Chapter 278: Chapter 278: Spicy
"Did… you really lay with Miquella, Hero?"
Rhys really only hesitated for a few moments before truthfully answering Malenia — there was no use in denying it at all, as the gorgons seemed to have an innate skill to tell if someone was lying or not. They had been in the carriage for more than 3 hours now, and judging from how fast they were moving, they were already quite far away from Malenia's city.
Although Rhys was not sure of it, they were probably going at least 70 miles per hour, which was quite impressive since they had not lost speed at all.
The cenleons were faster, but they could not really run for long, unlike the lizards that were pulling the carriage — not to mention the weight of the carriage shouldn't be a joke at all, as there were also a handful of shivellans on the outside along with the driver.
"I would probably still be there if you and your sister didn't mistake me for this so-called hero," Rhys let out a small but very deep sigh, "Although I'm not really versed in your culture, it would seem that I was owned by your sister?"
"...I did hear that other cultures are completely different from ours," Malenia let out a small hum as she closed her eyes, "But yes, my sister owned you by contract — and she owns a lot of servants for her dirty flesh house."
"The servants, they're only men?"
"Yes. Is… that not the case with your people?" Malenia looked Rhys in the eyes.
"No," Rhys shook his head, "Slavery was practiced before, but it has become unethical the last hundred years."
"We don't have slaves, Hero," Malenia quickly shook her head, "We have servants."
"I… didn't really see the difference."
"The difference is that—forgive me. I suppose it doesn't matter," Malenia sighed, "There is no use in trying to learn my culture now as I believe we will not return for a very long time. But I still do wish to return to our earlier topic. What… would you have done if my sister didn't bring you to the shrine? Would… you truly actually be working with your… with your flesh?"
"Right…" Rhys shrugged as he looked outside the carriage. They had been traveling for 3 hours, and yet they were still in a Desert Region — he had never really experienced something like this before. He knew he was washed away somewhere, but how far was he actually from the Russea?
"...I would most probably still be in the brothel."
"...Would you have preferred that more?" Malenia cleared her throat as she slightly looked down, "To be surrounded by flesh and pleasure? My… my sister told me that you… you were better than most of her servants, and it… it was not even a comparison."
"I… have certain advantages," Rhys slightly squinted his eyes as he tried to read deeper into Malenia's desires, but he could hear nothing that Malenia hadn't already mentioned or said, "And… I guess I would've been really popular in that kind of work."
"That's…" Malenia once again took in a small gulp as she slightly glanced at Rhys's thigh before once again quickly looking away, "Then… do you crave it as my sister does?"
"...Crave what?" Rhys looked at Malenia.
"Flesh," Malenia then knocked on the walls of the carriage. And as she did so, they slowly came to a halt, "I… I…"
"Hm…?" Rhys slightly leaned away from the window as he saw Malenia's face getting redder by the second. He then looked at the Hearts floating above her head, but there wasn't really any progress with it, "You don't really—"
"...I may not be able to provide it to you," Malenia's voice slightly turned meek as she opened the door of the carriage, revealing 3 shivellans waiting outside, "But… they can."
"That's not really necessary, I'm—"
"Please, Hero," Malenia shook her head, "I have already told them their purpose, they would… feel sad if you refuse."
Malenia then gestured to the 3 shivellans to enter the carriage, all of them, quickly moving to Rhys's side and taking off their already revealing clothes. Malenia then closed the door, with her still inside.
"O… of course, as the High Priestess," Malenia's face turned even redder as she once again knocked on the walls of the carriage, continuing their journey, "I must witness this act."
"T—" Rhys was about to say something, but then he noticed Malenia's 4th empty Heart slowly gaining a little fill.
And so, after thinking about it for a single millisecond, Rhys just let out a small breath and pulled one of the shivellans closer to him, kissing her by the neck and causing her to moan — and to Rhys's surprise… Malenia also let out a small whimper, right at the same time as the shivellan.
