Chapter 6: The Queen
The grand halls of the Theed Royal Palace, once a symbol of Naboo's peace and prosperity, now echoed with the mechanical stomps of battle droids. The elegant marble floors and intricate gold-trimmed walls bore witness to the grim procession of Queen Amidala and her entourage as they were herded through the palace under heavy guard. The Queen walked with a regal poise, her face an unreadable mask, but her piercing eyes betrayed a quiet determination. Surrounding her were Sio Bibble, her five handmaidens—Eirtae, Yane, Padme, Rade, and Sache—along with Captain Panaka and four Naboo guards. Encircling them were half a dozen B1 battle droids, their blasters at the ready, their lifeless photoreceptors scanning the captives for any sign of resistance.
Leading the procession were the Trade Federation's representatives, Nute Gunray and Rune Haako, their reptilian faces brimming with arrogance. Their stiff, formal robes swayed with each step as they made their way toward the main hall, where their so-called victory was to be solidified.
Bibble, walking alongside the Queen, could no longer hold back his frustration as he turned to confront Gunray.
Bibble: "How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?"
Gunray barely spared the governor a glance as he responded, his voice thick with self-satisfaction.
Gunray: "The Queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I have assurances it will be ratified by the Senate."
Queen Amidala halted, her chin lifted defiantly as she met Gunray's gaze with unwavering determination.
Queen Amidala: "I will not co-operate."
Gunray's lips curled into a thin, condescending smirk, clearly unbothered by her resistance.
Gunray: "Now, now, Your Highness. In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander?"
He turned to the B1 commander standing stiffly at attention, the droid's servos whirring as it snapped into a salute.
B1 Commander: "Yes, sir!"
Gunray: "Process them."
The droid commander turned to a subordinate unit, issuing the next order with the same monotonous efficiency.
B1 Commander: "Captain, take them to Camp Four."
B1 Captain: "Roger, roger."
As Nute Gunray and Rune Haako turned to go in a different direction, the Queen and her entourage were forced onward toward the palace's grand doors. Beyond them, the Theed Plaza stretched out, now crawling with Federation tanks and ranks of droid soldiers standing at attention, their metallic bodies gleaming under Naboo's soft golden sunlight. The pilots of Naboo's defense fleet stood huddled together under the watchful eyes of their mechanical captors, their expressions grim as they awaited their fate. The Queen and her allies were being marched toward an uncertain future, the oppression of the Federation looming over them like a dark cloud.
But unbeknownst to the droids, salvation was already in motion.
High above the plaza, moving like shadows against the elegant architecture, three Jedi and their reluctant Gungan companion navigated a walkway that overlooked the main square. Qui-Gon Jinn moved swiftly yet gracefully, his keen eyes studying the droid formations below. Obi-Wan Kenobi followed closely behind, focused and steady, while Y/N—his vibrant magenta lightsaber hilt already in hand—moved with an eagerness that only a young warrior possessed. Even Jar Jar, despite his usual clumsiness, did his best to remain quiet, though his wide eyes betrayed his unease.
As the Queen and her escort were led further into the open plaza, Qui-Gon signaled to his companions. In an instant, all four figures leaped from the balcony, descending upon the droids like specters of vengeance.
With a snap-hiss, Y/N ignited a single blade of his double-sided lightsaber, its magenta glow casting eerie reflections against the metal of the approaching battle droids. With fluid efficiency, he cut down the nearest units, his blade carving through them as if they were made of paper. With a sharp gesture, he extended his free hand, sending a pulse of the Force crashing into three more droids, sending them tumbling backward like discarded scrap.
Nearby, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan moved with deadly precision. Their blue and green lightsabers hummed through the air, slicing through the battle droids that stood in their way. The combat lasted mere moments before the last of the Federation's enforcers fell silent, their broken forms now nothing more than useless husks.
As Y/N deactivated his lightsaber, he turned toward Obi-Wan and offered an exaggerated bow, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as if challenging his fellow Padawan to beat his record. Obi-Wan merely rolled his eyes but couldn't fully suppress an amused grin.
