Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Balthazar
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2099, a Crucial date in the Story of Humankind. What marked this year as a special one was that humanity was at the end of a Century but also the prelude to another one. At this point of time Humanity has made many Keys discoveries starting with the cure of Cancer, and the eradication of thousands of diseases thus allowing people to live ten more years on average.
MMORPG games were already a thing, but what really revolutionized the world was the advance of Virtual Reality. It became the biggest advancament for most of the population.Why? You would ask. "It's because of the adventurous human mind: Having explored everything there was to explore they turned towards the most thrilling next thing;Virtual Reality.
Virtual Reality or more precisely the game Industry had a great boon and a Spectacularly development so naturally big industries started to pop up. This period also saw the birth of legendary games like:"OVERLORD", "ANCIENT WORLD","MIDDLE EARTH". The whole world entered a period of prosperity.This is not to say earth became a paradise and everything's all right,that there was no poverty.But compared to how things were we could say there was a lot of improvement and at the helm of the progress was NOVA Corps Gaming Industry.
NOVA Corps Gaming Industry,the king,the tyrant who by itself produced two of the three legendary games and a few other big names.It wasn't known to the public, but the person behind most of the games and especially of the two legendary ones was the same person,known as Balthazar, famous Under the moniker of the demon.
◇ _ _Baaz, That Was the nickname that the sisters gave him, a name that very few people knew about. He had a very difficult childhood, having lost both parents to getting picked on by the other children at the orphanage, Balthazar endured all. At first, nobody was bothering him and he tried to be inexistent but you know how young children can be,seeing him isolated they started to pick on him,they stole his things, calling him names and finally they came to the fists. He took it all, never complained and tried to disappear even more but the bullying continued and one day they even took his computer and that was the strae that broke the camel's back.That day five ambulances came to the orphanage and since then, he was never bullied again.Time passed and finally came the time for the young man to leave the nest and so did he, coming from an orphanage he really did not have the ability to make big stride on the ladder of society.But everthing changed when he discovered a new company that was recruiting,a company who later would change the gaming industry and by consequence the world.
Nobody Really like messing with the status quo, especially when there's money and fame involved. Imagine this situation, a young entreprise, a ton of money circulating from some old games still doing well versus a wave of ambitious young men and women dreaming of advancement,hungry for recognition and full of creativity.Of Course it would not bode well with the etablished order because as the new wants to surpass the old, the established would not take it laying down. It would start to fight back and what's better than a little bit of bullying. So the older cadres did everything to keep the young batch in check.Two years later, a young Balthazar presented two projects to his superior, they were "MIDDLE EARTH " and "OVERLORD ",his director was a young man even younger than him, rumors were floating around saying that he was from a very wealthy family but Baaz didn't care and he was not the type of person going around collecting gossip.He was told that those two projects were trash and that he needed to work on those from the games that were already established. Depressed and afraid of losing his job he forgot about them and did as he was told, he was the only one still helping the sisters that raised him and he did not want problems.So imagine his surprise when six months later he heard that the company was going to produce a new game called " MIDDLE EARTH " and that his now ex superior was given a position in the board of director because of his genius,baffled he took a look a the scenario and he lost it.He went straight to confront the man and the man went straight to the emergency room. Unfortunately for him, this world was unfair and the person he beat up was really someone from a rich family so things got messed up.
It started two months later, he lost his job which did not really surprise him as he was expecting to be fired sooner.He consoled himself thinking about how he got experience with the gaming industry and that he would soon find a new job even if it was in a rival company.Unfornately he could not as at every interview he was told he was not qualified.Still he did not let that damper his resolve as he started to make new plans, but things got harder as he was soon notified of his eviction of the apartment.He had no choice but to move back to the orphanage where he was raised,short of funds he had to go search for a construction job the next morning.
Two weeks later Baaz came to a disaster. The orphanage was burning and from the look of it nobody survived.That event broke him completely and he stayed there in front of the building for ten hours straight mourning the lost of his only family and as he stood there, he heard the hushed sound of footsteps approaching him but he didn't care and did not even turn back to identify the strangers, the people closed on him and he suddenly felt something pressing against his head and a raspy voice said: " The Ranni family sends their regards; after the orphanage you are the last one to die." He felt himself losing control and his life force going away, his last thought being: " So that what it was."
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~Somewhere far away~
Somewhere unknown to many, something was moving, wherever it went space shook and tears spatiotemporal formed just from its movement .If one were to take a look they would be corrupt at best or they would simply disappear because that thing was something certain would call
Destruction incarnate. An ageless and angry voice echoed in the surrounding
"So that's how it is, you woke me up last huh, DAMN YOU... I don't care I'll do what I have to do with what I have , trying to fuck me over are you? Only giving me last choices with those two bastards out first..."
It was still in its rant when something caught his attention
"Huh....What's that?, a soul,oh so much hate, what a burning self loathing and desire for revenge.Hah Hahhhahhhhahh... you tried to fuck with me ,I'll fuck with you ... Maybe something interesting will happen...Hahahhahah... things are about to be so funny."
Having said that, some weird type of energy took hold of the soul making it disappear.