Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Strange Underwater Temple (2)
[Third Person's PoV]
"I've never seen them before…" One of them questioned with interest.
"I bet they're surface dwellers!" another one exclaimed.
"We haven't gotten visitors in ages"
"Look at their robes! They're Magic knights!"
Stephen and everyone else found themselves surrounded by the people of the Underwater Temple, they were wearing what appeared to be regular clothing but it was a mix with different color scales.
They were all behaving in a friendly manner asking them questions. Seeing so many people Vanessa then asked, "Wouldn't it be better if we met someone here that would take use to the magic stone instead of searching for it"
"Good idea" Yami said before he put on a mean face as he demanded, "Hey, haul the boss of this temple out here."
"Yessir" A man replied mimicking Yami's face making himself appear just as he scary as he said, "That'd be the High Priest"
"The High Priest is all the way up there!" A woman with short blonde hair said, pointing up towards the long staircase that led to a giant door, "Want us to take you there?"
'This is way too easy…' Everyone thought in a similar manner, 'These people are way too friendly'
Everyone was soon led up the stairs, the people of the city following right behind them cheerfully.
The Black Bulls pushed past the door and as they entered the residents of the temple were waving towards them, "Say Hi to the High Priest for us!"
"When you guys come back tell us stories about the surface world!"
"Sure will!" Asta shouted, waving happily moving inside as the door slowly closed behind him.
Before it fully closed the people of the city gained a smirk as one of them muttered, "If you come back…"
The others noticed a person standing by the middle of the room, "Hey there's someone there" Noelle motioned.
"It's probably the High Priest" Magna retorted.
As Asta stopped waving he slowly lowered his hand with widening eyes, he slowly turned around and saw a large fish like creature swimming right in front of him, exposing its multiple teeth.
"YAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Asta exclaimed loudly along with Finral, as they were taken completely surprised by the fish's appearance.
It opened its mouth and let out a loud hissing sound as it prepared to eat them. The fish was then attacked and blasted away by Gauch, Magna, and Wanda who blasted the beast away with one shot of their magic without hesitation.
"What an ugly beast" Magna scoffed posing with his flaming baseball bat over his shoulders.
They then heard a loud laugh and turned to see the High Priest, who was an old, wrinkled man with long, thin eyebrows and a mustache that extended outwards. He has a long beard that extends below his waist and extremely long hair that appeared to be levitating upwards
He wears a large coat with a large collar and a black trim. Under the coat he wears light-colored shirt and pants and a dark-colored belt.
"HAHAHAHA! Well, well, well, it appears we got ourselves some interesting guests! Welcome to the Underwater Temple, I'm the Priest here!!" The Old man said joyfully.
"Let's cook it!" Charmy exclaimed with her tongue out salivating, pulling her fork and knife, staring at the downed fish hungrily.
However the fish simply started to dissipate, making Charmy gasp, and drop to her hands and knees, "NOOOOOO!"
"Fufufufu!" The old man chuckled, "Sorry dear! But that beast is simply made by my magic!"
Everyone was surprised that such a large beast was conjured by the old man and looked towards the old man warily.
"It was all Stephen! He killed that squid outside!" Yami exclaimed, pointing towards Stephen and taking a step away from him. The others are doing the same.
"You bastard! Why are you even mentioning it!" Stephen exclaimed glaring towards Yami hatefully, "He clearly didn't ask! So he wouldn't have known if I did it! You backstabbing–" however Stephen froze, so did everyone else as they turned to look at the old man.
The old man was white in the face, long gone was his cheerful demeanor, his eyes slightly shook with a horrified expression which he quickly tried to hide as he asked, "You… Did you really kill the Immortal Kraken?"
"The Immortal Kraken?" The others muttered in a bewildered way.
Stephen glared towards Yami before looking towards the old man apologetically, "It attacked us first and tried to eat us, so I put it down."
The old man gulped slightly, which the others noticed, "Man, why are you scared, you're kinda freaking me out a bit" Magna asked looking at the old man weirdly, a sentiment shared by everyone as they were looking at the old man with worry thinking they really did do something wrong.
The old man's lips trembled slightly but instead of shifting downwards into a frown, it shifted upwards into a growing smile "Phtttt, HAHAHAHAHA! Man you should have all seen your faces! I'm just messing with you guys!" The old man broke into laughter.
He walked up towards Stephen and shook his hands, "I want to thank you young man! That Kraken has been a pain in our hide for years, no one could ever kill it and has been terrorizing our little city almost daily!"
Magna's lips twitched as he exclaimed, "Don't scare us like that old man! We thought we for real did some bad!"
Luck meanwhile laughed, "Hahah, I like this old man!"
'He's lying…' Stephen thought, narrowing his eyes slightly.
The old man then smiled cheerfully and swayed his head side to side, "Now enough about the Kraken, I know exactly why you are all here~" The old man said mysteriously, "You are all after the Magic Stone aren't you?"
Everyone was astonished that the old man actually figured it out.
The old man let out a small chuckle, "However, if you want the magic stone, you're going to have to play a little game with little ol' me~"
The old man suddenly appeared before Wanda, Vanessa, and Noelle, "It's called the boob-squeezing game!" The old man was motioning with his hands.
Noelle planted a foot forwards, twisted her hips to the side, before swinging her fist across the old man's face making him go spinning back, "Ufghhhhhhh!!"
Noelle blinked at her own fist before looking towards Stephen, "Look at that your technique actually works, the force of my punch actually increased."
"Nice~" Stephen said, holding his hand up, which Noelle high fived with a faint smile.
"Isn't he like a total big shot here!?! Was it alright for you to punch him like that?!" Asta exclaimed worriedly.
"So? I'm royalty" Noelle said, brushing her pigtail to the side.
The old man just chuckled as he massaged his red and purple swollen cheek, "Hehe, I was just kidding"
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