Star Wars: Rise Of A Sith

Chapter 7: Young Skywalker




Obi-Wan was currently hoisting the hyperdrive out of a floor panel in the ship when Qui-Gon and Y/N walked up to him both wearing ponchos over their normal Jedi garbs, concealing their lightsabers in the process from from any unwanted eyes in Mos Espa. The elder Jedi Padawan released a frustrated sigh as he set the hyperdrive down on the floor and turned to face his fellow Jedi who could tell just from Obi-Wan's reaction that it wasn't good.

Obi-Wan: "The hyperdrive generator's gone, Master."

Qui-Gon: "That'll complicate things. Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force."

Y/N looked to Qui-Gon with interest.

Y/N: "You sense it too? I was worried I was losing it."

Qui-Gon nodded to the young Padawan.

Obi-Wan: "As do I, Master."

Qui-Gon: "Don't let them send any transmissions."

Obi-Wan nodded to the Jedi Knight before walking away to talk with Captain Panaka. Qui-Gon and Y/N took the opportunity to leave the ship, Y/N pressing a button on one of the walls of the ship which caused the ramp to open and extend towards the ground as the two Jedi with Y/N leading the way along with R2 went down the ramp and down to the forever spanning sandy seas of Tatooine. 

However, as the two Jedi as well as R2 were about to embark on their journey to the city of Mos Espa in search of a new hyperdrive or parts to at least repair the one they had, their attention was drawn to the crashing and falling of someone causing them to look back at the ship to see Jar Jar stumbling and falling down the ramp before landing face first into the sandy ground.

Jar Jar immediately rised from the ground, spitting out the grains of sand that had managed to make their way into his mouth before shaking his head and looking at the Jedi with a embarrassed smile.

Y/N: "What are you doing, Jar Jar?"

Jar Jar: "Mesa comin wit yousa." 

Y/N sighed, looking to Qui-Gon as he knew it was his decision, silently hoping the Jedi Knight would say no yet was disappointed when the elder Jedi nodded in agreement.

Qui-Gon: "Very well."

Y/N: "Are you sure about this, Master? He doesn't exactly speak inconspicuous."

Jar Jar: "Incon...whasa?"

Y/N looked at Qui-Gon as he knew Jar Jar had just proved his yet Qui-Gon had already seemed to make his mind up.

Qui-Gon: He might be of some use to us or at the very least he'll help us blend in."

Y/N upon hearing this released another sigh, this one more heavy than the last as he rolled his eyes knowing that Jar Jar certainly would help in doing either of those. Accepting his masters wishes Y/N and Qui-Gon turned and began walking in the direction where the distant city of Mos Espa was located, R2 and Jar Jar following close behind them, the heat pouring on them in intense waves as the twin suns Tatooine dried most life on the world.

Jar Jar: "Dis sun done muder ta mesa skin."

Jar Jar, a water centric being was especially being affected by the heat of the two suns as his less breathable skin was feeling the affects of the sun twice as much as Y/N or Qui-Gon.

They reached a small sane dune that was located a few hundred feet away from the Queen's ship, only for them to be brought to a halt as the sounds of Captain Panaka's voice filled their ears. 

Captain Panaka: "Wait."

The four turned to see Captain Panaka as well as Padme following closely behind him yet unlike before she was now dressed in peasant clothing rather than her silk orange garbs, a sight that sparked Y/N's interest as he wondered why the young Handmaiden was here with the captain.

Captain Panaka: "Her Highness commands you take her handmaiden with you."

Qui-Gon: "No more commands from Her Highness today, Captain. The spaceport is not going to be pleasant..."

Captain Panaka: "The Queen wishes it. She's curious about this planet."

Qui-Gon: "This is not a good idea."

Qui-Gon looked upon Padme with a look of contemplation, wanting to refuse the Queens request but could not find it within himself to do so. Both physically and psychologically. It was as if the living Force itself was telling him to let her come with them. The Force was unusually with Padme, Qui-Gon could sense it as he could tell Y/N could too as he could sense Y/N's interest in Padme and he too had to admit he was intrigued by this young girl.

Y/N who had seemed to notice Qui-Gon considering the idea of bringing Padme with them took it upon himself to look at Qui-Gon with a grin as he tried to help in the handmaidens favor.

