Chapter 83: Plans Change
The next day in Beacons, Both Blake and Oscar were trying there best not smack there head in the wall, because after Ruby heared the news that Roman was doing dust Robary again like last year, she thought why do what they did last year track him down and capture him, not knowing that she basically burned all of Oscar carefully layed plan, worse part Yang and Weiss agreed so Oscar and Blake also had too join or else make looks like they were trying too avoid something, then Sun and Neptune joined as well, as the team was made
Ruby and Weiss, Yang, Neptune and Sun, Blake and Oscar, as they split up. Yangz Neptune and Sun went too Junior bar, Ruby and Weiss went too Tukson like they did last to get Roman information as Oscar and Blake were on rooftop, trying too contact Melanin and Miltiades to give Junior a heads up on what there teammate did, there plan too have the Police and Penny deal with Roman was set on fire.
Oscar sighed deeply, leaning against the rooftop edge as Blake sat beside him, both of them scanning the streets below. It was almost laughable how everything had unraveled the moment Ruby caught wind of Roman's actions.
"I told her it was a bad idea," Blake muttered, arms crossed as she looked out into the distance, her ears flicking slightly in frustration. "But nooo, she just had to go full steam ahead."
Oscar nodded, his fingers tapping on his phone screen as he typed out a message to Miltiades and Melanie. "Well, we tried to tell them, but Ruby's got that 'hero complex.' It's like she can't help herself."
Blake glanced at him with an amused but weary look. "You think? And we're just the lucky ones who get dragged into it every time."
Oscar smirked but there was a hint of resignation in his expression. "Yeah, looks like it. I guess that's part of the deal when you work with a team of idealists. But hey, it's not all bad. I'm starting to get used to the chaos."
Blake raised an eyebrow. "Is that supposed to be comforting?"
"Depends on your perspective," Oscar said with a grin, his eyes glinting with the familiar spark of mischief. "Besides, I've learned to embrace the madness. And when it's all over, we can finally say we saved the day, even if we did it our way."
Blake couldn't help but chuckle at his optimism. "You're right about that. We might as well make the best of it. But that doesn't mean I'm looking forward to the mess this is going to cause."
Oscar tapped out another message, and after a moment, the reply came through. He read it aloud to Blake.
"Junior's informed, but they're saying it might be too late to stop them. Roman's already ahead of the game, and we're basically going to be cleaning up their mess now."
Blake sighed heavily, shaking her head. "I can't believe this is happening. They're not even thinking about the bigger picture. We've been trying to keep a low profile and let the system deal with Roman, but now they've just thrown it all out the window."
Oscar turned to face Blake, his expression serious. "We don't have much of a choice anymore. We've got to deal with it head-on."
Blake nodded reluctantly, her eyes narrowing as she looked toward the horizon. "Alright, we do this carefully. Roman's tricky, and with this much attention, he'll be expecting us to make a move. We need to stay one step ahead."
Oscar's eyes flickered as he stood up, a confident grin creeping onto his face. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. We'll handle it."
Blake glanced at him, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "Let's just hope that the others don't do anything too... reckless."
As if on cue, Oscar's phone buzzed again, this time from a message from Melanie.
"Heads up: Roman's already making moves with his shipment. It's happening tonight. You're running out of time."
Oscar swore under his breath. "Of course, he's moving quickly. Alright, we need to stay sharp and beat them to it. Let's hope the others can handle things on their end without blowing our cover."
Blake gave him a determined look. "We'll figure it out. But we need to be quick."
Oscar nodded, a determined look in his eyes as he checked the position of their teammates on the map. "Alright, let's make sure we don't get caught up in the storm. I'll deal with Junior's crew—Melanie's already on it with the intel. You stay on the lookout, and we'll meet at the extraction point after the dust settles."
Blake took one last look at the street below, her feline senses alert. "Got it. Just be careful, okay? Don't get caught."
Oscar smirked. "When do I ever?"
Blake raised an eyebrow at that. "Don't answer that."
With a final look at each other, the two set off in their separate directions, ready to clean up the mess that their teammates had inadvertently created. It wasn't going to be easy, but Oscar had never backed down from a challenge—especially one he knew could change the tide of the battle against Roman and his entire operation.
Oscar then gets an emergency signal from Yang. "Ok what, emergency singal Bu-".
