Souls Bound by Destiny

Chapter 3: Part 2:

Christine, Christopher's soon-to-be ex-wife, glares at him like a hyena ready to pounce. Christopher braces himself, recognizing the predatory gleam in her eyes.

Christopher: *He shrinks back slightly, his forced smile faltering.*

Christine: *She steps closer, her voice dripping with sarcasm.* Still obsessed with your little cartoons, Christopher? Thirty-five years old and you're living in a fantasy world. *She scoffs, her eyes scanning the room with disdain.* This room is a mess. Your life is a mess. *She pauses, her gaze lingering on a photo of a petite woman on the computer screen.* And that… that you call a soulmate? Living halfway across the world. She's just after your money… she'll never love you… You're pathetic!

Each word is a barbed arrow, piercing Christopher's carefully constructed facade. He feels a familiar sting of shame, a deep ache in his chest.

Christopher: *He lowers his gaze, his fingers tightening around his mouse. He tries to keep the smile plastered on his face, but it feels brittle, ready to crack.* It's not like that, Christine. *He knows any attempt to explain his connection with Monja will only fuel Christine's derision. He keeps his voice low, trying to appease the storm brewing before him.* I'll clean up later, I promise.

Christine: *She rolls her eyes, her expression softening slightly as she turns to leave. The storm has passed for now.* Whatever. Just… try to be an adult for once, Christopher.

The door clicks shut behind her, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Christopher releases a shaky breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

Jin-Woo: *He watches the scene unfold on the screen as the flips through the virtual pages, a frown etched on his face. He recognizes the pain in Christopher's eyes, the subtle slump of his shoulders. It's a familiar kind of hurt, a loneliness that resonates deep within him.* (Whispering) She's… harsh. *He reaches for his phone, a sudden urge to connect, to offer a word of comfort, but stopped shaking his head. He's just a reader, a silent observer in Christopher's life. Even if he wanted to intrude that's quit literally impossible.* (Muttering to himself) It's just a story. *He closes the tab, the image of Christopher's forced smile lingering in his mind. He feels a pang of guilt, a strange sense of responsibility. It's just a story, he reminds himself again, but the feeling persists.*

A notification pings on Christopher's computer, a message from Monja flashing on the screen. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Christopher: *A genuine smile finally breaks through the tension, a flicker of warmth in his weary eyes.* (Typing) Hey, love. It's nothing, just the usual. How's my Sunshine?

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