RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Chapter 78: Mr White.

Roman Was doing another robary, this time was with new henchmen, they were from the White mask this time, he remembers the last year's event, and how Team ROWBY defeated him and how Cinder recruited him, and now she is in Beacon playing Teacher, as then he looked at someone there too keep an eye on him.

he is a muscular appearance and has short black hair. He wears the standard pants and black gloves of other White Fang members, but his forearms have metal guards. The Lieutenant also has a distinctive top with a collar that sticks up around his neck and lacks the buttoned look of the standard garb.

He also wears a custom Grimm Mask that covers his whole face and has red eyes with thin red streaks streaming to the bottom of the mask. On his left arm, he bears several black tattooed designs, which can also be found in Adam Taurus' mask.

[Insert Image of the Lieutenant]

Roman didn't get along with Adam at all. "And that is job well done".

The Lieutenant then looked as he spoke. "You work very will somehow".

Roman snorts as he looked at him. "Well yeah, I have been running this for a while".

The Lieutenant looker as he spoke. "I heard there is a new players in the underworld".

Roman had heard the Rumours as well. "Yeah, he is very officiant, in one night he came and established him self".

The Lieutenant then spoke. "Especially hus right hand a Cat Faunus"

Meanwhile in a different place, was a someone looked like he was 20, as he has slick back white hair, little tanned skinh and black eyes, he was wearing a business shoot as he was looking at the office, as he smirked, next too him was a girl a few years older then, she had snow white hair, red eyes, and a bit of darker skin, she has red eyes as was wearing a business suit, as hee weapon two pairs of dagger was there, they wwre doing a business with man.

The man looked at him as he spoke. "This is the best I god Mr White".

Mr White looked as he spoken. "So the best in the underworld that you can fine, ok then".

As then they made the exchange, behind Mr White was many people, all wearing a mask and suit, there whole face was hidden, so it was hard too tell who they were, as then walking in was two people he heird just in chase, as these were Melanie and Militia.

Militia was the first too speak. "Not bad for a starter place, wouldn't you say sister".

Melanine looked at her as she spoke. "Yeah pretty good actually, anyway we made sure no one was here, and no sound will be left".

Mr White chuckled as he snapped his finger enegry around as the Disguise fell, as it was non other then Oscar. "Damm it hard too act older then normal'.

Emily Disguise also feel, as it was Blake, as she sighed. "How did I agree to this".

Melanine they looked as she spoke. "I am just wondering how you got so many people".

Oscar looker at her as he Actived [Loki Lie], as she accepted what cane out. "I have connections".

The truth be told, all the people that Oscar 'hired' and 'Work for him' are actually his clones created by shadow clones they were also using the Disguise skill as well, in the future he will be getting actual people, and that was gonna be something.

Militia then spoke as she leaned close to him. "If Beacon Catch you two, you two are going to be in lot of trouble".

Oscar smirked as he glanced at Militia, his tone casual yet slightly amused. "Beacon can't touch me," he said confidently. "Not when I've got more tricks up my sleeve than just these clones."

Blake, standing next to him, crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. "I still can't believe you're going through with this whole 'Mr. White' persona," she muttered, her tail swishing in irritation. "You do realize this could blow back on us, right?"

Oscar chuckled, adjusting the collar of his suit. "Of course I do. But sometimes you have to take risks to level up, Blake. Besides, it's not like we're doing anything too extreme yet."

Militia raised an eyebrow. "Yet? What are you planning to do next, 'Mr. White'?"

Oscar turned to face her, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "Well, for starters, we need to take down some of the bigger players in the underworld before we make our move on Beacon. If we're going to build an empire, we need to make an impression."

Blake shot him a warning glance. "Just be careful. You might be playing with fire here."

Oscar leaned closer to Blake, his voice low. "I can handle it. This persona gives us a chance to do things without drawing too much attention. We stay in the shadows, manipulate a few key players, and before anyone realizes what's going on, we've got everything under our control."

Melanine and Militia exchanged looks, clearly impressed by Oscar's confidence. Melanie spoke up first. "I have to admit, I'm starting to see the potential here."

Oscar nodded. "It's all about making the right moves, and right now, the right move is taking control of the most valuable resources in Vale."

Blake couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

Oscar smirked. "Dust."

Meanwhile, in the criminal underworld, Roman was busy going over some new plans with the Lieutenant. The two were discussing the arrival of Mr. White and his mysterious operations. Roman had heard rumors, but he hadn't yet seen this new player in action.

"Rumor has it," the Lieutenant said, "that Mr. White is making waves, but we don't know who he is or where he's getting his support from."

Roman snorted, leaning back in his chair. "Sounds like another self-proclaimed 'big shot' trying to rise to power. I've seen enough of those to last a lifetime."

The Lieutenant's gaze darkened. "But there's something different about this one. He's not just talking. He's already moving pieces on the board, and his resources seem endless."

Roman paused, considering this. "Yeah, I heard he even has a Faunus involved—someone who's been helping him move around undetected. Could be trouble if he gets too bold."

The Lieutenant smirked. "We'll see how long that lasts. But for now, let's keep our eyes open and prepare for whatever comes next."

Back in Oscar base

Blake looked at him as she spoke. "So what if someone startrd too but things together".

Oscar chuckled as he spoke. "Simple, I have back plan, for my back of plan, for my back of plans, and it not like I am gonna do anything like seel Things like Drugs or Guns, so it will not be illegal".

