Chapter 11: Lost and found
Parrish was coming home from a long night shift, he worked for longer hours than the rest of the department for obvious reasons, not that he was forced to, it's just that he felt the obligation to do more, to work harder, he however still needed to rest nonetheless, hellhound or not.
He dropped his entire weight on the couch, his eyes lingered from the wall facing him up towards the ceiling, took a lengthy breath, held it for a few seconds then let it out in an extended exhale, he brought his hand to his face and rubbed his eyes simultaneously with his thumb and index, if that wasn't a sign of exhaustion nothing else could qualify as such.
He thought there was no time to be wasted, he got up all the while pulling his badge off his chest and putting it on the table near, he started unbuttoning his uniform blouse and heading towards the shower, his plans were to clean up, sleep some, one or two hours at most, then go back out there, not much difference from his routine, he saw absolutely no reason that night should be divergent.
Well, those plans were cut short when midway out of the living room the tv screen lit up, on its own accord.
He immediately froze and gave his entire attention to the occurrence, he just kept standing there and staring at it, waiting for anything else to happen, not knowing what to expect. Jordan was a hellhound, he lived in a world filled with werewolves, banshees, wendigos and whatever the hell else was out there, all of witch, he got to accept. TVs turning themselves on however... He wasn't very sure what to make of it, especially with the car radio incident he had earlier that same night.
Whatever the explanation, he wasn't going to get it by standing still and gaping at it intensively. He took a few cautious steps forward and stopped again once close to the devise, he tried listening, thinking that a voice might come through the statics, just like the radio, that maybe he could hear the voice calling for him again. Alas, no one's voice came out so the deputy decided there was no use to the persuit of a clarification right then.
He reached for the switch button to turn the TV off, when he pushed it the screen went black as fast as it lit up, and if it wasn't for the bright moonlight shinning through the window he would have never noticed the reflection of a silhouette standing behind him.
Parrish didn't squander a second and flipped around himself to catch sight and hopefully identify the intruder, before it vanished in a puff of smoke and leave him to question his sanity, kind of like every other bizarre thing that happened that night. Usually, he'd have his gun pulled and pointed at his target already, not for this case however, this time he felt deep in his core a sense, he sensed that whoever this individual was, they didn't mean any harm, that they were a friend.
Well that she was a friend, one look at her and he immediately knew it was her voice that came through the radio, he just knew.
"You were not supposed to be here," she steered him out of his thoughts when she broke the pending silence.
"What do you mean?"
"You have to find me... tonight, a lot of people will die if you don't," she replied to his question.
"You are a banshee!" his intonation was somewhere between a question and a statement.
"Come find me,"
"How do I do that?"
"You are a harbinger of death, you know what to do,"
"Spare me time then, just tell me where you are," he begged.
"Time ... yes, I don't have much time left," she looked down towards her abdomen area and his eyes followed.
"You are injured!" he could easily tell from the huge circle of blood staining her snow white dress.
"In the woods, you know where..." she uttered those last words in a distant whisper, a breath, almost like she was moving further and further away from him then... The TV went back on again, the sound of static consumed the room and that's when...
Parrish woke up from the nap he wasn't even aware he was taking, he was still on the couch, turned out, it was all a dream, but just like Lydia he knew too well not to take it too lightly.
He didn't know who she was or what she ment but one thing about her was for sure; She was reaching out to him for help!
Jordan jumped out of his seat, picked up his badge and keys on the way out, hopped in his car and drove away.
"In the woods! In the woods! Couldn't she be a bit more specific ?! God! I'll never find her like this!"
The Beacon Hills preserve was a vast land, if he had any chance of finding her, he was going to have to rely on his supernatural side, he had to let it take over even if just for a short while.
When it came to fighting enemies, he did that multiple times it was becoming a habit, though when it came to his supernatural GPS skills... Parrish did that once to find Lydia, but that felt different, he didn't remember how he did it, and it was a lot easier because she was right next to the nemeton.
He didn't fully have faith in his abilities yet, and he was beating himself up for not realizing that sooner and working on it, it was too late for that, he couldn't focus, his thoughts were all over the place, her words were playing back in his mind like a broken record," If you don't find me, a lot of people will die,"
" I wish Lydia was here! This is her specialty!"
Yes! Lydia, what would she have done ? How did she do it? He was rummaging through his head for a solution, a memory that could be of use to him then, for some reason only one came through to the surface, it was that of a conversation he had with Lydia, back in the summer when she was helping him figure out what creature he was.
//Memory Flash//
"So how do you do it? How do you always find the bodies before anyone even realizes these people are missing?" Parrish had asked.
"Most of the time I don't know what I am doing, or even that I am doing it. It just started happening after I was bitten,"
"I thought you had to be born a banshee, you can't be given that power by a bite," he'd replied.
"Yes, I came to find out that it runs in the family, the power was always dormant, it was always in me, Peter just brought it out with the bite," explained Lydia.
"But, there has to be a common denominator, a constant element in the way you always find the bodies?"
Lydia took a few seconds to reply, she appeared to be considering something, then, "Well, now that you mention it... I think... Everytime it happened, it did while I was driving or...sitting next to the driver."
He kept looking at her, waiting for more, he could tell from the look on her face that she had a lot more to say about it.
"It happened many times but, the first time I was conscious about it was when... me and Kira were trying to help Malia with her driving, I told her to take a turn convinced it would take us to school, then Kira pointed out we were heading down town, that's when I knew I was doing it, and that we had to keep going that way,"
"So, it just... happens then, noway to know how or when..."
"There was this once, where I was sure the GPS was on, and I was just following it, but then Aidan told me that the GPS was off all the time,"
"The GPS??"
" Yes, in my mind I was following the indications of the GPS," she said.
// End Flash Memory//
Parrish glanced at the GPS, hoping it would happen to him and that somehow he would hear its voice.
He clinged to the steering wheel, his breathing accelerated, he was losing his cool, he needed to focus, there was alot on the line, so many lives, he didn't have the right to screw it up.
"I can do this! I can!" he uttered those encouragement words to himself, then closed his eyes for two seconds, the car was still moving, not slowing down, in fact it was picking up speed as it went.
When he opened them, they were both glowing in a radiant warm orange tone, like they were the gates to hell and those gates were about to open.
He handed complete control of his body over to his powers, he knew he'd need to stay conscious but just enough to know what was going on around him, he felt his muscles relaxing, his seat beneath him, the air around him, kind of like he was hypnotizing himself.
The deputy felt a sudden change in direction, he was making a turn, it was working, hopefully he would not be late or else ...
That dynamic continued for over ten minutes, he eventually left his car behind and kept going on foot, he picked up his pace, very soon he began to run through the woods, there was no stopping him, well there ... was, once he reached the person he was looking for.
Parrish finally did, he found her, found Maylee the banshee that spoke to Lydia, her state was deplorable, curled up against a tree to shelter herself from the harsh cold wind.