goddess, this is the first time I complimented a girl with such beauty, trust me, Aliyah... you were the first." She smiled and then caressed my hair.
I can't believe it either... that I can be that beautiful!
I noticed a white crown tattoo in the back of her palm. She explained to me that every guild has their own guild tattoos to know its guild members and you can put it on what part you desire to be tattooed. Tattoos are like marks, tells that they really belong to that specific guild and they are devoted and loyal. White Fin has a white crown tattoo as the symbol of loyalty and like the pledges of love for the guild. She said that even they are in the lowest rank, she can assure that their bonds are still strong and unbreakable... that no one can separate and destroy them.
"It's almost night, we have to prepare... we still have to open the bar for the customers." Serene and I was stopped when Leviticus spoke. He is now walking down the grandstairs while he is staring at Serene.
"Leviticus, it's sunday, don't you want to rest?" Serene softly uttered with concern visible in her eyes.
"I already rested, that was enough. Serene, we need more rates from the customers so that we can rank up. You know that." He strongly responded and then went to the counter. He readied some glasses, cocktail shakers and other strainers.
He is still grumpy. Looks like he was just lying about resting. He looks frustrated for me.
"But only you and I are here, it's har—"
"S-Serene, I can help. Maybe in giving customers their orders?" Both of them looked at me as if I just said something helpful. But unlike Serene who has a soft expression, Leviticus is frowning at me but I know deep inside, he liked my idea.