Chapter 15: Vol. 1 Chapter 15 - ‘Planet-Bentheim
/'Planet-Bentheim, the 'treasure of the 'Bright-Republic, it is the 'economic-powerhouse of the 'republic, the planet is a 'major-port and the only 'major-port, with easily-accessible 'Lagrange-Points by 'Ultra-long range 'Faster-Than-light 'travel, making the 'planet 'long-coveted by the 'Vesia-Kingdom, A 'fuedal-monarchy that borders the 'Bright-Republic, there has been numerous 'wars fought over 'Planet-Bentheim, between the two 'third-tier 'galactic-states 'dubbed the 'Bright-Vesia-Wars. The 'Vesia-Kingdom is a 'prominent-human 'interstellar-state that borders the 'Bright-Republic in the 'Komodo-Star-Sector. The Kingdom has a long history of conflict with the 'Bright-Republic, engaging in numerous wars over the centuries. Relations between the two states are marked by deep animosity, with the Vesia Kingdom often portrayed as the aggressor. The Vesia Kingdom is governed by a feudal system, with a Royal Family nominally at the head. However, the real power lies with the ducal houses, who control most of the Kingdom's territory and resources. The Royal Family's authority is limited, and they primarily serve as figureheads and facilitators of consensus among the duchies. The ducal houses wield significant autonomy, often pursuing their own interests and engaging in internal power struggles.The ducal houses wield significant autonomy, often pursuing their own interests and engaging in internal power struggles. This decentralized power structure has contributed to the Kingdom's history of militarism and aggression, as ambitious dukes vie for glory and influence. Commoners have limited opportunities for advancement, although exceptional individuals may earn noble titles through military service or notable achievements in science or other fields. The 'Vesia-Kingdom is known for its powerful military, the Mech Legion, which is primarily composed of mech pilots. The Kingdom places a strong emphasis on martial prowess, and its culture is heavily influenced by a warrior ethos. Competition among the nobility is fierce, often determined by military strength and the ability to command powerful mechs.This focus on 'martial-might has shaped the Kingdom's 'leadership, with many rulers 'prioritizing 'military-expansion and conquest. The 'Vesia-Kingdom's relationship with the 'Bright-Republic is characterized by 'deep-seated mistrust and hostility. The two 'states have fought 'numerous-wars, and their borders remain 'heavily-fortified. The 'Vesia-Kingdom views the Bright-Republic as a threat to its interests, and its propaganda often portrays the 'Republic as a decadent and weak enemy./
/Time-skip to two weeks later, 'right-outside the 'competition-venue of the 'Young-Tiger's 'Mech-Competition./
"Alright brother, you got this, just believe in yourself!" I said trying to 'hype my brother up, for his competition that the players participating in, all just got called back to begin preperations for the first round.
"You will perform excellently, look at the 'mech's you have already 'designed and 'fabricated, most of your opponents will have zero experience actually 'operating a 'three-dimensional-printer." Our grandfather told Ves, only a few contestants will have any experience actually 'assembling a 'mech.
"Alright, I'm off!" Ves told us before entering the 'player's-area of the 'competition-venue, to which both my grandfather and I, gave Ves a 'goodluck-salute.
"How about a couple 'beers? What say you, gramps?" I asked my grandfather, after Ves 'disappeared-into the 'player's-area'.
"I say we get ourselves some 'beer, you've performed 'beyond-excellent, on that game all the 'clan-members like to play, what is it called again?" My grandpa agreed to the beers, then he started talking about 'Iron-Spirit.
"'Iron-Spirit', it is a 'Mech-Simulator game, it is for both 'designers and 'pilots." I answered him.
"That's right, 'Iron-Spirit' is the name of the game, you're Uncle Ark told me, you were undefeated so far in your career in. Are you still 'undefeated currently?" Benjamin asked me, after telling me his son, is the one who brought this information to him.
"After 'last-evening, I have six-hundred and forty-three 'confirmed-kills, in my 'Iron-Spirit 'pilot-career, I have yet to be 'killed-in-action." I informed the old man, that yes, I was indeed a 'bad-motherfucker. Also yes, I do 'fuck mothers, all kinds of mothers.
/After Benjamin and Sephiroth Larkinson, both got their 'refreshments and made their way, to their seats for the 'competition./
"Patricia Schneider, is probably the most talented opponent Ves will face, Edwin McKinney studied in the 'New-Rubarthan-Empire, he will be the most difficult to beat. Ves will still win 'first-place." I informed my grandfather, of whom to watch for, during this competition.
"Yes, Patricia opted to study here in the 'Republic, rather than study in one of the 'first-tier 'galactic-states." Benjamin said.
"Indeed, an 'admirable-decision on her part, her parents are both 'higher-ups at 'Bosworth's." I told him, as the first round of the competition was beginning.
Ves has enough experience from 'fabricating the 'Ceasar Augustus and 'Fantasia 2R variants, this competition was made for him. For the 'qualifying-round, the 'mechs 'designed by the contestants, must be piloted through an obstacle course of sorts.
The pilot who is the one 'piloting all the 'mechs, is a 'Captain serving in one of 'Bright-Republic's 'Mech-legions, 'Captain-Hans is what he is 'known-by. Most of the 'mechs being made by the 'apprentice and novice 'ranked-designers, barely finish the 'obstacle-course, if they are able to finish at all.
Edwin McKinney, Patricia Schneider, and Ves Larkinson had the best performances, by far for the 'qualifiers. The second-round will begin on the morrow, where the 'rookie-designers will be paired-up with 'rookie-pilots, to compete in 'pairs to decide the best 'Young-Tigers this year.
"Ves out-performed the competition today, as long as he performs like this, this competition is his." I told old' grandpa.
"Ah ouch! Damn back, Ves really did the Larkinson name 'proud today, I'll have to think of some way to reward him." Grandpa said, complaining about his back.
"Here grandpa, nothing a little 'magicka can't 'fix." I tell Benjamin, whilst 'hitting him with my 'white-magic, absorbing the pain and aches, he usually suffers throughout his days and night.
"Amazing, how is this possible? What is this 'magicka?" Grandpa asked as he was twisting and stretching, trying out how his 'renewed body felt.
"It's a gift from my mother, she was the last of the 'Cetra, until I was born, now I am the last of my 'kind, until I have my own off-spring." I informed Benjamin where my 'magical-abilities come from.