

The advantage of repetitive tasks is that you can do them without thinking.

[killmehealme has died.]

[General] killmehealme: Fuckㅜㅜ

[General] killmehealme: Hey.

[General] killmehealme: Why did you kill me?

[General] killmehealme: This is seriously fucking annoying.

What the hell is this stalker brat saying? Sa-yoon stared blankly at the screen. In the village, killer12345 was staggering out like an event balloon swaying in the wind.

Wait, then who the hell did I just kill?

Only then did he check the username and realize it wasn’t even close to killer12345. Since when had he been killing the wrong person like this?

All the beginners wore the same drab apprentice armor, and their usernames even started with similar letters, making it easy to mix them up.

He hurriedly clicked on the corpse, but the player had already chosen to respawn in the village, turning semi-transparent before gradually vanishing.

[Whisper] Chasa: Hey.

[You cannot send whispers to this player.]

It was the message that appeared when someone had blocked you.


So I just killed an innocent player.

Not just once either—I killed them every time they came out. Without meaning to, Sa-yoon had become a serial beginner killer. He stood there, utterly dumbfounded, while killer12345 circled around nearby.

[Whisper] killer12345: Chasa-nim ><

It was another black-haired male character with the same basic equipment as killmehealme. There was barely any visual difference between them.

Sa-yoon could tell just by looking—the guy must have clicked “Confirm” on the default character creation screen without changing a thing.

His temper flared again.

Seriously, why do people walk around in default customizations and make this so confusing?

If killmehealme found out, they’d probably grab their neck in frustration and collapse. This was why stalking was terrifying.

The once relatively peaceful gamer Sa-yoon had disappeared without a trace, leaving only an utterly deranged player behind.

[You have defeated ‘killer12345’.]

[Due to level difference, you have not gained any points.]

He swung his staff at killer12345 out of pure spite. A level 1 character only took three hits to die.

How many times had this happened now? He thought if he killed the guy enough times, he’d eventually give up and leave, but killer12345 showed no signs of stopping. Every time he died, he just respawned and ran back out of the village.


What the actual fuck is wrong with this guy? Harassing someone for two whole months just because they won’t share a character customization?

Sa-yoon had been gripping his mouse so hard that his hand ached. He had started this to relieve stress, but instead, it was just making things worse.

[Whisper] Chasa: I’m not sharing my customization, you fucking freak.

[Whisper] killer12345: I’ll pay you as much as you want.

[Whisper] Chasa: I’m not selling, dipshit.

[Whisper] Chasa: I said I’m not selling.

[Whisper] Chasa: Even if you gave me billions, I still wouldn’t sell, you fucking psycho.

Maybe the flood of curses caught killer12345 off guard because he suddenly stopped moving.

A glimmer of hope sparked in Sa-yoon’s mind—could this finally be the way to get rid of him?

Was cursing the answer all along? Damn, if only I’d known sooner.

[Whisper] killer12345: Then what would you like in exchange instead of money?

[Whisper] Chasa: I could share it with the entire world, but I’d still never share it with you.

[Whisper] killer12345: What do I have to do for you to share the customization?

No matter how much Sa-yoon cursed, killer12345 just grabbed him by the metaphorical collar and dragged the conversation right back to square one. Like some kind of broken record, everything he said just looped back to the same damn question.

There was no getting through to this guy.

Sa-yoon had met plenty of crazy people in his life, but he had never encountered someone so persistent, so hopelessly irrational, and so fucking exhausting.

A sudden wave of fatigue washed over him. Pressing his temples with his thumb and middle finger, he let out a long sigh before dropping his hands back to the keyboard.

[Whisper] Chasa: Hey.

[Whisper] Chasa: Please, for the love of god, just fuck off.

[Whisper] Chasa: That’s the only thing I want.

[Whisper] killer12345: If I fuck off, will you share the customization?

This motherfucker.

He was out of his goddamn mind.

The way he spoke, as if Sa-yoon owed him something—like he was just asking for what was rightfully his—made Sa-yoon’s blood boil.

For a brief moment, it was like the power had gone out in his brain, plunging his vision into darkness before it snapped back. So this is what it feels like to be truly enraged, huh? Sa-yoon wished he’d never had to find out.

Even loan sharks wouldn’t come knocking this relentlessly.

