Chapter 11: The Promised Child
Jasmine chuckled, this was hilarious, but relevant.
'You have a unique energy base and for you to gain a spot at International Corporation Base One? You must have great skills and must have been among the best students at university.'
Delvin was kind of surprised by Jasmine's answer. He did not expect that from her, looking at her status. For that reason, Delvin grasped a new different point of view about Jasmine.
Delvin smiled, 'If you say so, enough of me. What about you, miss Jasmine?'
'Just call me Jasmine. I studied accounts and business administration. Now I am working for my father, but I would like to start my own businesses. Make a lot of money because money is power and I don't like to be powerless. I would like to build an orphanage, become a philanthropist and do good in general. Money gives you the freedom to express yourself more freely and effortlessly.'
Jasmine Parker had her mind made up to build more than a work relationship with Delvin.
Interesting, I am impressed with her. My admiration of her has gone a step higher. Thought Delvin.
'Wow! I am in awe of you, Jasmine. I would like to build an orphanage as well. I prefer to use the word shelter, and help unprivileged kids.' Delvin was excited to comment on this topic because that was part of his dream.
Jasmine felt encouraged to hear Delvin having something similar to hers. She knew from within that he was genuine, and he was not trying to please her. Jasmine liked this type of personality. It's the authenticity he plainly gave out that drew her closer to him.
'I guess we have some things in common.' Articulated Jasmine Parker appealing very pleased with Delvin.
'Yes, I couldn't agree more.'
Delvin stated softly, feeling more connected to Jasmine and their bond ever growing exponentially.
Outside planet earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy, in Cambroidan city, an old folk sat on his graceful throne in the Palace of Granadatorator, found on Mars addressing an army of assassins, 'Have you searched the entire continent for the promised child? She is the greatest treasure one can possess, she is the key to a vast amount of power. If we take hold of her, the future of our planet will be boundless. We must start scouting on other planets? She must be on another planet in the Milky Way Galaxy, looking for a way to find him is our next mission.'
Briefed King Bracandon.
'Dead, or alive?' Jacoda inquired, who was one of the council members and a leader of assassins.
'No! Are you stupid? We need him, we must craft him into our own weapon.'
Dosanko raised his hand, 'Speak, Dosanko!' King Bracandon gave the order.
Dosanko is a senior scientist and the one who discovered the precious promised child's existence. Twenty years have passed, he is still fascinated.
'Sire, if I may, I have received news from our seer, Magdalena, that the child is on Earth.'
Reported Dosanko, respectively.
King Bracandon jolted and vibrated violently on his throne, the excitement mixed with rage could be felt from the horror he started emitting.
'Why didn't you tell me sooner?'
Inquired King Bracandon in fury.
Dosanko bowed his head, his body fidgeting with the intense pressure coming from King Bracandon. He cleared his throat, 'The news just arrived a few minutes ago, my apology. We also observed the Mighty Amatanganya airships loitering around planet Earth,' he divulged.
Bracandon became silent for ten seconds, his horror retracting, his eyes glowed, emitting red rays in the room. Other council members were unable to look at him.
'Wow! This makes it interesting and difficult for us to make any move. The Mighty Amatanganya have been watching planet Earth for a long time. They must be planning something, maybe an invasion, for it is the only planet not under the subjection of the might of Amatanganya of Zubie planet. We have survived this far because we pay dearly in tribute. Any attempt on that planet could put us in trouble. Therefore, tell your spies to keep an eye on him in a smart way. When the timing is right, we can scoop him out and forge that person into our own weapon. Perhaps we could become a superpower, a force not to reckon with in this galaxy. Now, leave my sight!'
Back on planet Earth, Delvin and Jasmine had an exhilarating chat when they found themselves at Volt-amps. They walked into the hardware store, picked up all the things they needed and were about to pay when an old lady whispered in a loud tone to her friend, 'This couple is heavenly matched, just look at the chemist they possess. The child of these two will be lucky.'
Jasmine blushed, her chicks turned reddish, she wanted to sink her body into the ground. Unfortunately, there was no hole in the ground. At the same time, she felt proud and wanted to tell them. Persuade him to propose to me right here and now. Otherwise, he would be snatched by the vultures out there. She took out her Vcard, which was brown. Pushed it into the payment machine. The payment was successful, and they began moving toward the exit when another couple gossiped.
'Look at this young love, are they not cute? They make a perfect couple. I remember our time. It was the best thrilling feeling I ever felt.' The man seemed emotional before he could state his mind, 'Yes, darling. I applaud them, they have refreshed my old memories. I feel young again.' The husband of the lady made his opinion known. Jasmine blushing deepen. Her imagination clicked, so it is not just me imagining things, but even people out there can feel our energy base. This chemistry is out of this world. Are you feeling the same as me, Mister Dred? Just admit it sir, don't fight it? Let it out, let nature take its free course of action.
