Chapter 79: Monkey
The next day, Oscar was with Weiss, as they were walking as she spoke. "You what my help too sell does Fusion dust".
Oscar smirked as he spoke. "Yep, and you are my best option". He then spoke in his mind. "At least not in the underworld".
Weiss sighed as she spoke. "I know seller, and you might have her make waves in the market".
Oscar looked as he spoke. "What will your family think".
She looked as she stoped as she looked back at him. "Dad will lose his mind, mom and brother won't care, winter will smirk, and Isaac my His Mon aka my Aunt will be laughing because they finally found someone too drop our family down a few pegs".
Oscar smirked as he spoke. "So it is win for you no matter what".
As they walked into the store, she called for her and Oscar was shocked as Hephaestus came out as she looked at Oscar as her red hair was tited back, as her eye patch was still covering her left eye.
Hephaestus looked as she spoke. "Kid what are you doing here".
Weiss was confused as she spoken. "You know her".
Oscar then spoke he was not proper for this in anyway. "During the break In beacon my mentor took me too Argus too improve my craftsmanship and in there I meet her, he wanted me to be introduced to her so that I can improve, so she is another one of my teachers".
Hephaestus smirked, crossing her arms. "So, you actually learned something, huh? Didn't expect to see you here, kid."
Oscar scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, well, I didn't expect Weiss to bring me to you either."
Weiss looked between them, raising an eyebrow. "I take it your training was... eventful?"
Hephaestus chuckled. "You could say that. The kid's got potential, but he still has a long way to go before he reaches my level."
Oscar sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know." Then, regaining his confidence, he looked at her. "Actually, I came here for business."
Hephaestus raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
Oscar placed a small vial of fusion dust on the counter. "I need someone to help me introduce this to the market. I figured Weiss would know a seller, but I didn't expect that seller to be you."
Hephaestus picked up the vial, inspecting it. Her expression turned serious as she examined the dust closely, giving it a slight shake before looking at Oscar. "This isn't normal dust. What the hell did you do to it?"
Weiss also looked curious as she folded her arms. "Yeah, I was meaning to ask. Fusion dust isn't a thing that just exists."
Oscar smirked. "Trade secret."
Hephaestus gave him a sharp look before sighing. "Fine. I won't ask. But if you want me to sell this, I need to know just how safe and stable it is. I don't deal in defective products, kid."
Oscar nodded. "I expected that. I'll provide you with all the necessary testing data."
She studied him for a moment before smirking. "Alright, kid. You've got my interest. Let's see if you're as good as you think you are."
Oscar then look as he spoke. "So um, why are in Vale, I thought you live in Argos".
Hephaestus looked at her as she spoke. "I have multiple house, because my weapons are sold in all Remnant".
Oscar nodded, realizing just how influential Hephaestus really was. "Makes sense. Someone with your reputation would need to be where the business is."
Hephaestus smirked. "Exactly. Argus might be my main base, but Vale, Mistral, and even Atlas have their own demand for my weapons and dust-based tech. I can't just sit in one place."
Weiss folded her arms. "That actually explains why my father has tried to get you to work exclusively for the SDC multiple times."
Hephaestus snorted. "Yeah, and every time, I tell that bastard to shove it. I don't take orders from corporations that only care about profit." She then looked at Oscar. "So, if you want me to push this fusion dust, you better make sure it's the real deal. I don't sell half-baked ideas."
Oscar grinned. "Don't worry. You'll see soon enough."
Hephaestus then spoke looked at him as she spoke. "So um the test date".
Oscar the spoke in his mind. "Um system".
[Test data has been made].
Oscar then went too his bag, as he uses his system and pulled out his inventory, Hephaestus didn't actived her Semblance so she this time she didn't see Oscar system activated, as to her as weiss it looked Oscar pulled out the paper form his bag.
Hephaestus took the test data sheet and skimmed through it, her one visible eye narrowing as she read. Weiss leaned over to glance at it as well, her expression shifting from curiosity to mild surprise.
"This… is actually well-documented," Weiss admitted. "Fusion Dust isn't just a simple mixture. It has stabilized elemental interactions."
Hephaestus hummed in agreement. "Yeah, most people who try to mix Dust types end up with a fancy explosion instead of a usable product. But this…" She looked at Oscar, intrigued. "How did you even develop this?"
Oscar smirked. "Trade secret."
Hephaestus raised an eyebrow but let it slide. "Fine. I'll need to test this myself before I agree to anything. If it works the way you claim, we can talk business."
Oscar nodded. "Fair enough. I wouldn't expect anything less from you."
Weiss crossed her arms. "And if this dust is as good as it seems, the SDC is going to want a piece of it. My father won't ignore a competitor with something this valuable."
Oscar chuckled. "Then let's make sure he finds out in the most entertaining way possible."
Hephaestus smirked. "Kid, I think I'm gonna like working with you."
They then left the door as Weiss looked as she spoke. "Remember when you gave that dust cartridge fill with Fusion dust last year".
Oscar remembers that when he first bought form the store. "Yeah what about".
