the author killed and got reincarnated as ash ketchum

Chapter 8: chapter 8 training

ash gets up looking at Riolu he smiles "do you want train with me i need to used to my new body" when ash said this he was able to hear Pikachu an spearow running into the field he turn around then he hold out his arms Pikachu and spearow hug him "master why did you leave us" Pikachu said ash smiles "i didn't want to wake you up" he says that with a soft smile making both of them blush "since i was going to train how about you go train as i do something hey reshi wake up help them train" as he says this reshiram woke up then she nodes her head "okay my love" she got up and they start to train as they do ash went to the smithing room he remember that the kitchen had food in it so he had an a idea that there would be materials to make weapons he walked into the room and as he thought there were he looked at all the material and his skill let's him know that it was just enough to make a spear he smiles then he looked at the material then he sees a metal he didn't know "eve what metal is this" "ding master that is aura metal aura metal is made by putting aura into iron most of the aura metal is made by accident by a aura user or a Pokémon using a move that has aura in it aura metal is a very special it can be used as a medium for better control and better power" when ash sees this his eyes light up he can use this a rod that is in the middle spear he looked at the other metal but it was just iron so he lit up the forge first he starts to heat up the aura metal it needs more time to melt then every thing else then he grabs some wood it was Australian Bloke the hardest wood he has he couldn't help but smile he cuts the wood then shapes it once's he dose that he starts to heat up the iron he starts to shape the iron he already had in idea for a spear the dragon slayer spear the weapon of the great Ornstein from dark souls if he had enough iron he might have made the spear of the nameless king but sadly he didn't have enough so the dragon slayer spear he was focus when the spear head was done he was ready to add the aura metal but then he got knowledge of a metal he could make that would be better then aura metal he got up and into the field ash went and he saw reshiram Riolu Pikachu and spearow he walked over to four of them "girls" when they hear this they all run over ang hug him ash smiles and also blushed when reshiram hug him he felt her boobs on him he couldn't help but think how great they were when he pulled away he looks at the four "i am making a spear and I'll need your help" when ash says this all the girls say "we will help you however you need" ash hearing this smiles "okay then let's go" when he said this they get up and walked with him then they got into the smithing room ash grabbed the pot that was filled with the aura metal "okay reshi I'm going to add iron bars into the aura metal i want you to heat it up with fire making sure that you use aura in the fire Rioul i want you to mix it as you mix it I'll send my aura into it" he gave Rioul a rod made out of metal that had a super high melting point so it should be okay "Pikachu i want you to push electricity into it and spearow when it's done use your wings to send air to cool the metal off" after he was done telling them what they need to do they got started ash he put the iron into the aura metal as he dose reshiram sends out her fire hot enough to melt the iron but not enough to melt the rod Rioul was using as she dose this Pikachu starts to put her electricity into the metal and ash sends his aura into it as well mixing them adding the electricity to the metal and iron as well as mixing the iron and aura metal and after hours of tuff work it was done he made it aura steel it was funny because this aura steel wont even be used for the blade but for the rode that be in the middle of the spear after he was done he pick it up with a smile he was so happy for it didn't just look like the dragon slayer spear thanks to Pikachu the aura steel will be able to make it's own electricity he couldn't wait for the spear he then put the rod into the wood that he shaped then with the help of reshiram fire he made the blade of the spear ash knew that he didn't have any skill for the spear but seeing how op the system was it might not be hard to get the skill by working for it and after another hour he was done then it was spearow turn she fly's up and use steel wing then gust making a strong wind that cooled the blade down and it was ready ash pick it up his very own dragon slayer when it was done ash and the others left and went back to the field then he was standing in front of Roiul Pikachu and spearow ash holding his new weapon the tree rush at him they start fighting ash having to keep up with tree at once was a lot Hader and it was even Hader for him trying to keep up with those tree who were very fast but not only that but he also had to get used to a new weapon until *ding you have gotten skill spearmanship and skill high speed* "skill spearmanship is a skill that gives knowledge on how to use the spear skill high speed was a skill that let's ash move at a faster speed and allows him to keep up with high speed movement and combat his skill spearmanship is at level 1 and his high speed was at level 2*


ladies and gentlemen and those lovely potato's 

that's the end of this chapter i really hope you enjoyed it now let me talk about Rioul it has a special way to evolve that is by having a higher friendship now this would allow for Pokémon to be a poke girl without being the last stage of the evolution but I'm going to have every Pokémon that evolve with friendship be at friendship 100 so that they can evolve when they reach the requirement for poke girl i just find this a lot more easily then anything else i can think of anyways that's all JJfireborn out

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