RWBY: Dimensional Hell

Chapter 56: Chapter 52: Zodiac

Early morning in Tokyo, or one variation of the city. A girl with blonde twin hair tied into long twin tails that looked like spaghetti and meatballs, was running down the street with a piece of toast in her mouth as she was being followed by a black cat with a crescent moon on its forehead.

"AHHHH! I'm going to be so late!" Usagi cried out. "Why didn't you wake me Luna?!"

"Oh for the love of.." Luna mumbled as she chased behind Usagi. "You don't need me to keep reminding you to wake up on time, it isn't my fault your alarm clock broke. If you had stopped waving your arms about last night, it wouldn't have been broken!" Luna's ears twitched however as she stopped, she glanced around for a bit as she looked back at Usagi. "Get to school, something feels off around these parts."

Usagi who had ran past Minako's home wailing and crying out how late she was going to be, didn't seem to hear or stop for Luna. Artemis who had been lying around on Minako's windowsill had spotted Luna walking down an alley. He stretched as he looked back into the bedroom, seeing Minako getting prepared.

"Usagi just went by, it seems you two are going to be late." Artemis said. "I'm going to see where Luna went, something feels off."

Minako adjusted her red ribbon in her hair as she smiled softly. "Me late? Never." She grabbed her bag and hurried out. "I'll make it to school before Usagi does!"

Artemis watched Minako run, he slid the window open with his paw and jumped out, he followed behind Luna as the two cats were creeping up to a empty parking lot.

"This feels...spooky." Artemis mumbled and stopped, he jumped up onto the crumbling brick wall. "Hmm, it seems this part of Tokyo is abandoned. Makes you wonder if it'll be used for something?"

Luna stayed silent, her ears perked up and twitched at a shuffling around from a dumpster. The piled up trash in the dumpster moved, both cats got on their guard and waited, waiting and wanting to pounce on whatever was going to come out of the dumpster. "Be ready..."

Groaning came from the dumpster, an arm shot up from the trash as Scarlet pulled herself up. She had grabbed onto the edge of the dumpster to pull herself up. " the hell did I get in there?" She had a banana peel hanging from her head, and was covered in rotten food. She stepped out from the dumpster as she saw the two cats. "Hm?"

Luna and Artemis looked at each other and then back to Scarlet, they acted like normal cats, meowing. But Scarlet knew something was up, but right now she needed to take a shower and get some new clothes. "I don't have time to figure this puzzle out." She walked off as toilet paper had stuck to the bottom of her shoe. 

Artemis couldn't help but snicker, he tried his best not to laugh. Luna nudged him to stop, but Artemis couldn't hold it back, he laughed as he rolled around on the ground. Luna was about to pop him on his head and say something, Scarlet's shadow loomed over the two. A grin spreads across her lips as she eyed them, Luna looked up and backed up slowly. "Um...meow?"

"I knew there was something up." Scarlet spoke as she reached for the banana peel on her head and took it off. "Two magical talking cats, not my first time seeing any." She was obviously referring to her own furry feline companion, who wasn't with her. For obvious reasons. "Now then, maybe you two know a place where a girl can get a shower and some clothes?"

Artemis stopped laughing as he quickly jumped to his feet. "She knows? This is bad..."

Luna nodded lightly as she kept her gaze on Scarlet. "Who are you? How do you know so much about our ability to talk and have magic?" 

Scarlet chuckled, flicking off small specs of food from her shoulders. "Oh I would love to tell you, but you see. I need something better right now."

Artemis sighed. "Okay fine, nearby is a house. I live there. You can use the bathroom to clean up." He walked past Scarlet and leads her to Minako's home. He was having second thoughts, but if he and Luna wanted to get to the bottom of how Scarlet knows so much. It was a price worth risking.


Scarlet stepped out of the bathroom, after taking a hot bath. The steam from the hot water filled the air as it drifted out from the bathroom. She had on one of Minako's outfits, it was a bit snug on her but she wasn't complaining.

"You've had what you need, no spill it. How do you know?" Artemis asked as he and Luna were sitting on Minako's bed. "Don't make us have to call in back up."

"Back up? Ha!" Scarlet laughed and crossed her arms. "It was so funny I forgot to laugh." She dried her hair and tied it into a side ponytail. "I have a magical cat as well, his name is Hero."

Luna seemed suspicious of Scarlet's words. "And where exactly is your feline friend?"

The Grimm girl ignored Luna as she went through some of the clothes in Minako's room, looking for something much more fitting. But finally spoke. "He's back home." She couldn't find much in Minako's room as she left it as a pigsty. "So of course I knew something was up. You can't hide the fact you both are magical talking cats." She turned her gaze over to the two. 

"That explains a lot." Artemis said with a sigh. "Hey! Clean this room up. When she gets home..."

"She?" Scarlet asked cutting him off, grinning widely. "Interesting." She walked over to the bed and knelt down. "You can't lie, I already have her scent." She moved away from the bed, standing up. "Hmm, so where would I find wait, them. Two talking cats, means the other has a owner as well." Her eyes glowed with malice. "I don't see them around, meaning." She was about to walk out of the door, but Artemis jumped at Scarlet, clawing at her back. 

"No you don't!" Artemis said with a hiss.

Scarlet reached behind her and grabbed him, tossing him aside. "Don't you get in my way." She glared at him and then at Luna. "Or else." She kicked Artemis as he flew through the air and hit hard against the head of the bed. Scarlet then left the room and out of the house.

