Chapter 5: 5
I was on a streak today.
Who knew I could actually handle talking to so many people? Great going, me.
"So, what's the plan now?" Mila asked.
"We're planning to search the area more," Etsu replied. "My friends or family could still be here. Why don't you all join us if you're looking for someone too?"
Renia, Violet, and I had no friends. No one to search for. Great trio.
Mila, though, was the social type. She might have some friends scattered around.
"I have a few people I'd like to check on," she said before turning to us, the lonely trio. "What about you guys?"
"I'm not looking for anyone," I admitted. "But I don't mind tagging along."
Not like I had anything better to do in this unknown world.
"What about you two? Ren? Violet?"
"Renia will follow Rin, of course."
"I'm coming too," Violet muttered, still looking a bit lost.
Mila clapped her hands together. "Great! Let's go!"
She took the lead, followed by Etsu and Elias.
Something felt off, though.
I slowed my steps, glancing back. Were we forgetting someone?
Ah, right.
The quiet girl—Mi… Miyu? Mini? What was her name again?
She was standing still, fidgeting with the hem of her oversized hoodie.
"Let's go," I said, brushing it off and walking ahead.
Renia latched onto my arm again, as expected, while Violet trailed behind.
Then, a tiny voice, barely audible.
Renia turned her head. "Hmm?"
It was her, of course.
The girl who looked like she wanted to disappear.
"C-can I come with you guys too…?"
"Psst, Renia…" I leaned closer.
"What?" she whispered back.
"What was her name again?"
…Mike? Surely not.
I turned back to the girl.
"Of course, Mike. You're welcome to join us," I said, not missing a beat.
"W-we should hurry…" Mike, I guess muttered, wobbling forward to catch up.
As we walked through the village road, Elias sighed dramatically.
"Man, I want an elf girlfriend so bad."
Preach, brother.
Stole the words right outta my mouth.
"Stop with your nerdy shit, man," Etsu slapped him on the back. "Hit the gym, and girls will flock to you like crazy."
While the dudes did their dude talk, Mila had her own priorities.
"Ren, won't you hug your sister?" She pouted. "Pretty please? With a cherry on top?"
"No." Renia's grip on my arm tightened. Ouch. "Renia's fine as is."
Violet and Mike were, of course, silent.
"Sheesh, look at that elf. I'd give up my life for her," Elias groaned.
I looked around.
"Ugh. Disgusting." Renia muttered.
Elias blinked. "Huh? What'd you just say?"
"Renia just said that nerd boy is disgusting and should jump off a cliff." Renia doubled down.
Ah. Here we go.
I knew this was going to happen sooner or later.
Mila sighed. "Ren, don't be rude."
Renia just pouted and looked away.
"I'm sorry about that," Mila quickly bowed a little toward Elias. "She must be hungry."
Nice save.
Etsu laughed, shaking his head. "That little one's got some energy."
Elias just sighed. "It's fine. Miss Mila is so much cuter and gentler than her sister."
Poor guy.
Might be used to being insulted.
We walked for a while until I stopped.
Someone familiar was ahead.
Or maybe not.
Just an average-looking dude. No offense.
Then it clicked.
He was my neighbor.
The guy I saw watering plants sometimes.
"Something wrong?" Etsu asked.
"Nothing. Just my neighbor."
"Shouldn't you call him over?" Elias suggested. "The more, the better, no?"
"I… don't really know him that well," I admitted. It'd just feel awkward.
"Even so…" Elias muttered.
Before I could think about it, Etsu took action.
"Yo, dude! Wanna join us?" he yelled.
The neighbor guy looked at us.
Then, his gaze landed on Renia.
His face twisted.
"With that girl included? No thanks."
He just walked off.
Elias sighed. "Can't blame him."
Honestly? I couldn't either.
"Why?" I asked, just to keep the conversation going.
Elias gave me a pointed look. "Dude. You know your girlfriend."
That got him a glare from Renia.
Thankfully, she didn't start shouting obscenities.
"She's cute to me," I shrugged. "And not my girlfriend."
"Only to you, bruh." Elias sighed. "Even though you got a girl all over you, I can't even be jealous."
"Ahem. Hello once again."
A familiar voice echoed through the air.
"Let's go hear what he has to say," Etsu suggested.
We moved closer to the stage.
This time, there were more people standing beside Valor.
One of them was pulling a cart—dragging a giant crystal behind him.
I have seen enough anime to know where this is going.
"I hope you all managed to find your loved ones or better yet, have found no one," Valor spoke.
"I'm sure most of you have already decided whether you'll fight or stay behind. So I'll get straight to the point."
He gestured with his hand, and the four knights beside him stepped forward.
"These are the Guildmasters of the third, fourth, seventh, and tenth leading guilds. Please introduce yourselves."
The silver-haired knight, strikingly handsome, stepped forward first.
"I am Mikhail, Guildmaster of the 3rd leading guild, Starlight."
The burly beastman with short brown hair and a beard followed.
"Name's Mair. Seventh leading guild, The Iron Fangs."
Did I mention he had cat ears? Diabolical combo.
The green-haired elven woman spoke next.
"Nice to meet you. I am Elora, Guildmaster of the 4th leading guild, Etherbinders."
And lastly, the dark-haired woman stepped forward.
"Valerie. 10th leading guild, Gilded Blades."
"Now, why introduce them?" Valor continued.
"Because I want you all to join a guild. Being alone is as good as suicide."