They saw Yang, Neptune on Bubblebee, as Sun was running with in high speed as then they saw a paladin run pass then, followed by Weiss holding on too Ruby for dear life.
Blake looked as she spoke. "Random Gues, they found a White Fang Base with the help of Tukson, then they were going too leave roman recognised them, and then they fought there way out and now this is happening".
Oscar actived his [Agility Skill]. "So wanna run or use Shadow Travel".
Blake raised an eyebrow at Oscar, already anticipating what he was going to suggest. "You know I don't mind using Shadow Travel, but if we're going to do this, we need to be smart about it."
Oscar grinned, his eyes flickering with excitement as he activated his [Agility Skill]. "Smart is my middle name," he joked, although his tone was serious. "Let's get them out of there before things get even more out of hand."
Blake sighed but couldn't help but smile slightly. "Alright, fine. But no more wild stunts. We need to focus."
Oscar nodded, already shifting into action. "Shadow Travel it is."
With a flick of his wrist, Oscar activated his [Shadow Travel] skill, the shadows around him seeming to warp and twist, enveloping him and Blake in a swirl of dark energy. Within an instant, they were gone, reappearing just a few feet away from Yang and the others.
The sight that greeted them was chaotic. Yang was perched on the back of Bubblebee, looking like she was barely holding it together, with Neptune holding onto her tightly. Sun was running at full speed, making his way toward them, and then there was Weiss, holding on desperately to Ruby, who looked half-panicked and half-determined.
Oscar's eyes quickly scanned the area, noting the Paladin who had just sprinted by them. His instincts told him something was off. This was no random skirmish—Roman had made a move, and now things were spiraling fast.
"Alright, what's the plan?" Oscar called out, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. He was always the one to stay calm when everything else was falling apart.
Yang looked back over her shoulder, her eyes wild with urgency. "We were trying to get out of there, but Roman sent in backup! White Fang's everywhere! We need to regroup and get out before reinforcements arrive."
Blake didn't waste time thinking. "We can't stay here. Roman's not going to let us go easily."
Sun skidded to a halt next to them, panting heavily. "This is bad. We don't have enough time to fight our way out without getting caught. We need a diversion."
Oscar turned to Blake. "I'll create the distraction. You and Sun handle the rest."
Blake gave him a quick nod, pulling out her weapon. "Just don't get caught. We'll meet you at the extraction point."
Oscar grinned, his earlier anxiety melting into focus. "You know it."
With that, Oscar dashed forward, his [Agility Skill] making him a blur as he moved toward the oncoming White Fang soldiers. He dove into the shadows, using his [Shadow Step] to disappear from view, reappearing just behind the soldiers. Before they could react, Oscar was already gone again, moving through the shadows and wreaking havoc behind enemy lines.
Meanwhile, Blake, Sun, Yang, and Neptune regrouped. They moved swiftly, staying on high alert, as they fought off any White Fang members who tried to get in their way. Yang's explosions rocked the area as she fought with her signature ferocity, while Sun and Neptune made quick work of any stragglers.
Ruby, clutching Weiss, looked to Blake with wide eyes. "Where's Oscar? Is he okay?"
Blake didn't have time to answer as she led the group into the alleyways, keeping their pace up. "He'll be fine," she said firmly, though worry lingered in her expression. "He knows what he's doing."
Oscar, meanwhile, was working his magic. He used his [Shadow Travel] to slip past Roman's men, slipping into places they wouldn't expect him to be. Each time, he reappeared to deal a swift blow, leaving the White Fang confused and scrambling to figure out who was causing the chaos.
"Time for the grand finale," Oscar muttered under his breath, his eyes glinting with excitement as he prepared for the final phase of his plan. He was about to give the team the opening they needed to escape, but he had to make sure it was done right.
With a final surge of power, Oscar used his [Shadow Step] to teleport behind Roman's forces. He unleashed a flurry of well-placed attacks, knocking out key targets and causing enough confusion that the White Fang soldiers were now questioning what was happening.
Oscar's voice rang out through the chaos, loud enough for Blake and the others to hear. "Go now! I've got the distraction covered!"
Blake, hearing his signal, turned to the others. "Let's move!"
As Oscar stayed behind, the others rushed toward the extraction point. With Roman's forces momentarily disoriented and distracted by Oscar's attacks, they had the window they needed to escape.
