Stupid in love

Chapter 3: long year chapter 3

Elena's POV

I groan as the bright light through the window hit my face, Getting up and closing the curtains so I can go back to sleep. Jumping on the bed and covering myself with blankets

Just to be woken up again by the sound of my granny's voice.

"Elena, it's Monday. Wake up or you will be late for school " my granny shouted from her room next to mine.

Maybe if I don't respond she will let me skip school, and I can go back to my beautiful dream. I was this close to kissing Sammy;I just need to go back and continue where I left off.

"Elena, you better be up and ready in ten minutes you'll be late for school." Who was I kidding , I know she won't let me stay home she is very strict when it comes to school, because she never had a chance to finish school and she wants a better future for me not like her.

And I get it one day I'll be able to look after her, and she may never have to work a day in her life.

Bye for now beautiful dream real life is calling me.

I groggily stand up from the bed dragging my legs towards the shower. After freshning up I went to put on my school uniform, shoes grabbed my school bag and went o hhe kitchen to have some breakfast before leaving for school.

Urg I do hate Mondays, who the hell invented the schools? Ugh...

After eating I took my phone my backpack on my back walked out.

"Bye granny see you after work."

"Be safe on the road. " I shouted back.

"I will love you.."

I rushed outside I see my friend with her mom waiting for me I rush to where the parked gettin in the back seat.

"Hey Terrr, morning Mrs Thomson."

"Hey Elana, they both said. How did your weekend go? Sorry I was not able to hang out with you my family and I had somewhere to go." As her mom drives off taking us to school.

"It's ok, besides I had alot to do I wasn't going to have time to hang anyway."

"Did you get to see that series you wanted to see last week the vampire diaries?"

"No like I said I had alot to do maybe this weekend we can watch it together? I said to Terry.

"Yeah you can come over for sleepover and will binge watch it together how about that?"

"Yeah I like your idea it's a date then."

Her Mom pulling up into the parking , our school was built to torture poor innocent, sweet young souls all in the name of knowledge.

I stepped out all olong with Terry, my backpack strapped around my shoulder safely. I trailed behind Terry. Walking in the direction of the school entrance.

"Make sure you meet me at the parking after School Mom promised shell pick us up again. "Terry said making her way to her class and I went to mine.

The school bell rang as I walk in the class nearly late thank God we drove here had I walked I would have been late. This weken school work took alot out of me I am still tired form that.

School was productive the whole day almost the end of the year we are finally done with high school grade 12 has been hard. It's been a long year already wish it could just end now.

After school I got to my locker got my stuff that I needed for homework, and went to the parking waiting for Terry to show up.

"Hey Elena, have you been waiting long?" Terry asked.

"No I just got her like a second ago."

" I got a message from Mom she'll be a little late we can wait if you dont mind. "

"Sure no problem."

While waiting talking to Terry laughjng about our lives and friends,I hear someone calling my name.

I turnaround and it's Sammy, I was a little taken back why he was here not that I mind I didn't think it was appropriate for him to meet my friends yet.

I look at Terry she is also shocked but looks impressed by his looks. He is good looking and I always think he is way out of my league.

"Chomi(friend) Is he talking to you, how do you know such a hot guy?" She whispered in my ear.

"Sorry friend I'll let you knowlet me hear what he has to say and I tell you everything you need to know."

"Better make it quick before my Mom gets here ok?".

"Ok I'll be quick hold on."

"Hey babe," Sammy whispered, placing a quick perk on my cheek.

"Hey, "suprised by his actions like we know each other for long time I mean we only spoke once and on the phone and it doesn't count for him to be this comfortable with me.

We spoke but our conversation cut short because I didn't want him to stay long for Terry's to see me talking to a boy or should I say a man because he is no longer a boy not old but you get what am trying to say.

He left and now I had to explain to Terry how I met Sammy.

"Chomi are you going to tell me or do in ok have to force it out on of you."her anticipation visible. "Who is that hotty girl does he even have a brother I am available, come on chomi spit it out."

Saved by her mom showing up when she did, not really ready to say anything because nothing happened we just getting to know each other.

We walked to where her mom parked and we went home.

I promised we'll chat about it over the phone, they dropped me off and i started on my homework I had alot .

I was home alone like always at this time of the day my granny is at work.

Went o freshen up after I was done with .y homework and prepare dinner..once I was done inwnent to my room putting my books away and took my phone, I find Terry has been blowing up my phone, I decided to video call her.

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