Y/N: "What's the matter master, afraid of bringing a handmaiden along but not a clumsy Gungan?"

Qui-Gon smiled slight as he rolled his eyes at the young Padawan before looking back to Padme as despite already conceding to the will of the living Force on bringing her with them, Qui-Gon nodded to the young handmaiden.

Qui-Gon: "Very well... stay close to Y/N and I."




As the group entered the main road of Mos Espa they all immediately looked around wary of their surrounding. Watching as people of various different shapes, sizes, races, and species walked throughout the outlaw city. 

While Y/N and Qui-Gon were used to traveling to planets with different species on them, this was Padme's first time leaving her planet at all as she stopped and looked in wonder and the entirely new environment. In her lessons as a child she'd learned about a few of the many different species that inhabited Mos Espa yet even then it was still such a small number when compared to this. 

Padme was eventually snapped out of her awe and fascination as she heard Y/N's voice.

Y/N: "Come on, trust me when I say you don't want to be left behind."

Padme nodded to Y/N with a smile which caused Y/N to smile slightly back as the two walked a faster pace until catching up to Qui-Gon, Jar Jar and R2.

Qui-Gon: "Moisture farms for the most part. Some indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those to do not wish to be found..."

Padme: "Like us."

Padme may have been fascinated by the new planet but Jar Jar was less than fascinated as instead of finding joy in the sights her was in fear of them as he was in a state of panic.

Jar Jar: "Dissen berry berry bad."

Jar Jar grunts in disgust as he by accident stepped in a pile of poop that had been ejected by one of the many different animals on the planet, a animal as while Jar Jar tried to wipe it off the best he could he also looked around for the source of it yet found nothing meaning the poop had been there for some time.

Jar Jar: "Icky, icky goo."

Eventually Jar Jar gave up, after wiping the poop off the best he could he ran in the direction of Y/N, Qui-Gon, Padme, and R2 as unlike he had done for Padme, Y/N hadn't bothered to make sure Jar Jar followed them as Jar Jar was an adult unlike the young handmaiden, not to mention to poop Jar Jar stepped in smelled and Y/N chose to save his nose rather than help Jar Jar. 

After walking for a short period of time the group eventually came to a area filled with countless different merchant shops, some selling blasters, some selling food, some selling blasters and food. Yet not wanting to waste any credits the group carried on until even soon came to an area that looked like it would have exactly what they were looking for. 

A couple dozen shops filled with junk, spare parts, droids, and anything else that a junk seeker or rather someone looking for a certain park for their ship might look when searching for something that was specific. 

Qui-Gon turned to the other four, bringing there attention to him as he motioned to the shop closest to him.

Qui-Gon: "We'll try one of the smaller dealers."

They head into a small junk shop that had a great deal of broken spaceships and parts stacked up behind it.

Entering the dingy junk shop a bell rung as they stepped into the doorless junk shop with upon hearing this a pudgy blue alien with two small wings attached to his back like a hummingbird flew into the selling area with a greedy look on his face.

Watto: "Guta naloya." (Good day to you)

Watto flies over to his potential customer, his face filled with greed as he eyed them up, trying to figure out if they were rich or poor. Yet one could never really know until you ask what they want which was exactly what Watto did.

Watto: "Ha chuba da nala?" (What do you want)

Qui-Gon: "I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian."

Those words were music to his ears as not only did he have a great deal of part, the parts were also quite rare for a ship that model.

Watto: "Ah yes, ah yes. Nubian. We have lots of that. Peedenk! Naba dee unko!" (Boy, get in here now!)

Qui-Gon: "My droid here has a readout of what I need."

It was then that Y/N felt it. His gaze widening a slight amount as it was flooded with the power of a very high force sensitive individual as a young boy with sandy blonde hair and no older than nine years old ran into Watto's shop at the Toydarian's behest.

Qui-Gon turned to Qui-Gon, wondering if the Jedi Knight had felt it and the look on Qui-Gon's face said it all. He too could sense the power of the force potential presiding with the boy....

Watto turns to face the boy.

Watto: "Coon tee-tocky malia?" (What took you so long?)