Rhys slightly squinted his eyes at this. He then made sure to keep his eyes on Malenia before licking and sucking on the shivellan's teats, only for him to see Malenia biting her lip and slightly covering her breasts.
Was she… actually feeling what the shivellans were feeling?
And so, to test this thought, Rhys then very gently moved his fingers toward the shivellan's clit. And as soon as he did so, Malenia almost jumped from her seat while touching just above her scales.
"Oh…" Rhys whispered as he pulled another shivellan closer to him. The shivellans also had Hearts floating above their head, but the only one he was truly interested in was Malenia — the ability to turn even a nymph into stone would prove to be… extremely useful.
And so, Rhys was now extremely determined. Before they could reach their destination… he would try to fill Malenia's Hearts.
"High Priestess Malenia…" Rhys whispered as he looked Malenia in the eyes while removing his clothes,
"...Do witness."
"H…haa…nh…" After a few more hours, Rhys and Malenia were now once again alone in the carriage. With Malenia fully covering her mouth with her hand to avoid letting out a loud whimper in front of Rhys.
The shivellans only just went out a few minutes ago, all of them quite reluctant to even take a single slither out of the carriage. However, they could really only follow the stuttering and high-pitched words of their High Priestess.
Malenia could barely even breathe, her face completely flushed and her body filled with sweat… and there was also the fact that the sheets she used to hide her lower pair of lips were completely drenched.
"Are… you alright, High Priestess?"
"Y…yes," Malenia cleared her throat before gasping for air, "Why… why would I not be? And… and it would seem my sister was not exaggerating. As expected of the Hero, your… your vigor is something else. And… and it would seem you're still not… tired."
Malenia's eyes then widened as she saw Rhys's cock still as hard and almost as big as her skinny arm.
"Should… should I call them back?" Malenia could barely even lift her hands. She was about to knock on the walls again, but Rhys moved toward her and grabbed her wrist, "E…eep!"
"You… don't need to do that, High Priestess," Rhys then looked Malenia in the eyes; their faces, only a foot away from each other.
Malenia's breath turned heavier by the millisecond — millisecond, as she was breathing incredibly fast as she returned Rhys's gaze.
"But—but… I can't do it," Malenia opened her mouth, seemingly wanting to stick out her tongue and just kiss Rhys there and then; the Hearts floating above her head, now only a single one not filled, "I… I made a sacred oath that I must keep. I—even if it's for the sake of the Hero, I can't—"
"...I'm not talking about that," Rhys blinked a couple of times as he let go of Malenia's wrist and slowly got back to his seat, "I think we arrived somewhere."
"W…what?" Malenia stared at Rhys for a few seconds before his words registered in her mind. She then quickly looked outside, only to see her subordinates talking to other gorgons, "Those people… they're from Hortho City."
"Hortho City?"
"Yes," Malenia nodded her head, "They… are a much larger city than ours. It's where I took my oath as a High Priestess. I did not really expect that the direction the Nymph of the 4th Night Forest would pointed us to would lead us to Hortho."
"...Madam Aengela, wake up," Rhys then quickly patted his bag several times, and it was only at the 5th pat that Aengela emerged from inside the bag, "Is this our destination?"
"No," Aengela quickly shook her head, "We are not even close — continue riding in this direction, I will go back to sleep."
"What… did she say?" Malenia looked at Rhys as soon as Aengela returned to the bag.
"We still have a long way to go," Rhys shook his head, "Should we rest here before we—"
And before Rhys could finish his words, he and Malenia watched as the people from Hortho City suddenly threw a net on the shivellans and started covering them in chains.
"What…!? What is the meaning of this?" Malenia's eyes widened. She was about to open the door, but Rhys stopped her from doing so.
The remaining shivellans tried to fight back, but they were also quickly apprehended as the other side just had too many people — and soon, those people slithered they way toward the carriage.
"Right…" Rhys let out a long and very deep sigh as he just freely opened the door and stepped out,
"...It's never that easy, huh?"