Surely not another isekai? Right?

Chapter 4: 4

[Character Status]

Name: Rin

Level: 7

Class: Mage

Health: 120/120

Mana: 90/90

Stamina: 100/100

[Title: N/A]

[EXP: 250/700]

[AP: 15]

[SP: 35]


Dexterity: 11

Strength: 10

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 18

Endurance: 12


[Basic analysis]

Rarity: F

Type: Active

Description: Allows the user to check monsters and creatures Lvl and HP.

[Mana Reflux]

Rarity: B

Type: Active

Cooldown: 5 min

Description: Allows the user to recover 50% of the mana used if used within 10 seconds of casting a skill.

[Tier 1 Magic skills]

Fireball - Lvl 5

Minor Heal - Lvl 1

Arcane Shield - Lvl 1

Ice shards - Lvl 1

Whirlwind - Lvl 1

Minor earthquake - Lvl 5

I haven't felt this relieved since forever. But obviously, I couldn't stay lying down forever.

Just because the boss was dead didn't mean the other monsters had disappeared.

I pushed myself up, using my staff for support, and walked toward the girls.

The body of that damn snake had vanished.

Good for him. God knows what I would have done to the corpse otherwise.

Violet and Renia were both sprawled on the ground, their breathing heavy.

Leveling up might have erased our physical fatigue, but the mental exhaustion stayed.

"You two doing okay?" I asked. Stupid question, but I didn't know what else to say.

"Do I look okay?" Violet scoffed.

Well, if she still had the energy to be rude, she'd probably live.

"Renia's fine as long as Rin's fine~," Renia murmured with a soft smile.

Sweet girl. Violet could never.

I walked over and sat beside Renia's lying form.

"What did you guys get?" Violet asked, finally sitting up.

"I got an ability. Mana recovery or something," I said.

"Renia got something called the Ring of Vitality," she said. "It increases the wearer's HP by 50% apparently."

"Sounds useful." Judging by the effect, I'd guess it was B-rank.

Renia suddenly sat up and took my hand. "Renia can give it to Rin if he wants~."

"Really? I'd love to!" No shame in being a little selfish, right?

"Okay~" she hummed, then slipped the ring onto my finger.


Is it just me or does this feels a lot similar to something else?

"There you go!" she chirped, eyes sparkling.

[Artifact Equipped]

[Ring of Vitality]

Rarity: A

Effect: Increases the wearer's max HP by 50%

I checked my HP.

[HP: 180/180]

Neat. I just had to pump my AP into Endurance, and I'd be set.

"Ahem. What about you, Violet?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Me? I got a katana," she said, lifting the weapon beside her.

Convenient. Too convenient. Either the gods tailored artifacts and abilities to each person, or… she was the MC.



A bloodcurdling roar tore through the air.

A lion-like beast emerged, twice the size of the wolves we had fought before. Purple flames danced across its massive fangs.

I didn't even bother checking its stats. I already knew. I was dead.


Fuck me in the ass.

As if the oversized cat wasn't enough, a wolf of matching size stepped into view.

Killing myself might be the easier way out.

Violet was frozen in place, her eyes locked on the approaching beasts. Renia clung to me tighter.


It was nice knowing you, Violet, but this might be the last time we see each other. I hope you'll forgive me.

I turned slightly, lowering my voice. "Renia, get ready to run."

Renia tilted her head but nodded without question.

I felt a little guilty about leaving Violet behind, but I cared more for mine and Renia's life.

I stood up, gripping my staff. If I could just redirect the monsters toward Violet, I could buy us enough time to escape.

[SP: 35 → 0]

[Arcane Shield upgraded to Level 5]

[Whirlwind upgraded to Level 4]

The lion and wolf lunged—one toward Violet, the other toward us.

Renia dodged easily, but I barely managed to jump to the side in time. The lion's claws tore into the ground where I had been standing.

I quickly pointed my staff at it.

[Skill activated: Whirlwind.]

[-15 MP | MP: 75/90]

A violent gust of wind blasted forth, sending the lion flying backward—straight at Violet.

I turned to her and cast Arcane Shield.

[Skill activated: Arcane Shield.]

[-10 MP | MP: 65/90]

That was the best I could do. I hope she survives, for my own sanity.

I glanced at Renia. "Now."

Renia nodded, grabbed my wrist, and ran.

She was fast.

Like, really fast.

Only after putting a substantial distance between us and the beasts did we finally stop to catch our breath.

I leaned against a fallen wall, chest heaving.

"God… I'm exhausted," I muttered. This was more running than I had done in my entire life.

"Rin did nothing wrong!" Renia declared firmly.

I glanced at her. "Thanks…?"

Nice of her to worry about me, I guess.

The seconds dragged on. It felt like we had been running for hours.

"Let's rest for a bit," I said, dropping onto the wall.

Renia immediately sat beside me, hooking her arm through mine.

"Renia's so happy Rin cares for her," she murmured, nuzzling against my arm. "She won't leave you either. Ever."


Before I could respond further—

A familiar cold voice rang through the air.

"Congratulations on surviving, humans."

I blinked. Gabriel.

Can't believe it, but I missed this bitch.

Hopefully, this meant it was finally over.

"You shall now be transported to Eldoria, a land of boundless potential and a melting pot of various races," Gabriel stated. "It will be the starting point for the heroes' journey."

I didn't like the sound of that.

"And hold no resentment toward the gods, for your fallen comrades have been returned safely to your planet," Gabriel continued. "The 'final death' rule was but a faux—to make you all take things seriously."

I blinked.

…So I could've just killed myself?

Can I still do it?

Either way, it was a relief that Violet hadn't actually died. At least I felt less guilty.

"That said, we cannot prevent any deaths after this. So be careful," Gabriel added. "Well then, farewell."

