Reemergence of Wrath

Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Really

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 The night was approaching his peak, yes it was close to midnight, A glacial wind was blowing in the surrounding.For once, the sky was clear and the stars,sparkling were mesmerizing to the eyes, there,three gigantics moons were seen.To us readers that would be weird but to a native this would be a normal sight. However for this particular place this was indeed a very strange phenomenon marking this as a very special night.If someone were to observe the sky they would see a peculiar thing and that was all three moon were on their new moons phase shining with such intensity. It was already rare to see two of the three on their New moon phase but for it to be three and with a blood red moon at that , the chance of that happening was one on one hundred billion; that was something.

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 Watching the sky ,Zorg , a lower demon, was witnessing this event not knowing what it meant,he was a 70 years old which by the standards of this world would be considered a youngling.Having a inferior bloodline he knew that his path to power was a very limited one, being a witness of such an event was very intriguing for him. Suddenly, an immense quantity of energy started to gather in the surroundings,his instincts kicked in, they were crying to him to get out of here, he did not know what was happening or why this was happening in fact there was a lot of thing that he did not know as he only gained sentience twenty years ago, he started to run not also knowing that today his life will change.

 Zorg was running at breackneck speed, trying to go ta a cave that he remembered was around there, it was the settlementof a goblin tribe.He planned to go there to weather whatever was coming and was even planning to stay the rest of the night. As he was going there an unusual large concentration of mana descended on the place and started to occupy it. Zorg suddenly froze as the quantity of mana started to become humongous, he started to choke , his eyes rolled back.Zorg blacked out.

 As Zorg blacked out,the event still continued as space was locked and time froze on close to 50 000 miles.The wind stopped, the trees stayed still and all the monsters in the area froze. Suddenly with a glass breaking sound space distorted and something came out. Something so pure that everything else seemed bleak and ugly , it rapidly went to mix with the growing mana till an explosion of energy happened. For a second time Space broke and the energy crossed it and five minutes later things started to calm down and the energy exploded dispersing in the environment a residue entering Zorg and Immediately after he started evolving.

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 As the night was progressing some beings took notice of the phenomenon in the sky:"So it finally happened, the last one has woken up...","What will they do this time? Ahh ahhh",these beings were not ordinary. All over the world the people at the pinnacle, the behemoths of power, the tyrants noticed it because they knew , everytime they resurfaced and became complete, big change always happened and all the knowledgeable people would start to prepare and act in consequence.

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 The WILDES, a place where only the strong survives and rise to prominence. Located at the borders of one of the demon continents it remained as one of the rare place devoid of a ruler as it was a place of dread and war with beings of immense power living inside it.The WILDES served as a buffer zone between the Demon continents and the Central continent, it was a very strategic location that high ranking demons and Humans kings fought for but that neither could control as it was rumored that there was even King monster inside of it.For demons this land was a rarity in the desolate and barren land of the demon continent it contained beautiful forests, where you could find many alchemical supplies from rare flowers to rare ore it was basically a treasure trove unclaimed for countless years. The forest was green, with one of the purest amount of oxygen that you could find,tall trees reinforced by mystical energy were everywhere and monsters diversity was said to be a boon for low ranking and intermediate ranking lairs.It was minutes close to midnight when a portal opened and mana passed through.A considerable amount while not reproducing what happened earlier it succeed at scaring the nearby monsters who scattered and ran away. The mystical energy stayed a little bit and started to condense, designing the shape of the being.The process continued for a moment before the mystical energy scattered away.

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 Hundreds thousand of miles away, a being opened his eyes, shining brightly in the dark he focused on something far away ;the decharge of mana was what woke him up from his slumber, the purity of this mana was unusually high that caught his attention, seeing the cause he sighed, close to him other beings with a towering aura started to move: " my king shall we ...","No, it's nothing leave it be " having talked they all started to go back to sleep, watching them the being sighed for the last time and closed his eyes.He will wait, he has been waiting and will continue to wait.

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On the ground,something started to move:" arghh" Balthazar opened his eyes his sight was blurry so he couldn't see very well,he was disoriented.Actually he was in a daze as he tried to remember what happened. Slowly he blinked and opened his eyes .When he started to take in what he saw he was flabbergasted. He was in very different kind of environment but what stumped him the most was that he was having trouble thinking coherently.As he was watching he saw the trees, they were humongous, the air was fresh and he found himself breathing deeply:"Where the hell is that?","What is going on?"," How can trees be so tall?""I remember leaving for the orphanage, damn it was burning... ".To say that he was surprised by his situation would be degrading the range of emotions he was currently experiencing,little by little the strangeness of the situation started to overwhelm him, he started panicking and quickly was approaching complete denial:"By the saints where was he ?"Everywhere he looked he was assaulted by the myriades differences of things, from trees to the worrying silence and the now gloomy air that was transpiring." Was it a prank? Some bad joke?" And it was then it happened and a few moments later, he shouted:"REALLY???"

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