Super Zoo

Chapter 500 Reindeer Bay

Since the mine closure in the '80s, Hell's Gate has become an increasingly mysterious legend. Located in a remote area at the northernmost part of Russia, close to the Arctic Circle, the peninsula is rarely visited by people. Additionally, with the powerful Northern Fleet stationed there, it was difficult for the average person to get a glimpse of the place, adding a thick layer of mystery. Along with Bermuda and Heavenly Lake, it's regarded as one of the world's most enigmatic locations. Enjoy new adventures from My Virtual Library Empire

While Suming was studying in Huaxia, he had heard many legends about Hell's Gate, including materialistic analyses.

Some believed that the mine closure was due to hitting a magma layer, and the 'devil's' roars coming from underground were the sounds of flowing magma.

Others suspected that the 'devil' myth was intentionally fabricated by Soviet officials because the gold had been depleted. At the time, the Soviet Union was in the midst of the Cold War with the West, and the peninsula was strategically located at the junction of both sides. With the powerful Northern Fleet stationed there, spreading frightening news could serve certain political goals.

However, despite the varied opinions, one thing was certain: in the decades since the mine had closed, no hordes of devils had emerged from Hell's Gate to destroy the world. Both the fleet stationed on the peninsula and the indigenous people continued to live their normal lives.

But the legend of Hell's Gate persisted.

The Russian Government's decision to let the Lure People live near Hell's Gate was likely because the land was barren and worthless; no Russian would choose to live there, so accommodating the Lure People was an easy favor.

In the unlikely event that something scientifically unpredictable existed, and 'devils' indeed poured out of Hell's Gate, the Lure People could act as a shield, raising the alarm.

Of course, not only did Suming dismiss such a possibility, but so did the Russian Government.

"Your Excellency Mr. President, I am convinced that the idea of Hell's Gate is sheer nonsense," Suming chuckled and gently tapped on the table with his finger, leaving his sentence unfinished.

A Russian government official spoke in a somewhat mocking tone, "But now the Lure People have found their Divine Envoy, oh, more precisely, the envoy of a real god. Under the guidance of the Divine Envoy, they eradicate all demons. You see, even the sacred texts of the Fire Worshiping Sect confirm that living near Hell's Gate is very suited for the Lure People."

A few other Russian officials couldn't help but shake their heads and smile as well. Suming becoming the 'Divine Envoy' of the Lure People was an open secret. To civilized society, this event was, at best, a beautiful misunderstanding, and at worst, a foolish joke.

Apart from the Lure People themselves, no one took Suming's role seriously, including Ludmila, who had witnessed Suming pass various trials and had escaped with him. She didn't really believe that Suming possessed any 'magical powers.' She just thought Suming was very capable in many areas and particularly lucky.

Most of the people present were from the Russian side, and they all had their biases. When it came to debates over mutual interests, the Russian Government officials instinctively took the same side.

Suming kept a normal expression, remaining silent. Amidst the laughter, he calmly looked at President Vladimir. This big shot was the one who truly had decision-making power; as much as the others laughed, if they lost all their teeth, they would be but part of the scenery.

President Vladimir's expression darkened slightly. Although it wasn't a formal diplomatic occasion, mocking another nation's religious beliefs was extremely impolite, especially since the young man sitting before him had just been awarded the title of 'Friend of the Russian People.'

"We will carry out infrastructure construction on the Kola Peninsula, including housing, water, electricity, and natural gas—essential living measures—and provide Lure People with the necessary materials for production and life..."

Vladimir's tone was even, but he spoke rapidly, listing a series of aids the Russian Government could offer. He even thought of details such as the right to bear arms and language issues. He concluded, "In general, we will treat them the same as the other indigenous tribes on the peninsula, granting them full autonomy as long as it doesn't violate the Russian constitution. In exchange, the Lure People must not change their residence and must take Russian citizenship. Moreover, it must be guaranteed that the Lure tribe will not move from their peninsula home for fifty years."

"We hope your country can speed up the construction process."

After completing the negotiation, Suming stood up and nodded with a smile to President Vladimir, "Congratulations to Russia for gaining a new ethnic group."

"Congratulations to Huaxia Country as well, and of course, to you personally, Mr. Su. On the scenic peninsula, you now have a summer palace for vacationing," President Vladimir said.


Successful people are always busy, Vladimir is no exception, and neither is Suming. After setting the overall direction in the small conference room, the President rose from his seat and left to return to Moscow to attend to state affairs. Suming stayed behind to work out the specific details with the officials responsible for 'immigration' and to sign the treaty.

During this time, over two thousand Lure People finally left their ancestral homeland, from the war-torn Iraq, transported in batches by Russian cargo planes, arriving directly at the Kola Peninsula, landing at the military airport of the Northern Fleet, and reaching their new home, Reindeer Bay, in the northern part of the peninsula.

On the map, the Kola Peninsula at Russia's northernmost tip is just a small part of Russia's vast territories, with an area of one hundred thousand square kilometers, about the size of one of Huaxia's smaller inland provinces. The most northern coastal triangle of the peninsula is Reindeer Bay.

As the name suggests, Reindeer Bay abounds with reindeer, the mythical steeds of Santa Claus, which are often seen in the pine forests of Reindeer Bay.

Because there's been no modern hunting or development, there's a large number of reindeer. The local residents of the peninsula and occasional hunting trips by the Northern Fleet aren't enough to keep pace with the reindeer populations' natural growth rate, leading to a situation where there are almost 'too many deer'.

Reindeer Bay, facing the Arctic Ocean, is not as cold as one might imagine. Probably because there are so many trees, half of the year the temperature is above ten degrees, and in summer, it can even approach twenty degrees, similar to Huaxia's spring or autumn, with a pleasant climate. No wonder Vladimir said it would become Suming's summer palace.

The bay is crisscrossed with many branches of rivers, and is dotted with lakes of all sizes. In the not-so-deep streams, one can often spot Taimen and salmon.

Suming arrived at Reindeer Bay almost simultaneously with the last group of Lure People.

On the largest plain of Reindeer Bay, the Russian construction team was working with great enthusiasm.

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