Anakin: "Mel tassa cho-passa..." (I was cleaning the bin like you...)

Watto: "Chut-Chut! Ganda doe Wallya. Me dwana no bata." (Watch the store. I've got some selling to do here.)

Watto turns back to face Qui-Gon with a cocky look on his face.

Watto: "Sooo, let me take-a thee out back. Ni you'll find what you need."

Jar Jar meanwhile had proceeded to pick up a gizmo trying to figure out exactly what the purpose of said instrument was yet was stopped when Qui-Gon with a sigh of annoyance ripped the part out of his hand and set it back down where jar Jar had retrieved it from as he knew the clumsiness of Jar Jar would surely get the better of him and Qui-Gon didn't want anything to mess up this transaction with Watto.

Qui-Gon: "Don't touch anything."

Jar Jar who'd taken offense to being singled out by the Jedi Knight stuck his tongue out and made a rude face at Qui-Gon as the Jedi Knight, R2, and Watto left through the back door towards the junk yard that Watto had stored in the back.

It was now only Y/N, Padme, and Jar Jar along with little Anakin who was watching the store in Watto's name and despite Qui-Gon telling Jar Jar not to touch anything the Gungan as well as Padme who too had gotten curious as she too began to inspect the products help in the front of the store only to have her attention drawn towards little Anakin who was sitting on the counter at the front as he finally gained the courage to speak.

Anakin: "Are you an angel?"

Y/N's attention was drawn to the boy as well as he heard the boys terrible attempt at swooning the girl who was five years older in both age and maturity to the young boy, shaking his head in amusement. 

Padme: "What?"

Anakin: "An angel. I heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons of Iego, I think."

Padme: "You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?"

Anakin: "I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I'm a pilot, you know, and someday I'm gonna fly away from this place."

Y/N: "You're a pilot?"

Anakin: "Mm-hmm. All my life."

Y/N: "And how long have you been here, my young friend?"

Anakin: "Since I was very little. Three, I think. My mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us betting on the podraces."

Padme's eyes widened in shock and surprise, realizing what the term "sold" meant. Y/N was surprised to hear this, yet unfortunately he has been on other worlds with Master Dooku that also still practice the idea of slavery.

Padme: "You're a slave?"

Anakin's face turns from the innocent look of a young boy to a angry one as his brows crease as he grew angry at the young Handmaiden.

Anakin: "I'm a person and my name is Anakin."

Padme immediately felt bad as she moved to explain themselves but was stopped when Y/N put a hand on her shoulder as he sent her a supportive look that for reasons unknown to her calmed her down before looking at Anakin.

Y/N: "Please don't take it personally, we come from a system where slavery is abolished and illegal so this is a new experience for her."

Anakin didn't seem to forgive them fully but upon hearing these words he calmed down slowly as he studied both Padme and Y/N intently only to have his attention drawn towards Jar Jar who'd in his curiosity pressed the nose of a WAC droid causing it to come to life, growing both legs and arms as it starts jumping around the shop knocking over a bunch of objects in the process.

Y/N and Padme too looked at Jar Jar with Y/N shaking his head with disappointment. 

The WAC droid continued to knock things over, laughing as it did so before with its back turned Jar Jar grabbed hold of the WAC droid by the neck.

Jar Jar: "I got you."

Anakin: "Hey..."

Jar Jar: " Wha?"

Anakin: "Hit the nose!"

Jar Jar did as Anakin told him, curiously tapping the droid on the nose causing the droid's arms and legs to get brought back into the droid as it reverted to its original state whilst Anakin, Y/N, and Padme shared a laugh at the Gungans clumsiness.




Watto: "A t-14 Hyperdrive generator. Thee in luck. I'm the only one hereabouts who has one. But thee might as well buy a new ship. It would be cheaper, huh?"

Watto stops as he turned to look at Qui-Gon with curiosity.

Watto: "Saying of which, hows thee gonna pay for all this, huh?"

Qui-Gon: "I have 20,000 Republic Dataries."

Watto looks at him with a look of shock as his eyes narrow at Qui-Gon.

Watto: "Republic credits?!? Republic credits are no good out here. I need something more real..."

Qui-Gon: "I don't have anything else..."