The moment the voice faded, a bright light engulfed us.

I instinctively shut my eyes.



I opened my eyes.

The sky was blue, the sun bright, and the wind gentle as it swept through the open field. Soft grass cushioned my back, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I felt at peace.

Gone were the days of Crimson skies. Woohoo.

I almost forgot what this felt like.

I pushed myself up, glancing around. People. Lots of them. Humans, elves, beastmen, dwarves, all scattered across the field, their faces mirroring my own confusion.

Clearly, I wasn't the only one who had been dragged here.

As expected, Renia was right beside me, her arm looped through mine.

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned, and lo and behold.

Standing there, looking very much alive, was our dearest and favorite Violet.

"Umm… good to see you're still breathing," I said, a little unsure of what reaction I was supposed to have.

"You too," she muttered, releasing my shoulder.

This can't be... Violet was replaced?

I stared at her, half-expecting a punch. But she just stood there, calm.


Before I could question this imposter, a voice cut through the murmuring crowd.

"Welcome, everyone!"

Heads turned as five figures stepped onto a raised platform, three men and two women, all clad in sturdy, polished armor.

"I'm sure you're all confused," the one with fiery red hair spoke. His voice carried effortless authority, his sharp features making it clear he wasn't just some random knight.

"We'll do our best to explain the situation," he continued.

"I am Valor, Grandmaster of Starborn, the leading guild in Eldoria. And while this may seem unreal to some, I'm sure many of you already have an idea of why you're here."

Unreal? Yeah, no shit.

"It is true that we must fight the demons. And we have made a lot of progress actually." Valor's voice was steady, assured. "As of today, we have freed 37 worlds, and our leading hero has reached level 81."


I guess that means I can just sit back and let the strong guys handle things.

"We were once like you," Valor continued. "Summoned five years ago. And every year since, a new generation of heroes arrives. You all are the Fifth Generation."

"Some of you might think catching up is impossible. But don't worry. With limitless potential and experienced heroes guiding you, you'll close the gap in no time. Two Fourth-Gen heroes have already reached the top 20."

That's funny.

"That said," Valor crossed his arms, "not all of you will want to fight. While I recommend at least gaining enough strength to protect yourselves, those who choose to stay in Eldoria are welcome.

"The residents here will offer you shelter and work, should you wish to remain."

Now we're talking.

I leaned toward Renia. "We should retire and live by the shore. What do you say?"

Her eyes lit up. "Really? Yes, of course!"

Before we could plan our peaceful future, Violet cut in.

"Don't be stupid."

Obviously, I wasn't serious. I'm not naive enough to think I'd never have to fight.

"That's all for now," Valor concluded. "Find your friends and families first. We'll talk again once you do."

With that, he and the other four stepped down, leaving the crowd to scatter.

I turned to Renia. "We should look around." Her sister might still be here.


"What about you, Violet? Got someone to find?"

She hesitated. "No… I'll join you guys for now."

Renia groaned.

Yeah. This was going to be annoying.

The crowd was massive.

With Renia latched onto my arm, we pushed through hundreds of people. I spotted elves, beastmen, even dwarves, all with actual fantasy features.

It felt… surreal.

"Rin's looking at them. A lot." Renia side-eyed me.

"Well, duh. When have you ever seen elves in real life?"

They were just as beautiful as the fantasy novels described.

Honestly? I kind of wanted one as my girlfriend. But I kept that thought to myself.

Then, I saw her.

Long brown hair. Ocean-blue eyes.

She stood chatting away with a group of people. Unlike Renia, she was… well-endowed.

What could have gone wrong, did go wrong.

Renia let go of my arm and yelled, "Mila!"

Her sister turned.

The moment she saw Renia, her face lit up.

Then she sprinted.

I mean sprinted.

"Ren!" Mila crashed into her sister, wrapping her into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Ughh… Renia can't breathe!"

Feels good huh? You understand what I go through now?

Mila ignored her complaints, nuzzling her cheek against Renia's. "You're a grown woman. Handle it."

I watched, unimpressed.

I've seen this scene before. While I wasn't particularly close with Mila, I saw her enough to recognize the pattern.

Renia? Helpless. Mila? Relentless.

"Rin… help…" Renia mumbled, her breath fading.

You will be remembered. Rest in pieces.

"Oh!" Mila finally noticed me when Renia mentioned my name. She released her dying sister and turned to me.

"Thank you for taking care of Ren as always!" she said, bowing slightly.

Someone's adopted.

"It's nothing, really. She's a good friend."

Well, I did help keep her kill count at zero, so that's something.

Renia perked up, resurrected from her demise. "Friend? Just a friend? Rin, Renia's hurt."

I ignored her and gestured behind me. "This is Violet, by the way."

Mila turned her attention to our gloomy third wheel. "Nice to meet you! I'm glad little Ren is making friends!"


Cold, but at least she wasn't rude.

"Hey! Don't ignore Renia!"

Mila chuckled. "Ah, I forgot! Let me introduce you to these guys."

She turned and waved. "Come here, guys!"

Two guys and a girl approached us.

One was tall and lean, the other had glasses and the vibe of a nerd. The girl was small, dressed in an oversized hoodie and a long skirt.

Mila smiled. "I met them when I got transported here. They're good kids."

How old is she?

Don't ask. Might get you killed. Read in a book.

"Heya!" The tall one grinned. "I'm Etsu. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Rin. This is Renia," I said. No way she was introducing herself.

"Violet," she muttered, arms crossed.

Show a little smile, damn. Even I try in conversations.

"I'm Elias. Pleasure meeting you all," the nerdy one said.

The girl hesitated before mumbling, "Umm… Uh… I'm Mini."

She barely made eye contact.

Nice. I already felt better about myself.

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