Chapter 2: Chapter 2: 3 Months And A "Chance" Meeting
It's been three months since I woke up and Barry should be waking up any day now. During the past three months I found out a lot about my power and how I was affected by the Particle Accelerator Explosion. In addition to an increase in my original power, I also found I was given a rudimentary form of Geokinesis.
It is rudimentary in the sense that I can only control earth and dirt/sand I am unable to control minerals like diamonds, or metals, other crystals, and steel. But since I can move and manipulate metal with my other power, I'm not upset. This will give me a more robust defense to compliment my insane offense.
I have found with my practice at an abandoned construction site, that I can use Geokinesis to slide along a path of raised earth sort of like how Iceman and Killer Frost make ice bridges, but the Earth moves with me. I can make earthen weapons and I have practiced making giant earth shields that pop up from the ground. I have not had much luck with making use of dirt/sand other than making a sort of sandscreen to work like a smoke grenade. It takes a level of fine control to take the sand/dirt and make it harden into pliable earth that I have a good control over, but I am still working on it.
I have been practicing and honing my skill with both abilities and I have also been able to get my suit created fully and I tried it on and it fit perfectly. The mask was hotter than I would've liked, but I could work with it. I then realized I had a couple options to choose from in finding a way to fly. I could use the original trash can lid or manhole cover that Virgil used, or I could do something slightly different and use like a metal skateboard or something. Maybe I could have Cisco create something that could be in both forms. For now I'll probably stick with either a trash can lid or a manhole cover, whichever is closest when I go out to patrol.
I have also made a point to observe the airfield at Ferris air to see if the S.T.A.R. Labs van shows up and right now I am on my way there to see if it is there.
I am in luck, I can see the S.T.A.R. Labs van parked in the middle of the airfield and they are still setting up, I was carrying a trashcan lid under my arm, as I flew to the spot the S.T.A.R. Labs crew was waiting after I got to the airfield. I watched as Barry started running and I have to say it was awesome, I can fly pretty fast with my power, but I haven't been able to fully test my speed so I don't even know if it'd be fast enough to out fly Barry.
While the S.T.A.R. Labs crew was distracted by watching Barry and before he crashed, I jumped on the lid and flew away. I would meet with Barry when he tries to stop Mardon.
(S.T.A.R. Labs.)
"I've been going over unsolved and unexplained cases in the last nine months, and there has been a sharp increase in unexplained deaths and missing people, but there has also been multiple reports in the last three months of what people have described as a flying man made of lightning who has saved them. These reports weren't very often, and most were dismissed as hallucinations of scared people, but it seems your metahumans have been busy, and at least one of them is helping people. Now, I'm not blaming you, I know you didn't mean for all this to happen, but I'm going to need your help if we are going to stop Mardon and others out there like him.." Barry said to Caitlin and Cisco.
They both nodded solemnly, until Cisco had the beginnings of a smile and looked at Barry as his smile widened as he said.
"If were are going to be taking these guys on, I have something that might help." Cisco said as he did the unveiling and explanation of The Flash suit.
"Thanks, now how do we find Mardon?" Barry asked as he adopted a serious look.
"I retasked S.T.A.R. Labs's Satellite to scan for meteorological abnormalities over Central City, we just got a ping. Atmospheric pressure dropped by 20 milibars in a matter of seconds. I tracked it to a farm just west of the city." Caitlin said as she took out her tablet to show the atmospheric conditions she was tracking.
(Mardon's Farm Hideout)
I was already on my way to the farm as I knew it was West of the city and it wouldn't be hard to see a tornado at a farm. I made it just in time to see a metal roof from some type of shed go flying toward who I assumed was Joe and Eddie. I made it just before The Flash and I grabbed it with my lightning and Flash showed up to see me flying and holding a metal shed roof in a blue electrical aura and I looked at him.
"Looks like you saw the tornado as well, I figured I'd lend a hand, didn't think I'd see someone else like me." I said loudly to be heard over the tornado.
Barry was shocked as he had remembered the reports of a flying man made of lightning and had wanted to get answers.
"Who are you?!?!" He asked.
"We can talk about that later, we'd better deal with this situation first, but for now, you can just call me Volt." I replied while gesturing to the tornado.
(S.T.A.R. Labs)
"Who's that with Barry?" Caitlin asked concerned.