Qui-Gon with a swift motion waved his hand through the air in Watto's direction.

Qui-Gon: "...but credits will do fine."

Watto: "No they won'ta."

Seeing that his Jedi mind trick did not work, Qui-Gon tried again this time with more power as he raised his hand and waved it once more.

Qui-Gon: "Credits with do fine."

Watto was beginning to get upset as his eyes narrowed even further at Qui-Gon.

Watto: "No, they won'ta. What you think you're some kinda Jedi, waving you hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Min tricks don'ta work on me-only money. No money, no parts! No deal! and no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that."




Anakin: "...wouldn't have lasted long if I weren't so good at fixing things."

Jar Jar pulls a part of a stack of parts to inspect it causing them to come tumbling down, the clumsy Gungan struggling to catch them only for even more of the parts to be knocked down. Y/N simply shakes his head at the Gungan before turning his attention to the back door of the shop as both Qui-Gon and R2 come through it with a less than pleased look on Qui-Gon's face as Watto trailed behind them with a angry look on his face.

Qui-Gon: "We're leaving. Jar Jar?"

Jar Jar who'd still be struggling to catch all the parts came crashing down onto the ground, chuckling nervously as he just leaves the parts where they had fallen before walking after Qui-Gon and R2.

Y/N and Padme also took this as their cue to leave as they backup and waved bye to Anakin. 

Padme: "I was glad to have met you, Anakin."

Anakin: "I was glad to meet you too."

Y/N and Padme leave Anakin's sightline leaving the young boy disappointed in the beautiful girl leaving his view, knowing that he most likely would not see her again making him a tad bit sad.

Watto: "Ootmians! tinka me chasa hopoe ma booty na nolia." (Outlander! They think they know everything.)

Anakin: "La lova num botaffa." (They seemed nice to me.)

Watto: "Fweepa niaga. Tolpa da bunkey dunko." (Clean the ranks... then you can go home.)

Anakin let out a "yipee" in excitement and glee as he runs out the back eager to finish the task with haste so that he could get home as soon as possible.





Qui-Gon: "... and you're sure there's nothing left on board?"

Obi-Wan *Over comms*: "A few containers of supplies, the Queen's wardrobe, maybe. But not enough for you to barter with. Not in the amounts you're talking about."

Qui-Gon: "All right. I'm sure another solution will present itself. I'll check back later."

Qui-Gon puts his commlink away and starts to walk down the main street once more but was stopped by Jar Jar as he grabs the Jedi by the arm and pulls him back into the alleyway. 

Jar Jar: "Noah gain... Noah gain da beings hereabouts cawazy. Wesa be robbed un crunched."

Qui-Gon: "Not likely. We have nothing of value, that's our problem."

Y/N: "I thought you wanted to explore the planet, Jar Jar?"

Jar Jar: "Dat wasa beforein mesa seein da beings hereabouts."

Y/N chuckled in amusement with Padme and R2-D2 doing the same.

With that Qui-Gon, Y/N, Padme, R2, and Jar Jar despite the Gungan being against it moved back out onto the main street as Jar Jar who was really feeling the heat began to lag behind the others as they passed an outdoor vendor with multiple dead animals hanging by their feet. Jar Jar seeing this seemed to somehow magically regain his strength as he looked at the dead animals with hunger in his stomach. 

Looking around Jar Jar failed to see that the vendor was watching as using his long tongue Jar Jar gabbed onto the dead animals and brought it mostly into his mouth yet the wire holding it didn't let it go whilst meanwhile the vendor operator grew angry as they watched Jar Jar eat their merchandise without paying.

Vendor: "Ay, ay, Yowoba wonga?" (Are you going to pay for that?)

Jar Jar turns his head to look at the Vendor with confusion.

Vendor: "Uga wupiupi wep." (It costs seven wupiupi.)

Jar Jar immediately spits it out, but the dead animal is sent flying off the wire and landing into the bowl of soup that splashed a Dug as well as all the other people that were seated at the table.

Sebulba: "Ah... Chuba!"

Sebulba looks at Jar Jar.

Jar Jar: "Ooops."