Qui-Gon, ignoring the antics of his apprentices, approached Queen Amidala with an air of urgency.
Qui-Gon: "We should leave the streets, Your Highness."
Sio Bibble, understanding the wisdom in the Jedi's words, placed a protective hand on Amidala's shoulder and began guiding her toward cover. Meanwhile, Captain Panaka took no chances. Without hesitation, he gestured toward the fallen battle droids.
Captain Panaka: "Grab their guns."
His men quickly armed themselves with the confiscated weapons, securing a tactical advantage for whatever fight lay ahead. Jar Jar, having stumbled during the initial attack, finally picked himself up, taking in the scene of dismantled droids with wide-eyed awe.
Jar Jar: "Woah. Yousa guys bombad!"
Even those who had been skeptical of the Jedi's intervention couldn't deny that, had the warriors not appeared, the Queen and her people would already be en route to an uncertain fate at Camp Four.
Qui-Gon turned to face the others, his expression serious.
Qui-Gon: "We're Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor."
Sio Bibble, arms crossed, regarded them skeptically.
Bibble: "Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador."
Before Qui-Gon could answer, Y/N stepped forward, his tone dry with irritation.
Y/N: "Kind of hard to negotiate when rather than talks of peace, the Viceroy tries to execute us."
Bibble's face paled as realization set in. This invasion was not just about trade disputes. It was something far more sinister.
Qui-Gon: "We must make urgent contact with the Republic."
Captain Panaka: "They've knocked out all our communications."
Y/N: "Surely you must have a transport of some kind, a vessel in case of emergencies like this one?"
Captain Panaka nodded.
Captain Panaka: "In the main hangar. This way."
They moved swiftly, Obi-Wan keeping a careful watch at their rear. Upon reaching a heavy door, Panaka cracked it open slightly, peering into the vast hangar beyond. What he saw made his stomach drop. The massive chamber was swarming with battle droids—at least fifty, if not more. Federation tanks loomed in the background, and captured Naboo pilots stood under armed guard.
Captain Panaka: "There are too many of them."
Qui-Gon, undeterred, dismissed the concern.
Qui-Gon: "That won't be a problem."
He turned to Queen Amidala.
Qui-Gon: "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."
The Queen hesitated, weighing the fate of her people with the risk of fleeing. Finally, she spoke.
Queen Amidala: "Then, I will plead our case to the Senate."
The young queen of Naboo looked at her aging Governor who looked at the Queen with hope in his eyes, praying just like all the other Nabooians gathered that Queen Amidala would manage to convince the Senate for help in evicting their invaders from their planet.
Queen Amidala: "Be careful, Governor."
With that decided whilst Sio Bibble stayed behind, the others would go to
The massive doors to the main hangar groaned as they slid open, revealing the gleaming interior of the Naboo Royal Hangar. Rows of sleek starfighters lined the polished floor, their silver hulls reflecting the bright artificial lighting. But the grandeur of the hangar was overshadowed by the presence of an occupying force. Dozens of battle droids stood at attention, patrolling the area while Federation tanks loomed ominously in the background. The tension in the air was palpable.
Leading the way, the three Jedi—Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Y/N—moved with purpose, their cloaks billowing slightly as they advanced. Behind them, Captain Panaka, Jar Jar Binks, two Naboo guards, and the Queen's five handmaidens formed a protective circle around Queen Amidala herself. Two more guards flanked the rear, ensuring no one was left vulnerable. The group's destination was clear: the Queen's personal transport, a large, sleek, chrome-plated starship resting elegantly in the center of the hangar, its curved design embodying the regal sophistication of Naboo.
Captain Panaka's sharp eyes scanned the hangar, his jaw tightening as he spotted a cluster of captured pilots. A ring of battle droids surrounded them, weapons at the ready, their cold photoreceptors betraying no emotion.
Captain Panaka: "We need to free those pilots."
His tone was resolute, his mind already racing with strategies.
Y/N, gripping the hilt of his lightsaber tightly, stepped forward with confidence, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Y/N: "I'll handle it, Captain."