Militia then spoke looking at him. "Oh, then how are you gonna make money, Dust".

Oscar then shows them a bag, he opned as he shows a dust, a fusion type of dust, the same one he came too Weiss last year's. "My special made dust, fusion dust".

Blake already knew these dust were from Oscar game system, as it was his gamer shop, but Melanie and Militia didn't know this and she was gonna keep this way. "And what will you do with them".

Oscar then smirk as he looked at her. "sell these in the underworld, and sell them in the normal market using a different name".

Melanie and Militia exchanged glances, clearly intrigued. Militia crossed her arms and smirked. "So you're playing both sides, huh? Selling in the underworld for influence and the legal market for legitimacy."

Oscar nodded. "Exactly. Fusion Dust is something no one else has, and because of that, I control the supply. The underworld wants power, and the legal market wants innovation. I give them both, but on my terms."

Blake sighed, rubbing her temples. "This is still risky. If someone starts connecting the dots between Mr. White and you—"

Oscar grinned. "That's why I have layers of deception. Different names, fake suppliers, and my clones running most of the operations. Even if someone traces Fusion Dust, they'll never trace it back to me."

Melanie leaned forward, intrigued. "And what about the White Fang? They're bound to take an interest in this. If they see a Faunus working alongside Mr. White, they might start making assumptions."

Blake frowned at that, but Oscar remained calm. "I already accounted for that. The White Fang is split—some of them just want equality, others want power. I plan to work with the former and keep the latter at arm's length. If they think Fusion Dust can help their cause, they'll want to work with us."

Militia smirked. "You're playing a dangerous game, kid."

Oscar chuckled. "I always win my games."

Blake sighed again but didn't argue further. "Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on you. This is getting out of hand fast."

Oscar smirked as he leaned back. "Relax, Blake. This is just the beginning."

As the group continued discussing logistics, Oscar's phone buzzed. Checking the message, his smirk widened.

Melanie then laughed a bit, as Oscar looked back at her. "Why are you laughing".

Melanie looked at him as she smirks as she spoke. "Just remembering yesterday events

Flash Back

In that of Journeys bar, as Melanie and Militia were talking too eachother, as then they saw the door open, as there was Oscar, as she was with Blake as they went too him

Melanie looked at him as she spoke. "Welcome, so are you two here too get more information about Roman again".

Militia then spoke leaning into Oscar. "Are are you two here to relax, after a long day in Beacon".

Oscar srugged as he spoke. "Neither, so um how much Lien too meet with Junior and you two in a private room".

Few minutes later, Junior and Oscar were looking at eachother, both seating on couch looking at eachother, with a table splitting the.

Junior then spoke looking at him. "So what do you need kid".

Oscar Smirks as he looked at Blake as he spoke. "A little help to start something".

Junior raised an eyebrow, leaning back on the couch. "You? Starting something? Kid, you're either really ambitious or really stupid."

Oscar smirked, his confidence unwavering. "Maybe a bit of both." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I need connections. I'm setting up an operation, something that'll shake things up in the underworld—but in a way that won't step on too many toes."

Junior studied him for a moment before glancing at Blake. "And you? You backing this?"

Blake sighed. "I'm making sure he doesn't get himself killed."

Militia chuckled from the side. "Sounds like a full-time job."

Oscar ignored the comment and continued. "I have a new product—Fusion Dust. A special type of Dust that no one else has. I want to sell it in two markets: the underworld and the legal market, under different names. You help with distribution, and in return, you get a cut of the profits."

Junior's eyes narrowed. "You're talking about moving Dust in the underworld? That's a dangerous game, kid. The Schnee Dust Company, the White Fang, even they all have their hands in the Dust trade."

Oscar nodded. "I know. But my Dust is different. It's more potent, more stable, and can be mixed in ways regular Dust can't. That means demand will be high, and supply? Well… I control that."

Junior leaned back, rubbing his chin. "And what exactly do you need from me?"

"Protection, distribution, and information," Oscar listed. "I need a way to get this into the right hands without drawing too much attention from the wrong ones."

Junior exhaled, shaking his head. "You're crazy, kid. But… crazy makes money. And if what you're saying about this Fusion Dust is true, you might actually be onto something."

Blake crossed her arms. "This still sounds like trouble."

Oscar grinned. "That's the fun part."

Junior smirked. "Alright, kid. You've got my interest. But if this blows up in your face, don't expect me to clean up the mess."

Oscar extended his hand. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Junior then looked at him as he spoke. "So what are gonna do to hide your self".

Oscar snapped his figure as he actived his [disguise] skill, as he turned into Mr White as he active [Loki Lie]. "This, it part of my Semblance, enegry and particularly Minuplation, I add layer of every around and then move the particul around the energy and now I look like someone else".

End of Flash back

Melanie then spoke as she looked at him. "I think that when he decides too pull all bets in, and in one night you made a whole wave".

Oscar smirked as he leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. "That was the plan. If I wanted to establish myself in the underworld, I couldn't afford to play it safe."

Blake sighed, rubbing her temples. "And yet, somehow, I'm still here, helping you with this insanity."

Melanie chuckled. "Because deep down, you like the thrill. Admit it."

Blake shot her a glare but didn't respond.

Militia leaned against the table. "You know, it's impressive. In just one night, Mr. White became a name everyone in the underworld is talking about. But that also means you're on a lot of people's radar now."

Oscar smirked. "Good. That means the real game is about to start."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones

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