Shadow Slave | School Days

Chapter 88: Bartering with Satan

DAILY QUESTION: If we put Morgan in Eubin's situation at the ball. Could she beat Seishan and Gilead at once?




Despite Mordret's bold declaration, not a single movement was made within the room. Sunny didn't even bother locking eyes with the man as he shifted from his corner of the room, making his way slowly and silently across it towards Asterion or more importantly, Nephis.


As he closed the distance between the two, Solvane moved in front of him to stop Sunny in his tracks, this was what she had come here for after all. A perfect chance to test the weapons she had honed through her entire, odious yet persistent existence.


"No approaching the Sovereign without permission." Solvane growled, her attention completely focused on Sunny as he looked past her, staring at Nephis was an expression of indifference before releasing a sigh. "We have a lot to talk about, but it doesn't look like these people will let me speak."


As if confirming his words, Solvane placed a hand on his shoulder, intent on shoving him away from Asterion who calmly remained focused on Mordret with a small smile planted across his face. And yet, even he was forced to acknowledge the bloodlust radiating from Sunny's form as Solvane's hand remained fixed on his body.


One motion.


That was all it took for Solvane's head to become indented into the steel floors of the room they inhabited as Sunny brought down his knife, intent on ending her life before she could offer a response. Sparks flew through the air as Noctis barely managed to intercept, his sword and Sunny's knife clashing furiously as he narrowed his eyes at the dark-haired man.


"Noctis. I'll kill you soon enough too." Turning to Mordret, Sunny stepped back tentatively before making his way next to him. "Is anyone here willing to put their lives on the line to stop me from killing my father? And if so, raise your hand now, let's see what ignorant sovereign is willing to risk the lives of their soldiers for a man who isn't their ally!"


Mordret's bold challenge towards the inhabitants of the room had been planned accordingly. He certainly didn't intend to kill his father here, maybe a slight amount of testing the waters however direct combat was never in the equation. What he was here for was to sow the seeds of war into their souls.


If they helped Anvil universally, then Mordret's plan would have entirely failed, leaving him with a guaranteed death sentence if he had to fight every member of the room at once. And yet, he had not even an ounce of fear in his heart. After all, these were the lowest of the low.


One did not simply ascend to such heights within the underworld by simply being reasonable and good allies, it was a road laced with betrayal that wove deep mistrust within the souls of all who possessed power. And Mordret was planning to take advantage of that.


From Sunny's perspective, this entire ordeal was entirely pathetic. None of Anvil's guards barring Tyris had the capability of even slowing Mordret down for even a moment and even in her case he exercised supreme scepticism. Meaning, that the true threat within the group of people was the man himself.


Anvil's face was as steadfast and unchanging as a stone monolith as he coldly met Mordret's eyes, a snarl painted across his face. 'War will come, and I'll make sure you don't see the end of it Valor.' Sunny thought to himself tiredly as he stood by Mordret for the entirety of the ordeal.


Unexpectedly, unpredictably, irreversibly, Anvil did something that not a single member of the meeting could have expected. He cleared his throat before ignoring Mordret's presence entirely. His back was faced towards the wall, preventing any chance of backstabbing as his eyes focused entirely on Mordret.


"I would like for it to come to the attention of all my fellow Sovereigns, that Lost from Light is responsible for the horrific ball that took the lives of people from both Song, Valor and Asterion's group. And for him to only repay such an attack with servitude towards Song seems like quite the unfair deal."


At this, Sunny's smile increased, wickedness brewing within his mind as he awaited Anvil's next move. 'He knows he won't get anything out of this, Morgan already tortured me.' Sunny mused. Almost echoing his thoughts, a voice which had not made it's presence known the entire meeting rang out through the room.


Nephis stood, her fists balled so tightly that Sunny was worried she may draw blood as a vein of rage arrived on her forehead. "You tortured Sun-Lost from Light for multiple weeks, breaking his mind and committing vicious crimes to him. You're the scum of the earth! If there is anyone who needs to repay it is you, and you can't even repay with your life!"


It appeared like she was moments away from lunging at the man, Noctis and Solvane who still had a bloodied nose from the previous throw stepping between the two. Unfortunately, their presence only served to enrage her further as she moved to throw Solvane from her path.


Sevirax's authoritative voice pierced through the room, exerting his bloodlust upon Nephis to calm her down as she turned her attention towards him. "While you may be right about your claim, violence is not tolerated. Even Valor's white ghost is expression more self control than you. Calm yourself."


A scoff escaped her lips as she folded her arms, resting against the wall as she watched Sunny stretch in his position lightly before returning to Eubin, Jessica and Clara. Beckoning for them to lean in, Sunny whispered into the two women's ears, careful not to touch them.


"Do you trust me?"


It was such a simple question; from the experiences they had shared together one could expect their immediate impulse to be an immediate affirmative. And yet, all three hesitated for a moment. Sighing, Sunny stared at the three with a saddened expression before quickly composing himself, after all, this was to be expected.