Breaking away from the group, Y/N moved with careful precision, his steps light as he approached the prisoners. Meanwhile, the rest of the party advanced toward the ship's boarding ramp, where a pair of B1 battle droids stood guard.
B1-7428: "Halt."
Qui-Gon, ever the diplomat, stepped forward, his expression calm but firm.
Qui-Gon: "I'm an Ambassador for the Supreme Chancellor, and I'm taking these people to Coruscant."
The droid hesitated, its limited processing struggling to parse the situation.
B1-7428: "Where are you taking them?"
Qui-Gon: "To Coruscant."
The droid's head twitched slightly, its circuits overloading as it attempted to process the repetitive answer.
B1-7428: "Coruscant? Uhh, that doesn't compute... Uhhh, wait... Uhhh, you're under arrest!"
The droid barely had time to raise its blaster before Qui-Gon's green lightsaber erupted to life. With a swift, precise slash, he cut through both guards in a single stroke. Their bodies sparked before collapsing in a heap of metal. The sudden action was all the cue Obi-Wan and Y/N needed. In an instant, their lightsabers ignited—Obi-Wan's blade glowing blue, Y/N's crackling magenta—and the two Jedi leaped into action.
Y/N moved like a force of nature, his blade a blur as he carved through the droids guarding the pilots. With each precise strike, another enemy fell, their metallic limbs clattering against the floor. The freed pilots wasted no time. Some sprinted toward the waiting transport, while others, filled with newfound courage, grabbed fallen droid blasters and turned them against their captors.
Meanwhile, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan formed a protective perimeter around the Queen and her entourage, expertly deflecting blaster bolts as the group hurried up the ramp of the royal transport. Jar Jar, scrambling up the incline, stumbled but was swiftly pulled to safety by one of the handmaidens. Inside, a handful of pilots, now free thanks to Y/N, sprinted toward the cockpit, their experience with the ship vital for a successful escape.
Seeing that the Queen and her people were safely aboard, Qui-Gon's voice rang out over the chaos, his command sharp and urgent.
Qui-Gon: "Let's go! The Queen and her people are on the ship—now it's our turn!"
Captain Panaka, the remaining guards, and the pilots heeded his call, disengaging from combat and rushing toward the transport. Obi-Wan and Y/N held the line, fending off the last wave of battle droids before retreating up the ramp themselves. Qui-Gon, ever the guardian, ensured he was the last to board before slamming a fist against the control panel. With a mechanical hiss, the boarding ramp retracted, sealing them inside just as another wave of droids arrived.
The moment the ramp closed, the ship's pilot, Ric Olie, wasted no time. Engines roaring, the chrome vessel lifted off the ground, its landing struts retracting smoothly as it shot toward the open hangar doors.
Outside, the looming blockade of Trade Federation warships still stood in their way. As the Queen's ship neared the edge of Naboo's atmosphere, alarms blared throughout the cabin. The ship was entering the range of the Federation's main cannons.
Ric Olie: "There's the blockade."
Obi-Wan, with no patience for distractions, grabbed Jar Jar by the shoulder and led him to a secluded area below deck.
Obi-Wan: "Now stay here, and keep out of trouble."
He shut the door behind him, leaving the bewildered Gungan to explore the droid maintenance bay. Curious, Jar Jar peered around the dimly lit chamber, his eyes landing on a row of five short, dome-topped astromechs—R2 units. Grinning, he waved enthusiastically.
Jar Jar: "Ello, boyos."
The droids whistled and beeped in response, their mechanical voices chirping with amusement.
Meanwhile, Y/N had joined Qui-Gon and Captain Panaka in the cockpit, observing the situation with growing concern. Ric Olie's hands moved deftly over the controls, maneuvering the ship with skill, but the incoming barrage of laser fire was relentless. Streaks of red energy flashed past the viewport, some barely missing, others striking dangerously close.
A sudden, violent impact rocked the ship, sending a tremor through the cabin. Alarms blared, warning lights flashing across the control panels.
Ric Olie: "The shield generator's been hit!"
Obi-Wan rushed into the cockpit, his expression tense as he took in the dire situation. The ship was damaged, their defenses compromised, and the blockade's cannons weren't letting up. If they didn't act fast, their escape could end before it even began.
