Super soldier system in Marvel

Chapter 28: Blocked Number

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- "The extremis virus has done well," Killian said as she reviewed the footage from the breast camera of the captain of the Hammer Assault Squad. - But even the enhanced special forces soldiers couldn't do anything about this man. His first name is August, but no last name?

- I investigated his case, the name August is probably made up. His real identity is unknown," Obadiah shook her head. - We got his fingerprints and face from the police database. His fingerprints have never been registered before, and his face is too conspicuous to forget once you see it. But there's no record of his face either.

- You think he was artificially grown for some kind of mission? Only a few organisations are capable of growing such a mutant, and we work for one of them," Audrey fast-forwarded the video to the beginning, watching as August pummelled the first member of the assault squad. - Even if these organisations could create one such super soldier, it would not be profitable for them. The cost of creation would be too high. It would be better to create hundreds of improved fighters than one super soldier.

- I'm assuming it's just a random gene mutation.

- No, it doesn't look like a random mutation. Look closely," Audrey pointed her finger at August's face on the laptop screen. - His eyes, his every action is honed, his every move calibrated. He is not the product of random mutation. He is the product of a controlled, possibly artificial mutation, created for one purpose only - to destroy the enemy's life force. - Killian smiled and her eyes blazed with light. - I want him, he's a valuable prototype, perhaps with him we can increase the chance of the extremis virus adapting in the human body.


- Mum, August is coming tomorrow, what do you think I should wear to meet him? - Hera asked Norma over breakfast. Her daughter's question got the woman thinking.

While Norma was young, she'd spent all her time studying, then working. The elder Osborne had no time for a private life. Then, when she rose up, founded her own company and entered the wealthy American society - she was no longer interested in romantic relationships. The men around her didn't look at her as a woman, seeing her more as a walking wallet. Several unsuccessful dates discouraged any further search for a mate.

Her beloved and only daughter Hera had been artificially conceived eighteen years ago. It was nothing special, most women in the world used artificial insemination. Norma didn't look strange against their background.

- 'Hera, I don't even know,' the woman cut off a piece of chicken and stuffed it in her mouth. - August is a serious guy who likes to speak from a position of strength. Try to play along.

- Play along? - the girl thought, going over the examples in her head. - Mum, do you have Aunt Stark's personal number, or even better, August's personal number?

- For my girl's sake, I was able to get August's personal number, but I'll tell you right away. I didn't get it the honest way," Norma smiled as she watched her happy daughter. The woman liked to spoil her little girl.

- Thank you mummy, I love you very much! - Hera flew up to Norma and hugged her tightly.

- Well, well, well, I don't spare anything for you, you are my daughter, - smiling, Norma stroked her daughter's back. It was for the sake of this moment that she tried and managed to get August's mobile number.

After finishing breakfast, the Osborne family split up. The older Ozborn went to work for the company and the younger went to high school. Hera was in her final year of high school, with her final exams looming, after which she would be heading off to university.

The black-haired girl walked into her classroom and threw her schoolbag on the desk. Glancing around the classroom, she came across her friend Petra Parker's brown hair, next to her stood a rustling Gwen Stacey. They were Hera Osbourne's best friends, the three girls had been friends since high school.

Petra Parker was a quiet girl nerd, knew all the theoretical knowledge, studied on excellent. During conversations she behaved quietly and passively. She was not fond of sports, devoting most of her time to memorising some information.

Gwen Stacey was her complete opposite. She was an average student, an energetic, cheerful girl, always sticking her nose where it didn't belong. She spent most of her free time doing gymnastics. She dreams of having a boyfriend. All attempts to realise her dream have failed.

- Look who's here, where were you last night? - Gwen came up smiling, sticking her hands in the pockets of her jeans. Behind her stood Petra and also looked thoughtfully at Hera.

- Would you believe me if I told you that the day before yesterday I met my love? - Osborne sat down at her desk and asked her friends in a snide voice. She paid special attention to Gwen, who was constantly mocking her about her lack of a boyfriend.

- Pfft, don't make me laugh! - Gwen laughed, slamming Osbourne down on her desk. Petra didn't believe her black-haired friend either.

- I'm telling you the truth, here's a picture of him! - Hera switched on her new phone and showed the screen saver of Augustus sitting at the table. The mercenary's appearance startled Gwen and Petra.

- E-that, listen, and who is he? - Gwen was confused, Petra behind her also nodded her head quickly. It was the first time the two girls had seen such a handsome man.

- He's Anita Stark's personal bodyguard, don't look at his appearance, I didn't believe it at first either, but he's a great mercenary... - and Hera began to tell about the incident at the Stark Expo, especially embellishing the moment when August appeared. There she made him look like an unshakable hero, who had single-handedly defeated a dozen enemies at once.

- I can't believe such a man even exists! - Gwen exclaimed, searching for information on her phone. - But it's true. Look, - Gwen pointed to the phone to her friends. - This bodyguard's name is August, and he's quite famous online, he even has his own fan page.

The three schoolgirls ducked into their phones, looking for information on August on the internet. And there he really was famous. Journalists had compiled a full biography on him, from his work in Afghanistan to his most recent events. His temporary incarceration in prison was also spelt out, without details, of course.

- Tomorrow he should come to my house for dinner," Hera said contentedly, looking at her friends' stretched faces.

- Will you invite me?! - Gwen raised her hand.

- No.

Classes at school were over. The three friends decided to go to a large shopping centre to dress up Hera for tomorrow's event. Gwen was the main campaigner for the event.

The girls walked through several dozen fancy clothing shops.

- Now in these clothes you look simply inimitable! - exclaimed Gwen, patting Hera on the shoulder. - Come on take a picture of yourself and send it to August, I think he will like it!

- You think so? I haven't talked to him on the phone before, maybe I shouldn't send a picture of myself first?

- You have to prove yourself, guys don't like insecure girls!

- All right.

Hera took a couple of pictures of herself in the mirror and chose the best one in her opinion, then sent the picture to August's phone, adding the caption "How do you like me?".

The three friends stared at the phone screen, waiting for a response. A minute passed, five minutes passed. The message still hadn't been read.

- Okay, let's take a walk for now, boys don't read messages right away," Gwen led her friends towards the food court.

A couple of hours later, Hera's phone beeped, an alert came through. Osbourne reached for her phone with great anticipation to see August's reply. But instead of a reply, a messenger alert came, "You have been blocked by XXXX, your ability to send messages is restricted."

The phone fell out of Hera's hands and hit the tiled floor. Gwen and Petra turned their attention to their friend.

- What happened? - Gwen asked, but Osborne said nothing. Her face was hidden by her drooping black hair. Then Stacey picked up her friend's phone and looked at the latest messenger alerts. - Yeah, look, it's no big deal. It's not a big deal, I've had plenty of them, the important thing is not to get discouraged.

- Yes, that's right, the most important thing is not to give up, - echoed Gwen Petra.

- Tomorrow he will come to you for dinner, you will have plenty of opportunities to get closer to him, just prepare well and you can conquer him, - handed the phone to Hera Gwen.

- Yes, I'll have another chance tomorrow! - Hera cheered up, imagining tomorrow's dinner with the handsome mercenary.

(picture sent to Augustus)


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