"I don't know, but he seems to be on our side." Cisco said as they only heard the conversation and couldn't see what was happening so they didn't make the connection to the other metahuman helping people.
(Back at the farm)
Flash nodded and started to watch the tornado, trying to figure out how to stop it while during the entire conversation between us and after it, Joe was staring slack jawed at me and Barry as what he was seeing was impossible. There a flying man with electrical powers and a man who could run super fast.
I chucked the piece of the shed off to the side and landed next to Barry.
"I might have a way to take out the guy creating this thing as I saw him inside the tornado, but looking at it, the tornado is already self sustaining so taking him out won't stop it."
"Okay, let's just take care of Mardon and I'll ask my team to help figure out a way to stop the tornado." Barry replied to which I nodded.
Barry watched in shock as he heard the sound of the earth cracking and it seemed to come from the direction of the tornado and he saw me lifting my hands from the ground and making a pulling motion. Then Mardon, trapped in earth shackles, was being pulled from the tornado. I sent him flying into a tree of to the side and he was knocked unconscious. Unbeknownst to me, the shackles were destroyed by the impact with the tree.
"So you got more than just the lightning stuff huh?" Barry asked.
"In due time, for now, what did your team say." I asked, dismissing his earlier comment.
Barry got serious.
"I should be able to unravel it by running in the opposite direction, cut off it's legs. It'll be dangerous though." Barry said
"Well, being a hero you'll deal with danger all the time, the important thing is to face it." I said encouragingly.
Barry nodded and started to run around the tornado. The tornado was growing in power and he was eventually launched out of the wind funnel and rolled on the ground.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"I'm fine, but I can't do it, it's too strong." Barry replied.
I then saw Barry put his hand to his ear, making it glaringly obvious he was talking to someone, and I knew he was being given his peptalk from Wells. After the peptalk, Barry was able to unravel the tornado and had taken off his mask and collapsed to his knees in exhaustion.
"I didn't know there was anyone else like me." Mardon said as he seemingly woke up and walked over to us.
"I'm nothing like you, you're a murderer." Barry replied and I was gathering electricity in my hands to throw at him if Joe didn't shoot.
Just then, Mardon lifted his gun to shoot, but Joe came from behind Barry and shot Mardon twice in the chest. Barry turned around and Joe saw his face and was shocked once again.
[AN: {…} Will show communication over radio or coms in the different suits.]
{Barry? Are you okay?} Caitlin asked over comms.
"It's over, it's okay." Barry said aloud as Joe came to kneel in front of Barry shocked.
(Next day at the farm)
Joe, and Barry in civilian clothes, were waiting at Joe's car as they talked about the events of last night.
"What you can do, you and that lightning guy. It was the lightning bolt, and the accelerator explosion?" Joe asked.
"More or less." Barry said
"I'm sorry Barry, I'm sorry I didn't believe you. And I called you crazy for chasing the impossible. But you really did see something that night, and your father is innocent." Joe said somberly
Joe then walked in front of Barry and made sure Barry knew he was serious.
"Look, I don't want you telling Iris about anything you can do, any of it. You understand? I want her safe. Promise me."
"Yeah." Barry said.
"Although I may need to have a talk with Volt to make sure he doesn't get caught by someone." Barry said.
"Volt? Who's that?" Joe asked.
"He's the other guy from last night, he saved you from that piece of debris. I talked to him last night he'll meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs tomorrow." Barry said.
**Flashback to last night**
"Well, that was anticlimactic." I said jokingly.
Barry got up and walked towards me away from Joe with his hand out.
"Barry Allen, nice to meet you." He said
"Andrew Anderson." I said as I took his hand for a handshake.
"You should meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs day after tomorrow, I'm sure they'd love to meet you. And maybe they can get you an upgrade to your wardrobe." Barry replied with a joke.
"Ohohoho, okay, so the guy wearing the tight leather suit is giving fashion advice." I replied teasing him back.
"I'll be there, just let me know the time. Here is my number, call me to let me know when to come over." I said and gave him the number to a burner phone I bought to use in my hero persona as it wouldn't be bad if I lost it as it had none of my information on it.
"Sounds good, I'll let you know." Barry said.
"Cool." I replied.
I then made the trashcan lid float with electricity and then threw it in the air and it flew in a loop and I jumped on it and flew off.
"Cool." Barry said aloud to himself.