Meanwhile, while the Jedi as well as Ric Olie and Captain Panaka were focused on steering the ship, blaring alarms echoed through the dimly lit droid hold, the red emergency light casting a pulsing glow over the walls as it blinked in rhythmic urgency. The sound was sharp, urgent—a mechanical siren that signaled impending danger. As if roused from an artificial slumber, a row of astromech droids whirred to life. Their domed heads rotated as they beeped and chirped in unison before rolling forward, their servos whirring with efficiency. One by one, they moved swiftly toward the exterior airlock elevator, queuing up in disciplined precision as the mechanism lifted them into the cold expanse of space.
Among them, a small blue astromech droid let out an urgent electronic screech as it hastily maneuvered past obstacles in the hold. Its metal chassis, polished but scuffed from years of service, gleamed momentarily under the flashing red light. In its rush, the little droid accidentally rammed into the unsuspecting Gungan standing in the way. Jar Jar Binks let out a startled yelp, stumbling back with flailing limbs.
Jar Jar: "How wude!"
The astromech, undeterred by the Gungan's protest, rolled on without hesitation. It joined its counterparts as they were sequentially propelled into the void, their magnetic treads securing them onto the ship's hull as they got to work repairing the failing shield generator. Outside, blaster fire from the pursuing Trade Federation vessels illuminated the darkness, streaks of red energy cutting through the void and exploding against the ship's dwindling defenses.
Meanwhile, in the cockpit, the tension was palpable. Captain Panaka and Obi-Wan Kenobi stood side by side, eyes fixed on the monitors displaying the external camera feeds. They watched in growing dread as one by one, the astromechs were obliterated by the relentless enemy fire. Each impact sent debris scattering into space, reducing their chances of survival with every passing second.
Obi-Wan: "We're losing droids... fast."
Captain Panaka: "If we can't get the shield generators fixed, we'll be sitting ducks."
Outside, the largest of the Trade Federation battleships had adjusted its trajectory, its heavy cannons now locked onto the crippled Naboo vessel. With deadly precision, another shot was fired, vaporizing yet another astromech and leaving only one lone survivor—the small blue droid that had so carelessly bumped into Jar Jar moments ago.
Ric Olie: "The shields are gone."
A grim silence settled over the cockpit, the weight of their dire situation pressing down on them. Y/N, however, remained composed. He folded his arms, his gaze unwavering as he addressed Captain Panaka with quiet confidence.
Y/N: "Have faith in the remaining astromech, Captain."
Despite the flickering hope among the crew, the small blue droid outside proved its worth. It navigated the battle-damaged hull with calculated efficiency, extending its tools and manipulating wiring with expert precision. Sparks flew as it reconnected severed circuits, its dome swiveling in determination. Then, with a final adjustment, the ship's shielding systems hummed back to life, and a shimmering blue energy field enveloped the vessel just as another barrage of laser fire struck—this time, deflected harmlessly.
Ric Olie: "Power's back! That little droid did it... it bypassed the main power drive. Deflector shields up at maximum."
The relief in the cockpit was immediate but short-lived. With the shields restored, Ric Olie seized the moment, gripping the controls tightly as he pushed the engines to full power. The ship lurched forward, accelerating rapidly and leaving the Trade Federation blockade behind. Within moments, they had put an immeasurable distance between themselves and the pursuing vessels, now safely out of the enemy's immediate reach.
Inside, the blue astromech droid reentered the ship through the airlock, rolling back into the dim interior of the droid hold. Its beeps and chirps carried an air of pride as it returned from its perilous task.
Despite their temporary safety, Ric Olie's expression remained serious as he turned to the others in the cockpit.
Ric Olie: "There's not enough power to get us to Coruscant... the hyperdrive is leaking."
Qui-Gon Jinn, standing beside Obi-Wan, nodded thoughtfully. His sharp eyes scanned the controls before shifting toward the star chart display. He placed a hand on his chin in consideration before speaking.
Qui-Gon: "We'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship."