"Of course, not all of you want to join a guild. If you prefer, you can form your own through the Adventurers' Guild. Some of you might already be strong fighters."
That makes sense I suppose, but honestly, joining a well established guild sounds better.
"But we, the leading guilds, have criteria for recruitment."
Here we go.
"Behind me is a crystal that detects your elemental affinity. And before you assume, this isn't just for mages. Everyone can wield the elements."
"If your affinity is terrible, don't worry. You can prove yourself in combat instead."
"And if you suck at both there are plenty of other guilds that'll take you."
Yap, yap, yap. I'm getting bored.
"Oh, and if you have special abilities, even low-ranked ones, speak up. Alchemy D-rank and Elemental Manipulation guarantee you a spot in a top guild."
"Now then, form a line."
The crowd scrambled forward, forming a messy line.
"Let's check ours too!" Mila said, practically bouncing as she ran ahead, Etsu and Elias following right behind her.
I wanted to check mine as well, so I pulled Renia along with me.
Ah, wait. Mike too. I could sympathize with her. She reminded me of how I used to be.
"Won't you join us?" I turned back and asked. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"U-umm... if it's okay..."
Seeing her like that, I realized just how far I had come.
"And Violet?"
"Sure. I guess I can show off a little," she said, her usual absent look fading just a bit.
Very humble.
With Miss Humble, Mike, and Renia, we formed a line behind the excited trio.
After what felt like forever, our turn finally came.
There were maybe six or seven S-rank evaluations so far. I wasn't really keeping track. I just wanted to check mine.
"Name, class and abilities?" The evaluator, a guy with black hair and glasses, looked up from a clipboard. He was a little better looking than Elias. No offense.
"I'm Mila, a Cleric! And no ability." she answered excitedly.
"Alright. Place your hand on the crystal and channel a bit of mana. The glow will determine your affinity."
Up close, I could make out the eight distinct symbols carved into the crystal.
Mila pressed her hand against it. Light pulsed from the stone, illuminating all eight symbols. One glowed deep purple, the rest a dim yellow.
"Light affinity, B-rank. The rest are around D-rank. Not bad. You're good to go."
"Okay!" Mila stepped aside and beamed at us. "I'll wait for you guys. You got this!" She flashed a thumbs-up.
Elias and Etsu went next, their affinities ranging from C to E-rank.
Then it was my turn. Hopefully, something good.
"Name, abilities, and class?"
"Rin. Mage. And a B-rank ability, mana reflux."
"Mana Reflux? Not a bad ability. Place your hand on the crystal."
I pressed my palm against the smooth surface. A moment later, the markings lit up—orange, two purples, and the rest in a mix of white, green, and other colors.
Mila had purple too, so that was probably good. Orange was new, and the rest seemed like the lower-ranked ones I'd seen earlier.
"Hmm… Ice affinity, A-rank. Fire and Earth, B-rank. The rest range from D to F."
Not bad. This should make things easier.
"Wow! Renia knew Rin was gonna be strong," Renia said, hugging my arm tighter.
"T-That's great, R-Rin!" Even Mike chimed in.
One at a time, ladies.
Violet, of course, looked unimpressed.
"Next," the evaluator called.
Sheesh, someone's jealous.
I stepped aside and joined the others.
"That's solid, man," Etsu said with a nod.
"Damn it, I'm so jealous! I wanted my dark affinity to be high, but it turned out trash." Elias groaned.
"No need to worry, Elias. Every antihero rises from the bottom," he muttered, drowning in sweet copium.
"You'll get there," I patted his back. Probably not, but one can hope.
"Yeah, don't worry about it!" Mila added cheerfully.
"Hey, you're Rin, right?"
I turned. A tall, elegant elf stood before me—Elora, the fourth guild's leader.
"You may already know me, but let me introduce myself properly," she said, her tone cool and composed. "I am Elora, the Guildmaster of Etherbinders, the leading guild for mages."
There was an air of confidence around her, something almost… alluring.
"You have potential. I'd like to refine it. Would you consider joining Etherbinders?"
"Can I have some time to think about it?"
"Of course."
It was tempting. I'd probably end up joining, but I needed to see where Renia and the others were going first.
A small force slammed into me.
"Renia got an S-rank affinity in dark magic, hehe!" she beamed, clinging to me.
"Good for you. I say as I drown in envy," Elias muttered.
"You're speaking out your actions. Must be bad," Etsu laughed.
"Well then, if you decide, let me know. I'll be here recruiting for a while." Elora nodded and walked off.
"Who was she?" Renia asked.
"She was proposing to Rin and asked him to leave poor old Ren," Mila teased.
…You're going to get me killed.
"WH-WHAT?!" Renia's grip tightened, trembling.
"Renia's going to have a little chat with her." She started marching toward Elora.
I caught her wrist before she could get far. "Your sister's obviously joking."
Not paid enough for this.
Then, a sudden commotion.
"F-Four S-rank affinities?! This is insane!"
"What?! No way!"
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime talent!"
"Lemme see!"
"Hey, don't push me!"
"I wanna smell some feet!"
A crowd formed, voices buzzing with excitement.
"Wonder who that is," Elias muttered.
I had a feeling I knew.
"Ugh. Move," a familiar groan cut through the noise.
The crowd parted like the Red Sea.
Violet stepped forward, completely unfazed.
"Congrats, Violet!" Mila greeted.
"Thanks, I guess," she said, her tone as flat as ever. "Let's go. It's getting noisy."
You don't say.