Rise of the Eromancer

Chapter 277: Chapter 277: The Peculiar Start of the Hero's Journey

"It would seem I have destroyed much of this city — we must hurry, Hero; if not, my kind will destroy this world."

"I… agree, Ma'am. If just one of you can already destroy an area this large in minutes, I could really only imagine what hundreds of you would do in an hour. But first, supplies."

It would seem Aengela had already become accustomed to sitting on Rhys's shoulder, and she even made some sort of seat and a harness so that she wouldn't fall whenever Rhys moves and tilts his body — which he was doing a lot since they were picking up supplies.

Malenia said that she could pick up anything she wanted around the city, and the Shrine of Medusa would pay for it. Of course, he felt bad about it since the supplies are probably needed by the city after more than half of it was destroyed by Aengela, but it would seem they have more than enough because their kind naturally liked to hoard things.

"I could return this city to the way it was before, but they refused," Aengela looked around as the gorgons bowed their heads at her, "They said that the city had never been filled with much life before, and that they would like for it to remain this way — filled with the pulsating verdant dome."

"...I do agree that it has more character to it now," Rhys looked around him, and the once beige and almost gray city had truly become filled with life; some parts even had water trailing from it, causing the gorgon servants to dig a canal across the city, "We're done, this should be enough to at least last us more than a month — are you sure you don't eat anything?"

"My kind feeds on the very essence of the world," Aengela shook her head before she stood up and then flew into the large bag Rhys was storing all the supplies in. She then opened one of the pockets outside and got in it.

"That's convenient," Rhys breathed in as he carried the bag on his back; using both his hands to secure it, "...Both hands, another convenience."

"Are you getting used to your new limbs?" Aengela made herself comfortable on the bag, only revealing her head and arms as she spoke with Rhys.

"Yes," Rhys looked at his wooden hand while opening and closing it, "Wearing the mechanical leg already helped me get used to not feeling anything — and you said it was fragile, but it should be enough."

Rhys placed his wooden hand on one of the stone debris before just casually shaving the hard stone with his fingers.

"I meant it is fragile compared to your body, Hero," Aengela shook her head, "I have already tested the durability of your flesh, it is thick and hard."

"I could attest to that."

And as Rhys was just making his way out of the city, Miquella suddenly slithered beside him and joined their conversation,

"You truly not staying for at least another sleep, Hero?"

"No…" Rhys sighed, "...Ma'am Aengela only knows the general direction of where her brethren are being kept — time isn't really on my side, and I'm also hoping to meet some of my friends on the way there since I'm sure that's where the mission is leading them."

"That… is the longest I've heard you talk," Miquella let out a small but very deep breath as she smiled, "I suppose you are really excited to get reunited with your friends. Still, I'm really glad I met you, Rhys Wilder."

"...I feel the same, Miquella."

"Well, I guess we did more than meet," Miquella let out a small giggle as she covered her lips with her hand fan. After a few more breaths, however, Miquella stopped slithering beside Rhys and stayed behind,

"This is where we part ways, Hero. I'm not good with farewells since I have not really done so before, so… if a time comes that you get tired with your great destiny…

…you are welcome to lay with me again."

"...Hm," Rhys only looked Miquella in the eyes for a few seconds, before smiling and nodding his head and walking away. She still had 3 Hearts floating above her head, and Rhys would have truly liked to gain her ability — but he truly did not have the time.

"I expected no less from the descendant of Eros," Aengela commented, "Are you planning on laying with me too?"

"...No," Rhys almost tripped as soon as he heard that — aside from the fact that Aengela did not have Hearts floating above her head, she was only as large as his arm. If they happen to do it, he would—no.

Rhys quickly shook his head to stop himself from thinking about it.

"You have thought about it, yes?" Aengela said casually, "But I apologize, I do not have holes down there — only half of us are capable of procreating, and I unfortunately was not chosen to be one."

"I… see," Rhys did not really know what to do with that information… well, he did — but he couldn't really imagine how he would even start filling up their Hearts, if they did have Hearts floating above their head.

Rhys was once again stuck with his own thoughts, not even noticing that he was already outside the city; the male gorgons, all looking at him weirdly. How could they not, when most of them were unaware of his existence? Some, however, had their eyes wide open as they recognized Rhys as the one being dragged across the ground just a day before.

No one approached him, after all, with what happened to the city, they were sure he had something to do with it.


"...Are you going to miss this place?" Rhys really only woke up from his stupor as he heard Aengela letting out a small hum when they gained some distance from the walls and the tents of the male gorgons outside the city.

"I barely even know it, Hero," Aengela whispered, "As I have told you earlier, our kind spend most of our time in the realm of dreams. But… I suppose I would be lying if I said I would not miss it — I was here when it was created, after all. Sentiment and nostalgia, very peculiar things."

"Are… you sure you don't want to just stay here?"

"What for?" Aengela moved her eyes away from the city, "I would just sleep again — my existence here is the same as the stone lying around on the ground, merely a decoration. Let us go, Hero. I… am sensing her pain again — that way."

"Alright," Rhys breathed in as he adjusted the backpack, "Let's—"

And before Rhys could start running, he quickly leaped back as several large lizards suddenly ran past in front of him; all tied to some sort of spherical carriage that looked like a luxurious egg — that was the best way Rhys could describe it. Rhys, however, was focusing more on the lizards; they were fast, perhaps only slower than a cenleon.

Rhys then looked at the one driving the carriage, and… it looked like a shivellan judging from what she was wearing.


And it truly was a shivellan, since the carriage opened up with the High Priestess Malenia riding in it.

"Ma'am," Rhys quickly stood straight up as Malenia called him, "You… did not really have to follow me all the way here to say goodbye. You have a lot of work to do."

"I am not here to offer my farewell, Hero," Malenia shook her head and smiled.

"...Your sister said the same thing," Rhys also smiled back before letting out a small breath, "It's been short, but it was a pleasure meeting you, High Priestess."

"The pleasure and honor was solely mine, Hero," Malenia shook her head, "And you seem to have misunderstood — I am not here to offer my farewell, but my companionship…

…I will join you in your journey, Hero."

"You…?" Rhys squinted his eyes as he looked at Malenia. And once again, it was useless to read their desires as they said everything that was on their mind — the only thing that Rhys could really do was look at the Hearts floating above her head, 3 of them filled up,

"But you're the High Priestess."

"Not anymore," Malenia shook her head, "I leave that position to my sister. Starting now, I am the Hero's Priestess — as is written in the prophecy."

"Nothing like that is written," Aengela quickly climbed from the bag and onto Rhys's shoulder.

"...Are you sure?" Rhys looked Malenia in the eyes, "You might die."

"Then that is my purpose," Malenia said without any hesitation, "W—"


And before Malenia could say what she wanted to say, a loud scream started to reverberate from afar. Rhys quickly looked back, only to see Miquella rushing toward them while being stopped by the shrine maidens.

"Malenia, you snake! I don't want this position, Malenia!"

"Hero…" Malenia's voice quickly became hurried, "...I would truly like it if you get on."

"...Right." Rhys did not really have a reason to refuse as he quickly got on the carriage, "Is… your sister going to be okay?"


…I hope not."

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