Obi-Wan stepped forward, quickly analyzing the nearby star systems. His gaze landed on a planet that seemed to fit their needs. He tapped on the screen, bringing up the image of a barren, sand-covered world.
Obi-Wan: "Here, Master."
The others gathered around, studying the data. The planet was rugged, its terrain harsh and unwelcoming, but most importantly, it was a place the Trade Federation was unlikely to search.
Obi-Wan: "Tatooine. It's small, out of the way, poor, and the Trade Federation has no presence there."
Captain Panaka, ever skeptical, narrowed his eyes at the suggestion.
Captain Panaka: "How can you be sure?"
Y/N, who had been silent until now, glanced at the screen before answering with certainty.
Y/N: "It's deep in Hutt Space and ruled over by Jabba the Hutt."
At the mention of the notorious crime lord, Panaka's expression darkened. He turned to Qui-Gon, his voice rising with concern.
Captain Panaka: "You can't take Her Royal Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters. If they discover her..."
Qui-Gon remained calm, his gaze steady. He met Panaka's worried eyes with quiet reassurance.
Qui-Gon: "It would be no different if we landed on a system controlled by the Federation, except the Hutts aren't looking for her, which gives us an advantage."
Captain Panaka hesitated, weighing the risks. He didn't like the idea, but he knew Qui-Gon was right. With no further argument, he relented, giving a curt nod before turning to exit the cockpit.
Y/N watched him go before exhaling softly, his resolve firm.
Y/N: "I guess I'll inform the Queen..."
Without another word, Y/N turned and followed Panaka out of the cockpit, his footsteps echoing in the narrow corridor as he made his way toward the Queen's chambers. Meanwhile, Ric Olie and his co-pilot wasted no time. With a few swift keystrokes, the coordinates for Tatooine were locked in. The ship adjusted course, and in the distance, the sandy planet loomed ever closer, promising both refuge and uncertainty.
The throne room of Theed Royal Palace was now a chamber of fear and uncertainty. The elegant design, once a symbol of Naboo's sovereignty, had been tainted by the presence of the Trade Federation. Dim lighting cast long shadows over the intricate carvings along the walls, amplifying the sinister atmosphere that had settled over the room like a heavy fog.
At the grand conference table, Nute Gunray and Rune Haako sat stiffly, their postures betraying their nervousness. The table itself, a polished relic of Naboo's regal authority, was now nothing more than a stage for their dealings with darkness. Hovering before them was the ominous, flickering holographic projection of Darth Sidious, his imposing figure cloaked in darkness, his face concealed beneath his deep hood. The glow of the transmission cast eerie blue reflections on the Neimoidians' tense faces.
Sidious: "And Queen Amidala, has she signed the treaty?"
Gunray hesitated, swallowing thickly before answering, his voice carrying a slight tremor.
Gunray: "She has disappeared, My Lord. One Naboo cruiser got past the blockade."
Sidious' expression darkened, his already intimidating presence growing more menacing. A low growl of displeasure rumbled from beneath his hood, a sound so chilling that both Gunray and Haako instinctively recoiled in their seats. The Sith Lord's patience was thinning, and the air itself seemed to tighten around them, suffocating in its intensity.
Sidious: "I want that treaty signed."
The demand was sharp, final. The Sith Lord's anger was a tangible force, radiating through the hologram, sending an icy shiver down the Neimoidians' spines. Gunray, ever the coward, scrambled to placate him, his hands twitching as he leaned forward.
Gunray: "My Lord, It's impossible to locate the ship. It's out of our range."
Sidious' silence was more terrifying than his scowl. A moment passed, weighted and heavy, before his lips curled into something more akin to a sneer than a smile. His voice, when it came, was slow and deliberate, laced with dark promise.
Sidious: "Not for a Sith..."
As if on cue, two imposing figures emerged from the shadows behind Sidious, their movements smooth and calculated. Their presence sent an immediate spike of dread through the room, the already tense Neimoidians feeling their insides twist with fear.