Jar Jar starts to whistle as he walks away from the scene as he pretended to no be assosiated with it. Yet Sebulba had already noticed that Jar Jar was the one who caused the dead animal to fly into his soup as he angerly got up with a loud growl as he hopped over to Jar Jar with the dead animal in his hand before kicking the Gungan causing him to fall over.

Sebulba: "Ni chuba ni??" (Is this yours??)

Sebulba shoves the dead animal up close to Jar Jar's face threateningly.

Jar Jar: "Who, mesa?"

Sebulba looked even more angerly at Jar Jar than before as he grabbed Jar Jar by the throat ready to beat him up yet to Jar Jar's luck nonother than little Anakin Skywalker walked up to Jar Jar and Sebulba with a grin in the Dug's direction.

Anakin: "Chesjo Sebubla... Cha pooka human geesa... Matesa ratico ponipa chop chowa." (Careful, Sebulba... He's a big time outlander... I'd hate to see you diced before we race again.)

Anakin's words seemed to direct Sebulba's anger towards Anakin as he stopped his assault on Jar Jar and turns to Anakin.

Sebulba: "Nic me chouwa wimo noke maka noke. Una not wo shag, me wompity du pom pom" (Next time we race, boy, it will be the end of you!? If you weren't a slave, I'd squash you now.) 

Anakin: "Eh, chee bana do mullee ra." (Yeah, it'd be a pit if you have to pay for me.)

With that Sebulba turned away from Anakin and walked away, taking the dead animal back to where he sat and began eating it without even bothering to pay the vendor operator and the vendor operator didn't even try to get the dangerous dug with powerful friends to pay for it. 

Qui-Gon, Y/N, Padme, and R2 who had realized their Gungan comrade was no longer with them backtracked to where they last saw them to find Anakin standing next to Jar Jar who was getting up off the ground. 

Anakin: "Hi!"

Qui-Gon: "Hi there."

Anakin: "Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange good. He picked a fight with a Dug. An especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba."

Jar Jar: "Mesa haten crunchen. Dat's da last ting mesa wanten."

Qui-Gon: "Nevertheless, the boy is right... you were heading for trouble.... Thanks, my young friend."

Anakin smiled at Padme, his eyes growing more and more affectionate towards the young handmaiden, not realizing that the young beautiful handmaiden had already begun developing feelings for a young Jedi Padawan.

Qui-Gon, Y/N, Padme, R2, and now Anakin in tow as well began walking down the street once more leaving Jar Jar standing there still trying to convince the Jedi Knight of his innocence as he walked after Qui-Gon trying to explain himself.

Jar Jar: "But...but... mesa doen nutteen!"




Obi-Wan stood in front of the chrome Naboo spacecraft as the winds begun to pick up around him, the dusty sands that covered the entire planet being thrown into the air and into the eyes and mouth, his cloak flapping in the wind as Kenobi used his hand to try and protect his eyes from the sands. 

As Obi-Wan continued to look out at the distant Mos Espa, Captain Panaka emerged from the ships ramp as he moves to join the Jedi Padawan with a worried look on his face. 

Obi-Wan: "This storm will slow them down."

Captain Panaka: "It looks pretty bad."

They continued to look out at the distant Mos Espa for a few seconds more until their gaze was drawn toward Captain Panaka's wrist as his commlink began to sound off causing Captain Panaka to press a button on it with a green button turning on signaling the line was open.

Captain Panaka: "Panaka?"

Ric Olie *Over commlink*: "We're receiving a message from home.

Captain Panaka: "We'll be right there."

The two looked to each other before turning around and walking to the ramp of the chrome ship and entering, pressing a button on the inside wall causing the ramp to close, sealing the insides off and preventing the sands of Tatooine from entering the spacecraft.




Having not eaten since before their arrival on Tatooine, Qui-Gon had asked Anakin the best place to which they could get food for a cheap prince. Anakin, having live in Mos Espa almost his entire life nodded to the Jedi Knight as he took them too a fruit stand owned by a woman named Jira whom Anakin's mother was good friends with.

Anakin turned to Qui-Gon who seemed to be lost in thought, outreaching his right hand as he tried to get Qui-Gon's attention.

Anakin: "Here, you'll like these pallies... Here."

Qui-Gon looked down to see Anakin with his hand extended.

