Chapter 9: chapter 9 first town an getting ready for the gym
ash on his bed smiles he was ready to get some sleep and this time he was able to go to sleep and after a while the sun comes up both ash and misty woke up ash went to the kitchen and he starts to cook with ash body being way better his hearing was a lot better as well so he can hear that she was taking a shower once she was done she walked into the living room and he sees misty in her usual outfit ash eyes go to her ass but he looks up right after blushing at what he did misty seeing this smiles but she doesn't say anything she sat down right in front of ash as he finish cooking bringing out two plates and putting the food onto the plates then both of them starts to eat once they were done ash clean the tent and once they were done they left the tent and ash push a button and the tent went back into the capsule he put it into his backpack he like misty but he didn't want to show off the system just yet both of them start making there way to the town that the first gym was this time ash didn't think of brock joining but who knows ash look at misty "hey misty what do you know about the first gym" misty smiles "i don't know much but she is a very powerful rock type gym leader"... .. ."!? wait did you say she?" misty looks up at ash "yeah her name is bailee" *fem brock yeah* ash look shock but anything could happen so he didn't think to much about it ash smiles and holds the poke ball that had Rioul he smiles a great fighting type he let her out "hey Rioul were going to challenge a rock type gym I'll need you for this do you want to help me" when she hears this "yes master I'll help you with anything thing you need" ash smiles and hugs her "that's great Rioul he got up and put her on his head and start to walk once more misty looks at ash "you know for a moment i thought you could talk to Pokémon" ash smiles "well the thing is i can for some reason I'm able to understand Pokémon when misty hears this she stops "what that's crazy" ash let's out a little laugh "i know it sounds crazy but it is true" misty was still shocked but she didn't stop walking they keep walking misty still trying to as they were walking they walked past a river when ash saw the river he looked at misty "hey misty do you want to stop by here for a bit" when ash said this misty eyes light up he brought out her fishing rod and almost yelled out "yes" ash laughs at this he couldn't help but think how cute she was when misty hears him laugh she blushes and looks away and ran to the river ash following behind her when misty got there she was able to calm down and pull out a chair and sat down she starts to fish ash looking at her smiles he takes off his shirt and pants showing that he was wearing shorts when misty looked over her face was super red she looked away but she couldn't stop herself from taking a look over and over again "w-why did you take your cloths off ash" when he hears this he smiles "I'm going to fish just umm a little more hands on type of fishing" when misty hears this she was thinking what he meant until she saw ash jump into the water and she realized what he mint he was going to go into the water she smiles suld say if he saw her in a bikini so she quickly got that idea out of her headhe thought of joining him but her face went red thinking about what he wo and went back to fishing and after a hour went by misty got a few Pokémon but none of them was anything she didn't have so she put them back into the water but she was a little bit worried ash never came up for air so she was a little scared but she believed in him so she stayed then after a few moments ash came out when misty sees this she smiles when he got out she saw that he had two new Poke balls with him "so ash what Pokémon did you get" when he heard this his smile was even bigger then it once was "well i got two shiny" when misty heard this her eye's widen "really witch two" ash smile gets even bigger "well first i got a shiny magikarp when misty hears this her eyes widen but also she couldn't help but be scared because of her past with Gyarados ash seeing this pats her head "hey don't worry you'll be safe" ash knows that she was scared of gyarados but since this was the Pokémon world so it's not hard for some people be scared of some Pokémon most of people scared of Pokémon gyarados is one of the most feared Pokémon after this misty was okay then she ask well what's the other when she said this ash smile came back even bigger then before i got a shiny feebas misty hearing this her eyes widen a feebas was super rare but a shiny feebas was almost imposable ash looked at feebas stats it looked like feebas friendship and beauty stat were fix together so when ash gets feebas beauty stat to max it be at friendship will be at 100 ash open the store this was the first time he open it when he did he was shock not at the store but at his points he had 1450 free points "even how" "ding well master the system thought you wouldn't like to be notify for every time you got a point your luck stat is so high you got all of these points by your taring swimming and walking" ash seeing this nodes his head okay i understand he went back to the shop and look if it had poke boxes it did and it had the best poke boxes just for 20 points he gets enough poke boxes to max her beaty but he didn't do it now ash looks at misty "I'm going to go change my cloths" ash went into the forest then he let out reshiram and hug her to heat up his body and dry himself then he put her back into her ball and put on new cloths then he and misty head to the town they look at the town ash smiles they both go to the poke center and when they went inside they could hear everything stop everyone in there was looking at ash both of them go to joy ash seeing how good joy looked he had an idea to take all of the joys for himself "hey there my name is ash i was hoping to get a room for the night oh wait two rooms I'll need another room for my friend here" when joy heard this her eyes light up she starts to show of her body a little more knowing that the girl next to him wasn't his girlfriend "okay ash~" she grabbed two keys giving them to ash she made sure that their hands touch when she did this she blush feeling how strong he was ash and misty walk away and into there own rooms
ladies and gentleman and the lovely potato's this will be the end of this chapter next chapter team rocket another poke girl and going to the Pokémon gym anyways this is all JJfireborm out