Chapter 12: Guardian Angel
"If we die out here, I swear to god, I will kill you!!" promised the young man to his partner as he walked behind him.
"Talk about beating the dead horse!" a second voice had risen in the dead of night.
"Just remind me why we are doing this again? I mean for all we know it could just be a trap and we are walking right into an ambush," this time he formulated a question instead of a threat.
He did have legitimate reasons to show and express concern. Walking in the woods at night when it was freezing cold, under a full moon to top that, wasn't exactly the wisest nor the safest thing to do. Although the previous arguments were enough to explain why it was not a recommended activity, it was not the main one yet.
"It is not an ambush,"
"How do you know? We have no idea who this (Guardian Angel) is! Aren't you the least bit concerned about this? or Am I just being unreasonable?"
Indeed, the main reason he was so worried was the (Guardian Angel) who neither of them really knew of.
"You're being perfectly reasonable... Of course, I am concerned about it but... I am more concerned about what could happen if we don't do this," that response did well to calm the nerves of his partner.
Were they doing the right thing? should they have come there like they were instructed to? were they going to live past that night?
All those questions kept wrestling round and round in their heads but whatever the outcome, they were already there.
"Well, here we are. Now what?"
"We're exactly at the coordinates we were given, so now... We take a deep breath, listen and wait for... whatever is supposed to happen,"
And so, they stood there, quiet, listening closely to the forest's melody, the hoots of owls, the sound of trees and branches swaying along with the wind and its whims.
"You know what annoys me the most in all of this?" he took a moment then spoke again, "We're missing our anniversary, yet again!"
His partner blessed him with a genuine smile then said, "I was sure you'd say that at some point tonight,"
"I guess you just know me too well,"
Their smiles dropped when they heard a faint growl in the distance.
Their ears caught that same growl a second time and they realized it wasn't as distant as they first thought, it was just very low.
"Definitely not hunters!"
"I am not catching any sent,"
"I am! I sensed it once before... In Beacon Hills,"
"So, what is it?!"
"Don't know but it's definitely not a werewolf,"
They had been whisper-talking every word to each other from the moment they figured out they weren't alone. Focusing their senses on gathering more information about their company, preparing their muscles to react in order to dodge or fight back against any incoming attacks.
Lucky, they did, right in time to jump back as something shot fast towards them.
It landed in the ground between them. After inspection, they realized it was an odd looking knife. One of the young men reached out and pulled it out.
Both of them were taken aback as they saw that a large part of it, in fact most of it dug itself deep in the ground, up close it resembled more of an abnormally big canine tooth than a knife.
They looked at each other wondering, how strong was whatever threw it their way. That low growl came quick to answer, their heads simultaneously shot up in the same direction.
Their eyes widened at that sight, the sheer size of that thing was intimidating, it looked human enough underneath that armor of bones it wore.
"A BERSERKER ?!! Here? Really??"
"Can we fight this thing?"
"One of them? Maybe, but two ..."
"What do you mean by two?"
"Well, I mean that other one," he pointed behind his partner toward the second berserker standing there.
"How are we supposed to get rid of them now?"
"We stick together and... we run..."
They started stepping back slowly, as the two creatures began to step forward. A very loud growl resonated in the area stopping all of them in place.
"WOW!! Ouf! It looks like I got here just in time," a young woman spoke as she came closer emerging from behind the nearest trees. The two men looked at her, then shifted attention to the berserkers who were standing still.
"What's happening ? Why did they stop?"
"Because I told them to, I guess..." she replied.
"You're a werejaguar?"
"E..h, that's a long story for another time, for now I guess you're the two werewolves I am supposed to meet, Jackson Whittemore and Ethan Steiner,"
"Yeah...Does that mean you're not the "Guardian Angel"?" asked Ethan.
"No, I am Hayden... Hayden Romero,"
"Hayden?... Wait I heard that name before, aren't you one of Scott's betas?? " this time it was Jackson's turn to ask her the question, it threw Ethan off because he thought she was a werejaguar.
"Wait, so... you're a werewolf!! But then how can you control these?" he pointed to the berserkers as he spoke.
"I told you long story and right now, we need to get going we can't afford to be late, I'll tell you everything I know on the way,"
"On the way where?" chimed in Jackson.
" We're going to Mexico... to (La Iglesia), " she said bluntly.