Qui-Gon: "Thank you."

Qui-Gon took the pallies and put them in a little pouch under his poncho, unaware that at that very same moment he'd revealed his lightsaber which Anakin's eyes saw as his eyes went wide when he realized who or rather what Qui-Gon was. 

Jira: "Oh, my bones are aching... storm's coming up, Annie. You'd better get home quick."

Anakin nodded to the old woman before he looked to Qui-Gon with a curious look.

Anakin: "Do you have shelter?" 

Qui-Gon nodded to his small new friend.

Qui-Gon: "We'll head back to our ship."

Anakin: "Is it far?"

Padme: "It's on the outskirts."

Anakin: "You'll never reach the outskirts in time... sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come on! I'll take you to my place."

Nodding to the young slave, Qui-Gon motioned for the others to follow him as he followed Anakin who were leading the way.




Qui-Gon, Y/N, Padme, Jar Jar, and R2 followed the young slave boy through the many different streets of Tatooine until they finally came up to a small hovel which Anakin and his mother, Shmi, had called home since Watto won them from their former owner - Gardulla.

Anakin walked up to the door, entering a three digit password into the terminal causing the door to open with Anakin walking in first revealing a run down yet still homey room as the others follow him in, looking around at the house which Anakin had grown up in.

Anakin: "Mom! Mom! I'm home." 

Jar Jar: "Dissen loverly."

The sounds of Anakin's voice echoing throughout the hovel caused Anakin's mother to walk out from the back room to greet him, a woman with dark brown hair and disheveled grey clothes, her smile warm and welcome as she looked upon her son only for it to morph into a left defined smile as she looked upon the strangers her son had brought home.

Anakin: "There are my friends, Mom."

Jar Jar waved at Shmi to smiled to them as she sent a slight nod of greeting in there direction. 

R2 let out a few beeps as he got out of the way so that Y/N could close the door before turning around a sending a slight nod in Shmi's direction.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N L/N." 

Qui-Gon: "I'm Qui-Gon Jinn."

Qui-Gon bowed lightly to Shmi which caused a faint blush to touch her cheeks that the Jedi Knight was oblivious too.

Qui-Gon: "Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter."

Anakin ran up to Padme with excitement in his eyes causing to young handmaiden to look down at the young slave.

Anakin: "I'm building a droid. You wanna see?"

Padme gave the young boy a calm nod with the young slave upon hearing this grabbing the young Handmaid's hand as he practically dragged Padme out of the main hovel area into a room in the back with Y/N as well as R2 following closely behind, Y/N curious as to what droid Anakin was building and R2 excited to see another droid.




R2 rolls through the hallway with Y/N strolling closely behind him as they walked in the direction Anakin and Padme had went into, checking a few other rooms that were empty and void of Anakin and Padme before eventually arriving at the right room where Anakin was currently showing off a one eyed protocol droid.

Anakin: "...he's a protocol droid... to help Mom. Watch!"

Anakin walks to the droid and flipped a switch on the back of the currently powered down protocol droid, bringing the protocol droid to life as the eye in the protocol droids head lit up as the droid moved to sit up from where it previously lay.

C3PO: "Oh, oh. Where is everybody?" 

Anakin's eyes widened in embarrassment as he realized that the droid wasn't complete.

Anakin: "Oops."

Anakin walked over to a nearby shelf and grabs a eye before walking back over to 3PO in the other eye socket, the electricity rushing into the newly attached piece as it lit up just like the other eyes.

3PO: "Oh, hello, I am C-3PO, Human Cyborg Relations. How might I serve you?"

Padme: "He's perfect."

3PO: "Oh, perfect?"

Anakin smiled at the handmaidens compliment.

Anakin: "When the storm is over I'll show you my racer."

Y/N raised a brow at the young slave.

Y/N: "Racer?"

Anakin nodded to the Jedi Padawan with enthusiasm whilst 3PO meanwhile rose from where he laid and began to hobble around, the plaitless legs barely managing to hold the droid up as he did so before walking up to R2 as the droid began to beep at him.

3PO: "I'm not sure this floor is entirely stable. Oh, hello. I don't believe we've been introduced."