To Sidious' right stood Darth Maul, his mere presence exuding deadly precision. His face, marked with red and black tribal tattoos, was an eerie contrast to the cold yellow of his predatory gaze. Small, sharp horns adorned his head like a crown of thorns, giving him a nightmarish visage. Cloaked in shadowy black robes, Maul's posture was as rigid as a statue, his arms crossed over his chest in an aura of quiet yet unmistakable menace. Though his twin-bladed lightsaber remained hidden beneath the folds of his robe, its deadly potential could be felt in the air.
To Sidious' left loomed a far more monstrous figure—Savage Opress. If Maul was a blade, precise and honed to perfection, then Savage was a warhammer, brutal and overwhelming. Towering over even his elder brother, his massive frame was encased in dark warrior's armor, adding to his already fearsome presence. His yellow and black tattoos swirled over his muscular physique, a testament to his Zabrak lineage. Unlike Maul, Savage's double-bladed lightsaber hung clearly at his waist, its very sight an unspoken threat of carnage.
The air became thick with tension as the two Sith apprentices stared down the Neimoidians, their very existence a testament to the power of the Dark Side. A primal fear clawed at Gunray and Haako, their bodies stiffening as they realized the true depth of the forces they had allied themselves with.
Sidious: "These are my apprentices'. Darth Maul and Savage Opress. They will succeed where you have failed, Viceroy, and find your lost ship."
Gunray's mouth opened, but no words came. His throat was dry, his mind racing as he struggled to process the sheer danger now looming before him. He managed only a weak, submissive nod, his eyes darting between the two Zabrak warriors as he swallowed the lump of fear lodged in his throat.
With that, the hologram flickered once before disappearing entirely, plunging the room back into its uneasy silence. The absence of Sidious' image did little to alleviate the suffocating weight in the air. Gunray and Haako slowly turned to each other, their faces pale with dread.
Gunray: "This is getting out of hand... now there are three of them."
Haako, still staring at the empty space where the Sith Lords had been, could only nod in agreement, his voice barely above a whisper.
Haako: "We should not have made this bargain."
The air in the Queen's chamber was thick with tension as Captain Panaka and Y/N stood before Queen Amidala and her five handmaidens. The dim lighting cast elongated shadows along the ornate walls, adding to the gravity of the moment. Between the two men, the little blue R2 unit remained stationary, its dome-like head swiveling slightly as if assessing the situation. The droid's metal casing bore scorch marks and scratches, remnants of the battle it had just survived.
Captain Panaka, his posture rigid with formality, clasped his hands behind his back as he addressed the Queen. His voice was firm, yet laced with a rare note of admiration.
Captain Panaka: "An extremely well-put-together little droid. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives."
Seated before them, Queen Amidala remained poised, her regal gown draped elegantly over the throne-like chair. Her expression was unreadable, but there was a hint of curiosity in her deep brown eyes. She studied the droid before finally speaking in a soft, measured tone.
Queen Amidala: "It is to be commended... what is its number?"
The little R2 unit let out a series of beeps and whistles, its domed head tilting as if responding directly to the Queen. Captain Panaka instinctively leaned over, wiping away some of the grime covering the astromech's outer shell to read its serial number. But before he could, Y/N spoke up, his voice calm and sure.
Y/N: "He says his name is R2-D2, Your Highness."
Both Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka looked at Y/N with mild surprise. Few people could understand droids without a translator, and this revelation seemed to momentarily catch them off guard. Yet, Amidala, ever composed, nodded in gratitude, acknowledging both the young Jedi and the droid.
Queen Amidala: "Thank you, R2-D2... Padmé?"
One of the Queen's handmaidens, a young woman with a gentle yet determined expression, stepped forward and gracefully bowed. Her deep brown hair was arranged in the traditional handmaiden style, simple yet elegant.
Queen Amidala: "Clean this droid up the best you can. It deserves our gratitude."
Padmé nodded respectfully before stepping back, her eyes briefly flickering toward R2-D2 with a newfound appreciation. Meanwhile, Queen Amidala turned her attention back to Captain Panaka, her gaze expectant.
Queen Amidala: "Continue, Captain."
