Reborn as the Summon Goddess

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Long, Long Day

The night came together with some customers. Half of them are men with strong personalities. I don't have any idea how bar works in real life but seeing these men drinks alcohol like there's no more tomorrow, seems like this kind of place is their hide out. Women are drinking relaxingly, they are calm and composed but I can still sense that they aren't kind based on their strict looks. They have red lipsticks, blush ons and sexy outfits. I noticed that people from here has different personalities, hair colors, eyes' colors and even.. auras.

"Are you regretting now for helping us?" I looked at Leviticus who's now mixing drinks. Some women are sitting here on the counter bit I don't bother giving them glimpses. I am scared that I stared at them, they'll just rolled their eyes at me.

"N-No, of course not, i-it's just that.. this is my first time inside the bar with these lot of people around." I immediately responded. I don't want to give him more doubts about me as I am starting to rebuild my heart and mind in this world. I may not completely accepted my faith but I am slowly accepting and adopting this second life of mine.

"Why, you don't have bars in your previous world?" He asked arrogantly with that smirk plastered on his lips.

"W-We have, of course, but I-I don't have time to visit them." I lied. Well, if I will tell him the truth about the life I had before, I know that he'll treat me differently. I don't want people pity me because of what I experienced before and even before as well, I don't want people staring at me with those eyes full of sadness.

Oh God, I miss my... parents. If I could just visit them in my previous life but I guess it is so impossible now. I am already dead in that world.

Serene lend me a brown dress, I look like a maidservant with this outfit but it's already okay for me. It's light and comfy, I can move freely with this kind of dress. My hair is ponytailed and I have a light make up which is obviously done by Serene. Well, I have a lot of first time here.

Leviticus sighed and then handed me the drink he already mixed, "give that to that old geezer," he pointed an old guy with a bulky body. I swallowed hard because he looks like a goon! "After giving this to him, walk away immediately." As if I would like to stay longer!

He put the drinks in the tray while my hands are starting to tremble. But I composed myself not to look stupid because I don't want to be called stupid again by Leviticus. I heard enough from him.

Seconds after, I went to the old guy's table. I know he's looking at me right at this moment but my eyes are focused on his table. I don't want to stare at him because if I would, I don't know what will I feel. Honestly, I saw old goons in movies and I don't like the way they glared at women... just like this bulky old man! It feels more horrifying in person!

"T-This is your order, sir." I uttered while slowly putting all his drinks on his table. My hands are kinda shaking still but I just swallowed hard and then bravely stared at the old guy after putting all his drinks. I was stiffened a bit when until now, he's glaring at me. But I just smiled at him sweetly, well, it's fake kind of smile. "E-Enjoy your drinks, sir." I added and then bowed my head.

I didn't wait for his response and I immediately walked away from his table just like what Leviticus told me. I accidentally looked at Serena and now she's smiling at me but I know that smile. I know she's concern.

I don't have a choice, okay? I wanted to help them in exchange of being saved by Leviticus and being the new friend of Serene. I don't want to disapppoint them and I don't want them to look at me like I don't know nothing aside from spilling weird words! I want to prove myself to them that I can do such things as well... which I didn't prove to the people who supported me when I was still in hospital.

Serene approached me, "are you really okay, Aliyah? You know, we can do this alone." She concernedly said. I immediately nodded.

"Serene, I wanna help. And.. I am actually enjoying. I wanna do this even before when I was in my world, you know, new things." I smiled a bit. "It's just that, that old guy is scary." I whispered to her and that made her chuckled.

"Don't worry, he's not bad, he's actually a regular customer here. Well, he's not good either but so far, he didn't do anything wrong." I sighed. At least she cleared this out because I swear, I won't approach him again if something happened.

"Waitress!" We both looked at the guy who's raising his hand. He stared at me and I noticed that he was stiffened.

"Aliyah, I'll just get his orders, you can go and talk to Leviticus again in counter. Please, feel at home okay? If you wanted to rest, just tell him." Before I could respond, she already leave me with a smile on her face. Her long black hair flipped in the air beautifully and her brown dress just like mine excellently twirled.

Three hours passed, the customers are already coming home. Some are wasted, some are devastated. What I noticed was, every customer here has their own story. They have their own reasons why they were wasting their time drinking uncontrollably. I can't even imagine that women here can drink that much. Some of them are even stronger than men when it comes to alcohol tolerance!

"What an unexpecting long, long day." I mumbled.

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