SSS-Class Magic Academy Professor Got The Internet

Chapter 4: Potion Making

This teacher's description directly said, "The Eye That Sees Everything." This phrase connected him with only one person, yet he thought it couldn't be right and wanted to close the window and look for another teacher.

However, he had a feeling that he was going to regret it, so he pressed the 'follow' button.

[Pay 10000 spirit stones to register as a member/follower].

Suddenly, he saw this window in front of him and said with his eyes wide open, "It's him... Otherwise, there's no reason for it to be so expensive."

10000 Spirit Stones was an astronomical number that could perhaps provide an economy sufficient to rebuild a small-scale country from the ground up.

Since Desmond was rich, of course, he would not have such a problem, but I guess the higher the level of the gods, the higher the costs.

"Odin," he said to himself and then smiling, he went to the magic store in his room, took out the necessary soul stone, and soon began his lessons directly, only a week later he would have to return to the magic academy.

When that classic window suddenly opened in front of him, Desmond had a clear view of the man in front of him.

He had an eyepatch over his right eye, a beard that stretched to almost 40 centimetres and several crows flying in the background.

Just looking at him made the wisdom that had accumulated in him appear, this rad to be Odin.

"It's been a long time since I've met a god like you who pays with soul stones, it's nice to meet you, my name is Odin." the old man said, his voice full of majesty.

Desmond bowed his head when he heard these words and then said, "Likewise sir, I prefer you call me student or perhaps my name which is Desmond."

"Understood, that's what gods do from time to time, it's common," Odin said and then stopped, shaking his head.

Desmond managed to understand one thing from what Odin had said. That something was that there were different types of payment and GODNET was only offering him one payment method, but it could also be that he was not seeing things.

"Sir, to put it bluntly, I don't have a talent for magic, I have to say that I don't have a heart for magic, but I have found a method for it and I need to learn something for my students. Please try to teach me everything you can in the next 5 or 6 days," said Desmond.

Odin's attention seemed to be caught by his words, the old man nodded his head as if he understood and said, "Very well, let's get started then."

The days would begin to come and go in this way. When the clock struck four days from now, Aether's promise was finally fulfilled.

Ten drops of the blood of a great black fire dragon were delivered to Desmond along with all the items. Even a single drop of this dragon's blood could drag the mages into war. It was such a valuable piece of development.

It was by any means the blood drop of a Dragon God.

This was enough to explain why this material was needed for a magic heart.

After collecting each of the necessary items, Desmond went to the 'Alchemy Room' in his mansion and then gave a direct order to Kris:

"Don't let anyone in unless one of the Sages comes in."

The whole mansion was evacuated for security reasons just in case. The last time he had attempted to do so, Desmond had inadvertently come close to destroying his mansion and the area at the edge of the capital city where it had been located.

It had to happen, just in case.

When the mansion was evacuated, Desmond began the process.

A huge cauldron was filled up to the top, and after the liquid in the cauldron was thoroughly heated, a liquid Spirit Essence was poured into the cauldron.

The colour of the deep blue water turned a muted pink and the whole alchemy room began to smell very fragrant.

Immediately after this, he took the Moonlight flower in his hand gently plucked the petals of the flower and added it to the cauldron.

The poisonous flower was instantly pulverised in the pink water and the colour of the water began to turn slightly green.

Desmond's waiting began at that moment. For exactly 3 hours he waited by the accident as if nothing had happened. 

He was carefully checking the boiler just in case.

After three hours of waiting, the moment had come. Desmond opened the lid of the bottle filled with dragon's blood in his hand and at that moment he shivered to the bone.

The blood was indeed alive, and he could recognise a fire-breathing dragon just by looking at it.

With that, Desmond slowly poured the bottle of dragon blood into the cauldron and that was it.

The liquid inside the cauldron was going crazy. Inside, it could be seen that the blood in the shape of a dragon was fighting with something. When Desmond carefully observed, he could see that what the blood blooms were fighting were the petals of the Moonlight flower.

The living blood seemed to be trying to resist the poison, it must have been some kind of purification process.

This would not be the end of the process, though.

Instantly he opened the jewelled box containing the last of the items Aether had given him. A World Tear.

One of the random fruits that could only come from the world tree blossoming three times in ten years.

Aether probably bought this from the High Elf Quenn herself to bring it to him.

Desmond immediately put the single piece of World Tear, almost liquefied, into the cauldron and then took a few steps backwards and sat down in the chair in the room, breathing deeply.

The room smelled unbelievably good, the poison had suddenly been cleansed and the drops of living dragon's blood had merged and calmed down, as if everything was trying to merge.

A single liquefied piece of World Tear had such great power, it was an incredibly valuable item, Desmond could not repay his friend Aether.

However, now it was just a matter of waiting.

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