Sephiroth ‘Larkinson’ Transmigrated To ‘The-Mech-Touch’

Chapter 4: Vol. 1 Chapter 4 - ‘Iron-Spirit’

/Thirty minutes later, after the game-cabin arrived and Sephiroth finished getting it set-up and started/


/Welcome to 'Iron-Spirit'/


/UserID: 'FinalCetra'/

/UserRegion: 'Komodo-Star-Sector', 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain'/

/UserRanking: 'Bronze-League' 'Wins/Losses/Draws: 0/0/0/

/UserBank-Account: 0-(GoldCoins) 0-(Credits)/

/Equipped-Mech: None/

I look at my current 'player-status, after checking everything, I entered the 'Mech-Store. I immediately searched for the 'Shiva, once I brought it up, I transferred the ten-thousand 'Bright-Credits to my 'Iron-Spirit' account. Then I clicked the 'Purchase and Equip' button.

After that I immediately entered the waiting-room, after selecting 'ranked-solo match, to wait for a match to be thrown into. It didn't take long, I recieved a message showing me my opponent's 'UserID', and current record and ranking.

The system drew a player with a UserID of, 'TheSeventhSnake', then It dropped me into a battle-field map located in a city, full of tall 'concrete-buildings, for my first 'ranked-match.

My opponent just so happened to be using a 'Seraphim, one of the 'Variant-Models designed by Ves, while I was inside my 'Shiva. So both of us were 'aerial-marksman, but I have a 'nodachi, where as 'TheSeventhSnake' only has a short knife.

/At the same time the match started, in a game-parlor, a thirteen-year old 'Mech-Pilot academy-student. Opposite of the 'Shiva', the young student 'piloted a 'Seraphim, ready to do battle./


"Alright! Let's see what this 'Fantasia 2R 'Seraphim', is capable of!" I say as I start to back away, and turn around to put some distance between me and my opponent.

I decided to try to fly up to the roof of one of the buildings, to get a higher-vantage point. I plan to make the most of this model's long-range weaponry-set and capabilities, by getting up high and locating my enemy.

Once I reached the roof, I started to look in the direction my opponent should have started the match near. Finding nothing but empty streets, so I started checking the other directions, my opponent could be coming towards me from.

"Where the fuck is he!?.." I shout to myself in my 'game-cabin, in frustration, from not being able to locate my enemy.

"What was that?.." I asked myself out-loud as I heard what sounded like 'jets firing on a plane.

"Fuck!.." Is all I can spit out as I turned in the direction the sound came to find a dark, ominous-looking, female-Mech. The dark-Mech was holding a long-bladed weapon, that was piercing right through the 'cock-pit' of my mech, the. The screen went black.. I lost..

/On The Other Side of 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain Inside Sephiroth's 'Game-Cabin/

"Bah! Too easy.. wasn't even a worthy 'warm-up." I say to myself after entering the 'waiting-room, once more, to wait for another 'ranked-match.

After my first official match on the 'Mech-Simulator-Game 'Iron-Spirit', I received a hundred 'in-game currency, and had a record of one win, zero losses, and zero draws.

Now the game has matched me with my second 'bronze-ranked opponent, with a UserId of 'CassieTheFox', to do battle against. After I see my opponent is 'piloting a 'Heavy-Mech, I decide to use a different strategy from my first match, I would pick apart the heavy-armor of my opponent with my 'Harconix Light-DMR', which is not powerful as a 'sniper-rifle but it is more powerful than a standard 'assault-rifle.

Then once my opponent's defenses are weakened, I will move for the kill, and use my 'melee-weapon to finish my enemy off. I plan for it to be considered my 'calling-card, in the future, I'll be known for finishing my enemies with my 'Mech's giant 'Masamune. A 'Mech-Weapon that is a replica of my 'Nodachi.

This time, the map chosen by the system, is a rural-area. The map looks similar to a farm, in the countryside, theres a lot of open space. Only a couple of buildings or structures around, to take advantage of, good thing I have a 'neural-aptitude' of a potential 'god-pilot.

I feel as if, wearing a second skin, when I pilot a 'Mech. If I close my eyes on my body, whilst sitting inside the 'cockpit of the 'Mech, I can control the metal-giant, with thought of mind alone' to open and close it's 'metallic-eyes.

I can close one eye and focus, on my surroundings using my 'ECM, taking advantage of the thermal-imaging the red right-eye provides the 'Mech-Pilot. As I said, the map is pretty much wide open, I can see my enemy on the opposite side of the farm from me.

The female-named enemy, I was facing now, 'piloted a 'Heavy-Armored, 'Mech-model named the 'Excelsior EE-26', manufactured by a company known as, 'Orion Incorporated'. The 'Excelsior is a 'Quadrupled-legged, 'High-Firepowered, 'Tank-like 'Mech.

My enemy immediately 'dug into the soil, where she was standing on the opposite side of the farm. As my enemy 'raised her 'built-in 'high-caliber, rifle-barrel arms on her 'Mech. They were pointed right at me.

Before she could 'open-fire, a shell from my 'Light-sniper rifle, the 'Harconix-Light 'DMR, landed on the right-side of the 'heavy-mech's 'metal-skull. Shattering and exploding the 'Electrical-Module, that provides 'Assisted-Aiming, leaving the girl without any 'mechanical-assistance, in locating or targeting her opponent, who is me..

By the time she fires her first 'shell, I'm already in the air flying towards her, swiftly, pushing my 'Flight-System, to it's 'maximum-output. I fired two consecutive shots, both landing one after another, targeting the same gap between the left-shoulder and the 'upper-left chest area, both shots landed in the same spot creating a weak-point. My 'opening has been made, I have my 'Nodachi in my other hand opposite my 'DMR. I choose to 'detach my rifle from my arm and hand that was attached to it, connected by 'fuselage connected to 'energy-packs, 'freeing my other hand. I then gripped my 'Nodachi, with both hands firmly, as the distance between me and my opponent closed.

I aimed my blade in a 'piercing-form, whilst flying full-tilt, on a trajectory right towards the gap in the armor.

Once my blade penetrated, into the side of my 'prey's chest and pierced through, I pulled across and down horizontal-diagonally, dragging my blade right through the enemy's 'cockpit..

Ending the match, with a 'flawless-fatality, and a 'victory for me. Thus, making my 'Iron-Spirit' 'career-record, two wins, zero losses, and zero draws..

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