"We'll trust you. You've never failed us, have you?" Clara's low yet deeply alluring voice seeped into Sunny's heart, planting itself there without a moment of remorse as the two women repeated the sentiment with vigour. At this, a wide smile arrived on Sunny's face as he turned to Ki Song.


"Ki Song, do you intend to relinquish me to the only other viable candidate for me to atone to?" Despite not uttering the man's name, who he was referring to was supremely clear. Depending on Ki Song's answer, this could be taken as a direct declaration of war depending on how far Asterion decided to push it.


And with Sunny in Asterion's possession, Mordret too might quickly come to the ranks of Song placing himself as a direct opposition to the other three great families. In other words, war was only a few words away. And yet, even despite this Asterion's smile didn't flee from his face for even a moment.


"Why would I request compensation? In fact, it seems as though I've been greeted with much more unique and fulfilling information." Turning behind him, his smile widened as he laid eyes on Nephis. The woman's expression quickly shifted from rage to utter horror as Asterion's smile widened.


With a nod from Asterion, Noctis' face quickly turned to a grimace as he aimed his sword at Nephis' throat. Solvane moved in tandem, grabbing both of her arms from behind as Asterion removed two vials from his suit pocket and holding them firmly in his hands.


"See, if you all didn't know, this woman is the last daughter of the immortal flame. Meaning, that she not only is the root cause of the torture that has befallen you Mordret, but also the suffering that has been inflicted upon yourself Lost from Light. So let me ask you this, what shall I do with her?"


Mordret's face remained impassive, yet the shift in the grip of his sword indicated that the man was positively boiling with fury as he stared at the woman with an expression lingering between betrayal and guttural hatred. She had listened to him spill his heart out and explain the suffering he had been put through and said nothing!

Just looking at her made him sick. All those smiles, her lavish clothes, her perfectly washed hair and air of royalty had been built upon his own sick suffering. And to make it worse, he couldn't even be deemed as a success by his torturer! He didn't even fit the sick criteria needed to be useful towards the woman!


Meanwhile, Sunny's expression was far tamer. 'Sunny' had already experienced this anguish once before, however what piqued his interest were the vials in his hands. Sending a signal to Eubin, Sunny smiled solemnly before staring at Asterion with perfectly practiced fury.


Bloodlust radiated from his soul like an impenetrable storm as the glare he focused onto Nephis forced her eyes to shift from his own. Only in this moment did he realise that her eyes had shifted from the innocent silver orbs 'Sunny' had once come to love to something far more odious.


The eyes of a murderer.


"I'm going make you suffer." Sunny growled out; his gaze focused on Nephis entirely as he spoke. Ki Song stepped between the two, blocking Sunny's path as their gazes met. "I cannot allow you to take the life of one of our families dearest helper's kin. And even if it's you I will risk my life to see that she is safe."


Anvil remained in the corner of the room. Watching the events play out with an amused expression as one of the great Clan's prepared to destroy themselves from within. However, something that not a soul within the room could have predicted occurred.


Jessica, or more well known as Moonveil, slammed a punch into Sunny's pressure point with such force that the man instantly fell unconscious. Such a blow wouldn't have regularly worked if he had focused on her, and yet his lapse in focus had spelled his doom.


A look of horror arrived on Nephis' face, one that seemed to be shared by Eubin as she stared at the scene intently. Sunny's collapsed body remained on the ground, unmoving yet pristine and sublime in it's form.


And then it's finger twitched.


Pressure. Pressure more universal than gravity. Pressure more inevitable than death. Pressure that one couldn't begin to describe weighed itself across the shoulders of all those present as Sunny's form quickly began to rise to it's feet. In a tone that Eubin had never used before, she screamed.




Noctis' concentration faltered for a moment, Solvane's grip slightly weakening as Nephis took her opportunity to escape. Twisting free, she grabbed Solvane by the arm before slamming her into a nearby wall, ducking below Noctis' blade before bolting for the exit.


Almost knowing what was occurring. Mordret leapt upward towards the hole he had carved in the ceiling, a frown firmly settled upon his form as he shifted a large boulder, he had placed conveniently nearby to block the exit.


All the members of Song were no slower than Nephis, each of them reaching the exit and slamming the door shut with supreme haste as Nephis looked them over with disdain. "You knocked Sunny out then left him with those fucking fiends? What was the point of breaking him out then!?"


Moonveil stared at her with an empty expression, placing a hand over her chest in horror as she slid down the door, her legs refusing to obey her orders as her jaw's slammed against each other. A primal fear had settled itself into her soul, one that couldn't be removed even if she grew infinitely stronger.


"We... we trapped them with a monster!"


And her statement was as certain and true as the coming day. Sunny's bloodlust and fighting spirit had been interrupted by her sudden blow, causing him to fall unconscious and letting his primal instincts and perfect, machine-like mind to work uninterrupted.


In other words, an unconscious monster was now in their midst.

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