They passed the exit leaving the people murmuring, before they could enter the car.
Gregory nagged Bandoga Tagota, 'Bandoga look! Is that not the filthy Delvin?'
'It's definitely him. He has now become a male hooker? My goodness, he has no shameless.' Said Donaldson.
'Hey trash! You are more than pathetic than we thought. You should be ashamed of yourself! At least pretend to be shy?' Shouted Bandoga, as they laughed hysterically to the point of attracting the attention of passers-by.
Jasmine turned and followed Bandoga and his crew.
'What did you say?'
She confronted them
Bandoga Tagota was stunned by Jasmine's elegance and how beautiful she looked.
'I, l, didn't, say, anything?' Stammered Bandoga Tagota.
Jasmine's eyes were bloodshot the moment she questioned Bandoga and his team.
Delvin intervened, 'Jasmine, forget about them, let's go?'
Jasmine sensed that they had bullied Delvin and she hated bullies.
'Don't ever say anything like that to him, is that clear?'
Jasmine rebuked them angrily.
Bandoga Tagota and his crew nodded their heads, they knew that they couldn't afford to offend her because of the car she was driving and the horror she was releasing. It clearly told them that she was not a person to triumph with.
Delvin was extremely happy that someone cared enough to the point of defending his dignity for the first time in his life.
Bandoga Tagota and his crew froze to death as if snow had fallen on them.
Delvin and Jasmine got in the car and drove off.
On the way, Jasmine inquired, 'Delvin, how do you know them?'
'We share the same building.'
'Oh, I see.' She looked thoughtful.
Time passed so fast. Delvin was already working at Lusaka Blue Hotel and within two hours he was done. Mister Ben Devis came back to check the progress. He is full of spirit. Delvin did not know what ignited all that.
'Is the room done already?'
Inquired Mister Ben Devis.
Delvin gestured with his hand, 'See for yourself.'
Mister Ben Devis' eyes lit up. He was now, even happier than he had come in. He went by the door, pressed the switch on the left side, the lights turned on. The fridge on the corner was running, its sound very audible to the ears.
'Great job, Mister Dred.'
Delvin was concerned about the way mister Ben Devis addressed him. He was older than him, so it was vital for him to maintain mutual respect.
'Call me Delvin and thank you.'
Mister Ben Devis was a good listener. He is the oldest worker at Lusaka Blue Hotel. Mister James Parker had vested his trust in him, and was the manager for all the general workers at Lusaka Blue Hotel.
'I will inform Mister Parker about this development.'
He drew out his phone from the back pocket, dialed Mister Parker's phone number. It rang three times and on the fourth count Mister Parker answered. He seemed calm but in a hurry.
'Hello Ben?'
'Sir, the room is back in its operational state. Delvin has done a good job here. '
'Just wait for me, I am almost there.'
Three minutes later, Mister James Parker entered room fourteen D. He observed the room thoroughly, impressed by the work done by Delvin.
'Is everything back to normal?'
The question was targeted at Mister Ben Devis.
'Yes sir.' Replied mister Ben Devis in a humble manner.
Mister James Parker now faced Delvin. His eyes looked intently into Delvin and, with an assertive middle range tone, made his comment, 'Great work, Delvin, how much?'
Delvin weighed his options.
Two thousand coins will absolutely do miracles. Will he agree or not?
He had to trade carefully because he did not know this man well, he desired a long-lasting business relationship, so charging Mister Parker was a bit of a trick. He suddenly named his price, 'three thousand coins, sir?'
Delvin's eyes locked with Mister Parker's. He waited patiently while examining Mister Parker's body language. Mister James Parker's response was a command in Delvin's ears.
'I will give you two thousand five hundred coins. Come back tomorrow and check my house in Emasdale.'
Delvin found this to be a fair deal. He could not argue, but decided to go along with Mister Parker's suggestion.
'Thank you very much sir.'
Mister James Parker gave him a dim smile and worked out of the room after paying him. It was a new day for Delvin, from twelve coins to one thousand, five hundred and twelve. Happiness filled his entire body, he did not know how to express his joy and excitement. He decided to give three hundred coins to Mister Ben Devis for his assistance. However, Mister Ben Devis refused.
'I have to go now sir, thank you for everything,' as he looked at Mister Ben Devis in the eyes.
Mister Ben Devis grinned mischievously, then opened his mouth, 'Not yet, miss Jasmine has arranged food for you at the restaurant. Follow me please?'
Delvin sat in the restaurant shelter eating while chatting with mister Ben Devis. He could see a swimming pool in a distance as blue water sparked in his eyes. To his right was a bar and three beautiful ladies were drinking and soft music playing in the background.
Five strange men strode in heading to the bar.
The system notified him.