Chapter 980: Drown the mess
"Hahaha, that's the spirit, young man," Wang Tianhui laughed as he shook Jin's hand with a hearty gaze.
He glanced at Alix and smiled. "It will be a pleasure to work with you too, Miss. Ren. I am sure my Xiaxia will be thrilled."
Alix smiled back. "Of course. It will be an honor for your daughter to debut with my designs."
He then asked, slightly fiddling with his watch, "So when do we schedule the fashion show?"
Jin inwardly sneered. He could read the worry in Wang Tianhui's eyes. He wanted the fashion show stage to be set as soon as possible so that media coverage could get busy with that instead of targeting his son.
Alix said, "We will propose the final dates for a month from now."
Wang almost couldn't hide his shock. "A month? Isn't that…a little far?"
"Yes. The talks and discussions about my company's designs are in place but now that we will be holding a fashion show, I might need to tweak them a bit to fit the overarching theme. Afterall, it's my company's debut on that stage as well, right? I cannot make mistakes," she innocently blinked. Stay connected through My Virtual Library Empire
"Haha of course."
"Plus planning and production takes its own time. But worry not. Your daughter's future will be very sparkly is what I see~"
Jin struggled to keep his face straight.
This woman…Suddenly, I pity him…
Jin smiled. "Any problem Mr. Wang? I see some hesitation in your eyes. Of course a fashion show is going to take time if we want it to be perfect. Otherwise…you wouldn't want a negative limelight on your daughter too, now would you?"
Wang Tianhui squinted his eyes.
That too suggested Jin's sarcasm where Wang Xi was already being chased by the media. He wouldn't want to add his daughter to the mess, right?
How am I supposed to handle this chaos for a month? He inwardly cursed.
"Mr. Wang seems concerned for some reason," Jin arched his brow. "If a month seems too much for your then you are free to ask somebody else for sponsorship-"
"Ah, no, no, Mr. Liu," he waved his hand in dismissal. "A month is not a problem. It's better to take your time rather than regret later because of haste."
Alix smiled. "That's what I am talking about. Glad you understand."
"I will take my leave. Let me know once you make the plans for the show's organization. We can discuss it together."
As he left, Alix whistled in joy. "Ah I see money and fame in the future~"
Jin clicked his tongue with distaste. "I was hoping for him to back off after hearing the one month's timeline but damn, he is stubborn. I bet he was thinking how he would contain the media's chaos for this long."
Alix shrugged. "Not our problem. Plus, won't the scandal's news become old by the time of the fashion show?"
"News do lose their edge over a few days but in Wang Xi's case, the outrage is not settling down. Apart from his cheating scandal, some other scandals keep popping around like money laundering, gambling, pulling favors for his connections, etc, etc."
"That's why he is willing to wait it out."
"Does he really think a fashion show can drown this mess?"
He smiled. "It doesn't hurt to dream. What are your plans?"
"Hmm I have some ideas in my mind but I want to go through them with your uncle once. It's my company's debut like I said. I cannot make mistakes. I will call him and see if he can come by today."
"Today where? Here at the company?"
"Where else?"
Jin shrugged. "Not possible. He is on date with Uncle Yukito today."
"Very loving couple indeed. Tomorrow then-"
"On a date with him again."
"...Then the day after-"
"On a day's beach trip with him."
Alix stared at him.
"So I cannot meet him at all?"
"Definitely not at the office."
"...Why did he exactly take me as his protege then?"
"Didn't you impress him with your buttering skills?"
"What is the use if I cannot see his face?"
"You can meet him, just not during the day. You would have to hop by the villa in the evenings."
He smiled. "He is retired and still very much in love with his husband. You are lucky to even get his evenings."
What was the point in building my base in Liu Jin's office if his uncle wasn't going to come around here?
Jin smiled. "You are still welcome to pack up and leave."
Alix sneered. "Sorry, I am not going to abandon my cash cow."
He glared. "I am not going to give you anymore money!"
She snorted. "You are way more useful than just a money check. Look, that politician was also so stubborn to get the fashion show sponsored by you," her eyes twinkled. "Doesn't it show you your value? You are my harbor to anchor my company's ship onto~"
So shameless…
"Oh what if the politician's daughter - what was her name again?"
"Whatever. What if her father wants you as a sponsor because she is interested in you?" Alix touched her chin thoughtfully. "My spidey senses feel something more deep."
Jin threw her a dry look. "His daughter? I haven't even met her."
"But she knows you. By reputation, by family, by face, by wealth, by handsomeness - basically by all meters a woman checks against her future love interest."
"Not interested."
"She might be interested in you."
"I will politely decline her interest then," he smiled.
"Do you want to be celibate all your life?"
Jin smiled again. "Talk to me when your relationship status gets changed to committed, okay?"
Alix frowned. "I am happy being single."
"So let me enjoy my single life too."
"You are not adventurous at all."
"Talk to me when you bring some adventure in your life too, okay?"
She sneered. "I have enough adventure in my life as is."
Jin took his seat and motioned Alix to leave. She snorted and left.
"Thank you in advance for the ride to your house for the evenings to come~"
What the hell? I am not gonna be your damn chauffeur!