Panaka hesitated for a fraction of a second, his lips pressing into a thin line. He darted a quick glance toward Y/N, debating internally whether he should voice his concerns in front of the Jedi. But duty outweighed hesitation, and he squared his shoulders before proceeding.
Captain Panaka: "Your Highness, we're en route to a remote planet called Tatooine. It is a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation. But it is controlled by the Hutts, and I don't believe it will be safe for you."
Before Panaka could elaborate, Y/N stepped forward, his stance relaxed yet confident. His gaze was steady as he addressed the Queen directly.
Y/N: "Your Highness, I believe that it will be. It's true that the Hutts are dangerous, yet they do not know we will be on the planet. We would not actively put your life in danger unless there was no other way."
Captain Panaka's face hardened as he shot a glare in Y/N's direction. He did not appreciate being contradicted, especially not in front of the Queen. His jaw tensed as he struggled to contain his irritation. The Queen, however, remained impassive, her keen eyes observing both men carefully.
Captain Panaka: "I do not agree with the Jedi on this. He is young and inexperienced."
Y/N's expression darkened slightly, his gaze locking onto Panaka's with an intensity that was impossible to ignore. He took a deliberate step forward, his voice unwavering.
Y/N: "This was not my decision, Captain. It was my Master's, who has more experience than any other person in this room. I may be young, but unlike you, I respect the decisions of those who are wiser than me."
The tension between the two men was almost tangible. Panaka's face remained unreadable, though a flicker of something—frustration, or perhaps reluctant acknowledgment—flashed through his eyes. Before he could retort, Y/N turned back to the Queen, dismissing any further argument from the captain.
Y/N: "You must trust Master Qui-Gon's judgment, Your Highness. For as I said before, we would not put your life in danger unless there was no other way."
Silence settled over the chamber as Queen Amidala considered Y/N's words. The flickering light of the ornate wall sconces cast a warm glow on her contemplative face. She studied Y/N for a long moment before shifting her gaze to Panaka, then back to the astromech droid that had saved them all. The weight of the decision lay solely on her shoulders, and she was well aware of what was at stake.
A single nod was all she gave in response, a silent yet firm acknowledgment that the path had been chosen.
As the Queen had instructed, Padmé made her way to the ship's lounge after the meeting with Y/N and Captain Panaka had concluded. The room was modestly lit, the hum of the ship's engines providing a soft, ambient background noise. As per her Queen's request, Padmé was carefully tending to R2-D2, wiping away the dirt and grime that clung to his metallic frame—a result of his heroic efforts in saving them all. The droid let out a few soft beeps, content with the attention, while Padmé methodically worked, her delicate fingers moving with practiced ease.
Suddenly, she paused, sensing another presence. Looking up, she spotted a tall, lanky figure hesitating in the doorway. Jar Jar Binks, the ever-awkward Gungan, stood there with an unmistakable grin, his large ears twitching slightly as he gave her an enthusiastic wave.
Jar Jar: "Hidoe!"
Padmé flinched slightly, not expecting such an exuberant greeting. Her heart skipped a beat before she quickly composed herself. She was surprised by his energy—so much so that Jar Jar immediately realized he had startled her. His expression shifted to one of mild embarrassment, his large eyes widening.
Jar Jar: "Sorry. Whosa are yousa?"
Padmé blinked before offering him a polite smile, her voice steady yet warm.
Padmé: "I'm Padmé."
With a friendly bounce in his step, Jar Jar took a few clumsy strides into the room, his large feet making a slight slapping noise against the floor.
Jar Jar: "Mesa Jar Jar Binksss."
R2-D2 emitted a series of curious beeps and whirrs, drawing Padmé''s attention back to him. She glanced between the droid and the Gungan before tilting her head slightly in curiosity.
Padmé: "You're a Gungan, aren't you?"
Jar Jar gave an eager nod, his floppy ears bouncing slightly with the movement.
Jar Jar: "Ah-huh."
Padmé studied him for a moment, curiosity flickering across her features. The Gungans and the Naboo were not known for mingling often, and yet, here was one standing aboard their ship, far away from his home.
Padmé: "How did you end up here with us?"
