Chapter 6: Vol. 1 Chapter 6 - Rhaena Orskey
/After Dietrich drove Sephiroth, to his parent's residence, once Sephiroth exited the vehicle, Dietrich left to return to the gang's 'barracks./
"Not bad!" I say out-loud to myself, as I look at the house, Im walking up to.
Once, I arrive at the door, before I can 'ring the doorbell, said door swings open.Revealing a young, around eighteen-years of age, woman opening the door.
"You're here!" The very good-looking young woman, exclaimed towards me, whilst doing a girlish slight-hop off the ground.
"Hello, my name is Sephiroth Larkinson, I will be your 'personal-bodyguard for the day. It is an honor, meeting you 'Princess Rhaena." I greet the young woman, professionally ofcourse, calling her 'Princess Rhaena. Which, made her obviously stunned, by the color her face was turning.
"Haha! You're so funny, 'Princess, yes. I am a 'Princess, I like the way that sounds." She laughed out, as she agreed, the name did indeed 'suit her.
"So it shall be, my 'Princess, Shall we make our way to the 'gaming-district, your 'grace?" I bowed to her, as I asked, if she was ready to go.
"Yes! My brave knight! Let us make haste, my 'game-cabin, awaits." She 'mockingly-says, as we walk towards her 'pink-colored 'mag-lev, 'armored-jeep looking 'floating-vehicle.
/After Rhaena and Sephiroth traveled to the 'Gaming-District, of Freslin, the 'capital-city of 'Planet-Cloudy-Curtain. As they were nearing a certain 'gaming-parlor./
"Yes, your 'grace, I indeed reached 'silver-ranks of 'Iron-Spirit, just last night. I would be honored to be your 'duo's-partner.. wait, Ves?" I was talking to the young-woman, I was tasked with protecting for the day, until I saw Ves outside a 'game-parlor.
"Brother? Aren't you supposed to be at 'work?" My sibling asked me, in shock, at meeting me here.
"I am working younger brother, I have the honor, of introducing, the 'Princess Rhaena of the 'House of Orskey'. 'Princess, this is my younger brother, Ves Larkinson. You two are actually the same age, my brother is actually a 'Mech-Designer, he has some models, published on the game you like to play." I introduce the two, to one another, then I mentioned the fact, that Ves was a 'mech-designer.
"Amazing! I just graduated from studying 'agricultural-science, here at the university of 'Freslin. I really like to play 'Iron-Spirit, in my 'free-time, what models have you designed on 'Iron-Spirit'?" The girl was saying until, she asked Ves, what 'mech-models he has designed on the game.
"So far, I have five 'variant-models, of the 'Kezia-Armament's, 'Fantasia 2R 'designed on 'Iron-Spirit." My brother answered her.
"I'm currently equipped with a new 'Fantasia 2R 'Shiva, I just recently purchased, with my allowance." The young-woman said, causing Ves' face to turn red, as he blushed at the mention of his own 'design.
"Haha! Thats one of the models Ves designed, I am using it as well, at the moment." I inform the girl, that she spent her allowance, on my younger sibling's own 'design.
"Really!? That is amazing!" She asked and exclaimed out.
"It was actually Sephiroth's Idea, the 'Shiva, the 'Seraphim was what I came up with." My brother tried to give me credit.
"Nonsense, little brother, I only told you to add a 'long-sword." I told him.
"Well, it was truly pleasant meeting you, Ves. I need to get online on 'Iron-Spirit', immediately, I want to fly my 'Shiva." My 'Princess told my brother as she hurried to the counter, of the 'game-parlor, we were conversating at.
"I'm off to protect the 'Princess, see you later, brother." I say goodbye to my younger sibling.
/After Sephiroth and Rhaena, both got into their 'respective-cabins, and logged-into 'Iron-Spirit'. They entered the waiting-lobby for 'ranked-duos matches, in the 'Silver-Ranked League./
"As soon as we are 'loaded-into, whatever map is chosen, I'll charge forward. You can begin firing on the enemy, as I draw their attention and their 'fire-power towards myself, when I charge towards their side of the map." I inform the 'Princess, as she has already informed me, she likes to play an aerial-marksman role, to a 'tee'.
"Sounds like a plan, my brave knight, I'll follow your orders." Rhaena answered back to me.
/Whilst Sephiroth and Rhaena were playing 'Iron-Spirit', outside the entrance of the game-parlor where Ves, is still busy holding his holographic-tablet, advertising his 'mech-designs./
"You're 'Chasing-Clouds' the designer!? My favorite 'variant-model is the 'Seraphim I'm currently using on 'Iron-Spirit'." A young 'mech-academy' student asked me, then told me he personally uses one of my 'Seraphim', on 'Iron-Spirit'.
"Yes I am! Thank you for the support, I recently published two more 'variants of the 'Fantasia 2R, the 'Nomad' and the 'Phantasm'. You should check them out." I told the young boy who was busy checking out the 'specs', of my newest design, I'm currently advertising with a 'holographic-tablet.
"My UserID is 'TheSeventhSnake, my name is Joshua King, future 'Mech-Pilot, it's nice to meet you too, I'm going to go buy a 'Phantasm' and try it out now." He introduces his UserID, his name, then he informed me, he would buy and try out one of my 'Phantasm' models.
"My name is Ves Larkinson, it was nice meeting you Joshua, thank you for the support as well, good luck to you my new friend." I told him my name, then I wished him thanks and blessing, for supporting my work on 'Iron-Spirit'.
"Holy cow! Look at the screen! Two 'Fantasia 2R 'Shivas, have a five game winning streak, currently in 'silver-ranked duo-matches. They have decimated every opponent team, they have been put up against, the longest match so far, has been only five minutes. That match only dragged on for five minutes, due to the enemy team trying to hide, and survive as long as they could." I hear what sounds like sweet-music to my ear-holes. Looks like my brother and his 'Princess, are destroying the 'playing-field, with two of my models.
"That one 'pilot who always charges towards the opponents side of the map, every time they load into the map, is a beast. He slips through his enemie's fire-power that he attracts, while his partner sits back and 'snipes the enemy, then the melee-fighter always finishes their opponents off, with his long-sword." I can hear the 'Iron-Spirit players, discussing about the Princess, and my brother playing 'Iron-Spirit'..