Blake took one last look at Oscar, knowing he'd have to follow behind them shortly. She wasn't worried—he was more than capable of taking care of himself—but they all knew the danger wasn't over yet.
With a final nod to the group, they made their way toward safety, hoping that Oscar would join them soon.
Ruby looked at Roman who was with Neo, as they are then srounded by White Fang, as she looked at Oscar. "Oscar Rose gardem".
Ruby then actived her semblance, as he stretch out his hand she catcehe as the both went into the sky, as then she landed Oscar, as he did he Uses Fire Ball, Wind Slash, Water Blast, Freeze Dry and Earth Spirke together, sending the whit fang member back as Oscar got up, as then holds ruby and ans spins hee around as she fired bullets using her scythe, as Oscar then stopped unsheathing both Crimson Fang and Infernal Edge.
Blake then spoke looking at them. "That take care of some of them".
Ruby then looked at Yang and Weiss. "Yang, Weiss Freezer Burn".
Yang and Weiss immediately nodded at Ruby's command, each of them ready for the next phase of the battle. Yang cracked her knuckles, her hair glowing with fiery energy as she shifted into her combat stance. Weiss, on the other hand, called upon her glyphs, her Winter Maiden abilities swirling around her as she prepared to unleash her ice magic.
"Ready!" Weiss called out, her voice sharp with focus.
"Let's go!" Yang shouted, her aura flaring as she summoned her semblance. The air around her crackled with intensity, and she charged into the fray with a roar. Her gauntlets burst into flames as she launched herself toward the White Fang, taking out several of their members in quick succession with powerful fire-fueled punches.
At the same time, Weiss activated her glyphs, raising a series of ice platforms beneath her feet. She took to the air, firing icicle projectiles down on the White Fang forces below. As the projectiles struck, they created a freezing storm of icy shards, encasing enemies in thick layers of ice, immobilizing them instantly.
"Freezer Burn!" Ruby yelled, her voice filled with determination as she followed through with her attack, firing her own rounds from Crescent Rose to target the White Fang troops trying to regroup. The combination of fire from Yang, ice from Weiss, and Ruby's precise sniping created a near-impenetrable barrage of elemental attacks, overwhelming the White Fang forces and forcing them to fall back.
Oscar, standing side by side with Ruby, grinned. "Nice work," he said, already assessing the situation. As the enemies stumbled and retreated, he couldn't help but notice Roman and Neo, who had just been watching the entire battle unfold.
Oscar wasn't about to let them slip away.
With a sudden burst of speed, he dashed toward Roman and Neo, his eyes focused. His two swords, Crimson Fang and Infernal Edge, gleamed with deadly intent as he charged through the chaos, his blades slicing through any remaining White Fang members blocking his path. Blake, seeing Oscar's move, quickly followed suit, keeping her weapon ready as she covered his back.
Ruby, catching a glimpse of the duo's movement, shouted, "Oscar! Be careful!"
But Oscar was already in his element, moving with deadly precision. He closed the distance to Roman and Neo, who stood at the center of the chaos. Roman smirked as he saw the danger approaching.
"You're persistent, I'll give you that," Roman said, his tone cool and mocking. He threw a glance at Neo, who gave a small, knowing nod.
Oscar skidded to a stop just a few feet away, his swords raised and ready. "This ends now, Roman."
Roman clicked his tongue, his cane spinning effortlessly in his hand as he assessed Oscar's readiness. "Oh, I think you're mistaken. The fun is just beginning."
With that, he swung his cane, sending a burst of energy toward Oscar, who deftly dodged the attack, weaving through the strike with ease. But before Oscar could retaliate, he felt a chilling presence behind him. Neo, with her quick reflexes, had already launched herself into the air, her weapon drawn.
Blake reacted immediately, firing her crossbow at Neo to provide some cover, but Neo was faster, using her semblance to create illusions and disappear into the shadows.
"Great," Oscar muttered, his eyes narrowing as he prepared for the next move.
Blake, still watching the battle from afar, spoke in a low voice. "We can't let them get away."
"Not a chance," Oscar replied, narrowing his eyes at Roman and Neo. He raised his swords, prepared to fight to the end. "We're taking them down today."
And with that, the final clash between Oscar, Roman, and Neo began, as the two factions collided in a battle that would determine the fate of the White Fang and their influence on Vale.
To be continued
Hope people like this ch and give me power stones and enjoy