"This is bad." Luna said with worry as she walked over to Artemis. "We have to warn the girls."

Artemis got up as he winched in pain. "Yeah but...the girls are in school right now."

"Not everyone." Luna spoke as she paused for a moment. "Mamoru isn't as busy as he once was before...we can find him and warn him."


Mamoru ran down the street as Luna and Artemis followed behind him. "Are you sure she's going to the school where the girls are?"

"I'm certain of it." Luna spoke. "Though me and Artemis didn't sense any darkness from her...we don't really know what her goals are."

"She has to be...she did attack me." Artemis said running a long side Luna.

Mamoru stopped as he glanced around and slipped into an alley. He took a red rose out from his pocket as he soon changed into Tuxedo Mask. "I'll stick to what shadows there are, I wouldn't want to be seen. If I run out of place to hide, I'll use the roof tops."

Luna and Artemis nod as they watched Mamoru disappear. The two cats hurried off on their own path to try to get to the school, while Mamoru stayed in the shadows to take his own route to the school. Scarlet however, was inside Usagi's classroom. She had 'borrowed' a school girl uniform from the principals office. 

"Oh, a transfer student? I wonder where she's from?" Usagi mumbled as she looked at Makoto, who gave a small shrug.

Ms. Haruna looked towards Scarlet and then back at the class, she heard what Usagi said and glared at her. "Usagi, be quiet. Let her introduce herself to the class, then you can ask her all the questions you have. During lunch." She cleared her throat as she looked back at Scarlet. "Go ahead, introduce yourself."

Scarlet nodded lightly, she grabbed some chalk and wrote her name on the chalkboard before turning around. "Greetings everyone, my name is Scarlet Rose." She put on a fake smile and an innocent look. "I hope I get to know each and everyone of you." However, her nose did pick up a new scent. She didn't see Minako anywhere, which told basically told her, Minako was in another class. But her eyes fell upon Makoto and the empty desk next to her. She walked over and stood next to her desk. "Excuse you, but...can you give me a tour of the school?"

Makoto raised an eyebrow up. "A tour? From me?"

Usagi was wanting to butt in and say she'd be a better pick, mainly to get out of being in class. But Ms. Haruna gave the approval to Makoto, with a small nod. "Go ahead, it'll help her learn where to go and not be late."

Usagi felt like that was aimed towards her, she grumbled and pouted as she crossed her arms. All she could do was watch as Makoto and Scarlet walked out of the classroom. "Stupid new girl...hogging my friend like she's the popular girl."

"Usagi, pay attention!" Ms. Haruna barked, throwing the chalk at her.

Usagi whined and rubbed her head, meanwhile as Makoto was giving Scarlet the tour of the school. The Grimm girl eyed Makoto up and down, her eyes scanning her like a piece of freshly cooked meat.

"So uh, why me exactly? There were plenty of other choices to pick. Even my friend Usagi." Makoto asked with a nervous laugh as she felt Scarlet's eyes checking her out. "Listen, I'm not into girls like that. So, maybe keep your eyes on your surroundings."

Scarlet chuckled softly as she shakes her head. "No no, I'm already married. You're just tall, you remind me of someone I used to know." It was obvious she was comparing Makoto to Pyrrha, even if she knew Pyrrha was dead. Still, the uncanny resemblance, height wise was an obvious give away.

"R-Really? I'm usually seen as a monster due to my height. Not everyone talks to me like a normal person. Unless it's my friends." Makoto spoke. "This person you mentioned. What were they like?" She was also shocked that Scarlet was married, she did however keep that info between them both. Just thinking of it was Scarlet's way of saying she had a huge imagination.

Scarlet stopped as her and Makoto were now outside, in between the gym and the main school building. "What she was like hmm?" She took a moment to ponder on how exactly Pyrrha was like, sure she may have not had the right opportunity to meet her. But from what she could remember from the top of her head, was going to have to do. "She was a kind soul, gentle, sweet. She had a big heart and she was known as the invincible girl." She closed her eyes for a moment and an image of Pyrrha popped into her head. "She had beautiful red hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. And whenever she had done something wrong or hurt one of her friends in combat training. She would always apologize."

Makoto smiled warmly as she had also closed her eyes and pictured the description of Pyrrha in her mind. "She must've been loved by everyone huh?" She kept her eyes closed still. "So...what happened to her, you mentioned you used to know."

Scarlet opened her eyes as her gaze looked at Makoto. "She died." Her tone took a cold turn as she circled Makoto, mainly kicking small pebbles. "She died, took an arrow to the heart.." She stopped as she noticed Luna and Artemis nearby, spying on her.

Makoto frowned as she opened her eyes and turned to look at her. "Damn....that's..." She stopped herself from saying anymore. "Anyway..."

"Makoto, get away from that girl!" Luna yelled. "She knows too much!"

Makoto raised an eyebrow up and looked towards Luna and Artemis, her face turned to one of seriousness. "Is this true?"

Scarlet chuckled. "It seems the cat is out of the bag." She raised her foot up and kicked Makoto in the gut as she back-flips. "And here I was trying to get her to trust me." Her grin widened as she licked her lips. "Oh well."

Makoto clenched her teeth and she held her stomach. "Damn, you were just using me?! Tch. Fine I guess I have no choice." She reached for her transformation pen and grabbed it out of her skirt pocket. "Jupiter star power! Make up!"

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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