Chapter 13: Vol. 1 Chapter 13 - ‘LastCetra’
/'Diamond-Ranked, 'Fifty-Vs-Fifty 'Team-Battle, Map 'Selected: 'Boznik-City'/
"Welcome all viewers, to another 'LastCetra' stream, I hope everyone enjoys viewing my matches tonight. I'm starting my night off, with a 'Fifty-VS-Fifty 'Team-Battle, for my first match, this evening. Let's 'dive-in, shall we?.." I welcome my 'viewers, as I'm loaded-into the 'map, 'Boznik-City' a 'urban-theme 'battle-map, 'beginning the battle.
"As you can see, I'm 'piloting the 'Variant-Mech the 'Ifrit 'IT-1, a 'Variant of the 'Caesar Augustus 'CA-1, 'manufactured by 'National-Aeromotive." I say as I head, the same direction as the rest of my teammates, but on the opposite edge of the map. My team decided to all 'stack the right-side of the 'map.
I decided I would take the 'left-side, 'solo, if any enemies choose the 'left-side as well, I will face them alone, without 'support.
"I had my brother 'sacrifice all the 'mounted-weapons, like the 'shoulder-mounted 'firearms, and make my 'Variant-Mech a 'pure-melee 'monster. He dropped all the 'fire-arms used by the 'original 'CA-1, with the 'freed-up space, I asked him to focus on 'beefing-up the 'armor, whilst still focusing on making the 'mech 'limber and 'flexible. Now It is built for pure-metal 'melee-mayhem, I 'opted for my 'two-handed 'elongated-nodachi, rather than the 'spear-and-shield, set-up his new 'Marc Antony uses, the other 'Variant of the 'Caesar Augustus he 'designed, 'shout-out my little bro 'Chasing-Clouds, is his 'UserID check his work out guys, you will not regret it." I say to advertise the 'mechs, Ves has worked hard to 'produce.
"I still have the 'three-metal javelins, to use for 'ranged-weapons, here we are.. theres three of them, the fools are together not even 'spaced-out, how could 'diamond-ranked players, still be so 'amateur." I was speaking of my 'ranger-weaponry, when I heard 'footsteps, and other 'noises and 'sounds produced by 'Mechs.
I control my 'Ifrit, as if it were a 'second-skin, I 'burst-out, from the side of the 'cement-building I was waiting at, 'sprinting in my 'huge-metal 'armored-suit, carrying my 'giant-steel, 'mech-sized 'nodachi.
As soon as I had reached the 'middle-mech 'of the group. I 'lowered my 'metal-shoulder, 'mid-sprint, 'bashing-into the 'middle-enemy. Sending my enemy launching backwards, after my 'forward-inertia was killed by my 'shoulder-charge landing on my enemy, I dug-down, 'burying my 'metal-legs into the 'concrete-street, my 'Mech was 'crouched on in a 'lowered-stance.
'Twisting my 'hips, transferring energy and force, starting from my 'lower-body and legs, rising and twisting up my 'torso, flowing through my 'turning-shoulders, down-through my 'clenched-arms that swinging, a 'long-katana 'slicing through 'mech-weaponry and 'armor-plating. Leaving one of the 'three-enemy 'mechs, missing an 'entire-arm from the 'elbow-down, one of them with a 'sliced-into-two, 'assault-rifle.
Whilst the last and third-enemy 'mech, the first one, I 'shoulder-bashed into the air 'flying-backwards, to 'crash-land 'flat-on it's back, 'sliding and 'scraping 'backwards through the 'asphalt-road.
I keep my 'first-slash going, 'on-around, as I 'spin and turn my body, bringing my 'elongated-nodachi, 'around once more, on a 'horizontal-trajectory, 'penultimately 'carving-through, the 'one-armed 'mech at the 'torso, 'cutting-through the 'mech's-cockpit. Leaving one 'mech struggling to 'stand-back, up on it's feet, the other 'rushing to draw it's 'combat-knife, after losing it's 'assault-rifle.
I end the 'mech 'attempting to 'draw the 'short-knife, with a quick 'piercing-action, of my 'Masamune, 'finishing-off my 'second-prey.
Then there was the 'last, who I made one 'stride, and one 'diagonal-slash, to 'kill and 'finish-off, all the 'three-mechs who 'crossed my path.
"That.. is how you do it folks, now let's find another good spot, let's 'ambush our 'prey with some 'javelins next." I tell my viewers, as I start 'moving to my next 'point of 'ambush.
/After finishing the 'ranked-match, with over ten 'confirmed-kills, and six 'confirmed-assists, Sephiroth played four more, of the same 'type-matches. Finishing his 'gaming-session for the night. When the sun 'rose, the next-morning, as Sephiroth was 'walking-down the stairs, and 'entering-into the 'living-area, of the 'residence./
"You ready to 'build the 'Ifrit? No need to be 'nervous, you got this, I 'believe-in you." I asked Ves, then 'reassured him, he would handle the 'fabrication of the 'mech easily enough.
"I'm excited more than 'nervous, but I am indeed 'nervous, haha! Will you 'watch?" He told me, then asked if I wanted to 'watch.
"Nah, I'll leave the 'mech-creating all to you, you can leave 'piloting them to me. I'm off to meet Rhaena, she 'wishes to purchase a 'manor in the countryside, not too far from here actually. We will go make an offer, on the one she picked out. See ya later 'bro." I told him I would not be staying, I had business to attend to.
/Whilst Ves 'began on the 'mech-build, Sephiroth headed-out towards his 'meeting with Rhaena. Once he arrived to 'Walter's-Residence./
"Good-Morning' Corella, and morning to you as well my 'Princess, you both look absolutely 'stunning, as you both always do." I greet my future 'Aunt-in-law Corella, and ofcourse I greeted my Rhaena, with a soft-kiss on the back of her petite-hand.
"Ah Seph, you look quite-handsome as usual, will you and Rhaena be visiting the 'farm-manor, she wants to 'acquire?" Corella asked me.
"I do believe that is 'precisely the plan, but I go where my 'Princess orders, so you will have to speak with her, if you wish to learn where we shall be visiting today." I bow as I say 'mockingly-so, causing giggles to be 'produced by both women.
"Yes, Aunt Corella, that is where me and my 'knight, shall be visiting today." Rhaena told her aunt, in-between giggles and laughing.
"Well you two have fun, I will just be here, as always." Aunt Corella said, making me almost 'horny, at the 'foxy-woman, speaking as if she were saying, "please come fuck my lonely pussy! Please fuck it good!".
Gods she's fine for her age, barely into her 'forties, I bet her little asshole would taste like 'sweet-nectar. She has all the 'curves, exactly where I prefer for my women to have them.
/Inside the 'Mag-Lev 'Hover-Car, after leaving the 'Walter's residence./
"I need you to suck my dick while I 'pilot, yes now!" I tell Rhaena as I'm pulling my 'eight-inch long, 'two and a half-inch wide, cock out of my pants, as it stands at full-mast.
"Gods! Why are you so hard? Don't tell me? Is it my aunt? Did she make you horny? Mmf!.. Gag!" She was asking until I grabbed her by the back of her head, and I pulled her face right 'face-down onto my 'cock and balls'.
"There you go.. yep fuck! Your aunt sounded so lonely, and she's pretty fucking 'banging, I can't 'help it." I tell her, yes, it was indeed her aunt, who is to blame for me, fucking the back of her throat. Right now as we 'fly towards the 'farm she wishes for me to purchase.