R2 looked at 3PO with excitement as he lets out a flurry of beeps and whistles.

3PO: "R2-D2. A pleasure to meet you. I am C-3PO, Human Cyborg Relations."

R2 looked 3PO up and down before releasing a few beeps in a form of a lap before letting out another few beeps and whistles.

3PO: "I beg your pardon... what do you mean, naked?"

R2 beeped again causing 3PO to be taken back in realization.

3PO: "My parts are showing?! My goodness."

R2 released another few beeps that sounded like a laugh, amused by 3PO's reaction to the news whilst Y/N, Padme, and Anakin laughed at the Protocol Droid and Astromechs conversation.




The sandstorms continued to rage on, the winds battering against the hulls of the ship as the sand was slammed against them. As this happened, Queen Amidala, her handmaidens - Eirtae, Rabe, Sache, and Yane, along with Obi-Wan and Captain Panaka were all gathered in the Queen's chambers as they watched a pre-recorded hologram transmission which had been sent by Sio Bibble.

Bibble: "The death toll is catastrophic. We must bow to their wishes... you must contact me.

Queen Amidala looked upset, almost nervous as she watched the hologram play out before disappearing, a look of concern flooding over her face at a rapid rate as she feared for her people's lives, wondering if she was causing more harm than good by heading to Coruscant and if the Senate would even be able to help them when she and Senator Palpatine make their plea. 

Obi-Wan meanwhile had a different look on his face. A look of disbelief as he shook his head knowing that despite what Sio Bibble said about the Nabooians dying, the hologram was not recorded at Sio Bibbles own free will, likely held at gunpoint and forced to say whatever the Trade Federation told him to.

Obi-Wan: "It's a trick. Send no reply. Send no transmissions of any kind."




Qui-Gon who'd been informed almost to the letter on the contents of the message by Obi-Wan, pondered to himself as he sat on a nearby crate in curiosity, his transmitter in hand as Obi-Wan sat on the other end of it.

Qui-Gon: "It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace."

Obi-Wan *Over comm*: What if it is true and the people are dying?"

Qui-Gon: "Ether way, we're running out of time."

He turns off the commlink and looks off the balcony with discontent, his mind wandering to Anakin as he began to think back to the unusually strong force signature that resonated off the young slave boy, wondering what exactly it meant and if it had anything to with the prophecy of the chosen one.




A heavy silence hung over the vast city of Coruscant, punctuated only by the distant hum of the ever-flowing traffic below them that populated almost every corner of the city planet. The skyline filled with a sea of artificial lights as even now in the dark of night, ships entered and left the artificial atmosphere created by the city planet. Yet this was not the main focus as whilst the skyline was indeed beautiful at night, darkness reigned supreme as on a high and secluded balcony above it all and away from prying eyes and ears, three dark figures gathered.

Darth Sidious clung to shadows as if they were his home, his hands folded beneath the heavy drape of his robes as he gazed out at the endless metropolis with a cold and ever calculating look. His hood casting a deep shadow of his face, blinding everyone, even the few people he trusted, from seeing the true identity behind the hate filled golden-yellow iris' that struck fear into even his faithful servants. 

At his side, Darth Maul stood in silence, his crimson and black tattooed face reflecting the many distant artificial lights as he stood in admiration and aspiration of the sight in front of him, his ambitions for power and influence were easy to notice as he failed to hide them, especially from his Master. 

A few steps behind the Dark Lord of the Sith a towering presence loomed as Savage Opress, Sidious' second apprentice as well as Maul's younger brother looked out at the very same sight, unlike the other two Sith Lords who wished to rule over the sight in front of them - Savage wanted to destroy it. His golden-yellow iris' filled with simmering fury that he at times could barely contain.

Some might have seen Savage's impatience and need for violence as a weakness, yet Sidious turned it into strength, teach both the Zabrak brothers to harness their hatred and anger and let it fuel them in the fight. To use it as a weapon that unlike the Jedi... gave them even more strength.

Sidious let the silence between the three Sith Lords stretch for a time, basking in the view before after sensing Savage - the sometimes mindless brute, impatience, Sidious opened his mouth and with his voice smooth, deliberate, and lace with menace addressed the two Zabrak warriors.'

