Sephiroth ‘Larkinson’ Transmigrated To ‘The-Mech-Touch’

Chapter 5: Vol. 1 Chapter 5 - First Day At ‘Work’

/After Sephiroth completed three more consecutive victories, pushing his winning-streak to five victories, Sephiroth decided to enter his slumber early, for the night. When he 'rose before the sun the next day and 'geared-up, before leaving headed towards his first day at 'work'. When Sephiroth arrived at the 'Barracks of the 'Walter's-Whalers'./


"Morning Boss! Reporting for duty!" I shout to the boss as I'm entering the compound, and see the large man who will be my 'boss', for now anyway.

"Mornin'! Looking sharp! You'll have the farmers shittin' their breeches! Haha! Let us get this day started. This day's 'Cunny-hole, is not gonna fuck itself, am I right?" The happy-man said, as he was laughing and walking to a 'Mag-Lev' Jeep-looking, black-metal vehicle. So I followed him, and even opened the back door for him, myself.

"No it will not sir! We will just have to fuck it for her, I say." I tell the boss, I agree the day's pussy will not fuck itself, then I tell him we will just fuck it ourselves then.

"Haha! I believe I am going to indeed like you my young friend! Haha sit in the back with me, I'll let you know who you might have to get rough with today, as we drive." He told me as he entered the back of the car, with me following after him.

/As the local bullies, of 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain, they took a modest cut out of every company's earnings. They were rather mild, as far as gangs went. Cloudy Curtain was just too small for them to squeeze with any force. If they acted too heavy handedly, then no business would be willing to operate in their territory. Their 'Barracks as they call it, is an abandoned branch of the Mech-Corps that was stationed on the planet, until the planet was deemed not worthy of spending the resources, to station and house a 'Mech-Corps upon. After a long day, of 'shaking-down farmers and business-owners, on the 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain. Sephiroth called it a day, and said goodbye for the day, to the boss. Who was impressed by Sephiroth, numerous times on multiple occasions during the 'working-day. Once Sephiroth reached the Larkinson-Residence./


"Holy shit! Thirty units of the 'Shiva alone, have been sold in one night and one day. What is it Lucky?" I was saying to myself until the cat, started moving around, drawing my attention.

"Meow!" The cat yelped, making me realize he was alerting me, that someone was coming up to our residence.

"It must be my brother, I have to ask him about his experience, piloting the 'Shiva." I say out-loud. I hear the door open.

"Yo! I'm home!" My brother announces his arrival, while placing his, over 'seven-foot long 'Nodachi, as he calls it upon the table in the 'kitchen-area.

"Hey brother! How was your first day at work?" I ask my long 'silver-haired, 'overly-tall, older brother.

"Piece of cake, had to rough a couple of people up, nothing too big. Really just a long boring day, if I'm being honest. How was your day 'bro?" He said his day was easy, then asked me, how my day has been.

"I've been working a little on a new design, mostly I've been watching the sales of the 'Shiva model. How did it feel 'piloting the 'Shiva, on 'Iron-Spirit' yesterday?" I told him about my day, then asked how 'piloting the 'Shiva, felt last night.

"She is truly a majestic creation, your design, she flew and floated like a butterfly last night. I used her to sting my opponents like I were a huge 'metal-bee. Five easy, consecutive victories, last night." He told me exactly what I had hoped to hear.

"Great! I saw all the comments, players were posting, about the 'Shiva all day today. I sold thirty units already. The mission I needed to complete in a month, is now possible, in only two more days." I told him as I thought, about the mission for selling a hundred 'mechs, designed by me on 'Iron-Spirit', that I might be able to complete in only three days.

"Haha! Good! I'm going to train for a bit, then eat some 'supper. Then I will go 'rack-up some more victories, while advertising the 'Shiva! Haha! See ya later." My brother laughed, then informed me of his plans. Good, the more he wins, the more units of 'mechs, I will sell.

/After consuming his entire 'pool-of-mana', promoting his 'Lightning-Materia, to 'level' two. Sephiroth then, ate some supper, and 'hopped-in his 'game-cabin. Then he 'signed-into 'Iron-Spirit./


/Welcome to 'Iron-Spirit'/


/UserID: 'FinalCetra'/

/UserRegion: 'Komodo-Star-Sector', 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain'/

/UserRanking: 'Bronze-League' 'Wins/Losses/Draws: 5/0/0/

/UserBank-Account: 500-(GoldCoins) 0-(Credits)/

/Equipped-Mech: 'Kezia-Armaments - Fantasia 2R 'Shiva/

"Alright let us see, shall there be actual opponents, among my 'prey tonight." I say to myself, as I lay, in my 'Game-Cabin. After checking my 'player-status-panel', I entered the 'waiting-lobby, once more. Waiting, for my match, to begin.

/After Sephiroth won, another five consecutive 'bronze-ranked matches, successfully entering the 'silver-ranked League. Sephiroth then decided to call it a night, he went to sleep for the night, and awoke the next day. After arriving at the 'Whaler's hang-out, Sephiroth greeted 'Walter../


"Morning 'Boss-man! Got another day of 'crackin-skulls, planned for me?" I asked 'Walter, whom I noticed first, when I entered the 'Mech-Hangar.

"Sephiroth! No I'm afraid not, my niece, Rhaena is here. She came to visit my wife, but I have some previous arrangements, to handle today. I need you to accompany and protect, my niece, after she visits my wife, when she visits the 'gaming-district. She is a big-fan, of the 'Mech-Pilot, 'Virtual-Simulator games, I know she wishes to order a 'Game-Cabin. That will be your task for today, and I thank you for it young man, take care of my niece." He informs me, I would indeed not be 'cracking-skulls, for today anyway, as he entered his 'Mag-Lev 'Armored-Jeep.

"C'mon Sephiroth! I'll take you to my parent's residence. 'Hop-in." Dietrich told me, to ride with him in his 'Mag-Lev 'Sports-Car, to head to the destination of my task, for the day.

"Aye!" I reply, as I enter the passenger door, of the 'floating-car.

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