She then pulled out her pcoked as she show the case, as only the Wind/Fire Dust Fusion was used as she smiled. "I didn't use, only once during training, I thought if I did who know what people will come after you".
Oscar looked at the case and chuckled. "So you were looking out for me, huh?"
Weiss huffed, crossing her arms. "Don't get the wrong idea. I was just being practical. If something like this got out without proper backing, the wrong people would try to steal it or, worse, silence you."
Oscar smirked. "And now that I'm selling it openly, does that mean you trust me to handle it?"
Weiss sighed. "More like I trust you to make things more chaotic than they already are."
Oscar laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment."
She shook her head but smiled slightly. "Just be careful, Oscar. The underworld isn't as forgiving as Beacon. If you're really planning to shake things up, make sure you're the one in control."
Oscar's smirk deepened. I already am.
Later that day in Rooftop, Blake and Oscar were talking.
Blake looked at him as she spoke. "So your using Weiss to seel the fusion dust in the main market".
Oscar looked at her as she spoke. "Yup, and Junior is sealing it in the underworld under my name of Mr White".
Blake then looked at him as she spoke. "And you are planning to tell Weiss about the Mr White thinsg When?".
Oscar then looked at her as he spoke. "That is the neat part I am not going too, better too Ruby, Weiss and Yang our of this, I don't want them too get involved with Pleiades".
Pleiades was the name Oscar and Blake workshop for the criminal Organizational, for some reasons they felt like it work's very well.
Blake sighed, rubbing her temples. "You do realize that if Weiss ever finds out, she's going to kill you, right?"
Oscar smirked. "That's why she won't find out. As far as she knows, I'm just a businessman selling Fusion Dust legally. Mr. White is an entirely different entity."
Blake crossed her arms. "And what happens if someone connects the dots?"
Oscar leaned against the railing, looking at the city below. "Then I'll have a plan for that too. The key is control. Pleiades will operate in a way that doesn't directly step on the toes of the biggest players. We sell resources, not weapons or drugs. We offer 'services,' not destruction. By the time anyone notices, we'll already be too big to touch."
Blake shook her head with a smirk. "You sound like a proper crime lord already."
Oscar chuckled. "Nah, I'm just a businessman… who happens to have a very profitable side hustle."
Blake sighed again but smiled. "Alright, Mr. White, let's just hope this doesn't blow up in your face."
Oscar grinned. "If it does, at least I'll be wearing a different mask when it happens."
The next day happened, as Ruby then dropped a whole as book that said, how spend the best day ever, as they just looked at everyone, as then she grabbed Her team, Team JNPR, Team CFVY ana CRIM
This includes a lot video games.
Air shows Isaac destroying Ren in a figuring game, as different seen shows Morgan playing Uno with Pyrrha as Morgan is losing, Oscar was with Rose an will they were playing a game and words that he didn't like, Yang, crimson and Jaune were at a different place, Nora and Was with Fox taking about battle mid evil battle style game, Velvet and Weiss were taking too Eachother, Coco and Yatsuhashi was doing there own thing.
They then had a scavenger hunt where everyone drew number as the team were made
1. Oscar, Coco, Isaac and Nora
2. Ruby, Rose, Fox and Ren
3. Weiss, Jaune, Crimson and Velvet
4. Blake, Yang, Morgan, Pyrrha and Yatsuhashi
And after that they did some out dore sports like Ruby having Weiss try out roller skates, as she made comment saying that she can handle heals but not skates, then they tryed football, which if your Huntress and Huntsman's in training and have your Aura and your Semblance was more like an Anime Football match then anything, let's say a bit of Beacon was destroyed, supremely this Happens option in Beacon, they even meet the new group of First years who has just been made into teams, as then they all were having a cookout, as in this time Pyrrha and Coco were taking about Fashion that Pyrrha modelled for during the break and Yang, Oscar and Fox handling the grill what can go wrong, the picnic was having near Beacons dock, as they saw a supply ship coming too beacon as they saw someone running from trh guard's
As he is a boy he is a tan-skinned young man with spiky, light-blonde hair, usually wearing an open white jacket revealing his muscular build, blue cargo pants, and a distinctive golden necklace with a monkey emblem, reflecting his Faunus monkey heritage; he also has a long, prehensile monkey tail that matches his hair color and often wears black and yellow sneakers; his eyes are blue in later volumes, while earlier they were depicted as dark gray.
[Insert Image of Sun]
As Sun run, as he ran passed Cardin, if this was still Cardin before the Forever fall incident he would have stopped, but he just moved away as Sun ran passed the main groups and hides behind a tree, which right in the same place the group was having there picnic.
The Guard's then looker at Looked at Cardin as they spoke. "Hey have you seen that dirty Faunus anywhere".
Cardin looked at them as he poined at different direction. "There".
The second Guard looked at as he spoke. "Thank kid, All Faunus are pain in the ass"
As they run, Cardin then looked at the main group, as he walked away, as Oscar then looked at tree, as Sun popped his head out.
Sun looked at as he spoke. "Hi there name is Sun".
To be continued
Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and enjoy