And the worst part? The customization that killer12345 kept acting like he was entitled to was something Sa-yoon had painstakingly created with his own effort and dedication. He didn’t owe this asshole anything.

The more they talked, the clearer it became—this guy’s sense of logic was completely unhinged. To be fair, he had seemed deranged from the moment he first showed up in the forum comments, but still…

Whenever killer12345 appeared, the entire comment section turned into a fucking circus.

[Rephus] killer: Please share the customization. ㅇ^ㅇ
[email protected]

[Rephus] killer: Please share the customization. ㅇㅇ
[email protected]

[Rephus] killer: Please share the customization. ㅇㅆo
[email protected]

LMAO, I saw the comment count and thought some shit went down.
ㄴ What the fuck is this???
ㄴ Is this guy mentally ill or what lmao.
ㄴ This dude is famous for spamming Chasa-nim’s posts.
L No wonder, I was reading a normal post, and suddenly, BAM, serious-ass font outta nowhere lmao.
L The comment section is so insane I forgot what the actual post was about. ㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅋ
ㄴ Go back and read it again, it’s worth it.
ㄴ [Rephus] Masking: Ugh, killer is back again.ㅠ
ㄴ Bro, he’s right behind you.
ㄱㅊㄱㅊ That’s definitely his alt account!

With over a hundred goddamn copy-pasted customization requests, killer12345 had naturally attracted attention. Some people were curious, some were just as fed up as Sa-yoon, but everyone ended up forgetting the actual post and focusing on killer12345 instead.

The entire comment section had become a fucking wasteland.

Sa-yoon knew it. He knew that the fastest way to end this nightmare would be to just hand over the customization and be done with it.

But after two months of this relentless harassment, his mental state was like a swollen, irritated pimple—poked and prodded to the point of bursting.

Give in now? After all that? That would be like handing ransom money to a blackmailer holding a knife to his throat.

That kind of humiliation was unthinkable. It could not happen.

[Whisper] killer12345: Are you AFK?

[Whisper] Chasa: ㄴ

At that moment, the last shred of rationality left in Sa-yoon crumbled under sheer rage. He clenched his teeth, his emotions completely taking over.

Fine. Let’s fucking see who wins this. You or me. We’re taking this to the bitter end.

[Whisper] killer12345: So if I leave, you’ll share the customization?

Was I cursed to an endless cycle of reincarnation? Or is this bastard just really bad at understanding Korean?

[Whisper] killer12345: Do you seriously not want anything?

Anything? Oh, he did want something.

[Whisper] Chasa: Buff the broken class.

[Whisper] killer12345: Huh?

[Whisper] Chasa: That’s what I want.

[Whisper] Chasa: A buff for Warlocks.

This had been the desperate wish of the few remaining Warlock players for the past two years. And why were there so few of them? Because almost everyone else had fucking quit.

Warlocks were, in simple terms, a mage class. The problem was, they were long-range damage dealers with summons—making them a niche within a niche.

But their uniqueness didn’t stop there.

Their primary skills were debuffs, their secondary skills were buffs, and yet they were categorized as DPS.

A Warlock’s identity boiled down to multitasking—casting buffs, inflicting debuffs, and attacking with summons. And you know what another word for “multitasking” is? Non-specialized.

Still, thanks to their absolutely gorgeous promo video, Warlocks were actually pretty popular early on.


Recalling that fleeting moment of glory, Sa-yoon let out a bitter laugh.

Players who had watched the trailer, lured in by the promise of flashy attacks and the dream of a powerful solo-play demon army, soon smacked face-first into cold, hard reality.

[Whisper] Chasa: What?

[Whisper] Chasa: You told me to say what I wanted.

Once people actually played Warlock, the class discussion board became a broken record of the same four types of posts.

First, the angry rants: What the fuck were the devs thinking when they made this garbage class?

Second, the advice posts: Only play Warlock if you have at least three hands.

Third, the hopeful ones: They’re balancing it soon, just wait a little longer!

And finally, the last type—the ones that mocked the players who hadn’t given up yet: Escaping a shit-tier class is directly proportional to your intelligence.

The cycle repeated every day… until about three months in, when even those posts stopped. Because by then, almost everyone had switched to another class.

And yet, for two entire years, Sa-yoon had been here, still clinging to this godforsaken class, still waiting for a buff that never came.

[Whisper] killer12345: How exactly should they buff Warlocks?

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