Stupid in love

Chapter 2: chapter 2 is it love?

Sammy was an excited young man.more excited than he'd been in a long time. The year started off a little badly for him when he broke up with his high school sweetheart.

He is 20 years old in his second year in university his major in engineering, and doing well.

Sammy POV

Breaking up with Jennifer hit him hard, she was a decent girl also second year in university but different state she got into medical school. They didn't have much in common anymore, she couldn't keep up the relationship because she said it was not for her anymore and that love died down two months after the went seperate ways to pursue different carees.

He later found out that she was getting married to a rich man in Tokyo , apparently they met in medical school and she fell over hills for him.

All the dreams she had with Jennifer crashed and burnt, not to be revived again. It took alot to get him out of the bad state he was and since then he has moved on and trying his best to let go of that history.

I wasnt planning on getting into any kind of relationship anytime soon since I broke up with Jennifer, but when I saw her walk past that day I felt something I haven't felt in a while. It felt good but I was just to afraid to approach her. I thought will forget I about her but I saw her again the second time I ws struggling not to approach her.

On this day I intentionally went to that place so I can see her again, when I saw I couldn't hold back anymore took all my courage and went and spoke to her. she is just a breath of fresh air, she makes me feel happy when I talk to her , getting to know her for now will give me confirmation I need about these feeling am getting. I shouldn't be feeling like this for anyone my breakup still feels fresh. I can still feel the pain when I think about her, I still know how she made me feel.

And that makes me think, this with the new girl is wrong I don't know if I ma ready for a relationship.

But how will I know if o don't try, still I have some spark with her and I should explore it.

I groaned as bright lights slip into the room. I push my face down into my pillow, going bang back to sleep just to be woken up by the sound of the alarm.

I groggily stood up from the bed, dragging my legs toward the bathroom for a quick shower.

After freshning up,I walked to my closet to take out my outfit.

Got my shoes and took all I needed the lecture today put everything in backpack and walked out.

If was a pleasant day for me, my breakfast had been fantastc a good English breakfast. The shower had been the right temperature, and ready for my levcyures today.

Getting in my car a happy tune boomed on the radio. I couldn't help but whistle the tune.

I parked in my regular spot, silencing the radio and pulling the keys. Nothing that anyone can do today to ruin my day, I feel like I have it all .

I stepped out of the car grabbed my things,walking in the direction of the entrance. I met up with my friend Tim we haven't seen each other for a while it was nice seeing him again.

The lecture took longer than expected, we walked out planning to catch up over lunch.

We sad at the university restaurant just rememising about the past and how I ghosted him after I broke up with his sister Jennifer.

He knew why but he is asking me this I didn't want to talk about it and told him if he still wants this friendship.

Our chat was cut short by Mr Benson our lecture. He stood at next to our table and said. I have emailed you your assignment please attend to it soon as possible because you will have to submit earlier than other students so you can catch up with them since your a little behind.

I agreed and he left .we continued on our conversation and we came to an understanding that his sister should never be mentioned in any of our conversations will be having in the future.

And now that I met someone I like I don't need to be thinking about Jennifer she is my past and she must stay there.

After the hell I went through with Jennifer I no longer beleive in love at first sight, it's just attraction and maybe fall in love when time goes on.

To really love another person, you have to know them first, love is patient,love is kind I think that is all bullshit to me.

Now I have my own version of love, o no longer fall with my eyes closed.

The attraction I have for her now is lust she has a nice body and she looks like someone who could use a little attention from a man nothing more.

The first thing I need to do is tame her let her

Love me first and if I do that will be a bonus but if o don't itl be her loss.

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