Before Jar Jar could respond, another voice spoke from the opposite side of the lounge.
Y/N: "Jar Jar here has a life debt with Master Qui-Gon."
Both Padmé and Jar Jar turned toward the other entrance of the lounge to see Y/N leaning casually against the doorway, a subtle smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. The soft glow of the room's lighting cast a gentle shadow across his features, making his expression unreadable. Padmé regarded him with a mix of curiosity and mild confusion. The term "life debt" was unfamiliar to her, and she found herself compelled to understand.
Padmé: "What do you mean?"
Y/N pushed off the doorway and strode into the room, his movements fluid and relaxed. He settled onto the couch, one arm draped over the backrest as he met her gaze.
Y/N: "When we landed on Naboo, Master Qui-Gon stumbled upon Jar Jar and saved his life in the process. Now Jar Jar owes Qui-Gon his life until he eventually pays Master Qui-Gon back or Qui-Gon releases him from it."
Jar Jar, far from being ashamed of the fact that he had needed rescuing, nodded vigorously in agreement. His large, expressive eyes gleamed with sincerity as he confirmed Y/N's words. It was, after all, the truth. Padmé took a moment to digest this information before nodding in understanding, her attention returning to R2-D2 as she resumed her task.
Yet, despite her focus on the droid, her thoughts began to drift elsewhere, lingering on Y/N. There was something about the young Jedi that held her interest, though she could not quite grasp why.
The cockpit was bathed in the dim glow of control panels, their blinking lights casting shifting patterns across the faces of those present. Qui-Gon Jinn stood tall and composed, his arms crossed as he observed the vast expanse of space through the viewport. Beside him, Obi-Wan Kenobi leaned forward slightly, his keen eyes scanning the endless darkness beyond. Captain Panaka maintained his usual stance of quiet vigilance, his sharp gaze flickering between the navigational instruments and the planet looming ahead.
Y/N, who had recently joined them after his conversation with Padmé, stood slightly apart, arms resting at his sides. He had felt the subtle pull of the Force growing stronger as they approached their destination, a nagging sensation that hinted at something significant awaiting them below.
Beyond the reinforced glass, a massive planet dominated the view, its swirling hues of orange and yellow stretching endlessly across the horizon. Ric Olie, the pilot, studied his scopes for a brief moment, ensuring their trajectory was aligned before speaking.
Obi-Wan: "That's it. Tatooine... There's a settlement."
Qui-Gon Jinn observed the dusty world ahead with a thoughtful expression. The planet's barren landscapes and relentless twin suns made it an unwelcoming place, yet it was here they had to find what they needed. His voice was calm but firm as he issued his next instruction.
Qui-Gon: "Land near the outskirts. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention."
Ric Olie gave a curt nod before gripping the controls, guiding the ship downwards as it entered the planet's atmosphere. The Naboo cruiser trembled slightly as it descended, the exterior plating heating up from the friction of entry. Through the viewport, the city of Mos Espa came into view—a sprawling settlement of sand-colored buildings, their domed roofs blending seamlessly with the endless dunes beyond. Winding streets and bustling markets could be seen even from the air, life teeming within the harsh environment.
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at the sight, taking in the settlement's layout. It was a place of traders, smugglers, and scavengers—a place where danger and opportunity walked hand in hand.
Ric Olie banked the ship away from the city's core, instead setting it down on the outskirts, a dry and desolate stretch of land where rocky formations provided some cover. As the ship's landing struts extended and the engines powered down, a tense stillness settled over the cockpit.
Y/N exhaled deeply, preparing himself for the challenges ahead. He could already feel the heat pressing against the hull, promising an unforgiving climate beyond the ship's walls. Yet what truly caught his attention was something far less tangible.
A presence.
Somewhere on this planet, in the vastness of Tatooine, the Force pulsed unnaturally strong. It wasn't the overwhelming darkness of a Sith, nor the familiar calm of a trained Jedi. No, this was something different—raw, untapped potential, waiting to be discovered.
He didn't know who it belonged to, but he knew one thing for certain.
Their journey was about to become far more complicated.
To Be Continued...