Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Meet And Greet
"Got it, I'm on my way." I said into my phone as I made my way to S.T.A.R. Labs.
(S.T.A.R. Labs)
The group was having a conversation about me as I walked in in my hero costume.
"Hey, I'm Volt." I said as I waved.
I knew they were talking about me because as soon as I said hey, they all stopped talking and looked at me.
"Why do I get the feeling you guys were talking about me?" I asked.
"Sorry about that, it's not everyday we meet a good metahuman, especially since the only one that we have discovered seems only interested in trying to hurt people. We've only experienced the latter." Caitlin said as she walked up.
"Dr. Caitlin Snow, it's nice to meet you." She said.
I took off my mask as I know they won't trust me if I keep it on and I feel confident enough in my own power and their character. Harrison Wells, or more appropriately, Eobard Thawne, could care less about my identity, his focus is on The Flash. As for the others, they are all good people.
"Andrew Anderson. Cool place you guys got here." I said while looking around the Cortex.
"You don't know the half of it, I'd love to give you the tour if you could tell me more about how you have two powers." Cisco said as he came up and offered his hand in introduction as well.
I gave a pointed look at Barry for sharing that information, who decided to stare everywhere but at me, before I turned back to Cisco.
"That'd be awesome and I don't mind explaining. But who are you exactly?" I said.
"Oh right, Cisco Ramon. I make all the cool toys here, I made Barry's suit." Cisco said as he put his arm on my shoulder and directed me toward the suit on display.
"Yeah it's cool, y'know if you created that suit, I have some design ideas for a suit for me if you wouldn't mind taking a look at them." I said.
"Yeah, it's no problem, I already have some ideas, but would need to know more about your powers to make it work." Cisco replied.
"And we'll learn all that in due time Cisco." Wells said as he rolled into the room.
"Harrison Wells at your service Mr. Anderson." Wells said as he stopped in front of me.
"You're Harrison Wells, THE Harrison Wells?" I asked.
"Yes, at least I was the last time I checked." Wells said with a smirk.
"I have always wanted to meet you, I've always been a fan of science and you essentially are science." I said excitedly using my actual excitement to meet a fictional character to mask the fact that I wasn't actually excited.
"You're a fan of science, as far as I know you are getting a degree in history." Wells said knowingly.
"How do you know that." I said while backing away slightly to show I was guarded against him.
"Forgive my curiosity, but I like to know about the people who are around me, so I looked into you." Wells said.
"I suppose I can understand that, I am a stranger who just appeared out of nowhere, you'd have every right to be wary. But I promise I have no bad intentions. As you pointed out, I am working towards a history degree, but that is only because I didn't feel smart enough to go for a scientific degree despite my love of it and my proficiency with it in the past. Well, as proficient as one can be in high school science classes." I said.
"I don't think you are giving yourself enough credit. You took every single science class offered in your high school even honors courses and you actually took some college science classes, chemistry I believe?" Wells said. To which Caitlin perked up.
"Yes that's right. You really did do your research. Yes, I quite liked chemistry, I got on with it so well that I wanted to actually get a degree in either organic chemistry or biochemistry, but like I said, I didn't think I was smart enough. I suppose lack of confidence affected my decision more than it should have." I explained which recieved nods all around as there are plenty of things that they don't excel at.
"Yes, it may have affected your decision, but not your intelligence, I'm willing to bet, some time with our resident biochemist could reignite your passion for science. Also one thing I noticed is that you had a particular interest in martial arts after high school and even travelled abroad to study in places like China, Brazil, Japan, Ireland, England, Thailand, Israel, and Sri Lanka." Wells said.
"That's amazing. Does that mean you know 8 different types of Martial Arts?" Cisco asked excitedly.
"Not exactly, with how martial arts work, unless you can dedicate a long time to it, you can only learn a few styles, I personally am only proficient in 3. Hung Ga, Muay Thai, and Karate." I explained.
"What is Hung Ga?" Barry asked.
"Hehe. Well, you know all those old Chinese movies where they do different animal styles when they fight?" I asked them.
They all nodded and I could tell they were diligently waiting for me to explain more.
"Well it's like this. It is a powerful style which encompasses the hard, long range offense of the tiger and the short range fluid defense of the crane, the evasiveness of the dragon, the precision of the snake, and the swiftness of the leopard. Each of these forms have their own application depending on the situation." I explained quickly.
"Wow that's awesome, you have to teach me some stuff." Cisco asked.
"Well I'm not much of a teacher, but I could probably show you one or two things." I said.
Alright, I think Mr. Anderson has explained plenty, it's time we started on the tests to see all that he can do." Wells said.