Sidious: "Tatooine is sparsely populated. If the trace was correct, you will find them quickly, my apprentices."

Maul turned his head to look at his master as he bowed his head in the Sith Master's direction.

Maul: "We will not fail you, Master. The Jedi will not escape our blades."

A ghost of a smirk played at the edges of Sidious' lips as the confidence and determination and blind loyalty Maul had to him gave Sidious satisfaction, knowing that he could order Maul to attack the entire Jedi council at once and the red and black tattooed Zabrak who was always eager to please him would do it without question. 

Savage however, was a different story. 

It was true Savage possessed a strong and deep connection to the force, his vast amounts of hate increasing it exponentially as it made him a formidable weapon... and tool... for Sidious' plans. Yet with that anger came irrational thinking and recklessness - the beast of a warrior sometimes using his lightsaber rather than his brain more times than Sidious cared to count leading the yellow and black tattooed Zabrak to make more than just a couple mistakes in the past. Mistakes that put his longtime plans that were in motion in jeopardy and risked early discovery by the Jedi. 

While Sidious had been cruel in his punishments for Savage, the towering Zabrak could never change his ways. At least not fully. Leading Sidious often times questioning if he should dispose of Savage and begin again with another Zabrak warrior from Dathomir. 

Yet now the time had finally come for them to reveal their presence to the Jedi leaving the removal of Savage not necessary. After all, according to his..."associate"... Master Dooku, a young Jedi on mission on Tatooine might just do it for him. A young Jedi whom Sidious the very moment he'd laid eyes on many years ago knew he wanted him for his plans, whom he could already feel the conflict between the light and the dark....

Sidious' thoughts were interrupted by the shifting of Savage's weight as the warrior brute looked to the Sith Master. 

Savage: "The Jedi are week. The time for talks is over, the Jedi must pay for forcing our kind into hiding for all these year. They must all die."

Sidious turned his gaze toward Savage, studying him. Once again making note of his impatience, a flaw that might one day get him killed, yet still Sidious accepted it as whilst Maul was like a sword for Sidious to wield, Savage was a warhammer that brought death and destruction to any who stood in his way.

Sidious: "Patients, my young apprentice. You will get your chance at the Jedi, that I assure you. Yet you must also remember that Vengeance is not simply about destruction. It is about control. The Jedi's death must be total and decisive."

Savage exhaled sharpy as he inclined his head slight, trying his best to head his master's words and to maintain his patients less suffer the... consequences.

Maul, ever composed, took in the lesson without question, proving why he was superior to Savage and favored out of the two Sith apprentices.

Maul: "I will strike as you command, Master. The Jedi will fall by my lightsaber."

Sidious: "Good. Move against the Jedi first. Once the Jedi master and the useless Padawans are dealt with, you will have no difficulty in taking the Queen to Naboo to force the signing of the treaty. She is stubborn but the threatening of her peoples lives will make her see reason."

A flicker of anticipation crossed Maul's face as he clenched his fists.

Maul: "At last we will reveal ourselves."

His voice carried the weight of the years of suffering, pain, and hate he and Savage were put through whilst under Sidious' training, scars hidden under their robes marking the punishments they faced when they disobeyed their Master's commands.

Maul: "At last we will have revenge."

Savage upon hearing this took a step forward, his voice a low growl of agreement.

Savage: "None shall stand in our way, Master."

Sidious turned to the two Zabrak's fully with an evil grin openly visible on his face. Maul and Savage bowing their heads slightly to their one true Master.

Sidious: "You have both been well trained. The Jedi will be no match for you. Apart you are each a half of a sword yet together you are a sword that even the mightiest of shields could not stop."

Sidious let his words settle, helping to feed the two brothers confidence as they looked back up at the Sith Master's golden-yellow iris'.

Sidious: "Go. The time has come."

Maul and Savage exchanged a final glance before turning, vanishing into the shadows like ghosts. 

Sidious remained still, his hands once again folding into his sleeves as he relished in the power the brothers emitted, watching as the two brothers left his sightline as despite having confidence in the two Zabrak - Sidious knew that the time would soon come for his new apprentice to step into the light and for the Zabrak brothers to either accept this... or perish.


To Be Continued...

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