Sephiroth ‘Larkinson’ Transmigrated To ‘The-Mech-Touch’

Chapter 14: Vol. 1 Chapter 14 - ‘Ifrit IT-1’

/After spending most of the day signing the paperwork for ownership, of the land and the 'farm-house that sits on 'said land', Sephiroth returned alone to the 'mech-workshop and 'residence./

"Alright, 'Earth-Magicka, is 'priority-uno, on my list of things to be done or 'achieved." I speak, as I'm talking to myself 'out-loud, whilst walking into the house. Entering through the house to 'cut-through the 'living-area, 'exiting the door 'leading to the backyard.

"Gotta 'stock-up on these 'exotic-metals, eventually if I want to get an 'Expert-Mech 'built, I will need 'exotic-metals by the 'tons." I say to myself, as I'm 'thinking-over all the 'plans, I have 'in-mind for the future.

/After Sephiroth 'emptied-out his 'Mana-Pool, 'grinding his 'Earth-Magicka. His new 'Earth-Materia had 'leveled-to../

/'Earth: lvl 4 (62/400xp)/

/After calling it a day, as far as 'training his skills goes, he then ate some 'sustenance and went up to his 'gaming-cabin, to start another night of 'battling-mechs, on 'Iron-Spirit'/

/When the morning came the next day, Sephiroth walked downstairs and decided to enter the 'mech-workshop, to check on Ves./


"Holy-shit! It is beautiful!" I couldn't help but say to myself, out-loud at the sight of the recently 'farbricated and 'assembled 'Ifrit 'IT-1, standing tall and mighty in the 'workshop, it's head 'almost-touching the 'ceiling.

"He must have 'stayed-up all night, to complete this 'project, I will let him rest." I say to myself, as I 'cover the 'sleeping Ves back-up, with a blanket that was nearby.

"O' man, he even completed the 'nodachi, I can't wait to pilot this thing, wait.. I need to ask 'Lucky for a 'gem, to install on my 'Ifrit." I stop to think and wonder, what the 'best gem Lucky has right now is, and what it's 'properties are.

"We are for sure, taking this 'mech with us, when we go to 'Planet-Bentheim, for the 'Young-Tiger's 'Mech-Competition. We can advertise some of Ves' designs, we have time for him to 'fabricate one of each, of the 'Fantasia 2R-Variants' he has 'designed." I've started just speaking 'out-loud, to myself, as I go over my ideas, for the 'competition Ves will participate in.

Luckily I did not speak very loud, atleast not 'loud-enough to 'wake my sibling, after looking all over my new mech, I went to go 'shake-down Lucky, for one of it's 'mech-gems.

/Later the same day, as the sun was starting to 'go-down for the day, bringing night until it's return the next day, Ves 'woke, then Sephiroth called Walter and Dietrich to come see the 'Ifrit. When Walter and his son, Dietrich, arrived at the 'Larkinson-Residence and 'Mech-Workshop./


"I know right, it is 'absolutely-perfect, makes your dick 'hard? I know it makes mine 'hard as the 'fuck, look at this 'monster, of a 'machine, it's a fucking 'beast, 'born for 'pure-destruction and 'melee-mayhem." I tell everyone how I feel about the 'Ifrit, then I asked what they 'thought, about it.

"Gods! This is way better than what it costs.. we must have more 'mechs and the 'pilots to 'pilot them, in the 'gang. When can your 'cheaper 'mechs, the 'Fantasia 2R-variants, be 'put-into 'production?" Walter asked.

"Ves will be 'fabricating 'one-unit of each of his 'Fantasia-Variants, but they will not be for sale until we return from 'Planet-Bentheim, from the 'Young-Tiger's 'mech-competition, Ves has been 'invited-to." I inform Walter of our 'plans.

"Yes I heard, I will be sending my son, Dietrich with you both, you are 'representing our entire 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain, remember to make us 'proud, the 'entire-planet will be 'rooting for you!" Walter informed, us of his wish, to send his son to 'tag-along with us, and he also 'reminded Ves, he has a lot of 'support back home.

"Alright sounds like a 'plan, welcome to join Dietrich, the more the 'merrier, I would 'invite Rhaena, but the 'morning-sickness has been 'hitting her hard as of late." I said to them all.

"Yes my wife told me, I visited the 'farm, she 'picked-out, it will make a good 'home to 'raise a family." Walter said to me.

/After 'inspecting the 'Ifrit, Walter and Dietrich left the home and 'mech-shop, before Sephiroth could 're-enter the home, three-black 'mag-lev 'armored-jeeps, 'hovered-up to the edge of the 'lawn of the 'home./


"Let's get out, I'm assuming the tall-one, is my new grandson.. and you are positive the 'dna-test 'results 'checked-out alright?" I say to my son Ark, who is 'accompanying me, while I make my 'check-up 'visit to my 'grandsons.

"Yes father, he is your 'biological-grandson, but the 'non-Larkinson half of his 'genetic-makeup, is not 'human, there is no 'match, for the 'DNA in any 'databases, we have 'access to." Ark informs me.

"So be it, he will not be the first 'hybrid-Larkinson, I 'highly-doubt he will be the last." I tell my son as we near, the 'young-tall man, I opened my mouth to greet him, by saying.. "Hello, are you Sephiroth?"

"I am, and you are?" The young-man confirmed his identity, then he asked me who I was.

"I am your 'grandfather, Benjamin Larkinson, I was not aware of your 'existence I assure you, no Larkinson is left behind, that 'motto is what has kept our clan from 'extinction, doesn't make it right that this is the first time, I have met my own 'flesh and 'blood." I was saying, until the young man 'raised his hand.

"Stop, that is 'unnecessary, my own 'father has no 'knowledge, of my 'existence, so I do not 'blame you in anyway or form, for not 'knowing of me or my 'existence. Let that be 'known now, so let's just do this, it is 'nice to finally meet you, grandfather. You may call me Seph if you wish." My grandson told me, while offering his hand, for me to grasp, then I pulled him into a 'awkward-hug, I'm glad I am pretty 'tall myself, it would look really funny if I was 'way-shorter than him.

/After informing their grandfather, that they would be 'traveling to 'Planet-Bentheim, for a 'Mech-competition their grandfather 'insisted on 'coming-along as well. Benjamin then 'booked a 'presidential-suite at the 'best hotel near the residence, he will be staying on 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain until the 'departure, for 'Planet-Bentheim../

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